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Show . - - 3- - - .. . ... - ' .., - " s ' " ; ' - . .. . . - WOMAN'S EXPONENT. 113 wo7thTaT glory of American 3heTfeaI the commonwealth, as little children are would he abandoned ,"and-thmoney she spends on herself' would be considered as lawfully "earned" by herself as if it had been paid into her hands by an employer who was not of law to guard and protect." The Supreme court of New York in general term refused to hold to this inhuman ana obsolete principle of " the old common" law, but now the New York ' Court of Appeals has overruled this humane "decision; Wo hope Vermont will adopt Sen-- from thcold ator Idc's bill, and .Teleago-womefeudal law of slavery to the husband. Ex. in- stitutions can never be understood nor appreciated until we, as a people, teach, by our ex"free," ample that esus Ch rist, m making men ' " v subjected them to IJis tnith. ; Mr.?. -1Iall Piriurr.:-;- e J -- her own household. L A few words from, a thoughtful article on "Treasurers," by Colonel Higginson, in the Womans Journal are to the point here: k "We are constantly told that the of a wife is as arduous and absorbing as that of her husband. We are told that if she does her "whole duty to her family, she can have no . n -- life-wor- . 4ime-totudyetaphysicfi it jslipof L- - I think was the paper into a ballot-box- . conservative, Dr. Edward H.. Clark, who that the duties of the mother of a family required as much toil of brain and body as those of the captain of a ship. Grant it all; grant that she work as hard as her husband does If soo the inference is irresistible 77 - " . de-clar- Thinking self. P&ito. talking of the; soul with is the - j " rj-- .TlYm Character is higher than intellect.- - A grelat j(yut11Qjetrong to live as ,well as - strong' to 1 " think. Emerson. -- ' ; . ; : K W I TT I WC F ACTORYi it- ' r. Ca , 1st It. St., isl 31 Bet. 2d llext Souti Poor cf . E. Eocjtr'f. r "Men's SockSf Ladies and CJiildrens BtkmosInfanU- anirittina anoesj uutitsr (tna viuaren'4 Jioar2 ties -- Family Knitting done on Mcatonable Terms. , , ed ' Miss Jennie Turner has been appointed - tary public, in New York, by Governor Cornell. This is the first instance of the appoint' ment of a woman in that State. The fact that he receives the money, and pays" the bills makes him the treasurer of the family, that is all, aud he has no more right than any other treasurer to take airs upon himself and talk nonsense. .When he pays ont money to her, it is not as a gut, but as earnings. 'This 'was a present to me from my wife, said a rich man, showing an ornament. 'Bought with your money V said a friend jo'No he said, 'out of her own hard cosely. earnings. She keeps house for this- - man of your acquaintance.' ' Englishwoman's Review. -- fifth time - to the Man Chester "(Eng.) School Board. She was second on a poll counting 2.368 votes. - Florence Nightingale, who may be -- called the originator of trained nursing, says, "There is no such thing as amateur art, there is no such thing as mnoeur nursing." WARD, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. " MRS. ROMANIA B. PRATT, H. D, ';; OFflCMS PITIS CODBK, & COS BCILDI5G. p.m. neldftivfie. Twemir'1 2dSouUiStreett bet. 6th. and Stb. East. !LJYaril, i Special Attention given to Diseases of the Qglce .JissXydiaBecker tMtiW.earh 19th no- houri fromiO a.KU-la- 0 . EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT, OBSTETRICS AND DISEASES OF WOMETT. Telephonic Communication between Office and Residenct SALT LAKE CITY. Special Department lor Gent's Clothm and Carpets, Ladtee and Children's Shoes, Drj, Qoods, Bhawls and DomesUos, Qrooerte, Hard war and Stores. DRIED FRUITS OF ALL CUSSES WANTED. Lady Brassey, whose yachting experiences have" been told so charmingly, i3 to have a yacht built at Cowes, which will be modelled after a viking's ship now in the. Christiana Museum. , "'. . - . 31EN-AN- Blind's "George Eliot" will giverfor the first time a faithml account of George Eliot's early life, and . many details of lier unknown literary labor, with much new --WOMENr D Miss-Mathild- "In every time and every nation'the hearth of home is in the care of the women." And if ever a nation shall deserve to present to the world a new and higher phase of home life, it must be that people in which woman is treated with the highest regard where she is permitted to become all that nature intended her to ber We believe in Europe that thr3 people is to be found in the United States of America." says. Miss " Bremer. As far as exemption from the hard work of "subduing-th- e eartht" (which God .has exlaid on men) the women