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Show ---- yO -1- fl , mmj, Pages II. j Th - A AKE . Salt Lake Citw Utah, Monday Evening, November XO. 561. n id rcldtr lonlrht. Probably mjw LJ' "l"',J u Phice, Tun nr. Cent: 10. 1003. THREE FIREMEN KI LLED, UTAH COAL MINERS GO ON THREE INJU RED, IN A BIG CAR F IRE AT CLEVELAND STRIKE, SAYS AN OPERATOR AHEAD : Not Only Will Salt Lake Be Without Coal, but Every Industry in the State Will Be Tied Up, It Is Announced. Nov. 16. With an official announcement by railway officials that the "Wentworth avenue line would be operated on a regular service schedule, .1IMUJIJ JJU '8..' I'rit Lump and nut Yard slack Mine slack SI. to L:,i . fmuii!l r n-- nrn-Mr.- ft w r t Ti.r -fn Lrrt Ir.t't fh Failing Wall. ha t' t h-.- alfli V t. ni:-ir-!- lf Ji i J,'t 5Vr fir4,1 f ' t C rr, rv ( s hrrb .v. h - -. 1 f !: tit;.: - f i -, , r 'ff'V.l insi ;nf ) " -- r- Jh r t H ' proitii.s Ml!)- and fff-rta final fXtruti Snftr .K4inH t M fion th- - l 1 n Vtl j U- - t itr ; 1 that will be futaldUhl in v Nu. . tb- - l'i Iv Sn-- jt of ,f:r . . a-- will K Ir.to I; hvh I'rl. ilee s torr.tt.it all future tlTTc nvr.1l ltr.ort.int It - M -, r- er; !ii ,;, r . I iherjsh'y i h,i 1 in K '! h ' " f ir-.u-- n n iti iht t f .' 4i,I If f "T1 c 1. . t j 1 ?t ' 4 ".I W ,1 " H '"i t Jl - : " , !h' f : . t fc.r, J ' r , , 4 : r '' - i ;. 1 1 , v J' ' it'' i " v. ' J ' - r 1 t r I 1 - . ; ' f rrrt r n f 5- ;i : - ' r t T . X g J f. it t 1 ..... i. '! I norcs AwarJofAnlhra-;- : cite Commission. ; .'.-- t i 1 f.-- ti3(Tl Another Coal Concern ft- - ' i ih- - I ' 5 J. ft . 3i'---. I ..:. WASHINGTON. 1. !. .1 1 jr r. j f r C 1?t ; ftf c f i 1 f !. Adjourn t .J n-- d 5. ; rimr,;l!!t. th- - . ti4 ; j - K Jinri is . . t S.Oo i 1 nt t"!y. t r, i T '; t tf!t .if. tir.ly l:,-?- ar r f !. U. S. SENATE WILL MAKE THOROUGH INVESTIGATION OF APOSTLE SMOOT'S CASE BACK PAY Vht th IS REFUSED W,.H!I.V;TN. Nn. tUy ut 4"no.i itamii Itlt'M'nx IU tn! Price. Advance. Advance. , $ .".ti $'..". ent ary 1 in itj.ft t si.l 3 COMPARISON OF NEW AND OLD PRICES. Pi r, r - hotel. ' 1 shown by the following1 table: f J lre.-dden- prices i" tlearly ' houc a.rt twenty were en route for the business Superintendent Weatherwax of the railway company declareu he was prepared to operate as many cars during the day as the city could afford xoIlce protection for. Repoits to the effect that union rmn were going over to the company and deorganizationllix-kle-are declared by serting the t M. C both and Secretary L.. I). Illand of the union to falsehoods. f coal 1h Ulll)-- - district. old and new s a! 2 non-unio- . ihe contrast between the ' Cases arc becoming numnoui where pajmenger who rHe und'f por Jf ik f Th . itil!rg tni'h f i n n lice protection on tarn manned by crew hae. Il In '5 ItArk r .!aTr flsttin t",itf H I r It at rr- - 6f tf , i teen followed by ftrike tympathlierii after leavlnir the rar an 1 Wen tie t th-fir th tnr-b!, a'-i- f r i". " cte I jj beaten and stoned. Th? first raw in which omn fgure I Ih.'t of Mu irSk ar.J nhj h f ,'!s.r . rs f asf ; I'.eatrlce Klmbark and her mother, who 1ff that they rf- - th jr r-- . t t 'r.. ; u if Jf sailed by 11 crowd near Thirty-nint- h street ar. l Wentworth vfnu. ti w J ? Klmbark has iworn out a warrant charring Charl r J j t i If f fiw-t Harpr. a unWn : r s & f 'tn ihmmi conductor, with having struck her In the face. lhr, At intervals cf five minute? cars left street barns until the Seventy-nint- h "There is no question of wages, hours', or our treatment of our employees at stake," continued this official. "The strike, if there is one, will be solely on sympathetic grounds to help Colorado. "Our latent reports from the mines h PASSENGERS FOLLOWED AND ASSAULTED. 