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Show J WOMAN'S EXPONENT. TE AR 5; JV I LL CGMEr - . , . tl When the :heart. feels its stay is gbne i And onfienc is rudely torn, Where we had trusted ranch and long, Tears will come t y " - . I, , pre-nat- ; When love's flower pales and withers, I ' 'TJl the soul 'with languish quivers, ' ' None to" co'mfort-odeliver, : , I; Tears: will come.; . - ' ,. L. .M. II. ; , '. :. '. . .; v ' r )- ' ; The eiahlsof interanerancc and gociai impurity that are stalking so fiantlr over. thi3 fair land, and workincr such ruin and devastation to home life, must be met and driven to their abodes of darkness, and principally too by the hand of woman, for she it is who must feel most keenly the' robbing of those over whom she has spent Jong' years of patient toil and sufiering. It is her; sacred right to defend her home, her, boys, Land-begirls, and. in the struggle against such mighty foes, she needs all the help which an enlightened and educated mind, can give her together with a heart saved and kept by a higher power than hers. Formerly, against such mighty enemies, woman s tears and or ,nobh3 thari that upon which a woman enters prayers were considered her only weapons; but when sbe assumes; tbe i..'duties' of a wife and education has given to her a voice whereby " K li orwl An lic.n.in m.,t.,T naAts tl fit ill" she can tormuiate her prayers and tears, and Ltf ainingfoxitsiai th f ii Ufbl Iowing-Th- e' DuniiDir Tvorasrinai' snau old;-- I yet ever true adasfe: "The haiid that rocksnever cease to burn ' until, as a nation we &t6 the cradle, rulers 'the' world," has .been most; rnrrrorl frnm t&za ottiIq Woman's sanctified and enlightened i enbeautifully exemplified in the onward march' hof this nation in' civilization and eminence deavors," however, must- not be confined to America niche- - Awaiting the efforts; both !at among the- nations of the earth; :for who will say'that this progress has not been due more home and labroad of the educated women of to elevated ana educated motherhood than to ' Christian America and England, areof heathqn. women, 'Of whom Ave hayfe any one other cau?e. Or, think you, had the of ;religion of our Lord Jesus Christ placed ahd' already spoken, shut up from ' kept woman where the religions of Confucius every; voice but woman's.' On and onithe. .Buddha audJjMphammet did, and do still, that dark stream 'must go, and for; the most, part wel should be the nation we aro Or if into eternal nicrht. until stormed by. the in td'iwn through- the ages. India s and China s troduction of education linked with Jhe.: mothers had been partakers of even h limited leaven of the gospel, and these can. be, carried ;cducation,think you that those countries wouldn only by woman's hand. This is. truly wo-- , I.' J.. 'ii'.'. ' IT man's work for woman. Millions of doors louay ue. siiiiug in, sucn uariiness auaueiusionr i'No wonder that the ' wheels of their civijiza- are now open.but where are the consecrated and and prepared workers to jenter them! TAnd jtion are blocked. No wonder that in the glory of the onward march of nations these be- - such workers need the best equipment y possir, ' nighted countries still sit bound in chains of ble. to enable them to meet and overturn the most subtle of sophistries that have hidden ignorance and superstition, Zper forming inobscene1 rites to gods and godbehind ' the ever ..accumlatmg themselves iquitous and -.- Yv ,:'desses, when over 250,000.000 ot their mothers superstitions ot the centuries, y are by a lordly hand, and in the name of re- Thus we see that when woman's eapabill-- . f r 'cnon ties are led out by a broad and thorough andyears ot a lifetimo within the unadorned training, her field of usefulness lengthens and J auu uiny wdiis ojauotiieui nareius unu niauoo broadens until it - is no doncrer,. bounded bv zenan.as. And when, until recently,. their girls loceans, andnUnentsJwbut withtha,immoxtali, und" tWeiley, she must say, "The world isf.my par-- j whenjinamua alone, io,uuu ot tnem under- ishl" And for this "world of work Utah must, nine years of age are branded; as widows,, forand will furaish her quota of workers ,t f, :biddeu again the sacred rite of marriage, and Be it the happy privilege 7 of this institu-;tio- n doomed to drag: out the most pitiable existence to give thenf the necessary equipment; the Hjost menial of. servants, unbyed and. land on it will fall the blessings of the T re- 'despised,, When in theso dark corners of cipients that shall come u p from these fertile" learth, tbe religion that educates and elevates valleys and mountain fastnesses and 'sit. them , v nas had sway, men, and only then jdown beneath th 13 vine" of learning imotnernooa, ' may;we expect these nations to arise and take Logan Journal, Sat Sent 13, 18U0. their proper places among the nations of the : i ; .r i-- V 1 As I sit by her little white casket , And gite on her sweet face so white,' : Oh forgive if I sin when I ask it, i :. But S.hy did her spirit take flight ? "', ' - i. . - ' - J ' the-'Boun- ; - d , to-da-y? , . ; , . -- - T Though the dear, little bosom was heaving, . ' And the frail little form writhed in pain: 'We could not consent to her leaving,:,., .y'lfy' Till her father could see her again, 1 1 1 . : And we prayed to our Father in heaven, . If oniy His will it might be the-50,-000,00- i The River of Death dark and dreary ! TJpon the while shore did they stand !To welcome the lone one so weary, ' To :the:sh6resbf that' Heavenly land :- -; - j To spare the pure life He had given : Till her fath'er jreturned o'er the sea. -i : . , ; . . Oh smcefeTy "we plead 2ior thlsfayor, 1 , . And we clung to the beautiful child Against hope yet we still hoped to save her, But soon she looked peaceful and smiled 4 , , , And she called for her brothers and sisters, Then, she sangin a vbiceoh so sweet !. " -- ' " j "ust at midnight our goodbye we kissed herr- "Till ii heaven kgainw shall meet. ' ! 