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Show IBS V- W O MA N - IHHEIJS E B. WEIJLS, . . ' Editor. ? SEX P 0 N,B N T . ""nie liioryp f fast gl rr !e , but the most baautlful : "nDnumui l iuve e ver eten, uq fuVl of' tender-- ; v.cci?, adn9 and noblo eentimentii engraveu byr the hand of age In characters jtnore toutAiirg than a chisel ever wrousht, in wordi mQre pnb- - : JIme than'-peever wrotej the desp linea and crevice?, 'th broken towe:s, the mouldering! walls all covered with clinging ivy, which' hapgi ho gracefully from every tide, eoftening, and bjajitenlng the other Wigo ru-l- jvudmhro that there is no want of othor cinameutj here, fcr nature has , wrought a work more be ul ' :' '"" than man cjuld do. "TLTHiTie overlooks the c'ty aud the Neckar river; as I gszid at it from the bid bridge it we and md witb; fei:ng-of- a Ilebrcken towers and ivy covered ruins telljthejr own sad history, such take of pomp and power, of distress and ruin.; They stand like monuments of piet gb y and the mara and blurs and crscki and flisures are like engraven hlatoriep, telling the dt ,1s of the kings, princes ecd war-riora who have dwelt therein. We etrayed from room to room, from balcony to bi'c jny, frm torer to tower, all was bare, old and broken,yet an cccfiHlcnal piecs of with a fa Jed frei-co- j on, or a broken pieie of fctne cjrving told that ono the phes hid b2tn adorn td with cr- -. c workioanship, AY we BtroJIed through the firfct long hall j noihing cjuU L j teea tut . bare wall, low ceilings and an Iron grating, which enclo'ei a dark eel'; with a ehuJder at u n foriun rvtev hcFBaT or J he th cjag i been imprisontd there, we passed cn through a lrge, low arch wsyii a to t h o i n b r --com t. ifow c:ui l wo baiter tell what the putt hnd roen- - for cn the inner Wall rdill remains aorne of the b?au t'ful decorations, add this court yard wr encp i 1 Pubiithed la Salt Lake City, Utah V& Terms: copy one yets, $3. 00; one copy shr months $1.00 Ten copies for the price of nice. Advertising rates: .Each square, ten lines of nonpareil space, one" time, $2.50: par .month, . CKL : Ajitrcbdiouiit to ':; regular advertisers; EiP05Bxt Office, la brick building north of Z. C M. T., Uast Temple Street. Business hours from 10 a. m.to 5 p. m. evsry day, except 8andayJ. "Address all business communications to " .. rubllsher Ytomas's Eipokkst, rr:- -, 8altk8 aty Utah. semi-monthl- y, : -- . . ...... SALT LAKE CITY, MAY 1SSI. 15 LETTER X. Ono event after another hn followed in- tuch quick succession as to appropriato all my tlcce, S3 that I have had no time for letter writing. - - In traveling through Germany most teiutii'd?,' wonderful sights hare I L oh eld, Ynd to much have I Been that has delighted me that it wcul ' 1 give mo much picture even briefly to d. 3("it it all, and wriie a full account tf j the r .mi', I ut this I cannot do, as a"7uiJ" description would fill whole volume?, for the hcb tread Empire of Germeny have seen, and oh, how qu'ek'y and how happf'y tome the days have passed, almoet like a Jong, beautiful dnam h?s it seemed, as tho julnr, the mountain?, the fcrcstr, the prefy villages and the grind eld. cllUn have each pad all tevn bvheM by ny admirlDg ejis like the fcenrs of a gcrgeous panorama to gize at them for a moment and then pru to something etrsn&e J I will try to tell you something of the thlugs which have pleased me mcitr Weepsnt a few hours tha capI'3lof th Grand Ducby of Bjieu, then went toUeidel. Urg.a vie It I shall never forget. We arrive I theie in Ihoevenlrg, and tho following morn-lewo started cut early to wall to ths