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Show WOMAN'sKXPOKENT. intnxluced Sister president ..Home President of the Y. M. I. A, Townnd, ht of Cacjie Stake. who. said '.'I love to mingle I feel to rejoice in1 the with my sisters. work of this, churcji; I desire to so order, my life as to gainthe approval, of my of n -- too many irons in the fire" con- - You cannot have too tongs, and all-k- een tW, ' Clarke. anrpoto, all going. ' 129 --- FiUAi, 'obedience is the first and ereatest Heavenly Father. r I had good times in , VA ouilc: nv J TIHC 11m these meetings years ago, while I lived in b suujcus to our "emnerors Salt Lake City. I have" noticed with 'lbehavinir with, subordination many-yoUrt- g the who attend people d pleasure supCnors grateful ,d dent, I class'. Professor Talmage'tf Theology heaven; by this we become fonder -- ale to save them hope that we will be M a glorious salvation. struction. with Gave other good in- - President Home spoke of a visit of herself and President 'E. D. II. Young, to the Relief Society at Lehi, where, they- - had a delightful meeting. Some of the brethren riiet with them. Spoke of a brother who testified that just before he was called on a "mission, he had felt to go to tlie Relief Society meetings and after hehad gone into the world,. how. thankful he was that he was able to tell them of these meetings, of Teachers meeting was held in the sisters. the evening, and never before, had the veil seemed so thin between this world and the next as now, others testified to this also, she closed by saying,. "May God give us strength to do our work, and come back into His presence. ' ' A sister in the congregation bore testimony 'of the power of prayer. Sister Riddle bore a faithful testimony. Sister Morris spoke some on Book. ..of Mormon history. A Sister in the con- gregatidn testified to having been healed the power of God. many times by Sisters Bidgoodj Ilazon and Sister E. Brown bore faithful testimonies. Sisters sang a Sister Morris of the 8th, Ward, hymn. "I pray that my faith will be strengthened, and.that in the end it will be well with all of us." Sisters Forsy the, Mary Silver, a sister in the trongregation and Sister Workman, each bore a faithful testimony of the goodness and power of God. Sister Tate of Tooele also bore- - testimony and PresiMeetdent Home made closing remarks. ing adjourned for two weeks. Sang "We Bene- thank thee O, God for a prophet." -- -- . diction Sister Maria Wilcox. D. Lydia Alder, Act. Sec. - 7 V . of XOTKS AND NEWS; Dr. Sarah Hall, of Fort. Scott Kan., has been elected President of the County Medical Association. She has also received the appointment of Medical Examiner for the Degree of "Hpjaor. C. - l. " : It was eminently appropriate that the least experienced member of and youngest the Massachusetts House of Representatives should make the most elaborate speech,, against equal rights for women. Young Mr. Dallinger, of Cambridge, is just out of college, ana win propaoiy live to grow wiser. Miss Frances E.- Willard has written a biography of her mother, Mary T. Hill Willard. She has 'been assisted in the work by her kinswoman, Mrs. Minerva" Grace Norton, and Lady Henry Somerset has written an introduction: The book will be, entitled, "A Great Mother." It will be issued by the Woman's Temperance Publishing Association of Chicago. - re- signed her position as corresponding secWoman retary of the National-AmericaSuffrage Association, and nominated Mrs. Ellen Battelle Dietrick as her successor.1 This nomination was confirmed by-- a major-itythe Business Committee and Mrs. Avery was made auditor in Mrs. Dietrick 's pf place. It is one - ; -- - great-grand-childr- en. . n Women teach us repose, civility, and dignity. Voltaire. I can drive a codeTi and six through every act of parliament. Daniel O'Con-nel- Sister Sarah B. Carter, Foss died at East Bountiful, Davis county, at 8:45 a. m , March 4th. IS94, ol qld age. She was the daughterof Ezra b. Carter, and was born at Limerick, Maine, September 30, i860, and was therefore 93 5 months and 4 days old at the time of heryears, demise. Uith he? husband, Calvin Foss,.and Sister Phebe Carter WoodrufF, she was baptized by Elder John F. Boynton, in September,- 1834, and in ! ebruary, 1835, Brother Foss died, leaving Sister boss the responsibility of the care of seven children, five of whom were baptized by Elder Woodruff and came to Utah in his company in 1850. Jhey settled in the Fourteenth ward of u cuy, wnere sister ioss resided for 36 She was 34 years of age when she was years. left a widow.