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Show trouble to give it? Andifif it is not necessary for us to observe it, why was ittKiven at all? Do we not know4hat all stimulants taken into the stomach are unhealthy? We see our little, ones swept from our midst, one here, two there; and four and five of one family stricken down with this dreadful diphtheria. Do we realize that there Is n cause, and also a remedy for these things? Does not common sense.tell us that' ''their little, bodies are charged with impurities, and their blood is thoroughly impregnated with poison, inherited from parents. It affects the little ones more readily Irian it does the .older ones. I do not address the ladies because I think the 'remedy is altogether with them; No! the gentlemen are more culpable; they take far more poison into their systems than the women do; I have heard of one or two women, who drink wine, etc., to excess, and it, may be that a few bid ladies smoke their pipes; but as for chewing tobacco (tho worst poison of all) there are no women whoindulge in the filthy practice. 7!rj Of course it is not our. province to teach the Elders their duty, b.ufe we ;can intercede with them; but if they will .persist in polluting their bodies with these nUtny poisons, the Lord may. deal with them in a way they DON'T MARRY A MAN TO SAVE HIM. BY SARAH E. BOLTON. -- ' 1 A cry comes over from Oregon not of women wan, For a ear-loa- 4 But of women of brain and bloodi and ton? "Come, marrj these men to save them! , r "There are thousands hero in these haunts of sin Spending their money in game and gin. Corrupt without and corrupt within; Come,'marry these men to 6ave theml "They have been somebody's pride and Joy! Somebody's petted and pampered boy; Spoiled for lack of a maiden coy; Come, marry these men to save them! thir "You must be healthy, and pure and strong, Alike to breast and bear the wrong, Willing to carry a burden along; Come, marry these men to save them! "i'ou must be loader, but always seem be gentle and helpless as love's young dream, And leaned upon when you seem to lean; Come, marry these men to save them! T.o " m ust be cleanly, and kind, and sweet , Making a path for their godless feet Tou Up to the grace of the mercy-sea- t; Come, marry these men to save them !" woman, you're sold at a fearful price you wed your virtue to a chance device, " And trust your soul to that of vice; Don't marry a man to save him! Oh! If think not A life that is purfi needs a pure one In turn, A being to bonor and not to spurn, : . You can pray for his soul from morn till ovo, l'pu can win the angels to bring reprieve To his heart, but yon'li always grieve If you marry a man to save hfm. sin-bou- nd ' .J ;) ;, -- God gives to Woman a right to press Her claim to a man's best'maiilines?; woman gives all, should a man give less? Don't marry a man to save him! A ' Woman's Journal. TFor ?, , J -- '' Whatcan Jbemore desirable than a strong 1 and heallfiy constitution," to see our sons and daughters giowfrig up to bar mighty men and women in Israel? If the physical strength la good the mind will be more energetic arid more susceptible to good teachr nero is a complete sympathy beiug8. tween the spirit an4 tho body, more intricate than a great mtny imagine. They are inseparable in progression If the spirit leaves the body it dies, and I think , tho soul can make but Httlo lad vannent sepa-- rated .from the, body, uui J . Fpr. the last few years of Jros. Young's life d every way7tQ impess upon the' minds ot the people the necess'Uy bi reform-- j ing both in d ress and food. TXow to pro-- , niote the most, good should be our constant etudy. Pork should behrown' to the dogs; s it is generally that are troubled with tumors, and cancijrsj and worms.'es-peclall- y the tape. worm. They aro more to liable take the smallpox and other conta-- . glouidlseasesj Educated- - men and women physldlans cry out 'against these things, And whilo I wrife,;tho vision of;my mind Is opened, and I see where our folly is lead-us. seo ideath' I instead of life being to our queathed children, find yet oiir eyes are ci03ea-anwo persist In our g , v When the word was sent forth to the sisters to store up wheat they went to work with a will,; Tbuying;'and gleaning,,-,- UntiL. nearly eyory, .settlement in the Territory ; has more or less grain garnered up!:1 But, sisters, what jgood will the wheat, do you, if. your homes are left desolate, your children stricken down with disease? Can you not see that something must be done to promote health and life,something to regenerate the' human family? Let Us begin by observing the Vord of Wisdom; there is a . ' promise in. that we can claim, ; The evils that have been done cannot ho altogether undone, bat 'those who 'may yet bo fathers and mothers should : think of these things; and not contract unhealthy and degenerating habits, but; observe the laws of life and health keeping, their sys: coiiree. o i ;; tems pure, that the human family may be I would I had the voice of an angel, that healthier and rwiser. Dr. Foot says "Habit it might penetrate tho hearfc of every man U second nature:" so says the nroverhialist. .and w6'man,nhd; rouse