Certle. g 1 tjvB abt?utiful-tprh;- g frtih and filled with the inernlnf, tbe aif Bo per fame of the blos- soming fruit Ire. and the tonga just re uTning fioai southern hemes and rebuilding their nests in the magnificent trees ot Heidel- berg. The is a were just adorning themselves In their grf en foliage, and all nature was smiling at its own lqvliitB3. It made me happ!r thm ever to havejuch a bright day for our visit, for I lenghful thought and wished for the plea?uia of visiting these famou3 old ruins and rambling a mong them of-bir- dg ---- '22 'l Oi c?.sil?, but ' . . t -- lltea L&tJrJeidclbirgitbeM whn oncf onca eae3 tba, he no longer wonders that thousands of people travel every , summer be place only to kok at the ruined The castlo stands cn the side of a high mountain which is situattd.at the edge of the Black Forest, and from its elva'ej position presents a veiy imptsUig appearai Climbing up the terraced walk the ci9tla i selc U lost to the eight, but the great garden walla and the tail, graceful trefa precent a charming appearance, and partly prepare one for ti e beautiful scene awaitiiJg.na farther on. ThtEo w&iJs inside of walls, and the deep moat all around show how Btrongly the place was fortified, and how safe it teemed from all intru dert ; now lis toldncss and grtatnf 69 has departed, and the bare grey walli- are mellowed by the greenest masp, the met beautiful ivy, the meat perfect aud delicate Xems, and the rains etand as a monument in t( . t ; : n ths c?itle after we had viewei it " heTST"iien.lj3 ht-cL- ho-r?- - ; veiy grend. The p'alnnesi of .ti e outside vai til fcr the sake of havieg'tbe Walla" 'firmer and Btrqn r Tor def ns?,but tho in ner Wall vcr y' mm km gn C3ntlycrnami:nfcdnd the'flowera and foun-t"- ii s were Very taftte'ully arrangtu. Oa lie le.'t a3 cue en fer i ii the O ito Hienrlch'a baui or part of tho palace, ai-it still possesses maoy of itV feiturei cfleJegmce.r-I- t is said to have b n ma of the fiatit places of archit cture In the world. We firs'; enter c J this pnrt at from throne room to cookings apirimputejr wandeTEdrrnd"" - f ;un 1 now no diaereac?; all hiad Resumed the same homely aspec1;. The wails are ali ve. "thicken EomVparts twe'n?y-3evj- n feet,:End tbe h alia and pipages are to narrow, and cfooktd that cms might always fel safe'thqagh an enemy were without trying to gaincn trance; bat - with all iti strength and pv'ana fcr defenro thg mfghly ca3tle wi taknby the French and kept by them for 8opft6' t?me. The tall tower of thh Otto He! orient baa wri twi' stiack by lightning, s,nd what ai enemy r :uld not do i destroy It th e elemenh did..lWhen t h French werfr-coato leavo the castle they tried to destroy it by exploding powder bat so well ia tho placs balk that little harm wri done by even that. The old tower at the ht ?k,i lied the blowii up tower, was parted, and .half lf; s in thVmoat balow, while half ' still 85hd3 ''1 o placo In! the wall, This h the prettiest aui mWt picturesque prt of thee. Hie, the ivy grows more luxuylantJy here, and the ferns haug temptingly over the shatbred walK Ve ep.'nt.a long morning wandering fvrom tower to cellar, but all is now tho eame, a wrc ck, a i aln. From omo parts of the crstle mcst b?antiful vies can be had of the queer old city below, the Ncknt rlyer witbV its boati and fihtrmen, jnd the mountains ekirtlngths Black Forest. Avpirfc of: the c"t!q is In good preservation arid ii used Tor a muae nm; here a'-- kept old Tel In cf the castle and pictures of the different princss who llved tntre, g-:- ) u . , . e , . i.v e 1::.-g- i ' tl.