3 fore. Purely Sympathetic Strike. Will I) 0 i J? 5) tho movement of cars was resumed today. The police in force were masked about the barns while a detail of patrolmen rode upon every car, as hereto- pany, made to The Telegram today. JJEtt-JL"J- & CHICAGO. "If the coal strike at the mines of the Utah Fuel company succeeds and the mines am closed down, it means not only the cutting off of Salt Lake's main source of coal supply, but the shutting down of every industry in the State of Utah." This is the statement of one of the highest officials of the Utah Fuel com- H Incendiary Maze Destroys Street Railway Barn, Involving Heavy Loss; Firemen Caught Under CARS OPERATED WITH BUT LITTLE INTERRUPTION ON ICAGO LINES; PASSENGERS BEATEN BY STRIKERS f thai vhn trutb'jr are, however, encouraging. Sunnys.ide ment of tho Vtah Fii' ! company, rfu-1 . jt;tl'n t .4 1 ri -l I r. t Morrron ihurch v . N'- , J -4t In ih hr.At- - 1 h.TTHVU.i.j; i is the only camp where there is any to any rhaf of th' situation ecrThem"mbfr of the crm !m e v. nrf !. mair,!!-1 in hi h up In IhU jmc question t Tv j? t - ' with a r.ewp.ip-- mm. f.. t disaffection and at that more than half - nf I th. Mormon tlrh UM It sid the chJrrh v "I shall tell you nothing," waa hi anprp tl'it t a f i"s I a iI' t . of the regular number of diggers art- at p.;cam) I; jut ' i . aft-nIn lw o l t I ... V f tl !t uir.d-ha. tl work, and tho?e who rnt a few days swer to every question propounded t' lbt lit- would not ? ion i a him today. ra is- - if r far frf rn. .iy how polygamy. iie ciqo are hourly returning. biir c ' ; . .! p. f a I t f if -. u' '" ; i.e mu( h col.he had on hand, how iong tlr- ly r.'HTtm' cTTT What : t I ha l i"4 M TTuinm.n : it i. uti etroWill Frotect Consumers. ' - ir : 1 supply would last, whthr ther l to th of lh Pftwtor t'tah seating . , t s was any prosper t of a furth-- r advance l t "Should there, however, be a shuta t t tu:nl--- r The Committee on l'rlvllf mil rlvllor, b l.UAn down of the mines, we will see to it that In prlc or anything else that was re. ; t It twri t;fttRl y ?. pu SVy A.- Mi.ihrwr. si I - 1Jr r. .; ! i! k t so long as iher is a pound of storage lated to coal in th remotest m.ir.nr. bearing n thi. matter nr.l h ('.-- f . f In will IwdmJf of t!ttl-rhiart tb" thJt n was not elo Mr. tnmeyx on they not raise p.r. coal di"rourtuu hand, the dealers Sharp Tiniesod t'r r J5: but acted like a man who had sr.tiriK of Mr. SnK.t. the r'oiil price tbove the figures now refusal, be--in fitvcc. told not to talk. The rx.iil Sin of proctlur" tbat will t Tj r t r ' ? rsttniti' ntfrd MtI by lh "ItV'Vorts from Winter Quarters. Casr hi d. will not jt-It b.en ut int til prob,bl t.t ieatn lif tle Clj: and (lear Creek show that our What Would We Do? To h.,t th icKular Hiio!i of - Fifty-Eight- h ;vnurt'.t.!ei Cor,gT fu'1'VSrv.-' .: if working at theqe joints ce d in the that strikers sik "Suppose v.h-trl itrt-l! It r will will tent tin and from - 1 and I'tah inquiry e. t n b ' t. r t f j i and tn? men are doing more work, shutting down the rtah min"s." axk-" t!