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Show 38 WOMAN'S EXPONENT. ENCOURAGEMENT. ' - f R. S., Y. L. M. Jibertyjoi--AvntmLvou--JLHe- and highly respected by all tbe good and , t . i t Vouims. tx musii. u. lionesl Lttay in ner l that she basiiot cea?ed to continue in her i utJ-ha- 1 JUANV Report of the Quarterly Conference, of the Y. L. I. A. of San Juan Stake held at r Jilur,-Uta"May" 2Sth 18S9," Trest. M. M. Halls presiding. Present on the stand Prest. M. M. Halls and Coun. Mary Jones ; of the Stake Presidency. Pres. Margaret Adams and Couns. "Jennie Allen and Mary Stevens ot the Bluff, ward also Prest. F. A. Hammond 3nd Counselors." William Hall3 and William Adams. After, the usual opening exercises, the minutes of. the last Conference-wera-read-a- nd approved, Pres. M. M, Halls, then arose and said, she esteemed it a great privilege to be permitted to meet with her sisters again in conference gave some very interesting advice to the young folks, prayed that the spirit of . God might resj; upon those who should speak during the conference. Coun. Mary Jones felt like responding to every call, desired to say wjiat the spirit might direct, and exhorted us to be faithful and prayerful at all times. Jres-- l Margaret Adams, reported ff ward association as doing well. Their meetings during the winter had been very in teres t- : . lf last ten years and held the of the Relief Society, office both Iiere and in the Eastern Arizona Stake. And I know for a certainty that she. has done tho works of a true and faithful L. D. Saint in striving to build up the church and Kingdom of God in nursing and cheering up the sick administering to the wants of the needy and comforting the distressed as all who are liny liVnra ran tASifiTtr mvkolf awith the rest of the sisters here waited and looked with patience for the report of her labors through the columns of the Exponent at the late Sisters' conference held in S. L. City, but it seems we waited in vain until. lhi3 late hour which I assure you was a great disap: pointment to us all. Prest. Lay ton after his return home from 1 which Mrs. Andrews sang "My Own Land Deseret." JIrs. ErBJWells of Salt Lake City, npnni'p.? tho remainder of the time. "We should cultivate'our faith in the Gospel and confitlence think her qwn example is unfelt or unnoticed. We should use the best of language, exercise as much or more faith and patience at home than any where; We' are rewarded as wetgo alone in the consciousness of doing right, be sides Tlie. great " rewanl we expect when our work is finished. The Lord has wonderfully h words of praise and encouragement for our beloved Stake Prest. Sister Willinirth East. as I am one of herliearesl neighbors and know iug of belabors and pood works in 8. h- - City as aCounselor in the Relief Society ten years' resided SAN ... I take .llie Mrs. A. L. Bigler made a few remarks, after - .Woman's Exponent; - "A woman that feareth the Lord she shall be praised." Editor r I- - 3 A., AND P. A. REP 0RT8 Jor-t- he . , . . 1 that their children might have strong healthy We ought to systematize our worjj: so that we can nave momentsior rest and prayer. Zion is going to be built up as has been pre-dicted."- Spoke-of-th- e courage and heroism in displayed by women passing through the severe ordeals which have been brought about during the persecution for principle and con- ' fer ""AiJf5""" j bodies. the-Blu- ini Sister -M- - amia-Burnham-of Burnbam ward, said they held their meetings conjointly with'the young men, and were in a prosperous condition. Sister Martha Hammond reputed the a3Joing--well.----- " - -- 7 dent of the Relief Society, and could not understand why it was not published. We at least expected to see a notice of her safe arrival . in Salt LakoCity-and-ilidjnot-knwhy a: faithful her and duties to could so Sister good ow Sister:Pitchforth-thought"there--- an in w crease of faith in our midst, was with her labors in Juab Stake. There was a good attendance and an excellent spirit in all our meetings. After singing and benediction by Patriarch J. G. Bigler, the Conference adjourned for three months. . M.'E. Teasdale, Sec well-releas- Prest. Sloiselle. Halls said the Mancos ward associations-was-i-naflourishing- - condition. Th ejncoi hers all take an active part in help , ing to make the meetings, interesting- .- A very interesting programme was then rendered by members of .thseveral .associations.- - of the stake, after which the general and local officers of the Y L. Mt I. A. Avere presented and day meeting held at this place remarked that should be due, as she has written so often to tho Exponent and worked so hard fur its advancement we can hut fee and notice is duo her, from its pages. I can testify that Sister East has her religion at heart or else she could not have labored.so diligently under the many disadvantages that she has. I have seen her pas3 my door in an old lumber wagon driving her own team going to inc uujuuimu ocuicuicuw iu iiit ucr appuim- ments. she did not,wait for a carriage to come . ........ c m ii wouiu aiier ineras mnu vluuci isteisuere have done under similar circumstances. Roth herself and counselor SisferjtfaryL. Ransom r ::rrTTiT. i n ii .t m i nave tlauoreu incessanuy meir callings, and have even waited by the wayside to get a ride in order to fill an appointment, when I have witnessed this IJhave remarked to her. 1.1 ii. T r t ai .i wouiu .i iT' were aoie, inai "uear.oi8ter.ii.asi. you would not go in that style to do your duty?'' And her reply to me would be "never mind our Savior wa3 poor when he was on the earth am I better than lie'?" I pray there are better days ill storo for her. Both the Twelve", and visiting brethren when in this vicinity always have called upon her. at her home and have had words of comfort and a1 kind and hospitable welcome. If her home was humble happiness was there. She Js sent-l- or Jby--al are in trouble to comfort them which is. one of her greatest gifts, she is beloved by all. the saints here, the Sisters here missed he r Very niich and long ecu lici ucai lute Bjaiu, aa a &uun, ior lliev are continually asking about her, these are the eel bg f iSisiejl tn since herttepartu re. Your Sister ins the Gospel, iT6n?' "Spoke" "of the storing of "grain, and of the calamities that were coming upon the inhabitants of.; the earth. "We know the prophecies are oemg lumiea, ana we snouia be prepared to render aid temporally as well as spiritually." Encouraged parents to send their children to Primary meeting and cultivate faith in them. "Young ladies should be careful to marry pure men who are well developed well as mnrallv and sniritiiflllv nhvsinftllv. .' i i j j j ed S ' sustained." GRAKGER MEETINGS. Prest Halls, said she . felt pleased with the ' programme that had- - been rendered Munseled The Relief "Society" and Y. L. M. I. A. of us to respect those who are placed over us in held their annual meeting on the authority, alsb to be diligent in attending to Granger --oi June in our new unfinished our prayers, and exhorted us to keep the Word twenty-sixtmeeting hpuse. There were a goodly .number e couiu ciaim me Diessmgs i5uum tsu ui thereto. Prest. Hammond had been well paid of the members of both organizations present, m attending our conference, gave some very also bur Bishop Daniel McRae and his Coungood counsel to the young, encouraged essay selors. yisi ting sisters from the city were writing, spoke on home. industry. - Conference' Bath s.heba; Smith, Hel en 3L Whitney, M ary P. You ngvBr. Maggie C. Shi pp, Jane and lueuaujourneii,. unoir sang. Israel awake, Lillie Freeze, Delia Eardley and Maria Holt. Benediction by Bishop Neilson.. Louie M. The morning session was devoted to the Relief w nue oec Jilary liammond asst. Sec. bociety, Mrs. MaryxE. Porter, presiding. After usuap exercises, minutes and reports, Sisters JUAB STAKE. Smith, Whitney, Young and Eardley, also our The Quarterly Conference of Bishop occupied the time in speaking. AdtheRelief Societyof theuab State of Zion with singing and prayer. ' was held in the Kephi Tabernacle Friday June journed At the intermission? a large table was set in 2ht, 1889. the hall and a feast of good things was parPres. Mary Pitchforth presiding: After, the taken all of, enjoying themselves heartily. opening exercises, of singing and prayer, and ' Afternoon session was the young 'ladies' ancalling the Roll and reading the minutes of nual, Agnes Mackay, presiding. After singthe previous Conference; the Presidents ave ing, prayer and minutes a short programme tvas Jl.DalrepprtsIoflheJJranchess over which they renflefedr consisting M essays, recitations, presided. and a with reading song guitar accompaniment. Mrs. E. R. Mary Udall The visiting sisters then addressed reported Kephi, the meetSerena Aaggard, Levin, Mrs.. Eliza Somer, ing and we a spiritual feast Our ville lona, Sister Pitch forth reported Eureka. associations are all in pretty good Condition The reports were very favorable showing the considering the settlement is so scattered. Society in all its branches to be in good condiOur Js. thriving except .that rsraihave tion, spiritually andjemporallyrTlie sieEand not Primary asinaflyvboys, where aeihevlzzThat's tho the .ntcdy were vFited and comforted and hkd their wants supplied. The remainder of the question." doing a good work in short addresses by MrsTIaryC iwSa.bb.atlLj5cnool-iand on the 4th of -Pitchfbr Andrei s AlicelBascome, tainment for the July, there was an enterSunday school at the Ward Miranda Bryan, and Bishop Udall The pro- -' house at which time nearly two hundred sper training of our children, Jennie East. ere distributed to sacksf.candy of parents, the blessings of God to us as a peothe children trom the Superintendent and his ple, were spoken upon. Meeting adjourned assistants. There was a programme in the until 2 p. m. with singing and prayer. and Vote the People's Party ticket on election at noon a sumptuous dinner for morning In tbe read meeting Secretary; a all the and send honorable same to men the Legislature. the 21st, Annual day place; afterwards the children report of the Kephi Society. indulged in dancing, which however, was inter- -- -- -- V - xo-n- . , h -- u ,- -j , forty-fourt- h . . " had-literall- y 1-- who -- -- 1 jm-ex- y iiaiip&nt thrSrT the-responsib- ility and-nut- s the-afteruo- on |