- - hy her industry, Awalitv and economy she reared her seven- children,, who grew to manhood and womanhood. They all honored and revered her for her amiable example and devotion, and in return she shared the confidence and love of not only her own children but of her grandchildren and great grandchildren. She had n 38 and 72 Sister Foss home in Maine, was the home of the Elders when on missions in that vicinity; and many of those who were on their way emigrating to Zion, remained over at her hospitable home to rest and make further preparations for the long journey in covered wagons over land. Sister Foss'was one of the first Teachers in the Relief Society at its organization in the 14th, Ward, August, 24th, 1869. On July 31st, she was chosen First Counselor to Sister Phebe Woodruff, who was appointed President of the Teachers of the above Society at its reorganization, after the move South and continued Counselor until February 1885 when she resigned on account of illhealth. . The funeral of this veteran saint was held Ward Assembly Rooms March 8th, the Services- were conducted byJBiihop Geo. H. Taylor and the speakers were President Wilford Woodruff, President Jos. F. Smith, Apostle F. D. Richards President Geo. Q. Cannon also Sister ZinaD. H. Voiincj whn rpmarl--c reftrrfrl I VU " " in to its being the anniversary of the birthday of Sister Phebe Woodruff. Each oi the speakers bore testimony to the diligence, endurance and faithfulness of the deceased her many admirable qualities as a woman and a saint. The funeral was largely attended by the friends and neighbors of Sister Foss, who had enderred herself by her amiability and uprightness of character to all with whom she was associated. grand-childre- Mrs. Ursula N. Gesthrfield, of New York is the author of the much discussed novel,- "The Woman who Dares." Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery lately MISCELLANEOUS. mar- riage, in order to be capable, of exacting obedience from others in, our turn; by this we become .good ' for magistrates; subniissionis the truest lesson to thoseearly who would learn to rule. By this the whole suite may said to "resemble one- - family vi vvuiii uie emperor is the protector, father, and friend Goldsmith. IN MEMORIAM. - " hr Com. I The way was long and tedious - " And the wind blew loud and fast Huge mountains rose before thee Dark .waters went surging past But thou did'st wade through the waters, Clinging to the Iron Rod And thou did'st climb the mountain With thine eyes fixed on thy God, Now, the way is smooth and fairer . The silvery streams glide by And step by step advancing Thou shalt reach the throne on high The dark waters and the mountains Have all vanished into air And thou dost know the reason Why great sorrows thou should'st bear. of the gravest mistakes in the A letter h?s just been received from world to be looking for great opportunities. . Mrs. .Elizabeth Andrew and ur. ivate in soul your of Carry the radiance your The mysteries of the Father Bushnell, on their way to Maulmain, Burit-Fox. face; let the, world have the benefit of a but India in remained Are much plainer uuto thee ma. The ladies few' days during which they spoke before His wisdom and His justice, of Conference Methinks thou now can'st see e by Jnvitation the Methodist Beware of the vicious man who " Thf rest is sweet and glorious installment Bishop Thoburn, and had'n interview poses to reform his life on ' for school whose -Rarnabai, ,' with Pundita 1. Thy companions fair and bright plan. 0;. : widows at Poona is now Hindu Oh! listen to the greeting v , Mere compromising, covering up is not housed in excellent buildings and doing Praise God! she's won the fight peacemaking." The bold J assertion of the well Mrs. Thoburn is president of a Ruth M. Fox. n meet-iright is peacemaking. a thriving W. C. T. U. in Calcutta, of which was called during the visit of Whatever our place, allotted to us by OBITUARIES. Providence, that for us is the post of honor the White Ribboninissionary.Mrs.Hauser, and duty, God estimates us not by of Lucknow, president of the India W. C. FANNY M. ALLEN HUNTINGTON. in succeeded establishing which has She in U. T. we are in, but by the way " and spreading Fanny M. Allen Huntington was born Oct. we fill it. twenty local auxiliaries Edwards. 26th, 1810 at Jefferson Couity,State of New York .and private corthe press through was the daughter of General Clark Allen and and se1 about the Martha information much have lived to know that the great sufrespondence Thompson, She was a direct descendent cret nf t,nn;OCd JctTnV Never - society. of General Ethan Allen, she joined the church 4 'our energies to stagnate. The old r- -. , . pro-th- ; . hiMi-cast- e . . ... ' the-Positio- n : : ' . ., ) |