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Show u The Salt Lake Telegram. MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1003. HOUNDED BY THREATS ND ORSES POLYGAMY OF PERSONAL VENGEANCE Wealthy Brooklyn Contractor and His Family Afraid ial of the Mormon Church Declares That Re vealed Right of Plural Wives Is Merely "Stayed." 0 1 0 0 SAYS POWER. CAN OVERTHROW- - SAINTS. NO out of 11000. For several weeks CaDDlello family hive hen In drrad of au.Ucn drnth because of letters received by the contractor, lgncd "li'.ack Hand." threaten. Ins the destruction of their residence by dynamite. Larg ium vr itman!M for Immunity, and finally Capplllo paid over $!(. More threat o)n fsllowcd and the demands of the coniplrr.torn vtre rdoubld. Th rnetnWr of th tl household feared to venture out of doom ftnd. In d:alr, they wpra'cd The Mormons turned their backs on their friends and on the grraves of their ancestors to come here to serve God. This church v. ill remain, and no power on earth Avill prevail against it. Our prophets may be stricken down again, and we may be driven from pillar to post, but the truth will prevail. We want no quarrel with those who come amongst us. They are of the same flesh and blood as we. We love the truth, the church and the prophets at its head, and we know that it will continue to Crow until the end. ELDER CHARLES W. PENROSE IN SPEECH IN THE TABERNACLE YESTERDAY. Eder Chr.rles W. Penrose, elitor of the Mormon official organ, made a daring defense of polygamy in the Taber-ns'.cl- e yesterday afternoon to a large audience, in which there were hundreds of touristr. Elder Penrose declared that polygamy revealed by the Lord, ard that an other revelation "stayed" it. He de- Chrisclarfd that many modem-da- y tians v;iio have opposed polygamy and the tliouE.hl of plural wives will not pro to heaven, because they will be unable to p.isr through the gates of Abraham. Elder Penrose said that Jacob had four wives, and also declared Abraham a polygamist. In his allusion to the church organization he said it was the first and strongest in the world, and was identical ,tO the church established by Christ, He explained at length the process by which revelalors and healers Secured their power, and told of the disappearance o? the true church a few after its establishment by Christ. It did not Rffain appear until revealed to Joreph Smith.. The Mormon church stands fcr truth, but is. not opposed to other religious movements if they be sincere and elevating in their character. Continuing, he. said: "Some people confuse Mormonirm and polygamy. They think they eve one and the was a revelation to us from Lordi Polygamy waos also stayed by tie revelation. We are the Lord through-in duty bound to support, our wives. If the world don't like it, why it will have to do the other thing, (daughter.) We believe that Abraham was a gcod and ! STORY FOR THE :E SALT LAKER BE FKOGS. Mr. Bullfrog sat sunning himself on the bank cf his pond, and wiggling his throat to get it in good shape for the at Lilly Pad hOUit'. opera- , Three young field i"ies came Faunter- looking for grasshoppers. They tided Mr. Bullfrog and were much attracted by the funny wiggle in hH green throat. 