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Show WO M A N'S 112 EXP ON K N T. A CIIAPTER.IN THE LIFE OF NAOMA, goods, - to endure the scoffs of friends, and breast the storms of adversity Naoma was the daughter of of IiM She felt that she had passed through the Chester. New York,' where some of her furnace affliction, and no more could be ' Her required nf "family still; preside. f She married. of woman. ; husband was a moral man, a skillful mePnnr NYinma. she' knew not all. The chanic, and a good financier; she an indusof1 not yet draincuLHer trious, frugal, and loving wi fe. A few short dregs her cup were coum ever, trust years of labor and love, crowned with the huslxmdhe to whom she and who had blessing of home, with all its endearing sur- - ingly confide any thoughts, Tountlin and nippertunancesrcausexhher eeihus4rusUuglycohtlcoLiB Liierecame heart to swell with uncontrollable joy as she suddenly silentand toughttul. His steps .contemplated the haven of domestic bliss became neavieraiminsueau she surprised a looiv oi .reuuu . aohiiuiuu hpnf nnnii bpr. it was instantly averted. Her -- Uut a came. saW, "My mi?Sio..aiy tho wdriit that she : como to you iu tho name of my I friends, T i,rr l,s. - - : .!,s-. , o a a f w "r iIll 1111 Villi il I'll Illlll .. IIMI III lillHIl III a. 1.1 1 ,1X.-Iill mc nature. She sought ins connaence, ne n the Alter of sacrifice accompanjes it that - iuIe( aino-hhp m1P fnniripi. l rfHiiiirPd faKTifiro 'H1 til:1 von 50U 'ViT? said, "I cantiot reveal to,you the. burden of now Naoma appeared in the midst of her household with a new peace, in her soul, which spoke its own language through her countenance. Her husband returned from -- - He i I - r , ' I fi;. riTi ii I -o- 4- - f hoIdjdcaniiThe iou, a S -- nr&hrmrrhtr-tn--make - .. 1 no-ii- ofoouron fmciUgnumelvev Monthrrolled byT" She sought-hiirnnfttl iho fTirnlrmTTerePuMrdhW : -- V"" I tt.. ,..m i i"5! I .,r,i " """? ;uiu ou lor. i,u "our i u win iirctv iiir cmrM'ivi ,eil u r ,,t , 1 "' iJLiiKr. together." i V "I cannot define my he replied, i an end to even "that'' hour Her husbandTcntcredher -- ap.1rtment and There cam tHow-- do unliapnv'" .aonlaw. s: confix you ' vou Icf-DJ--";1'V- m' to than this- iSow fcfhrther seryant of lhe rost iligh: I know that iiriillectionsT-yourtimeTTOuridt-ta-Him z- -, ' - wu.xi VZZutt'l tho neighboring settlement where he had been to preach, and she met him with smiles and tears. He took her hand carefully in his,r and asked,r "what has happened to anabseneeAnd-she- you d uring-m- y swnrrul Onlv tlmf ihc Tirfl lihj doicnwl t reveal to ine thVseeretyououghtto kee said, "Naoma, They both wept. At length he She- - replied. f'Thc CQuld y0U bear it?" so solemn, that I cannot subject is so sacred, n. ...:n - o1; , bllo the God of Abraliam is yor'God; I know man, and therewith She ought to be content. JIe a wi.0 dictator: and wherein His wavs: Thoy accepted the comniisiou with its She would aiot ho an exacting wife; she aro no as niv wavs wish vou to heed His mclatioiis ref'ardles of me. - In spite of communis, uiiu xueir irienus ana tneir pos- - wouiu iry 10 ui5Hripuuu uciimuu w was on a easier to Kirfami "buch the satisfied, alters an sougni se.isjons victory journeyed 1ly grooti resol a t ioiis I formed beforarthei land, Oh iov" where a lew wliD" hadaccepfed"' "thair"a"chiorcd.;'2iIer ifi,Mi invself weak before vhu." hear' Iheu mum commission, JnuU preceded thenir 4 would-rebe- lj it would yearn 10 huslrand a few months, and ' vou trust will freely they had received, freely they must rocal trust, which she leu was essenuai lindmotrf j u i ura avus oneness no to itu oi iw;umi preserve respecter persons; tins j give, ijioa Three months later, Naoma caressed her commission must.be oft ered to all people, connubial bliss. fifth child. And her husband siiid, "can The harvest was great and the laborers few. was ine equiiionumoi uw junm, u muu voll 1U..V i.npii xvii h ,nft sH ihn or(A Aifnr Naoma's husband must take a mission to had been so long (Iisturi)cu, never 10 oe , n j ti,ori, :,, fi.o ,r(wr.nr.f nf fiml rAn.roi Ho t h (Lbest she: could m restored ? Europoienmust witnesses, of your own free will and a little rented house, with three little (inn morninir in earl V sprincr, her hus- - choice to nie wivesV" Naoma breathed mouths to fill, six little feet to shoe, and all band went to a Southern settlement to a little give shorter, but answered unhesitatingly, the etceteras thereunto Ix.ionging. No preach. Susan Dean called, Naoma received sir, and bless you, and bless them, and matter. She had a light heart and a ready her kindly, even cordially, but the sadness "yes, thank God that I have the privilege." husband was her her on of he would that pervaded the atmosphere hand; person, duty, Did Naoma still love her husband-?