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Show WO MAN ' S K X P O XKXT. 52 fir the promotion of good. And if husaged French lady. . .. . .The siadt Theatre of man as they Xew York, was lately sold at auction for bands and wives would One hundred and etehtv vounr and hardy $12,200..... .The Grand Lodge of Odd I el should do upon those points, not many, of their daughters would run Mi hi after the silly vanitehmiaveate A new- - ocean cable has recently been laid amendment for; admission of menders ex- - ties of the world, but won id live and work for :. fmm 4ha ftiiflTAit- Mnt-iTWijiml in TTnnn- - nelled more than ten years......"JiarK nobler and higher aims. But men of the world ver....Y.Gold medals have, Jeen sent to Stan- - Twain" has sailed in the "Scotia" for Eu- - do not wish their wives and daughters to be the prudent and temperate, or they would set betley, the explorer, from the St Petersburg ropeAmerica istobevisited hyasonof Presilate the ter examples before them than they do. If find Florence geographical societies.. ....Some Khedive of Egypt.. ....Juarez, wasIndian... a of .'ono now states that Horace Greeley, instead dent Mexico, better than the extrava women were for London in cat was sold, A recently, of Wilkes Booth, was or should have been gant , sic k Iy,si Uyr: va in tin ngs t hat4 heya re, 1 8 is liussia . of n ..OneH&lred .. .TlMTimpulatioii Lincol n's assassi people $255... men, taking them generally, in their present on is his way out of 500,000. were lately thrown ....IofessoriVgassiz employment, degenerate state, would sink to nothingness be. The father of the late James "bv. the homeward...,. a of rope factory.v. Portland, burning side them. has been from different general Fisk, jr., parts About fifty delegates, THK TERRITORIAL FAIR. of 0e United Stales and Canada, were pres- - J, AV. Phelps, atJ5rattleloro, Vt..,. .The n and popular journalist of Xew eiit at the session of the Caledonia society At the meeting of the Board of Directors of of iSorth Ainerica......Tho Indians at Por-- Orleans, Paul E. Roman, is dead.... ..A pro- the Deseret Agricultural and .Manufacturing tage la Prairie, Canada, "refuse theirannui- - ject for a tax upon domestic servants, was on Sat- :irovidel y tfcity, and recently brought forward in the French as- -- Society, held in the Historian's .ottice ties, as last-yerlrclare that unless itteriterinsiareigrantejd sembly......A literary revolution is in pro- imiftveniiigjrAiigiis to publish - a stop surveys...;. Jn the past tWo gress in, Poland .77:3 r. IV Con way says the hitr pivsiding, it was decided SPLINTERS. co-oper- ate - full-blood- ed g airy-thin- -- J ,- horse-whippi- ng well-know- ar theyIl HrHiHildivK :yeJiXwciitytW ties thitMighoutLisDr. of brother approaching Territorial Fair. "We take great Livingstone, residing at Well, Canada, has received letters from the pleasure in printing; the circular, as r piosfl doctor, sent by.. Stanley.... ..Miss Diekiiison by the Board, which reads as follow.--: is now. slid to be quietly pursuing her lec- SAir Lakh Citv, August 17, 187:1 ture studies at home. TO THE FEMALE RELIEF SOCIETIES - 4eahles-lv(v- b England, Franco, Spain; irolland, Turkey, China, South America and Australia...... A late fire in the press room of the "Christian Union," ncniy.;Wanl.Beecliers jiaper, de- stroyed about $10,000 worth of property.-.- .. cases of sunstroke in Xew i Twenty-thre- e occurred on m i vr n Yorlq and .neven UJlAiN LAI Ui LA I . o rVDAVrvrn G. " Saxe takes the 15th of August..;...John the stump for Greeley and Brown. Half ' tociSE i ureexe, Editor, the slate pencils used in the world are claimed by Vermont to be made in the G recn Mounta i n State.. ....An English stock Published in Salt Lake City, Utah. Terms: One one one two for shortsix month?, i. Ten copies has copy 2; copy, year, $l.i,()0U purchaser paid horned heifers in Kentucky,. ....Carl Schurz , Eat Temple ftreet, delivered his speech in Chicago in German... Campbell & ratterson.tieneral Agent-, lJiiku oaii till. It--is4elieved:that Charles Sumnertind N;Ir AdJre?? all Dusine3 commanications to Publishers Wom s's Exioxkxt. --Biinkswill take tho Garstumpin Maine Salt Lake Cjty, Vtah. rison tries to prove that Greeley vas never ; iUjrp urnu lynr semi-monthl- y, .. -- - f -- C. UvK SKKMBKI! 1, 1S72. Hhoronghfare, is lo bo pavod with PAI'T American wood at a cost of $25,000.. ....Kate AVHb IS TO BLAMK? Field is engaged to write for the "American Begister',......A Now Hampshire paper It has become so popular among the fashion- reports that twenty persons ana a negro U.nnumAf tv!;f and; sickly, aWf its neighborverelaptisedonaSuhday,in under the care of a physician,thata woman brw? T?W 1 with I'Uth and has sense Saratoga, i an Indian maiden, who sells hvho !s b,est to is r.. appreciate it, likely to leconsid- k ai iiine springs. .... Rev mis enough eoarse and masculine eml in her lalK'ockhas entered pastoral possession of the as well physicaljr-anizatio- n. mental.as If a mlpit of Warren street 'church, in Boston.... 