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Show -- 1 WOMAN'S " Among the brightest and most graceful of the foreign women was one from Athens, Greece, Callirhoe Barren, whose husband aU These women from so came with her. 'abroad were most courteously received, and entertained everywhere. One very popular indeed in the United States and a great favorite here, Helena Modjeska a woman of remarkable presence and very great force in presenting her subject, spoke there upon "The Endowed Theatre." .. . . There are many noble names among those from foreign countries, titled people and grand women they were, some ofj them spoke English a little, others had to have an interpreter. In our next we will tell our readers of the beautiful Syrian woman from Arabia in native costume, and of Josefa Humpal-Zema- n of Bohemia and of those noted wo- . men of Germany-an- d Switzerland and of different parts of Scandinavia. A sweet young woman who specially interested the writer and for whom we formed a very strong attachement was Miss of which Margaret Windeyer of Australia, . ... we win ten you sometning in our next issue of the paper as this article is already very long and we must not overdo our pen pictures of heroic women. : : ...... -- , , EDITORIAL NOTES. EXPONENT. there never was before in 181 the of women, as the gatnehtjg 'T, Worlds the-histon--of 'Ballad of Lilies, Genevieve Lucile Brown; 'Lilies, Sonnets on the Virgin Mary , Ruby Lamont; 'Wild Marguerites;' 'Christmas Night, ' E. R. Shipp; 'Wild Grape,' The Message of the Pines,' Mary Grant Major: 'Pines and Lilacs,' 'An 'Unanswered Query,' Aretta flowers,'. of Congress Representative Wpmen assembled on that wonderful occasion. That it presages advancement for all women in the future vho can doubt that xias watciied the signs of the times in ' uie nineteenth centun uneBabv-Blue-Eves.-Life-in-Dent- h'- The meetings 1 Nevada ' V. Davis; 'Everlasting, The of the NatiohaL-W- pT man's Relief Society and of, the ;Youucr Spirit of Sleep,' Julia Bowring Maltese; Lames National M. I. A. held iinheArt loPPiesr:A-Twiii- ght -- Reverie, LOueenie Institute in Chicago were well attend! Furguson; Violets, Utah,' Kuth as satisfactory, and successful as the mbst M. Fox, Astragalus Utahensis. sanguine could have anticipated, considering the number of meetings held in the building on the same day, and-thtwo conIN RURAL ENGLAND. gresses proper, that were held every mornXXXI. ing and evening. It would be impossible lu give a description pi the Woman's Conwas some weeks after the conversation gress, to pnewho had not seen for herself1 between Mrs. Bland and Lady Anna Wal- and even those who were there could not ton, before anything positive was heard see or hear all, try as they might; the great the subject from Lady Walton "in difficulty being where to go to hear the upon Italy, and when she did write, she treated most aud when twenty, and thirty the .whole matter as a joke. Meanwhile meetings were going on at the same time, Lady Anna had. done her very best by and many of them-beiaddressed by dispersuasion and entreaty to induce Maitland tinguished speakers. No other Congress is to into a new country, and had made up likely to be so complicated or so fascinating hergoown mind that America was the land as this first one was for various reasons, where she would be most at ease, and bethough these Congresses of thought, ideas sides Uncle Rob had written in such glowand opinions will continue the entire six terms of new the and it was colonies, ing months. more than probable he would take up his The Book of Poems mentioned in a permanent abode there. ' Dr. Bland too had former issue of our paper has been finished decided to give up the practice of his proand three copies forwarded to Chicago. It fession and enjoy himself in some country is something to be proud of and every woretreat remote from where his former man in Utah should have a laudable pride patients lived, otherwise he could scarcely in the work. It is very handsome and follow his inclinations, as among them he those who have seen it in the Woman's was simply a necessity; to him they attributed perfect knowledge of the science, and Building, are gratified to place it on ex hibition ; Mrs.Margaret Blaine Salisbury to he was-sua favorite too with high and-lw, that he could not have refused to go .hom the bookis dedicated isdehghted w Dog-toot- h e It -- the-bes- t, ng , , The Relief Society Conference of this Stake of Zion will be held in the Salt Lake Assembly Hall in this City on Friday June 30thj meetings commencing at io a. m. and at 2 p. m. It is desirable that, there should be representatives ; from all the branches in the county as there will be business to be transacted- .