'I wish 1 could do that," it.aid number one. enough," grunted Mr. Bullfrog. "Espy ' Yes, but we haven't the kind of throat." said number two. "It's all in practice." commented Mr. F.og. "All in practice, I aspurft you. Practice, my dear mice, makes perfect. ins; b3 5- re EALT LAKH CTTT. Vrw. r Lhi. r'rVH at irr r.4 J.Utr.:npt. 5: L an1 :ter ct-ef.- Larr.!r fct :n t'rr Vt(. t 1l, ) i K, he hre '.Re of arts; , York. has bn f ,s-- Cr.intfs a 4 Callt-r- lKn mulcted h-.fl- lt-- rJrt (TJ-- !j5-l- re.t-t- -- 11 dd "f 1- th V. Ko. Prcn FT.vr r ir,1 ?tft.. t Fatt.. fvr - rro-n nr- vr- ard t..ll mi l-- Frori 2". -- tS . N WQ Ma?yva!) nts-- n Vi N;, , V.-Fr- FatU rvn (TtH xm rr-ff- i Ie. r'. . :-- "rn ' t o:r.- - - t -- m. a i rdr p.m. p n. t-A F. I).fc 7"" Pointers. Vp mm, I .- -r !! 8 n wis -- any-tbir.fr- ." "Tr.ank you," said they, in chorus, 'w? v.ill ti'y it at ar.ee." ." "Off they ret to the bair., where the trough stood. diiukirs ' You go first." said number one. "No. after you, Aiphonse," said the pecond. "Oh: you're ail 'raid cats.' " said P.uiv.her three. "Here goes for a fro??-- " and, standing on the edge, he plunged in. . "Oh! Oh! Oh'." he squeaked. "Are you geltins froggy?" n.sked one. "Practice will do it. Kick harder," cried tpe other. "Help! help!" he squealed, piteously. "I'm drowning! I can't practice, 'cause I can't get my breath. Mother! Father! Kelp!" just then mother and father came by r.nd pulled him out, dripping. "Hilly thing," scolded his mother, "to try to be what you can't." UP3AL BENNETT, j j ! har4r . t?.n to , that vl.e SHORT LINE ST. LOUIS COLORADO-UTA- H 10 1a : a: Kt .'..ar.d Os!r ir f pJ.ar.e ;n:a to Nw Yrk. F.s.'Tft'T i:lsi!jl r tat. lri'l a ar 1 fM'. atrf.tr..n t i Ffjifial . 1.. T.u:f!t fl 'TTi lhTt.:Sl It r'S-C- .! i- wr-r- r.r - Ta lr " Fi:t !..ik p.::j- ti F. JLo-l- St. Paul Ry., Salt Lake City, Utah Ikk'i at T. A. Mo. C. A. r. C. S. WILLIAMS, Commercial Ager.t, &. i'.M'j Jtht r'.tl fhnr.i'. t wit, n pt t! Ir.f i'itj. Arv u. r. :,un. townm:nj), ri'.-- r rt--- lt.ilr rfT'.e. flr i;y.. Si. M:o!tt ' i Cril atli r-- f irrUt t5.e rr ;ty ar li 1 1 r. 1 p. 1 a Ht. f. - an 3 Ct.it rr- - rit. i;r-!r- s TICKETS: f J Facir.v THITF. f. F. Ac Bait I.a.e ".;y. TUy Orcund cn r.c ri-nw- n Wrt to 7q V. Second South St. xi. r. :jeslx:. gtiu astu SALT LAKE CITY. If You Have Goods to li'tlitn PJi-- N WKAL.TII. ana Ocu V!tr,i tyRtrr. lb Motir.tlD, Sel- l- 2Ux-2i- - V.'h!ch nTrytn t CAUron-NI- a lnvtn.t In8tcur TJt a ET-ri- A DaUirfctf il ?!sc to Vlait, A 3PTrot.ta.bl F2ac xm LZtw Grctet is the largest, handsomest, tion most convcnietlv arranged and most centrally located depot in Chicago. It is only half a block from the Hoard of Trade and on!y a block and a half from the Postoilicc. All trains of all Chicago's elevated railroads stop at its doors. When you arrive in Chicago via the Rock Island you are there within a few minutes' walk of the principal hotels and business establishments. c;r mm j lifornia The Rock Island's New Chicago Terminal the LaSalle street sta- Her. c era - 5 -- F.itrkfi arft r.