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Show 4A SAY - Utah December County, SUNDAY HERALD Urtafa ' Dorothy Dix v ' 10, ' issi Spanish Fork Groups Plan For Musicale 7 Makes Rough For Husband With Her Calls Life Ex-Wi- fe 't a ex-wif- it 16 convinced it was forever and ever but the rosy clouds on which I floated proved thunderheads of wrath. After 13 v stormy years I divorced, vowing never to risk my peace of mind again for ' so-call- ed love. The gods must have laughed for, three short years later,, I tempted fate a second time This man had been married twice to ;the same woman. She walked out the first time, leaving their 7-. She. pulled the same thing again when their son was 11. This; wrote finis to that marriage. The courts awarded the father his boy but gave the mother visiting rights. It was love at first sight for the father and me. We would be supremely happy were it not for his who makes our lives miserable by her incessant phoning. She calls him at the office, at his friends' homes and here in our home. Morning, noon, and night, she's tormenting him, or me, or both of us till we're near crazy. If she .wanted to talk to the boy I wouldn't say a word but she never asks for him. .My husband has told her again and again that he does not care to talk with her. I have tried to explain, as nicely as possible, that her telephoning was not in good taste but all she does is hang up on both of us, A then ring back. We can't very well move to another city for we own our home and have fine jobs. My husband had already instituted divorce proceedings when we met "so I did not break up the home. He's a saint on earth and I'll be darned if I'll stand by and let this pest destroy him, for that's what she's bent' on doing.. What, would you suggest?. J. A change of telephone DEAR number and unlisted phone service will solve your home prob-lemsuggest that your husband tell his boss the truth and ask if the switchboard operator may screen his calls. He should 'also conduct to report his who the judge granted their divorce. And, if she uses foul language or, threatens alert the police and? the telephone company. L. ish Fork Wednesday, Dec. 13, as the Men of Melody and Choral ettes, men's and ladies choral groups, join forces to present a special musical. The evening, will feature numbers from the combined choruses and solos by spe cial guest vocalist; Mrs. Caroline i - "4 Ludlow. Emcee for the musical offering will be Elwood Clark. Brief addresses will be heard from the Dr. Wells E. Brock-banmayor-elec- t, and Mayor Ray Gull. The event will be held at the Palmyra i f ex-wi- fe i k, 71 ' By ALICIA HART Newspaper Enterprise Assn. Of all Christmas presents, the gift of. beauty is the easiest to give and, certainly, one of the most welcome. For even the woman who Is neat . but never the glamour type will appreciate cologne, perfume, bath powder, bath oil, or a lipstick In an especially handsome case. v You don't need sizes. You don't need color preferences. You don't need anything, really, but a gen-arknowledge of the girl for whom you're buying. You can spend under a dollar or over a hundred and get sound value. From the pursesize bottle of ' perfume to the luxurious, fitted : - v al ' , .'I ex-wif- e's will be backed by research, attractively packaged and tn goody taste. For by and large, flamboy-anchas disappeared from the market. .Women have demanded and been given beauty aids that Send your problem to Dorothy do a sound Job and are a joy to Dix. Address her in care of this behold. newspaper and be sure to enclose envePerfume, cologne and toilet a stamped, water in spray form will be best lope. Helpful leaflets available. sellers this Christmas. Often, a Write for: "A Sense of Humor' scent will come In both dressing-tabl- e size and refillable purse size. Both American and French - houses have done a fine , job in ;' producing these spray scents. Women like them because they are easy to handle, reduce danI of; breakage or spillage and ger; . BTra mrvro economical. But women who. would still I The Edgemont Second Ward Rej rather see a large crystal bottle lief Society will hold its Christmas on Wed5 of a good perfume on their dress- - work day and program i Ing tables than order a dress nesday. Dec. 13. The work day COD from Paris may still have will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. ' their wish. Even staid perfume Members may take their own houses have repackaged - their cifts or decorations on which to classics this year in dazzling work if they have not ordered ' any from5 the Relief Society. .,. forms, Mrs. Clifton (Mirla Greenwood) Thayne will present a Christmas variety musical program in the Relief Society room beginning at 7:30 p.m; A trio consisting of Mrs. Vivian H ; LAMBDA TAU Will meet Monday at 8 p.m. Christensen, Mrs. Ula Christen-se- n and Mrs. Elaine Stubbs will for a Christmas party at the home ' of Mrs. Joseph N. Symons,' 1211 sing songs pertaining to ChristCherry Lane, with Mrs. S. L. At- - mas and the second