- There certainly rHrcrttPnrW -- din1d ful season ch o incases of Imiergen favorable tothe"Temoval, many WereTIeav--in- g England either temporarily or forever, some on fortunes bent and some for business purposes, others were sent by authority of the government to occupy important but none of these" various objects stimulated either Lady Anna or her cousin. Itwas entirely different with them; .strange too,for life to Lady Anna,especially bad she been like most young women was fultof all that was charming and i desirable." But Annd was not like other women any more than her cousin Jane, both were peculiar and distinct types, and such mothers stamp indelibly upon their children after them, the strong, characteristic tendencies which -- of Ihe yearM been absent at is suited to the poem as nearly as possible. The invocation by Eliza R. Snow with which the volume opens is illustrated with The poem deserET by Columbines. Augusta Joyce Crocheron 'the valley's solitude1 'At Evening' Emmeline Wells, Heafd in the Storm, Evening Primroses, M. A. Y. Greenhalgh 'A shower of song ' swept by, ' ' Western Wilds, Emily Hill to sustain itr even: though times are, hard Woodmansee Wild Poppies, 'The Stolen and there is a depression in silver. To Sunbeam, ' Sarah E. Carmichael, Golden have a paper, you can set forth Rod, Memorial Day, Hannah T. King your own views and make a record of your 'in pendages of woe' 'Isabella of Castile,' own work as a society or as individuals, to Ellen B. Ferguson , 'Columbian um, The have it engraven in a way that it can be Sego Lily, Lula Greene Richards, Sego handed down to posterity and live after Lilies, Violets,, Rhoda Celestia . Nash, constitute striking individuality. those have passed away, who are particiSomething more is expected of the offViolets, The National Emblem, Painted pants therein is worthy of some sacrifice Cup, Yarrow and Blue-bel- l, My Heart,' spring of such women, and throughout the even if that were necessary. The great Esther A. Bennion; 'Wild Geraniums, wide, wide worJd,! men who have attained ' benefit the Exponent, has been in various celebrity '"attribute the greatness of their Hope,' Sarah E. Russell 'There are achievements to the motherand often it ways 4s inestimable, and now that a new shady nooks, My Castle in the Air,' Mell volume is to begin,: those who have the best C. Woods; 'the structure into beauty can be directly traced to that source, and when the mother is known, she is usually interests of this people, .and of the organiz grew, '. Cactus Blossoms, 'Julia A. Mcdona significant type. ations at heart should renew their diligence ald, 'Cactus, AtFragment,'3Iary an to' keep alievv country too the conditions and up the. subscriptions and add thei e- - ner; 'Ivy, Longing, Josephine Spencer, ' q.. surroundings are such that new developWild Roses, 'My Mother's Flowers, We PUBUSii-iPratt; 'Sweet Peas,' 'Truth,' Hannah ments are made in character and very often this issue notices of the great improvement in physique. held in Cornaby; 'Zuchnaria, ' 'Memorial Hymn,' meetings - of : our Associations The new world was much talked of and Chicago from the leading daily papers of Rebecca Palfrey Utter; 'Forget-Me-Notthat city, that our readers may know what The River, 'LucindaW.Dalton, 'its banksand always favorably, and the feeling Wth B. Wells, Sarah Lady Anna strengthened-t- o such a degree some of the comments were. In July ist its glades,' 'Fragmehts,'E. T. King, Eliza that she could not refrain from preparations, We shall giye a more extended notice of the E. Carmichael, Hannah 'the giant though nothing positiye was settled. : meetings, and we wish the sisters to com- -' R. Snow, Josephine Spencer; Dr. Bland was taken very ill and his wife Prehend the fact that;i though it may seem hills, Butter Cups, the busy knell, anitmzJ Annie . U. Stevens, vvnu became smojisly alar Anna arid "fold her it would be use-lemstorv nf t1io n hf nn Clover,' 'Resignation, ieiie iu. jumpun, "cotjifnr to think of going to Amwpa for tliel rusrered brow,' The 's rJenlan4: circujated.aUoverthewoxld Doctor could never endure the sea voyage- and Iforne who has the World's Iair in Chicago and also visited New York City, will have many pleasant things to speak of, that will be of special interest. Our sisters and the women of Utah generally do hot realize and appreciate the value and importance of the Exponent or they would certainly make a greater effort . in-whic- posi-tiori- s, ! J h . , . . ;. J-T- . . Reba-Beeb- - e :Ih ' L. n s, , ; : ss an jprecedented opportunity s |