them to a sense of How important; then it is; that we should their danger. Latter-daySaints, wako up form such habits as will tend to. develop and save your children; Lot common seuso health and mental vigor, instead of physihavo fair play; bo governed by reason; cal decay and mental imbecility, He also ten to the Word of AVisdpm look about and flf the lime and half says: seo where you stand- atid where; you, 'are money expended to recover, health had been timely dedrifting to. Theso aro, not things of small voted to the preservation of health, life moment; great events' depend upon our would be a more enjoyable and less expencourse. at, the present time. Already, have - ' sive luxury. ; we procrastinated too long; lX speedy . We aro "a people that believe in revelamust be Inauguraf edjft wo would estion, huf how little heed do we give to its cape intolerable sorrowvY ' " ' ' j " teachings;. Sisters, it Is time to rouao yourEng. selves and see what can bo dono to remove thd:caues 6f ill health. There are many Thansmission: Is tho tltlo !Hftlo other things besides those I have mentioned book of 68 pages recently published by' that should bo dispensed with; we need a iv. vy ens cc ua, jn. x. Tho author, GeOrgi-an- a reformation in dress from head to foot. Wo B. Kirb writing from Santa Cruz, Cal;, can hear gdodlecturesy and rtmd good books, . saysahd'trulyit is but ahint in the right Lnd jfeceiyo the word of. the Lord and the dl,ection. The book wlir probably receive of wis teachings menet with all, this 'J furher notlceln'.a future number of this that wo receive how eluw wo knowledge to are Hsteu to reason, ..Wo would rather ,VE.t:xTBA9f;thp following from our suffer'wilh. ill Jieatlh. all.our lives, and see ; We ' are rejoicing in our mue ones pas3 away from us ono by one. cuz over5 our 'tlr'st' snflicient i rain than to part with jour darling corsets and fall, which h'nn An rHrt , our light, thin, fhoes,. whkk two articles oIdest Spaniards win- causeKmoroHSlckness .and'eath'ahkh ter forty year s.ror.'7nnrft trt 4u. The hardt 'i.oihexipqtontfto wnoraln atalland theipeoplo drove the L3Vtbiqg for,usrto do U to beo public opin- -s grBten portion of their. , cattle r over th9 Ion, ai far , as regards dress.'; We caro too liitd tho J3ay in order to save the re--' wup :much forj what; people may ifrink ; of our iriainder. nSo there is, a slight distrust of looks. .Let. tho sisters ono and all 1ako the ;ptoyidencO jOTery year untli tho ground is a4vica airchH4 and r'rrcmato very wcu BoaKeq.:u , a M. K. the Exponent. PRACTICAL HINTS. he-trie- . -- . : of. corset in the Territory, and make room for a healthy circulation of tho blood; or, in. other words, hiko room fdrfjlfe fo dwell in our bodies. If we feel' indifferent about our own health and I i fenle t us, have gome 7 consideration for our 'posterity. " A great responsibility rests upon this peojplo in .regard to future generations, arid unless, wo take heea we will com.e, under condemnation. The Lord has a great work for this people to do, and it will take all the health, strength, ability, might and power we can muster. The Lord will not force health and happiness upon Us, but He will help us to obtatn it if we will follow His instruction. Now I think we have got something 'to do, and I think it is time we set ourselves about it, before our little ones are all taken from us and we are left to mourn in sorrow. -- An equal love, that shall c&nstant burn; - Dontt marry A woman's life Is a precious thing, : Her love is arose unwitbei lng; Would you bury it deep in its early spring? Don't marry a man to'save him! . L pork-eater- a death-dealin- : the veritable women of Utah, are more or leas agitated and ineonsed with the movements of the An women of our city, who are seeking to arouse public sentiment against us to deprive us of our rights and privileges as American citizens; who are forming themselves into societies to strengthen their forces that they may better accomplish our ruin. And could we feel otherwise, we would- be unworthy the name of wife, or1 mother; but as it is, we feel the utmost contempt for those meddlesome friends wno are taking such active measures to regulate our family affairs. And while we are justly indignant with them let us make room in our minds for another subject the "Word of Wisdom." I wish it might be sent to every settlement in the Territory, withinstruction for the Saints to write and talk about it in their meetings and in alUheir social gatherings. Do "We, - ; ; we as a people realize ' the importance of those precious words? Do we accept them 'as the word of God unto us? Are they observed by this people as they should be? How few Latter-daSaints there? are In this Territory at tho present time who abstain from tea and coffee; and the Use of Twhlskey and tobacco Is increasing; and how . y , few consider it worth while rttf even give a thought to these and Mother unwholesome practices. Is It not high lime to wake up and open our eyesi and- - look about us? If : the Lord had! no, purpose in giving the --Word of Wisdom; why did Ho take the , ? , - . - V re-for- r m 4 . , oa a ' r -- i , c:- - , " . - yoT1'6 ,: ; of,Df na - i,.; |