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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. 1U not phet while he wad with us, and have wo seen many of these predictions come to pass lw ' 5iid thev would: also manyJ that are inf s i J j still with us, and our late President Brigham Jiro. Meber has Younr and his told us many times what would befall the ' nar tion. We are not under the necessity of reading the stars"or planetary system for this informa tion. We are m a measure prepared lor tnee events. Our glorious nation! and the ruler and father of this free land of liberty, what do we expect of him? Truth, honor, freedom, for all mankind, is what was promised our that fought and bled when Washington the noble father of our country proclaimed liberty and freedom, and planted the national standard,and the stars and stripes lioated to the of which makes every brecse; the very thought : m' "ii i patriotic n earc swen wiin emuusiasui. Do we still love that emblem? Are we to be deprived of the promised liberty and freedom, that is dear to every American citizen? What has become of the constitution and the laws that we as a people are forbidden our rights and privileges? Oh, the cry is you practice such erroneous habits! you have many wives and honor them! take care of your offspring! clothe them and educate them, and teach them truth and righteousness and to love their neighbors as themselves and. honor the laws of the land and to protect our national flag and carry out the promised freedom that our noble father proclaimed in 1776! Is it these things or their own wickedness that they cannot endure to see a g and peaceful, industrious and g people rest in peace, but must spread falsehoods and slander to accomplish their own desires. But our heavenly Father is at the helm, and in God we trust. I am wandering from my subject and now-tmy mind appears the "Vision of Washington." He tells of great and wonderful things that will befall this nation; and after the terrible event that beautiful cities and villages will spring up all over the land. The heavy cloud seems now to hang over America, when will it burst and the angry elements clear away? Are we as a people prepared for this awful day? I fear not! the greater portion of us seem to be asleep. Wake up! oh, ye sons and daughters of Israel humble ourselves before the great Ruler of all ! He will hear our humble prayers, He cannot resist the pleadings of his fair daughters, let us obey his commandments they are easy and plain; He says, "come out of Babylon oh, ye my people, that ye partake not of her plagues and touch not, nor handle not of her unclean things!' is this hard? not at all. We gather out from the world to worship .our Heavenly Father as He directs. Now let us serve him with an earnest will faithfully and we will be blest, and will have peace that our enemies cannot control, and turn things at their will. Sisters let us plead with our Heavenly Father and urge our husbands and sons to bow in humility before God and our Delegate will keep his seat in Congress and the Franchise will not be taken away from us, nor will our enemies have power to hurt or make us afraid; for we have this promise given to us if we are only faithful. Now let us wake up and humble ourselves, obey the commandments given us keep the word of wisdom the law of Celestial Marriage, )ay our tithing honestly, donate to the temples, lelp to emigrate the poor, and come out of Babylon, partaking not of her follies and fashions Can we do all these? Most assuredly we can. Our Heavenly Father says "ask and ye shall receive, knocjs and it shall be opened unto you,' Well let us ask and knock, and be united in all we do, strive to be humble and ob- edient and forgiving to one another, then we V M-- 7 can claim the promises that belong to the faithful. Success to tha Exponent may it ulutya be a boon to every household, as it is to me. J. C. Johnhon. co-labo- rer lore-fathe- rs . . . ROUMWNIA B. PRATT WILL BEGIN A Nrw in Midwifery, in ber offloe, up stairs. tion Building, March 1st, 1881. StudentsTshould lseiM names in time for Ixjuks to be procured. DR. TEUMS, A telegram