-r Mill arc th matter the for the details k!M. om''rniiiR bmore coal than ever. Th" Thf 'lVlegram reporter of Mr. Hib'i k, turning Out coal 1 mine. is not a commercial Sunnyside 'ylm t will Salt I,uke Ido for coal?" ! It for was almost is 'Til be used his know," entirety hanged if product, but CUT-OFthough, tint th coking, so that even were the Sunny-sid- e answer. "I beli-a X Is ' J mines closed, the general public railroads could and would spar consid' r ! J .' . ' -v a.. 3 K J. would not suffer. erable from their storai.e supply." ' w r . 11-- , To th uuestlon. Manager jiinv on Ground. the J Agitators t it Critchlow said: j Formal Ceremony of Driv a r can I "You well as ran. Just its visitguess are Colorado from "Agitators X', me." T'n ing our mines with the object of orgnt -- It's beyond Burton on Last the h su ing suggested that IUtjj Spike izlng the men into unions. If they a Manage, I (k J ; t services of a good query Uemandeu succeed in doing this, tlfey will immeI bH-but the express-that of r attorney, out ord the them mine?, diately Next Fridav. not because the men are dissatisfied, there is coal enough now in the citv to but to help win the miners' contentions supply its needs for thirty Jajs. 4 ' Whi'.e the rush of orders from ol in Colorado." - t ; t . onsuniT.i is by no means as gn at today This statement, 'iil.ofi in conjunction I t1 It ir ! as during last week, none of the dealers It a;t. a v tf. '."., 01 "'-with the fact that th retail coal deal1'"-Hit c of At tS WASHINGTON. Nov. 16. Petition a.iint th- j i l! .t it ' ers have today raised their price on is complaining about lac k of I uslneyv, ; : ; v f ; K ' 0, .f t' ;.? f slo. W. KJ!l , ton. is as there are many orders taken last Pmoot at I'nitetJ State Senator are pouring m. Tie , (.Itv cut o : . lump and nut coal to ier t t t r t ;; ? taken by many to mean that the coal week which are jet unfilled. T. I, and the Women' club., at Cincinnati. hv? rs .;'. tn a t l", of "r ".!; I,.; ., t , iiwr ' I Hituation is more serious than many n,!n Shipments from both thf Wvominc rr h nearly ..f Stat i'rtin cry t!" tines, hr..!o prex iiting and are organlxjttona mines I'tah in coming steadily suppose. Nln- - of tl.ri a suilicient to keep Bevcildge of Indiana I th rrviplni of m,.prmi today, in qiant!tl-T h- rs.'" f iff j v Thirty-Da- y Supply Here. rt the storage supply up to the normal. f Icned by over individual.. Many of th Ir.dlvidu l Kiicnrt- - t, t ,1 Go-i'" irI ouv j4oletis. one fjan In i.;rtlulr llng blgriat-The visible supply of co.il In Fait to r,"k fe-- a rf . " J..i-t t .ntn Ge f G,. ft!" la;-- butr I Ttke, according to the estimates of the ni-- S' that the vtltlott tralty rcpteat nuinv tho-ikr-r l", v 1. r Principal dealfii? who were sen by Th1 beat ih c!tir.c?, of Indiana. ito? Amor the Juf tiiioa .y St r. rc'!vel Telegram today, is :.ot generally :t j t fi wre Kkom. tie fiom with several 1! s'.snem rurf.erov.s ') fUowtrr r" iVjx fiM" a.l to be sufficient to stand between : r. r l :r J I .it r 4 Anderson. ea h representing hi rhtar'i ! the citizens and cold weather longer rt,i. "t!, m Ca-hKe-- t. J n. Wt.'.i W. Fc; Charles I.uce. I Walter "l !! I. &! than thirty days. tjr i?.n 4 tit'.--. Hobart I. Maronl nd T. W. Grtfton. The bg..n of tfiat l.rly : r; Manager Critchlow of the Bamberger f tut Her to a Social tt ri Coal company says it would not last b rjtj lied l)ecaue h Kive Jc, aliegian e jo a gimii!""t Smooi J.t " t..n . G..