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Show WOM AN'b' vicXi'ONKNT.' pur these and 77 Jther blessings inMann.femple which numerable almost, ,we as a people. should work, should get ay testimony by faith and the sisters were always" at and the blessed Christmas and generous prayers; sometimes in sickness people run - ' be grateful when called to do to after to not upon render praise and the very extent theJDoctbr and lose their faith in the forget fniie should of their ability our to Father of God and.the priesthood; "these in Heaven .thanksgiving President Susan Grant of Davis Stake mercies to this people, and in.ourJieart spoke may make great pretensions but the of. what had been done in people principally, Lord has warned us against those decepof hearts not only remember this, but his saving the mothers gram.urged to be united tions, could we stand firm if we. saw fire' children not 'so favored vith good things to with the fathers in their influence come down out of heaven? by and by there using. whom we may impart a portion of the good at home and elsewWp r, umuii in Hie will be magicians, they will be equal to , things we enjoy. w:as xdiun) necessary for the training' of Moses day when sticks were turned to To teach the child re t'i to share with others," the children. serpents and back again to sticks; ' Presi one should set the example himself (or her-- ' I resident Elizabeth Yates of Millard dent Richards also alluded to Theosophy, self) it is so much better than precept, and Stake explained that were all and they other erroneous these doctrines, working ones are somewhat selfish of toys people not ,things if the little many aud none are wealthy more the very sisters than among will moving remember in after years poor, she tried to hi and trifles they careful of the the wheat then referred to brethren; the doctrine the pattern of their parents, for these and keep to it, slie often felt suradding of said it to used be 'called reincarnation, . memories do follow, and when the best beprised to get the little things that are dothe baby resurrection, it was brought to the loved are far away, or have gone to the nated from time to 'attention of Joseph the Prophet, by a time, and the good ac"other side," the lessons they taughtjnhe the complished through said there was generosity of the polished gentleman, exaniples tliey set are more potent; one sisters who have little enongh for their own no truth in it, otherJoseph errors sprang goes back to childhood on such uncommon comfort, yet are always willing to divide " spiritualists days, involuntarily remembering the olden The next speaker was Aoostle F. D. and mesmerizes, "the Lord is not going to, timewhen as boy and girl, or youth and Richards who stated that he felt compli- tell us, beforehand the day nor the hour of maiden, all the world was like, one great mented in being invited to attend the. certain events: in the Savior's time, no one holiday and sorrows were unknown, or Sisters' conference,.was'glad to see so knew the Father and Him only, except many were the exception: and all the beautiful present, thought we should realize what we stick to the scriptures and hearken to the traits of character in the loved ones at home, were called to do, as a society, and not get words of the servants of God, and the seem to beam forth out of the distant past, in too great a hurry, but take things Gospel as revealed to you in your native and a solemn determination to imitate the quietly; a sentiment prevailed largely about landsrthank the Lord for every blessing." excellence of these heroes and heroines strong-willepersons, but that will should Elder Richards closed his remarks by blesswhose memories one fondly cherishes is the be regulated if good were to be the result; ing all assembled and said go home rejoicof result many afireside, or lonely reverie but when one says "I can do nothing of ing, your hearts lightmay the Holy Spirit at Christmas time or such, red letter days. myself only to do the will of my Father comfort you and gladden your souls, impart is It good to observe these days set apart that sent me," that was the right spirit and to others, your sisters and associates in this for love and friendship, work, the good things you have heard here jor this age is so feeling. President Richards referred to the meetand during the Conference that has just eminently practical that without some such observances, social, ifnd family life would ing held in the morning at the Church closed. lose much of its tenderness and sweetness. .University Building in which President President Zina D. H. Young spoke of The reunion around the festive board, and Woodruff had spoken to the brethren as the love she felt for the sisters, and blessed better still the gatherings at eventide by sembled in regard to the grain that had them in her tender motherly way, referred the hearthstone at home, awaken the most been stored up by the sisters for a time of to her visit to Chicago and the many affectionate