'i: 2 : : We feel it was .His will to take her , , . From a world where so much isf impure: . If we could, we'd be loth to aWake - j,'(,r m fife teTe jg much to endure " her, ' :(. ' , While we believe tEaT in "Ihe rhbuse is woman's higbest calling, yet it is by no means the only one. Education has proven - that she 13 thoroughly ebmpetehtf a than are the men for our numerous public School departments; and ofteni is she deemed more worthy as a specialist in the various departments of our colleges and universities. t Now she's safe from sin and from sorrow.' , And her absence!will be oh so short, . E'en before we're prepared for the morrow; J Emma B, Coleman. ihe higher education 0? women,, book-keepin- t ; MRS. EDDY. Moore: of Worcester, Mass,; has-bee"fewaT3ediBT$'20izVfbr passing thebest I entrance 'examination to Smith College. ! n ? ; g, g, a-- liable ! Then, too aside from the, more, common vocations, , telegraphy; stenography, &c, are beckoning her with lucrative hand tQ enter these domains, so that . the, day of vyoman's dependency is fast coming to a. close. She t can select some, 'employment from the many vocations open to her, that will hot only, be .lucrative, but, congenial. But fifty j years ago-- su ch i ndepen den ey wou Id have jjeen impossible; unless perhapr as aTiionse, or a shop girl with their meagre com- type-writin- ' NOTES; AND NEWS., T ' ' s Oh the joy of that final blest greeting With all the loved ones gone before: ' Hearts thrill at the thought of the meeting vvueic paruug auu lears are no more. ; r c AN ADDRESS BY " - . We'll be summoned into the port. " nn : . ; f , 7 Did her aunties and grandmothers beckon He? spirit to leave this sad shore ? - 1 7 Dicl a thrill in their" bosoms awaken "When her frail little bark started o'er Alpine. Ariz. r - s - , ; sena-them-our- . In rnercy-oufather has takeV Our dearilittle Ida away,ni.,r.; vi , And to sorrow or pain she'll he'er.waken, , She'll rest till the beautiful day. ; :; - -- j . ' r ' C3 al 1 t , .- - IIDA JI EYWOOD "WrT6"dred'' while herTather 'was on a ' mission 'to New v, " ; Zealand. ' ...... , OF ' ; on much farther. , LINES IN MEMORY. 4 nrst "does "she owe the best education that circumstances and means will permit m' order .that she1 may fill ud her capacity for true en joyment. Then on the other hand, she owes it fto the .world in order that she may fill ud her 'measure of. usefulness. Woman's sphere is a broad one. Into her hands is committed wo'k which even angels might enjoy, for to her is lelt largely the moulding ofthe next work for so stupendous as this. and. generation, so 'ar reaching in its results, so important. to. tne weal or woe oi civilization, say nothing of if8, eternal consequences, ehe should have the constant aid of a well disciplined and well scorea minu.,. ..We believe no calling was ever more grand ; , When do tender wdrd is spoken, . Lips keep the truth no more unbroken Give no sjrnile of peace the .token, ',' . Tears unll come: , 75-- ' mill The Genefal German" Woman's' Association has been able to give $2,250 during ihe " last, four years to women. who are studying, mostly , ' to; medical, students. ; :,:ri:ii7l:iiL . ;Miss Chandler, of Lexiapoh7 the Massachusetts "Historical Society; with'an IF i n te res t i n g rel i c, a m ourn i ng rin g given at r? I P i" l ,1 jt twftnfi ine lunerni oi 'jreurge xjurueii, m I " , . "; , Profy Austin Phelps, for many yeaj-s- Icon- - ;' hected with Andover Theological Seminarv. and lather oi Elizabeth btuart ,rhelp3, died at : y mr iiarooryou tne itnoi uct. JeniionSi R. G. Young, of Helena, Mont., writes to' Aside from all these, there is another class ' of gifts and corresponding of work for which every woman, whethef4 the Journal of Education: "In 18S9, of the should' fit herself. I refer sixteen cOuu ty su perintendents in 'iM on tana,' i accountability is as vld &s tbe human family married or ""a" . It is no more true of man than1 of woman.' to the worksingle, n i r i' r, n .t i If iL:. i it ii rii t rrrn itit. liriiiii of advocating the various rev . . . . limi L!M Tn on ,1 r v.JAt ;th opening, of the Agricultural (jollegp in Logan. y ry . ; : Thfe-doctr- ine ii v -- n.j , 1 andTmoral capablljties, and to her ; own self -- i - - ! v v 1 I forms of the day which must be met and settled 0elbre the- - wheels of our civilization can: move , ran ;hnw a Inrrrpr ri-- rc n f nf women bounty jiuperiotewlents ; let j it speak. . ATTpriffi that, |