-. G errr. E1W-becThomas two weeks; longer than the Kcpubhc f the Fnttcl States, nane ly. h Mormon thurh. hi i ! iiic su- head of the Citizens' Coal comEvent in Country Is 'rf lr.in tfji' r Htt,f-i.."- , a- - J jrrty U x rior authority by illne sn tion to control tt in eij a rvtnber pany, believe? the supply might possi.hIl t s. l f. l a pf) ci- r rcllrviou! nftalt If It also Kke thai i , tr ! t bly hold out three weeks. Other estift f. r t rUr i' .ir.. , mates varied somewhat between these Dazed by Blows From a mist. fcr In that ciiw ho would -' v to; at or of the law of nl 0 n Stite. MissJns From Home, 1 At the Cincinnati convention John . Mtirtin Harf l two extreme?. :j t n tn G t movement acInt Senator Smoot at Jl and many !nn.ili r M'int According to statements made by Rowdy Crowd, Ludwig added. : -- A r dealers to The Telegram this afternoon, ! .fS women to P) :r.!A. of the will th Washington aftT Many g' the extra 25 cents a ton now added to c i Journs to oppose the pealing of Senator Sm .t. the retail prices, which it was generFired Wildly. i . . II' $r).r.O for inj ally supposed would remain at : lump and nut coal, i3 made imperative reasons. t for several CHICAGO. Nov. It. Dazd by blows ' 5 a ?- ' ' ;; 9 Ji The Advance Explained. struck by men who had insulted th woman of whom was he the Kllerbeck young Citizens rscortinir. Manager -- t T . Coal company explains the situation as Hudo.ph Iaidwlg drew a revolver last follows: a and tired two shots. ll "It is a rule of business that where night Rule for Both struck Oppose Frank frkn-Far his Special Jcr. you have more invested your profits must be larger. The coal companies and companion, who also was struggling have raised the price to us 13 per with the crowd, and inf.Icted wounds Consideration of Recent; we have raised it to the consumer from which Sanders dl d two hours 16 3 per cent. But there is more than lat( r. the Investment to be considered. Thf ciprocity Measure. coal now comes to us, shipped in the big a Uun or r 11.1 mVf ihfef Judge W. C. Hall thi moinlrg bandsteel 'battleship' cars, which hold fifty ! wt.rk ith a t ,tnte i to-10 ed down a dv Hion In the tons each. It costs us whnin lo per rent per J. t Iitf. , ton to unload these oars and the ship . ! : F. t was piair.tifT and f i: t Itotart 4ti j Harper t ?i Th la'r.tlf in t.i ment of coal in such huge bulk causes 5 : !: ".. t of that lh- - Katl I.ak ui I t .! v.. U Charl't Sembetk ani othfr r?r cent more slack, which we sell at bio. w rk Jn any jr,;.n 1 r(u t ".; e ? irI T i . 1 local union No. 13 of th" t'nlte.1 Assoloss.' '.' h- I ! I urd ro.:tt- - I a Ml; n "I state positively, and my book? are ciation nf Jourr.eynin Plumber, de- trr.l-G.t G.. K I S" !? to :5 on a cf i,i onen. that our net profits during the . - rt ! J i? rtg.irde.1 vb a tv which '. n ts. I: s'.!r j u tory fendants, l.ly to exceed 2 per cent on past vear are not we - . t- ! t v.'G'-v 1 i have handled. We DKNVKR, Colo., Nov. 16. Cuntrary to for the labor 11 r. lor. Th cane lr.rHed thity;n thai the j ,;r!rd..t rw bfu'-r l oil the coal that '1 tbj omy rivlittiiir f tt ; t u;"n are compelled to put on the extra quar the expectation that obtained on Satur the liabll'ty of latar union for !rr 5 deftndant j ."itlMC jf C r Ra out r,. jt n even.' to break ter :1 men of the opjortunlty rloer th4i no t day, coal mining was not resumed today ing tmnUr ff g ::---: t fc r fi to In G ;! I " ' 1 the work would trade. n. wotk Still Another