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Show WOMAN'S- EXPONENT. - TTT Exponent WOMA N'S - enttmruthsrrd'-wha-- t EMMELIS R 8. WELLS, fo!iosf:wh-yjhi- s ' ''Pablishedseml-monthlj- , In Salt Laie City, Utah Terrs?: one one copy six months, 50 ct3. No ye;ir, tl.Ofr, gnflcopy reduction made for clubs. City papers delivered by mail, extra for postage one year, 25 cts. ' "Advertl'ilng rates: Each square, ten lines of nonpareil ' labors"."" A liberal discount rraem7?ZJpeTEiolQth7IOC. to regular advertisers. Nevertheless they still trust in Him, whose out25 Streetsecond No. EiroNENT ofSce, E., South Temple stretched arm is over all the earth, and they know gate east of Descret News Office. Business hours frora 10 a.m their cause is just and though men and nations to 5 p.m. every day, except Sunday may oppress, yet in His own due time will the -- Address all business communications to Lord, whose laws they have tried to keep," effect PUBLISHER WOMAN'S EXPONENT, theiteajJyr Entered at the Tbst Second Ctast Office 2faUerr' their deliverance, and ultimate triumph. Meantime should they sit idly down and wait?. O, no, there is work for all, and it will require the best thoughts, the efforts, and the utmost diligence to move onward and upward and Lake City Utah. most-earne- 3 EPTEMBER J 1 890.. Trials are but preparatory "to the'great things about to transpire in which LIVING. this people will be called to take an active part, and it behooves all tojbz diligent and faithful, There are many notable events now transpirhumble and obedient, that they may not falter or h 1 fr w fall by the wayside because of hardship or perseing elplen!r Saints to reflect seriously upon their situation and cution through lack of faith, but hold on to the to look unto the Lord for His special guidancejn iron xod for the race is rfot to the swift nor the thr passing oughwhat has been very appropriately battle to the strong but to him that endureth unto termed "the narrows." the end. The attempts made by the government of this - greatind free Republic to dispossess the Church WOMEN'S MEETINGS AND of the - means appropriat e i by the people" for CONFERENCES. special and legitimate purposes, pertaining to the the interests of its spiritual growth (which always Meeting of the Relief Society at Paragoonah, embraces more or less the temporal) and to e everything that is done of a public nature Sunday evening August 1890 at half past 7 p. m. into an effort on the part of this people to support Sister Eliza A. Barton presiding; singing, "Lo the mightylGod -- appearing," prayer by Bishop polygamy, or encourage disloyalty to seems so utterly inconsistent when considered in Jones, singing "Great God attend while Zion the light of reason and common sense, that o.ne sings," minuteslof fbnnermeeting read" Sister x would naturally think people of ordinary intelliJane S. Richards was introduced b.y Pres. Barton and addressed the meeting in a most interesting gence would see at once.that there was a mystery THE TIMES IN WHICH WE ARE 1 con-stru- the-Un- ion . rrivr at some ,IQ nurxestjy coneiu&ion-ortne'Te- - al causes that had led to this religious crusade for 1 .." such indeed it is. In this enghtened age of the world's civilization and in America the cradle of religious liberty, it is more than passing strange, if persecution can ..be tolerated by a people of advanced thoughts and Ideas, As a sweeping assertion the "s aints are famtli ar with the actu al cause. It i& th e Church of God. Its influence is being felt, and great changes are being'vvrought and "everything that can be shaken ' will be ' pro- -' H." Lo n eseek&-by-- al shakenso I -- 1 h e saidAhe me a n sH rr h rs overthrow, the true with its hood and thwart the purposes of ken in its large sense this embodies r is a The world of - - - see and -- comprehend "thisbe: nded by prejudice, therefore 'and that-th- e power ;tf the envy, malice, jealousy and : emj irth figuratively speak-an- d enmity against r the ban ne r of t h e rsensation, to of the nut-she- ll. -- -- pre-com- ing At half past seven on Monday evening Aug. 11, the Reiief Society met as per appointment in -the meetin g h 0 us e a t " B e a ver, S ister" Luchida Houd Pres,.of the R. S. of that Stake presiding. Pres. Murdock and many other, leading local brethren .were present and a very large and attentive audience Of men and women. After singing -- . - Godur-helpHn-ages-pastpray- Fs" oflered by Pres. Murdock, continued by, singing "All hail the glorious day." The first speaker was Sister E. J.' Bennett Counselor to Pres. Houd and also President of the Y. L. M. L A. of Beaver Stake. Her remarks were excellent and praeti-ca- l. st jceeeJrit of the world's history. toirsptrt rtT5yTspTr1t i wer singing ''Hail to the brightness 0 Zion's glad Prayer by Brother Horsley. morning. . in Salt Lake City, Utah, as : '.. 