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Show W 0 M AN'S in Heaven. And we pray thee, Father in" the wujc j mu -- vui 15,1,- -1 ny-jathat Thou wilt behold us jn mercy on this occasion, and accept of our dedication of ourselves, of our labors; cf all that we have and are upon" the earth, unto thee, 'the .Lord pur God; for we desire, to and we desire that Thou wilt accept of us and acknowledge us as Thy children and that we may feel in our hearts that our lives and our course' of action are acceptable unto Thee;. W feel Heavenly Father, to " thtsTiraeThe capstone of dedicatentojiteeatthis Temple; That we are permitted to lay it this day, we are grateful, to Thee, and thus finish the laying of the stones of this building, which has been for thirty-mn- e years" ' in the course of its erection. We thank Thee for the privilege. We pray Thee to sanctify this service - to our good. May, it go ' down in the memories of those that are assembled here, and may it be retained in the memories of the young the children that are here in our midst that ihgxmaycjjTyJlio their latest-day- ,Thee that there are a few of us here that were privileged to behold the laying of the corner stones of of this building, and that Thou hast preserved us through years that have passed and brbught us to this present time under so favorable circum stances as those which surround us. Bless this vast congregation of people; pour out Thy Holy Spirit upon them; may they have the Spirit of God to dwell in their hearts, and may the love of truth actuate them ll that they do from this time forth and for ever. Bless the workmen that have labored .upon this Temple; bless those that shall be immediately engaged in laying the capstone; bless Thine aged servant President Wood- -rufivand sanctify to Jiim the honor which is due unto him, O God, of laying the capstone by the in- truTnhTalitynpTetrlcity, that great agency, the discovery of which has been granted unto the people of this generation. oudrm appearance, was indeed .'beyond description, it was such as one seldom, witnesses in a life-im- e, emotional, inspirational to a tlegreeW' of which can only oe realized by those who participated in the sublime effort tft in-ten- be-Thin- , - We-than- kr God.-- r rZir'rzr of us, and to accept of our services, for all that we do we desire to do in Thy name, and to Thy name's honorand glory and-tourselves unto Thee. Accept of us we pray Thee and sanctify unto us every.dispensa-tio- n of Thy .providence, and help us to see and acknowledge Thy hand cheerfully in all things.. All of which we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen. The choir sang: o 1 ' Grantjispeace. Architect Joseph Don Carlos Young shouted from the top of the Temple: is now ready to be laid." "The cap-ston- e PRESIDENT WOODRUFF . stepped to the front of the platform and said: "Attention, all ye - hoUse bFIsTelrnd'all e nations of the earth. We will now lay the top stone of the Temple of our God, the foundation of which was laid and dedicated by, the Prophet, Seer and Revelator Brigham Young." : the President Woodruff then pressed button, thus opening an electric current - to machinery connected with the capstone, the" latt er being thus released and placed in position.. f . . ' - THE HOSANNA. rThe immense - concourse of people, led by President Lorenzo Snow,, shouted the hosanna in ' " concert: . dis-mi- praise , the sicg-igjh- This sacred months. at EDITORIAL NOTES. "A Dictionary of the Book of .Mormon" by 5!?eneJ& new books brought out lor some time. sunr bvthe" andunspiring-liyrn- n 5Lngwgatio"ambledartrnseTroul. -- ss It is a fact stirring and must have awakened manv remink, Uhatof JateearsheTC-hairb-- e cemres in the rnlnds of those who had wifnf ssprl manifested, by our young people particularly, in the great outpouring of the the Book of Mormon, and this IJoly Spirit on a, .cer Dictionary will be tain occasion-i- n the Kirtland Temple when the . very helpful in the study of the history or record same hymn was sung there more than of the former inhabitants of this country. It confifty years asro. tains the names of ..persons of importance menThen the U nion Glee Club sane. tioned in the Book of Mormon.together with much matter in detail, .mH rPnnnt faj THE TEMriF.OMf. in accomplishiog-gre- at good for those who are Words- - by Hi W. - Naisbilf, music Prof C. J. by desirous, of obtaining a more thorough and comTnomas. prehensive hnowledge of the Latter-dawork All hail this glorious day, established in the last dispensation by the Prophet V: This grand, auspicious day. ' Joseph Smith. Thus book makes plain some subThe vales resound, the mountains ring, ' , jects that in reading one might not comprehend so The capstone on the Temple bring, clearly. It is also a reference book for students ' -'- With gladsome peal, trailed sing, of theological matters. For sale at ,r Parry's book Of truth's still widening way. '' . . store, price $1.25. The time is near at -o- tner-mierestmg - . . y ' hand, sha11 c'9rae andclaim His own, Purist ,.'