- . 1 THREE THROUGH TRAINS TO CHICAOO EVERY DAY. IF IN A HURRY TAKE THE OVERLAND LIMITED. tr?":' r-.- Krnit t.--- .t slat. ff-- it, t.. hi' catry Line t lyraiem.Invrr fr,- - Htm ! hi "., r-- jt r.lr-f-f run a !r.!rc ear ta t I;.'-- .. r'1 tt rfy art 3k. Chicago, Milwaukee thr S Tix'.r.lr Jl City. Dining Car rr-,rr-- and umun ram Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul LaJua niotk. EaJl m. a --n. - I a I B C1TI- - f.m. i rr e JCAM-FA- M p e- I 12 n akta rc noirnt- - 4it L'tah. inir, p,n .V... !V. THIS IS OJILY ONE OF TiE AGREEABLE FEATUHES OF THE NEW EASTXOUND SERVICE VIA THE krrivi - h-- F rF.lra!am bnjt luntnir. app!y to C F. WAKRI'. G r rml Artnt. m. t:.i IF NT ON. I. A, CAR: t Fro n,F 1 Cl! - - Mr every day for ten ' I "Y'v ;raspe( number 1three. d while. worth don't think it'? rather a fro.7 oyt are- out and jwim around u th.; cf.ot i:ond. It's so hot out here How do you learn to :n the fi!d. a that just practice, too' " ..wirn. "Purely so," said Mr. Frog, drawing? hr.rsclf up proudly. "Purely en. Just in like this, then strike out like jump ti :r ar.d then 'like this, and in a few months you will find that your hair Avill off. Your feet will become webbed lIV.o mine and your mouths will stretch, vour tails will orcp out as mine did,for I had a toil once, and you will become- tvaxF. Hut. my dears, remember, Pracit's practice, practice, practice. tice will change anything into 4 S1KT1 riATHS EAirT trv at halt i. a in: citt. r a rr. Ccdn f S'n, AL L MEALS Ci:r.ty fair opens to the publie. and th indications are that thr exposition this year will surpass anything f Us kind ever held in Ugoen. A large premium ll?t has been prepaied. including th following Class A. hors. class F. cattle; elapa C. cla.a K. poultry; sheep; cla:-- D. swir G. agricjl-ture- ; elas F. dairy ijrodacts;c'.ie!as rs I. mar.ufae- clacs II, fruita; I do this TOfEIU 3FnTRAJINS DAILY F.FDFCXD tnpr, m Fjo-.-r- w r.our?. rv ar.i Aruor.a. -Fr- a n mens Nr. immfi ion a. XI JD . Vfln'.r.x t-- Frf press The agr:nt is Jo5eph E. Marcombe, as sistant librarian of the Masonic library, Cedar Rapids, la., nd editor of the Masonic Bulletin, a journal that has a wide circulation. Mr. Marcombe is said to have come under the notice of the Sultan through hi? writings in the Masonic journal, which is regarded as au-- j thority among Turkish members of the order. The press agent was hired through Chekib t3cy. and, Rf an evidence of gcod faith, he has ben paid a year's y to pioccrd at salary in advance, lie V.hence cr.ee to Constantinople. he will of the troubles there. AVhen he returns to tht capital it will be his duty to censor all the- press dispatches that go from Constantinople. Fulled Him Gut Dripping. tf-Snt- . r. ni.mtrxro (;alt?ton. alrxlco ct Carpi c ago, 1 v, Ft it of the Turkish Government. w rrt n Kt J. m. S t Llr.a from