received by the Times, London notifies the arrival at the Executive Mansion, Washington, of a writing table, ma$e of timber from the ship Resolute,presented by Queen Victoria to the President of the United States. Some two years since the Russian Govern-men- t sent two musicians to Siberia to collect and write down the national melodies. By traveling from village to village, and attending the various festivities of the peasants, they have obtained a large number of tunes, including about thirty which were previously unknown. The collection is to be published during the coming winter, and is looked for with much' curiosity in Russian musical ircles. Ex. $30. BOOKS, 12. R SHIPP. DR. ELLIS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OmCK in Bishop Hunter's old residence, Between Z. CM Land the National Bahk. lu? ?i?LC r1' East Street, between South and of street. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children as special. u 33 Xji J. X I 33 & Of Salt Lake City and vicinity win find the LARGEST am BEST SELECTED STOCK of SHOES & SLIPPERS ' OliilciroxL's JFlxxo SIiooh obe found in BOOTS, Also, full and desirable hues, best brands the West t3gr Your OrdSn art Solicited. F. AUERBAOH & BRoT HAVETO THEIB REMOVED M - STORE, Has. 124 4 126 CALL AND EXAMINE tST Fall and Winter Goods, -- i DAVID JAMES, TINNER, CAS, WATER STEAM FITTER. & PST Agent for RUMS EX'S celebrated LIFT and FORCE PUMPS. Pumps Repaired on short notice. Orders from the country promptly responded to. tW Addrws, David Jama, Box 306, Salt Lake City. law-abidin- God-fearin- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HE AV Y & SHELF HARDWARE, GLASS & QUEENSWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Etc. o -- CLASS IN MIDWIFERY. -- Is mad from a Simple Tropica Leaf of Rare value, and la a POSITIVE Remedy for all the diseases that cause pains In the lower mrt of the body for Torpid Liver Head-ucJaundice Dizzioeas, Gravel,Malaria, and all difficulties of the Kidneys, Liver, and Urinary Organs. For Female Dlseoiies, it has no equal. It restores the organs that make the bkxxLand hence is the best Blood Purifier. It is the only known remedy that cures Rrlcht'a Disease. For Diabetes, use Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure. ForSatobyDruraists and Dealers at per bottle. Largest bottle in the market. Try 1L II. II. WARNEK A CO Rochester, Ji.Y. and. Surgeon. in ComMuiton DRIED FRUITS OF ALL S. 3?- - TBiRDEL. XiiLZlG-STOCK Home Made Trunk for Sola by JOHN c. CUTLER, Agent lbr the PKOVO WOOLEN MILLS, Old Of Constitution Building; Jeans, also HOME MADE Brown Tarns, White Yarns, Colored Yarns, Caeeimers, Tweeds, WHOLESA.U AJfD EETAIIi EAST TEMPLE ST. t!f Brooms, Washboards, Brushes, Etc, Etc ntifJft r FURNITTJEE, mm BEDS, Lake f?of the City f bow Rooms and see her New visitinjr Stockof f The latest and most stylish modes of Hat in .Straw, Felt and Velvet. Also, leSonhi IUbbSs in ttototeTf Featbers, Plushes, Velvet hades and stripes. Country Can, Ladies' Hair Work naU its branches. OwdVorTi Ouatwiterf Cotton Battinr, Wool Batting, H. DINWOODEY, and DISEASES of the EYE artiEAIL No. 17 CUSSES WW TED. B OFFICE Up Stain, Old Budding. RESIDENCE Sii Blocks East of Post Office, South Bkla of street. Special study has been given to Obstetrics, Diseases of PALACE OF FASHION, TEASDEXi'S and Carpets, Ladies and Children's Shoes, Dry Goods, Shawls and Domestics, Groceries, Hardware and Stoves. Blankets, Flannels, Shawls, Llnseys, ROMANIA B. PRATT, Women, T SALT LAKE CITY. Special Departments for Gentfa Clothln be 3Pla.ysioio.xx A. WfHE MATTBESSES, PEATBEHS WALL PIPEI l?H!atir 15 Cents 15 Cents ! 75, 77, & 79, First South Street, SALT LAKE CITY. I ! X 33 BIBLE ALMA MAC our Lett, 3L X Published by H. HE Salt 3 tW Atk for it in tM Book Storu JC SB SPECIAL : T- ATTENTION PAID . and Preservinj-- the from one tooth to a Full Bet, to the Most Approved Manner. PRICES Cl to Suit V Time aod Lake Sail by UaQ PmfyaU. T Natural teeth. Teetli Crerau7 Extracted. Vkxx Tjowb inserted For the Year of J. MAN, City, Utah Territory. 1ST ' OFFICE: --fe- lllC Wk Guaranteed.FlrtHOUSE. OPPOSITE; SAlX LAKE ST F. 0J.BOX( SiW |