...?yie?. , And 'mid his Saints erect that throne Which on. the earth must stand, L All hail that glorious day! The shadows melt away; The skies are bright, Soon truth and right, Shall come to earth from Zion's light We have received from the author, Col. Juan Lewis, a handsomely bound copy of his "Poems." Th full title "The "Forging" of the Sword and Other Poems by Juan Lewis, Illustrated by Charles Bradford Hudson." As whole it is a dainty volume, quite original in makr up and - the smeof poenaje are them quamtaDd-idealistie;-othe- rs strong ancL deep, and the love poems 'are quite emotional, and tender in the extreme;' And man redeemed at last shall shine, Our Father's image, all divine. said: Six months There is it was last October President Woodruffexpressed, in a council ofthe ago Presidency of the Church, and. the presiding "authorities ot the Stakes and wards, that he de sired to live" to see the dedication of this Temple. It was the feeling in the hearts, of the brethren present that an effort should be hade to accom plish that work. Next April it will be just forty years from the time of the laying of the. cornerstones of this Temple, and I have a resolution to offer to assembled Israel today which embraces the ground covered by-- a f esdutio"n"Suggestecl1)y1 our Brother, W ularu x oung: - -- RESOLUTION. -- Believing that the xase."The book"th gopd Jdiiaof the author, of his : originalityr ahd sentiment, his love of domestic enjoyment and his enthusiastic devotion. to hi-- , country. Col. Lewis has been a newspaper, as well as an army man and is therefore we IP acquainted with diver- - siication in Hfe7"ireThas "writ ten some interesting serial srorlesjand a novel quite highly praised eatitled, "Trust Her Not." In journalism his style is brief, sharp and cri,JrHactone rnaysay he has the modern sfyleTof dealing with matters and things, and is wide awake on political questions. PHce of the book, Cloth in all colors (full - gilt) instructions-ofHPreside- nt conMdtralejr always makes poetry more entertaining, than when there is a sort of sameness, as is often the 2.oo4-Le- a th er (aiPgi 1 1) " ' 14.00;"--- -' Woodruff, respecting the early completion of the " ;. sity choif and congregati6n then joined in old grand hymn that has thrilled the hearts of many thousands, 7 in-a- WeaskheeHeeliiy'F north to south and from east to' west, and the honest in heart throughout the earth, which we ask in the name of )esus,1eseeching Thee'to us with Thy peace, in Hi's name. Amen. Conference was declared adjourned for six -- -- -- l7 O' o u-- . E X PON EN "... "Hosanna, hoshnria, hosanna, to God and the -- Lamb, Amen, Amen, and Amen." This was done: three .times, each shout being accompanied by a waving of handkerchiefs, except when the names of God and the Lamb were; uttered. The miiltifnrip nf nprvnfe which must have . Salt Lake Temple, is the word of the Lord unto us, I propose that this assemblage pledge themselves, collectively and individually,.Jto Turnish as fast as it may be needed, all the money that may be required to complete the Temple at the earliest time possible, so that the dedication, may take place on April 6th, 1S93. Brother Lyman then stated that he would head a subscription list with a donation of one thousand dollars to aid in the attainment of the object expressed in tbe resolution. The resolution was voted upon tinanimouslyr" Music by the band Closing anthem bvj the Tabernacle choif ,. Evan "Song of the Redeemed," composed by Stephens...- ' - j' BENEDICTION." " ; ' ' ' President George Q. Cannon then pronounced ' the benediction as follows: '0 God, our Eternal Father, accept all our, proceedings this day. Let Thy blessing descend had Fathered to.', Ghost may rest down witness the ceremony of laying the top sione ui and prant that the Holy tbe Salt Lake TemDie ioininz in the Hosanna upon every one of us, and upon all the honest in j irora and waving their handkerchiefs like a great wmte heart everywhere. c Jess mis enuic-pcopic j JlELtBrCIjrOQTES i From the Record of the ReKef Society kept in Nauvoo, 111. These remarks were made by Bishop Newel K, Whitney, (deceased) at a meet ing of the Relief Society May 27, 1842., 'In the beginning God created man, male and female, and bestowed upon man certain blessings peculiar to a man of God, of which woman par- took, so that without the woman all things cannot . bStdj3eil4aih store the Priesthood."' This perfect restoration Is the intent of the society, that by humility and faithfulness, in connection with their husbands, V f 1 they may be found worthy . rejoice while contemplating, the blessings which will be poured out on the heads of the Saints. God has many precious things to bestow, even to our astonishment, if we are faithful. I say again I rejoice in the prospect before us. By striving for union ore with another, we may be choose, but God will s,ay who is and who is not worthy. We must humble ourselves and live by he rUi:given lor practice we must lose sight of |