Explanation. for organised who !iiaor..p in the northern Colorado field, the opeDuring the trial of the cafe Judge Hall the plaintiff, or ij- - n ar v where G j Me. Vi"!ct il rv 1 Manager Burton of the Burton Coal rators' proposition to concede an eight- - held w ; In n I lalntlff his ruIinR ! that or ti t unincorporated ha.j :nj ;.!. cor.fc5j.ny gave the same explanation ?. .ri ) fert.ci i'" hour day pending the result of the union cannot be held for tlu net of that the p:ij,tifr .. l pA M- tlli I: ftt Ccr3, ar? Jtvlded : , : .t G- r G IndividIndividual and t ru.f, under member, fr,e. In of m!I tht Colorado strike southern j.y tM"n been no been having rori, 'F'rV money at WA;-jtiN;making ! hfKI ual member could not be : for the thrJG; Ihftt by f. ,iv.r, r.f Gd uf ;f-.g' an iirV-- we a3ded th,s Quarter. During rejected by the minn. Information act of the union at I th- w ik r the that -i : r. ' H"ute. fU U" r.f pGo; . c t ;t I we ft, in th have raised southern Ilc'.l to the from the effect construction put upon his dllor. by wages c 4 f e .) t G the.ast year ft ii) 0,,j wl.bh he wcui: ot!.r hvturlty to $2 per day and that neither the operators nor the Mrik v. i. : I ., t of ojr men from G,. lie r g r : IV rome docof ! the to The rcur hud, frpresent. attorney ni lurrntl" ers Miyw an) 01 weaaening anl a trine adhered to nt that time our :ayment for drayage from 40 to : w m tr i r. r '.' by lh5 liar per inerrore cierrtn Ge rturt r if.rtiy cents a ton. Lmnng tne past year our prolonged struggle Is now expected. 5 VjGl PV.t Lasre; was that every Individual member of hi IHJ. court ' 1 r. r with ! nr. f r l G.e Mrh lnt?ret. G ,k ei.;t ti Because of lack of coal, owing to the of the union mut b r.arr.M In an ac- los of employment. net profits were only $1."S. The added t r :b4rr-"t-t it j art i ne - Jan 25 cents a ton was simply a matter of miners' strike, the Rocky Mountain Pation of thl kind. In order to reach th Arcordlnu to Ju(f Hair opinion th r f r rrv frc n G. Ar;au per company has closed its mills for an organization. wa I 1 union Juatirsei! Je Kreete ! the t'mer? thai !. t;.l He ; t ' r ' ' I f . ftttr-- rj the ur.d It trk A etlll broader question wa prevented, with reference to Manager David Sharp of the Pleasant indefinite period, throwing over 200 pr h cnn n and Ihe Harper, UU ef the tvhtvuSs 1 f c;.ba f;c-rj-taf sons out ol employment, as to whether 11 Is au yrJawful Act lor Uttar baj co came c: action. .Valley Coal company, the retail depart built Up ty ti.e P.ryyfc'.icas., 5 nt d:.--.-- r - 's -t fas.- t- ? T -! rSruin h hw u'nl' f- - tir.;? 1 i '. 1 1 : t- -e 'n. m . 1 -- if 1 thtrit. - - "-t- : r . :ity - - - u-- " -' - n-.- r th-city- i- 4i;' . r- - .. 1 1 -r. f- " '; 1 n t tf-le- FIRST TRAIN U- d '. f - ON F irr - ! SMOOT PROTESTS ARE POURING IN; W. C. T. U.; BEVERIDGE IN THE FIGHT f - - n;t .". .i !o.r 8 - 4 , 1 1 1.-- -- 3 1 1 ! s 1 1 i s .1 '. 1 1 1 ,r"li. s ;; !.,..( 1 pr--r,- r m-m- le-lieve- d ber HE K ILLED j- -. t- t i- 5 1 V- -- Cl--M- k, GIRL FOUND... MURDERED , . - HIS FRIEND -- $ rr. i'r l- enli1 - t- i- 1 -- -i . -- ...... ATTACK BY DEMOCRATS . UNIONS WIN VICTORY; ! 2-- 3 HARPER CASE IS THROWN OUT OF COURT BY JUDGE WA-iillN'.T- n Su-- r STRUGGLE o 5 W-- oil ;.. ! - " m ce LONG DRAWN 1 .. 4 - 1 5 5 1 p;-iro- !- 1 - I- - -- lii 1 non-unio- 1 ! 1 . T 1 ltt. 1' n .fiu' - pl-G- ll 1 jrfft " i 5 1 . 1 l . -H r-.- self-protectio- rr,-r,ft- -- ltl.t l-- .; |