-ti- poa-sibl- charm or farcina a ' ed plar j. frptxi every '.. tion about the phv'a wh'ch madti me long to c, bu t we had .toJ,eaTefi!tonhfelm in tLe "Tfteriioon, mid eo. bfa HTy" an d .'t h cughlu Uy wend-- ' el our way down'' tin proity. path-- toward? the ' ' ; ei?y. : im--press- " way. vj-tlf- ", TOUIt OF QfciUfANV. , f fwnrdj and arraiur, muuscrlj.tM and Jew v ' ; ;r quite an inicrctfcCplIeCytlon.-::- : 'a! Heie are aKb plcUirtCf Hcjdlet.;rg ttudfist n ained Hand, whonlrew tbe fatal iiunllviT, and ' bo had.tp.kili Kolzbue, a writer; who had written articles dtepleaf-Inthe; etudenlp Young of his took leave Band coropmI'U3 and walked to Mannheim, wHpfe he fulflilsd his deeletroo'v ' - : . . . In Mannheim Brother LyrnHfi met "us at (bo station and took ui to the homi of a IJroth'er ; Pfo3t, where we. hid dinner and met fevfial of our Church mpmbr.' In' Mann trs! ejus nd Ludwjg'h9feu we b.ave qnite a largo :briicr, and Brothe Ly nan U w)rklngls) Well thsm. .Wostaysl threo p.y. vl'iti i:g til l.u lime among the Silnts, most of themaro hard working propU,' but they ma Js u? eo ;wt!t-cmeand fet me t delihied t ) fe''3'J u;. "fi'iiit is i;6 liberty for JicI Jkg meetiug, and it vimf d very sad to tea so niSny po'jIs th rd'.ing fcr kuobx'ga and longing for the privihgu'of voreb'p teg. UQi in tbe proj r way. The llhine dividt i tho two citlt ', Mannheim" h'i iylg&hafjjjjnj.hey arjcotsiif ci?dJyii "flao iron b:Idgf, 'jVr Wh,fCll both the Irsla Mid the street (arari.n; at thfe pares the pt and iJ-i iuflered much at the time of tho llhlnb :nua dation, and one cf ctlr brethren had h's homo ' twept entirely away. S:ster PostsV'who enter, twined u very nice'y and hn don'o ?o mucj t ) wards ;hterta:hjcg the Elders, ;fc,d- sfcea' vre, -y t re ilure,- - H!tt w as a vti y 'feveet wc n.t', n i d I guf s ruany ot our mhalonarioj vill Ivngrt-meit her for the kindness.- - she tos th own them. The wftlls cf her homo were decor Us with the p?d'lurt8 of the d frerenLmiestonjirisa who had b: there, nnd among them I Rulon'tj and Abram'ri,f others -- Hint I knew r.n I several whose faeS wereofanajiarbuJiwJiiAj-nsme- s Calhe o the hoa?e were. Ti;e where We had stayed when we. were leaving to bid us goo and they gave mu a beautiful flo wers and Eeemed so ecrry-t- have bouqnet of mi , 1 ? o ' us leave. We wentfrom there to Frankfort on the Main. Thl.4 city la one of tlxer flfstheTbTannoted principally for its extensive commerce. It tbe many Urga and; splendid store;, narrowest and crookedest streets Here ; i.3 the home of the Bf rri Rothschild, - his cilice h i n the Juden Btrausse, or a tree t of the jfewv, an old narrow and drrtyi(6treet, sai i to have ot ce been very picturesque, .,and la still one of tl o sights of the city. In this street most cf the Jew lived, and on public days and holidays theyuwere lecied in th.i3 street and not allowed to go Into any other part of .the city; but they thrived an J flourished,.. navertholeiK, and now con-tain- s' s-'- own therst stotej and.houstn in thecHy. Tbe Rothschild family were among these ptreeeuted ' 'Jews. ' .'- u f;:;;X 'This city was the blrthplacsof Gc8the,jand all tourists. visit his old ; home;? Jhero inr an open tqaafe' stands a large mdnnment of ' Gcet.'ie, which is teryfloe.The nicesi building in the ciiy lathe Op?ra Hoha it Is built in the stylo of the Grand opefa at Paris. Here we heard Wagner'a Melster singer of ' Bamberg; it it very grand in deed,WdI wa.i po gla J to have an oppiritiaV.y r of hearlngMt1 Betwe'rf the "cts?""Wo walked through the grknd prbmtnade3 and into tho res tanrants: such gorgeoha fcoma and staircases, ; (, |