fUh t n!rfCITV. FT. JOPFnt. r Hamid Believes Turkey Should Be "Set Right" Before World. , a, 81. A- s i ln ...... I Vaiitr. r .a f f sn,-rrr.S- ATCaJSD.v, '.ft-- rnr Fr.ir Opens Thursday. iL.i.. . -a -.f ol On Thursday morning next the Weber . , T. M. i ; h-- Abdul 1 . r.i ina )trU'.. ro aft rv i ULTAN GETS RESS AG NEWS j- .ri .rt:J t'-F- 0GBN l'r. t. fftr. rnf. rr;l.ur r.u', r.t k" Vn-rl- i e - C'lrn. T w . Wn-p.ttc- vlce-preslde- I f Act Ml?. enu'MAnii'!l o v t. aTraff.c unn.r.v. a a i. T. j. Flii tv City Ticket OEc. 201 Hals Etlttt. r. P.-a- - ot;? fr'f rtf. K r i'fh ":ij l .u '' - nttrr.dsr.ir the lrrr"ti 5:35 a.m .....-lr- rSr.ts City isrT.Mh. I'rm PlivrStork;-.-- 5, t9h 4 Jin r?a rni'AUT. Oit.n. IVr Fro, Jrve !,!,!. ra'rf.'.l. ... ..... c -' Crr.h. nxrr. Kst iitr r 4 lu . ..... tx.i I ij V'. 1' rll 1, Htt. X o. tr.irrrr.-'li'- ? n J ..Ivrtlar4 at. rVf Perk. a nr.x vr Atrf n Verk. Prcrrt. frs J. Isitr r.'UH .6:05 p.m r.3 - - sr J ......... 8:00 a.m J.isb. MTfvta. :?: Pr " .:- t'-:- - r.ar. a JJ- fi, on,rr,'.e 7:30 a. in vi:!y V.a it j?t rt'n Fan cvv, T'ri;'!i ,, I tsir.ihm rx .. depot. i i:r' rM r aHy. t til t ut.!; ...UtSpfv !tM i v,, sif trails. y ctjr.t trflate rtr Kto-- ' AttRIVK. . educstlonal. "3T grar.d l ;! i ar Besides the there depart- and rclal Oarf:j of IXi ofA lare. t txirtraU of r'rldr.t rrertf. Including n prtmlum ALL TRAXXS DAILY. of t by Ixe Hfir.mon for the beat colt r.ort?Vi!t ha arrlvrct at tJ, fred f rr al r.rrei'. t'.z" y of the foal of 1203. f ; The vaf tartl eortrol. plctur" d!t!-:atd Mvada- la o:h'rTs h t';sh The Utah. Salt Lake Valley and f lac painted ftr uin at th '.riiratScri ret oiTer hall nt th.' Irrljatlr-special canning companies rr.li'ms for bept di.pl,iy of tomatoes. Citx Ticket Ode 01 Mtln ZlxttU The cfflerrs In chare of the fair nr ac GEEAT DAMAGE FROM TltpbneV. 2M). follows: Preston A. li'.nlr. prenidcnt: Lyen ae Tor : W. M. Rayman Skrcn. STORM IN BAHAMAS. er I. Call J. I. Skn. necrrtary; mond, trensurer; .n f Comiti'tfui asom. v.. v.j. oiLiorrr. in'Utnrl nrrfrt.irv. OT.erat lVMrj"f Afr.t. "Directors Preston A. niatr. Lman J NAFSAt. Ilahamji. Sept. H. A re- W. M. IUiymnd. Charlts I'.irr.rr. I Skcn, K. M. Cmroy. O. M. Itunyon. Wf.ilarn j vere hurrlctne begin here on Wednes 'in)sr. Thomas ntherlr.Kton. John I) end has Just ended. The lw-e- t Powell, Lee llammon. A. M. Vandcr Vllrs. , day nlsht point rcachetl by the barometer wna an 1 the velocity of the wind, which Impressive Funeral Service. Funeral services over the remain of J, came from the northeast, wna ninety D. Irvine, who dSd Pattirday. were ur.lon miles. Oreat riamag? has bc?n done to at the Weber County Sur.day-sehoA t.T I .A Kit CTTT. T.TtAVTT was An lh vegetation and farm rroJ'Jcti. whl!? impreeelve fen. ire yesterday. a.m. t Vnr vacant ehalr of th Ptrrtr a- -l Jteit... l1 s"i m?mlr, which ".S p.m. had been draped and pinced In Its accus- - the fruit cropa hae been ruined. Many Co. J Tor t)enr an-- Kut., hovrsra were damaged, but no loa of Kn, trd Fa'. .... tcn:ed position. Fr Ivfi-r-llJr.eham. No