of America pressly are freed from all oppressive toils; and their " and interesting correspondence, ; .:: The summer house of Elizabeth Stuart is on a point of the a little Phelps cast of Gloucester. She lives there with her companion and her pet dog during the" warm weather, as remote as possible from noise. . lry .' .' . - , ' -- homes are made more comfortable and pleasant than those of any other women. There is not now, nor' has there ever been, a nation where the men were so careful to provide for their families, and devoted such thought and skill for domestic appliances intended to lighten the tasks of women; and the love and liberality of fathers and - husbands are apparen t in the comforts and luxuries of home life, and in the personal appearance of their wives and daughters. All this is well done; but i3 not something more needed before that shining phase of home-lif- e within our Republic should as- . sumc, can be fully displayed Greatness is most perfect when it acts with the least reference to self; power is most efficient when moving the will through the heart. Let us American ladies cultivate the virtues, the knowledge, the accomplishments, which will influence, imbue and aid men to do the work of the world to the glory of God; then the woman will truly shine forth as "the glory of the man." ' I would allude to the precepts of Christ a3 the' foundation rules of conduct and character, when we seek to refine and human nadignify ture. And now, when the year has come full circle, and we are at its close, thi3 Gospel etiquette of love and duty comes before u? as the perfect pattern of that home life and social" improvement which the men- - and women of America are, as we all hope, destined "to present to the world." . " " . . - HEAVY & SHELF HARDWARE, GLASS - A QUEENS VVARE1, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ETO. ELLEN PHYSIGIM B. FERGUSON, AHD SDRGEOH, Office and Residence on 2d South between 2d and ith East Street, Special Study has been given to SURGERY, ' DISEASES OFWOMEN,anc diseases or the NOSE, THROAT AND LUNGS, . Things which never could have made a man happy develop a power , to make him strong. Strength and not happiness, or rather only that happiness which comes by strength, is the end of human living. And with that test and standard the best order and beauty reappear. Phillips Brooh. Miss Rachel G. Foster, the efficient Secretary of the" N. W. S. A., has returned to her home in Philadelphia. Miss Foster has won hosts of friends during her sojourn in the West, and is conceded to be a "graceful, lovely young lady," notwithstanding the great executive ability displayed in ner public work. Would there were more such young women as Miss Foster in the world. "" . : WWLESALE. AND RETAIL DSALZJLS VI i)EY GOODS N 6 T I O N 8, GROCERIES, sea-sho- re and-true-chiva- .. e In a little red cottage on the shore of a laker called the Bowl, : near Lenox, Mas3., Hawthorne wrote "The House of Seven Gables. Mr. J. T. Fields used to tell of oarrv- ing out to him there one hundred dollars in of work, but after accepting, Haw- ad-van- fan thorne's sens! thrpnpj;?! - -- irksome, FW" "V nkli'ofr. : big" enough ' ' O- 33 O O J3L AHomeIiAH jST SlJtde Trunks fof by JOHZT - Of Bala , C, CUTXEK, Arent for the PBOVO WOOLEN MILLS, OM Constitution BaUdlnfl also HOME MADE Brown Tarns, Cotton Batting, White Yarns, Wool Batttof, Colored Yarns, Crooma, ' Casslmers, Washboards, Tweeds, Brushes, Etc., Etc Blankets, Flannels, Shawls, Llnseys, . Jeans, P. AUERBACH & BRO. i IIAVE EM0EDT0iTHEIB - t3 SEW STOBE. HdsI24 4 f 26: CALL AND .EXAMINE -- Spring and Summer Goods. D JDJL.-VX1- CT.A. ce uvilgUUVU andhehanded . it back. "Take it, Fields," said her"thxe house isn't to hold it." ttW Can be Called by Telephone Day or Night. IMIIES, TINNER, CAS WATJRSJLEAfi'LFITTER tW Agent ior BUMSETS celebrated LIFT and FORCE PUMPS. Pumps Repaired on short notice. Orders frosa the country promptly responded to. TpT" Addrtth David Jamc$, Box 808, 8aU Lake City. . " -- The New York Court of Appeals reversed a decision of the Supreme Court which held that a woman may have action against her d ior beating her. It had before been the recognized rule that a married woman might sue any man for assault and battery except her husband, but that to give her the right to appeal to the courts against his brutality would be 'contrary to the policy of the law, and destructive of that conjugal union and tranquility which it had always been the object of the hus-ban- H. DINWOODEY, WHOLCSALS AKD BXXAIX. BEBS, HlSE KITTBESSES SIALZ3 tV fOTBEBS: fflU FUPEIS 75, 77, & 79, First South Streef SALT LAKJ) OITT' |