3 ALT, L AKE XlIX- -- in Ire peop are deprived of the rights and privileges to which they are entitled under a free government, they are robbed of property rightfully acquired through industry, thrift, perseverance and the blessing of God upon their fields, Salt things that had been spoken to encourage and help them forward, felt they needed instruction in their duties as a. Relief Society but desired to do divine unpopularity of those who have accepted revelation through prophets and inspired mea; .evil reports and misrepresentations, are taken as Pres. HoudJqvye expressingTer pleasure that the sisters from Salt Lake had visited them etc. Sister Houd then called upon Sister R. W. Tyler who made a very interesting speech and was followed by Sister sisters spoke of their Bickley; each work in the' Relief Society and the various duties and obligations it brought with it. Sister E. B. Wells spoke upon political and social matters especially upon marriage, giving good advice to the young people. She also spoke of the duties "devolving upon the sisters in their e organizations saving'of "grain which they had been counseled to do by President -- of-the- se . and-allud- ed to-th- Young. Sister Jane S. Richards spoke of the spiritual . work of the sisters, advised holding, meetings often, and keeping up the Quarterly Conferences; also spoke of the need of savfti .grain and referred to the counsel given not only by Pres. Young but Pres. Taylor and the living President Wilford Woodruff. The sisters had never been released from this mission given to them, and in J.oulOeiem...jiecessaTyZto-have-br-dtufftr- w faltn duties, especially in prayer and in attending meetings. Spoke upon the necessity of union and re ferred to the many temptations to wrong doing . thatbeset and were in the pathway of this people. Referred to the advancement of science and the many inventions of the present" time. Spoke beautifully upon charity and forgiveness of one hand. Referred to the scarcity of provision the Saints had passed through and hoped we would never see such times again. Sister Richards said many comforting things t6 the people,-Pres- . Murdock spoke a short time endorsed what had been said, and testified to the . faithfulness and diligence cf the sisters in Beaver Stake. Pres. Houd made a few closing remarks, and the meet-in- g - another. -- Exhorted the sisters to meet oftenystngr was dismissed with singing and prayer. good hymns, read good books and. study to im At one o'clock Tuesday Aug. 12, there was a prove in all good things. Sister E. B. Wells dwelt upon similar subjects meeting held at Minersville under the auspices of the Relief Society Mrs," Rebecca Eyre urged the sisters to put into practice the good presiding Srsj.ejsJtoud,JTyler-"teachings they had:heard,nd toembrace eyerv having accompanied Sisters Richards and Wells, opportunity for improvement in the things that would make them truly wise. Referred to the thus. far. on their journey homeward. Merinoadvantages of the Relief .SQcietyfthA-3im- g. peBwtr fly, Ladies' and primary- Associations, and advised Prayer by Counselor Geo Ey're, singing, 'Hark the sisters to use their utmost endeavors to teach ye mortals peace TeTtiuV, Sister Eyre made a the young people the principles of the Gospel. few opening remarks welcoming the sisters and She also gave some of her ideas upon woman's iDvhed her Counselor Sister Mary E. Lightner work and progiess. : : 1 - :;to:dress : Bishop Jones- - spoke- - upon., woman's position upon the goodness and mercy of our Creator to ana pursuits in iuer mace some excellent remarks his children, and gave some interesting items of and illustrations upon the subject, also upon Ithe church in early days. parity and iorgiyenes Counselor Lydia McKnight, prayed for the one towards another. spirit of the Lord to be with us and gave some Brother Barton expressed himself delighted to idea of the .lahotahU-me4iear4heisters-fF0m-SAlt-Lake-iand hoped all in that place. sisters who were present would be benefited by the resHoud expressed her good -Pgratification in havinstructions that had been given, rejoiced in the the to visit ing opportunity Minersville with the principles'of the Gospel and felt that the Relief traveling sisters and exhorted the sisters to love Sister Sarah Society was a great blessing. one another, said we are a 1 working bees in the I lorsley Counselor to Sister Barton and also hive of Deseret, we must not be cast down, urged Sister Benson of Parowan made some interesting the to take the Woman's sisters remarks and gave good instruction. : Exponent, and ; - - ty even to the mtrast the VVA kv U - Oo, -- - V7- - .xv - . . z? he war.;-- ..; ucar patient reader the true of the 'mine hey we . beautlTuYiua Barton Twas7greatly pleased with the ers froni Salt Lake and the good gave much good motherly advice. The minutes of the previous " j 1 1 1- -y i!lf!lr!i!IJils mt;... .n,it ium ? e t |