-..Her honor his commission, and God would bless was sensibly felt by Susan. She said,' "my own words were that she "reverenced" him his labors. Her duties would be made light; dear friend, you are not well let me now. . ue Ana they were do snmpthin&r for vou." Naoma tried to nappy. mey . wouiu their letters filled with affection, smile, said her ailment was only a fearful li9Ppy cheer constantly testi- foreboding of an unaennaoie someuuiig inai confidence, and good the three last 'elected United States ' fied. sometimes she that miserable" made her "so Senators are accused of havinir houzht' their Years sped swiftly by, arid., sacrifice" was feared tjie Evil One had put his linger in seats: Bogg, of Missouri; Ingalls, of Kansas; almost fonrotten in the iovs of the return. her pie. Jhit she. couia jiot eat in ine and Jones, IJut once enlisted, the armor must not be morning; they would have a cup of tea, and "No cake no cards no divorce," was . laid off; .sin must be combat ted at home'and then she would feel better. The water in appended to a Vermont marriage notice a soon and was tea abroad. kettle to A mission iAtAl boiled, the New the polished England It is to be hoped the last condition .. O States came . Tlieir neighbors did nqt. like snow white napkin spread on the teaboard, will be valid during life V 0ri which was placed some temptingly nice , their commiissiom ; Lqckman the phil'os opher, was once auu asked who had given him his first lesson in piuut jucocn. Missouri would not be told that, if she Dreau, uuiier the tea flavor, the right just wisdom. "The blind," he replied, "who sinned, the hand of an avenging God would pronounced eat. Susan marveled, do not move a stepnot ''could Naoma but - in ad valrce ;untillthey J)e st retched put pjerher.hesacommis and bade her friend good C.T7 t 7 sure of make the ground with their stick,' sioriers were driven into.IUinois. Naoma OTened a book, it seemed mockery; Character is hiorher than intellect. With an increased family, increased nn Vvritcr had ever felt as she felt she Thinking is the functionary. The stream poverty, and decreased bodily health, our honed not and if not, they could have no retreats to its source. A great soul will be heroine was here. Her wifely confidence, sympathy with her. What could she do? strong to live as well as strong to think. and christian motherly devotion, resignation, She folded her arms and gave her mind a Living is a total act. Thinking is a partial were subjects of remark and admiration for few moments to a new train of thought. act. Let the grandeur of justice shine in her acquaintances. Tho light which they AVhy had she not brought the burden of her his affairs.. Let the beauty of affection had received, must not be hid. The com- soul to 'the feet of Jesus? There she could cheer his lowly roof. The scholar loses no mission must be held up here. The world be understood; there she had ever found hoUr that the man lives. must be reproved for sin, and warned of a succor, comfort, strength, , as her circumEyes. The eyes of men converse as Jto'come j udgmcnt stances had required. There" she would much as their tongue. with the advantage Naoma's husband must fill another mission bring this, her great sorrow. that the ocular dialect needs no dictionary, recess. of Tears nations. The among the European but is understood the world pver. When She retired .toa silent peaceful trust that pervaded her bosom, made the contrition filled her eye?, while with low the eyes say one thing tond the tongue an- little log cabin with its shake floor, in and tremulous voice, she pleaded with the other, a practised man relies nn tho liinn-iWwhich the and her sick children were left, Father in the name of the Son to show her of the first. If a man be off his centre, his a Kina or paraaise to her; she couia make the wherein she was unworthy, that she might eves show it. You can read in the eves of for his sake, and tho repent, make a just restitution, and be your companion whether your argument rough places-smoo" cause they had espoused, enabled to discharge the duties she owed to hits hini,4houjrli his tongue will not confess ;; Again the husband returned. He erected litirself, to her huslxind, family and to the it. There is, a look by which a man 'sfiows-ha commodious dwellincr. which thev- - soon world, in a manner acceptable to God. is going to say a good thing, and a look filled with home comforts. A sweet voice from the Celestial Court when he haj said it. Vain and forgotten The blessed reunion had almost removed the traces of notified her that her petition was heard, are all the fine offers and offices of hospitality anxious care that were becoming visible on that the offering of her contrite heart was if there be no holiday in the eye How Naoma's countenauce. She thanked God accepted, and that the channel of communi- many furtive inclinations arc avowed by the that He hail enabled her, if not joyfully, cation was now open. On the holy commu- eye though dissembled by the lips! Emersox. iineoiiqilainingly, to take the spoiling of her nion I draw the curtain for half an hour. J ' unajn-qucrablplieart-- to-da- y, ... of-Nevad- . - . I a I -- ; n j t th . -- : A |