11 I a, Lst vonr. KiKrniu ImnMit. from the In Hot. s1 uowl ot horn nv eujuv eAuoeranuy -- rent :tk ovhnivtif itAlf iend-wor- &1Q i Ann AAA '.i r.. '"-1 .ArH. mil,... ,vf The Besefet Agricultural and Manufacturing soci et v. a t a m cctim? of i ts board of directors on the 10th da v of Amrust iiist.. recog nizing the fact that heretofore the ladies have contributed in a liberal manner to their de partment, until it has iKfome one of the lead- nig i ea i u res oi our exinpinons, oniereo inai a circular be written Killing Upon all the Belief unite ajid lv eoncentnition of f-fort accomplish that which will be highlv cmlitable and be partdlel with UtahS- advanced growth. Exhibitions of domestic products and manufactures are considered of such utility -- a'ud that they form a prominent part of the civil polity of the nations; and the ieople who foster and excel in their products and lay the foundation of commercial inde... - -i- heavy tarifls of traisiottatimi, have n, vith hand. While attaining the desirable status of having "the U'auty of our apparel the workmanship of our own hands," the laudable condition is also reached of fur- ior me neavj tide of inl niigmnts coming westward and for the leidon OI J OUlll gH)A OUT lllKlst. lllg IM) 111 V won to fho wi iVnf!u-iid- ' T.ndij vrin are respectfully invited to contribute and to MKcan active part in rendering this cxhibi-antioli u ,stel inllvaKe of its predecessors. Tne Fair will !e held in the 13th AVaitl aehibly Booms, in this city, on the 3d, 4th and othof Octoler, so as to close before the com- - - ,V 1 a v-ei- : u in ii ui i'f iiinipiiin " ;:,- novt nuwsiH'akim-mrCim- nt rtfri iti - ii r t-- p1"" im.-i- ii j ,ui, i ... 4 4 1 - '( As-majori- Conference. Semi-Annu- al Uo l"ei nicy nave been endowed, to alleviate lacing, ln those who necil V toilet of the nishionable lady of the day, which assistance: '! 7 makes a sacrifice of health and all. real happi- - For the benefit of the ladies we give the two ness. and cannot fail to nil htPrehifd tiro dnfi. classes of articles in wliWi fliov'nromnn. di. ' More than half the fault, for this Itishionable reily interestcnl, for which In? prizes will I e I to taken may from the list of premiums for lolly, charged justly men, though awarded, women are so severely blamed for it all. F.r the Tenth exhibition oMho 'Keiiv . . r - ' .i. w. r m ..e n Mi,w i .. ,n mii- niu', kukii ano'.i.. iauniui Jiushaud. is v oruer or the Board: coinif- to far.over-reac- h the line in nnvJ 'iM'Vlli V CLASS. T.IiVDlfs' AVokk. -- 1 A 1 -- - . - 7 - I ty; much. to add to its interest; they can is the taste, how skill- and how competent in ivork preyaloiit, yet eeiiseless ofiuany kin.b .anti those who devote aport ion - 1 j - 1 V0". d Mearino-n"ic- u tK!rtcley anil Bmwnclub.... , . oa" "ot Albany- : imil ir (Iwi (Miiri I'liiif'iihinii' lir iiwni auu-u,.ll,n u nun' over the Niagara Falls iw,y mm . . I (inlted .girl, i. on me -- oui oi J ui v.. i lasses preserves" serves as an emetic, and who ean i i Chicago laid over a mile of sidewalk' in July.... ..The female students who claimed admission to the Scotch Universities, li.ive g:u nod their poin t .... ..A Boston Inilo wears mo nonors ai i apo May......Bret Jlarto is w two imkils. one ining a nuKKinima - i - in Main hundred and eiffhtwh printers havt- f)riiKnl 1it -- tiv ii ty very nefiwoii-ever- Italy, boasts oyer century old, the.: youngest, being.105 genuine, iimrtrIaugnfaiul-iiot'-ciiiplaiit-of-the eldest 117. .....The Grant men think fearful pain in the side for the next fort to carry jMaine, September 0th, by 49,000 hours; she is thou1ht to le vulgar and unculti- but Greeley men say. they wont, vated, and no matter how.' chaste and finished to wear his trousers in- - her educational developments, rslie is an nm Giikelkv is said ' I . a . i. t .1.. i i. i. uoes ,,r,i l.i. .Mue i i iMjois iu snow jio iioi iuuy mm- - associate for those gentler, more.: delicate and ,1R'uee,nent of'tnc gm)ds-.....Turi- mportance stimulus t encourage them in this direction. and milk, anil not be rcjulv in dio li iii, ...wi Li .faJ :l oon nnn aaa ... it ioouwu.uui; worm or iiADiEs: . pendence. A ieople situated as we are, so remote from other manufacturing districts, aided by the . , . lnHirft.m..). ner .w, n:e .nh- can maKe and own..lel: sweep theroomor indulge in a eightywomen i inamiiaeiureu uoiu . THnOU(iHOUTUTAHTHBIUTOUV: m-dustr- ies non-sensiti- ve Qfofsia . : m-int- l - w - .- . . 'w.J v iii.uujuiii ; Mrs. Elizabeth Barlow, Bountiful. - I 1 i - |