recollections, or call forth the want or need, said the President had given noble women she met there, knew that simple tales one loves to hear repeated of excellent advice which would be published they were working for the good of their thelbrmer days.of the daily labor, or of ad- for the benefit of all - interested in the sex, Joseph the Prophet had turned the. venture by land or sea, or the old songs, matter.key of knowledge for all women, and ever and the early lessons at school, the sport The.IyOrd has promised many adversities since that time woman's influence had been the games, or the invigorating exercises of and famine is one of them; the sisters'had greater in all directions for good. Presi. been helping the brethren all thejtime,' to dent Young then said she wished to vork or pastime. the sphere of usefulness of the Such pleasant evenings when large build houses, and now the speaker ' families assemble at the paternal mansion, thought the brethren would help the sisters sisters who were presiding in the several are way marks in life forever after, and the in return, thought if we solicited their help stakes and have them become aids to the custom of families', assembling together in the spirit ot kindness, and asked for General Presidency, of the Relief Society to herself and her Counselors, that they ought to be perpetuated, for it increases what we wanted and kept on asking and love, and regard for each other, and for the importuning we would get it; the speaker might visit among the adjacent" Stakes of Zioujeither by invitation or appointment, neaa ot tne urged the sster.to take gopdcareof-tli-e iajnily, and jyLinijpje.jieajs slcklmX were' prepared and less show and "display needy and "not hesitate because stated that it fwas sometimes impossible for her or either of her Counselers to attend . made, these occasions would not be so rare; they are not good, they must have attenit is often the expense that hinders, and tion, ."cherish the attribute of love, that the Sisters' Conferences that were remote one has to consider this to be sure, but if will help you in all your labors, it is an old from here and in this way it might be beneficial to those at a . distance to have the simpler preparations could be the general saying "Love laughs at locksmiths," it is President or Presidents near attend each nle there would be more real social and certdnly a potent power, we should all much others Conferences, good might be cultivate it, we all need it;" he then gave domestic happiness, and less ruin through effected by the interchange of ideas and some advise to the sisters in regard to buydebt and extravagance. and it would promote greater ing wheat, study the markets, knew wheat thoughts, love by becoming familiarly would 'be rising in value.; President Young union and each others' labors, she had with and other brethren traveled through the acquainted RELIEF SOCIETY CONFERENCE. Stakes of Zion counseling the people to lay been inspired to give this counsel; it had come to her like a power and a glow and Continued front Oct. J. up wheat; quoted from the 14th Chapter o added-J'i- f you do this you will Revelations "Another angel flying .etc. joy, and she has come;" have joy in your labors, and in cooperating Afternoon session: Meeting" opened for the hour of his judgmentover the coast together and it will increase faith and a with singing, "Do what is right,''. &c. a hurricane has just swept better understanding of our great work Prayer was offered by President M. Isabella which' has killed two or three thousand and us renewed strength to perform Home, continued by singing "Come come people at one fell swoop; when people build our give duties. It is our td be humbanks, hotels etc., let them "remember the ble and faithful and ifprivilege ye Saints. ' we are we shall be " PresiPresident Mary Pitchforth of Juab Stake hour of His 'judgment has come. prepared for all our duties, the Lord bless e first speaker, she reported all the dent Cannon has been speaking recently you my dear sisters and give you his Holy branches of the. Society in good condition upon false doctrine being insidiously inand that much mischief is being Spirit for your guide. except Eureka, the mines there having troduced, President Ma ry A. Hyde Sanpete Stake closed had caused a depression in every; - done, one-- family had asked to have their from the Church books: felt we had enjoyed a feast of fat things, taken names been had that wheat thing, spoke about the said iji that ' county the sisters had nearly a stored and of blessings in general and Elder Richards warned the people against thousand '. bushels of wheat not much said every Latter-damentioned the large number of yards, of these false doctrines, who don't know the truth of this chance to glean now as they did formerly to Saint donated and made the had carpet society many Wated. . vSg sen-alit- s for-H- is - : -- -, . ) - ! -- . . r urv-Milleris- - second-adventist- I s, j .'. . ; d .' - - in-cre- ase ' -- -- .; 'as-th- . ... y |