Htte life hn ben rrTted. Th hlp;lr.g :M a. rrv. lTfltn. !S"TtTal .... n round thifi l.!ar.d was badly damaged. Brief. or Sn. City fr.ter- all ar.d Kln No news from the other Ishinda haa yet t 11p.m. m'iltFerf s.nM ar.1 ryr'U.. Iik- - were the guests of V. D. Pyper und ' ,een ret eled rvrt I V. t Vt.It55f. pp m. Os;.n ard ; V.Vt.. family y est erne y. m. w M"aVin. dentHt. U row Vn. nr. 0Cvr, Vn. r Vn ar th Viet. ? a r?v. W. D. Blo?s'r ha3 returnetl from Ne ,1 located In roe:n 27. Hooper Id Jr. .n m. No. :r;-F- .-f Fa?k c;r clr?s a?-rociat- ag.-- concert tures; c!as J. minerals; class L. WASHINGTON". Sept. 14. The Sultan fe?is the need of having his Government and its difficulties set before the rest of the world in a light that to him seems proper. Fcr that reaso.t he hired an American, who Is to be the DAILY ANIMAL evening According to the jxiic many rich Italians of Ilrookljn have of large suras'ln'a similar manner. May I, i?03 DEPART. orxjon KnortT unte rr.ox t?t; Is AND SALT LAKE R.' R. CO. father-in-la- w. the Bible glorious man. We believe when it savs they shall come from the east, thci west, the north and the south and shall sit with Abraham. I am afraid some of our Christian frlend3 won't want to sit with him. They won't be able to brim; their wives. (Laughter They would probably have more or less objection to his. (Laughter.) Jacob had four wives, but they probably would not go through the gates of Abraham to be with him." President Ansrus Id. Cannon, at the evening pension of the quarterly confer- ence criticised the labor unions, and asked if it were liberty and freedom when a man is compelled to join an in order to keep his family from starving to death. He warned hi3 heavers againft entanghr.g alliances a3 far as possible. Other speaker's were V. W. Rlter, B. S. Hinckley ar.d Joseph E. Taylor. Po-ly-- rao would with th police. The uansr whs exposed by a man who. pveral year atfo. recurc now tht forjtlvctKf of his rich man's adopted daughter and who hops to Time Table SAN PEDRO. LOS ANGELES eloj-e- 000 000000 00 4 NEW YORK. Pept. 14. Four Italian have Wen hU In bonJ nf J:v cch. charred with blackmailing Nicola Kapplcllo. a wealthy Brooklyn contrac'.or. 0GS0 0 00 00 0 to Venture Out of Doors. TIME TABLE Pt Ar . n. X'. orr.:J.:ne what '. 'r ttr ..-t- rt VJt f rit. ,7r, ji run I t- on at. 5 c'.rrvJar. tfe r1 roi-- D. xk t U r.ot Uizn Trt"J :i:LniuM Timnn . ? itoodL or nil - r.j-- t:!:-rt?- r N. rMr. pl- - r--at A n Southern Pacific Lines Company's Trr H:emt3r rrt7t' r S iarj it P0 i , Rock Island train? for Chicago leave Denver 11:30 a.m. and 9:30 p. m.; Colorado Springs 11:45 a.m. and 8:40 p. m; Pueblo 10; 15 a. m. and 7:00 p. in. Through Sleepers and Chair Cars. f 7 r. DRAKE, Dist. Pars. A-?- J5 . 7 Unlrn rnc'.c -- cr. 1 . .v.. Ucithr:rn Ill Jjj Line? For reservations of sleeping car spr.ee asd full information, " BO addi-s- s Pvv nt. O. A. BIBLE, Tray. Pass. Arjcct, 100 West 2nd South St, Salt Iuike City, Utah. HAL S. RAY, General Agent, Denver, Colorado. 31 SALT LAKE . 1 |