coming of Christ. They will be accompanied kln as ALPHA UNITESS MEGA by Mrs. Jack Loveridge. The Will meet today with Mary Jean words and music have been written by Mrs. Thayne. Davis at 2:30 p.m. Mrs.1 Thayne will also give FORTNIGHTERS Will meet Monday at 8 p. m. at some of her original poems. Each lady in the ward is invited the home of Mrs. Clinton Harding, 375 W. 1270 N., Provo, for a to attend this ( special program business meeting. and to bring a guest. self-address- ed . Edgemont Ward Sets Work Day For' Christmas ; " j 1 . MUSIC FOR CHRISTMAS Studying plans and preparations for the upcoming' J5fule Musicale to be presented by, the combined Choralettes and the Men of Melody Dec. 13 at the Palmyra LDS Stake Center in Spanish Fork, beginning at 8 p.m. are, from left, Mrs. J. Rulon Nelson, Lorraine Creer, and director, Arvil W." Huff.' J . mm i Kalon Club Afternoon of Poetry Presented At. Social Welcomed To Annual Party ' ' 'J - .! 4 I' A bright note ; of red berries : - array of Handcrafted Gifts ::v 7'".: 'in '.',! Registered Nurses and licensed Practical Nurses are needed for full or part ' 1 Claudia Bushman, Betty Empey, Clawson Cannon, Fred Webb, John Crnkovic and Norman Gulbrand-seaccompanied by Barbara Crockett. Theyi presented three numbers and later Mrs. Gardner sang a solo, accompanied by Mrs. Crawford Gates!. Other music was presented by the Clinger Sisters who sang a Christmas medley, ac companied by Geniel Dixon. The large group of members Firmage, presented an impression of present and future Christrefreshments alt the conclusion of mas observances. Music during the afternoon was the program.. Chairman in charge of arrange presented' by an octette composed ments was Mrs. Stewart L. Grow, of Olga Gardner, Berna Allred, assisted by Mrs. Crawford Gates, n, ; v Come in and see our big, exciting ; U3 ; An afternoon of poetry was enjoyed by members of the BYU Women's organization Saturday afternoon in the Joseph' Smith Ballroom, when Mrs. Hugh B. Brown eft Salt Lake City and Mrs. Edwin R. Firmage presented a program with the theme, "Enlarge Your Hearts." Mrs. Brown reminisced about Christmas days that she had known and her daughter, Mrs. nestled in an artistic arrangement of Christmas greens,, adorning the mantle x and the soft glow of the fire, welcomed Kalon Club members to the home of Mrs. Golden Hanseen Thursday for the club's ' annual Christmas party. A turkey dinner was served from one long table, centered with greens combined with soft pink ribbons and candles. Following- the serving a light and humorous evening of entertainment was enjoyed which combined a quiz contest and fantastic DUP , white elephant gifts. No formal gifts were exchanged, but the Christmas programs and exclub will make a donation to one change of gifts are scheduled at of the needy organizations of the three DUP camps this week. They community. " are:. The program was conducted by Mountainville Meeting Dec. Mrs. Grant Larsen and Mrs. Ho- 14, at 1:30 p.m., at the Relic Hall '. ward Dixon, regular club pro- in Alpine. WednesMrs. Will meet Erschel gram committee, Edgemont Shepherd, club president! conduct- day at 2 p.m., with Mrs, Rachel ed tjthe evening and Davis. with Mrs. Hanseen was Mrs. Will meet Thursday Vineyard Josiah W. Smith, assisted by club at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. officers. (Bertha Sorenson. 2' "j- CHI L-EN- OX: time assignments. Put your professional skill to Immedi and earn e MKU 1MS ta!L j " 141 VadMortttd 1CW SHOP NOW FOR CHRISTMAS 1' IHlIlDMOSELj Security FR 1. I . Provo Employment 190W.CN. Tia TBI W00DUN3 VML SVWt hrofy or pink. J.M to 18 From the Lenox booklet in December IIousc&Ganlca Use our convenient credit or. layaway plan good money while you work. ate-us- A. litRI Jewelry Knit and Gift Shop 3-75- 00 124 WEST - CENTER Prog rams Set - " ; 51 j co-host- X m p 1 j IV 1 L k t Holidays t i v c little fashions for at budget your young fry F cs w mr w J Lf-- - i Club Notes Time to Dress Up For the vww . ( 3 State Center, beginning at 8 p.m. All residents of the Spanish Fork area are invited to at tend. j , Gift Puzzle? Give Woman Beauty Gift of Christmas Gifts... SPANISH FORK It will be Music For Christmas" in Span f By HELEN WORDEN son behind. The year-ol- d DEAR DOROTHY DIX: For a being the kind soul he is,father, took woman of 32 I've had a lot of back his e, because of the ups and downs in life, I married boy. owr fabulous collection 5 . - I ft co-hoste- ss. Ljr St For young fashions with an eye taj high style .!. . it's the KiddieVille Children's Shop. . j - and sportswear for the girls . . . suits, slacks. sweaters, underwear, sportswear for tho Separates, dresses, coats, lingerie " ! . boys: ' IN I THE FINEST OF THEM ALL... THE 'C.:-: in ' - by KUPPENHEIMER a superior quality line of clothing for outstanding men of achievement. Fabrics arc choice products of weavers throughout th world worsteds, sharkskins, cashmeres created specially for the Envoy shop. Th Envoy by Kuppenheimer is crafted In special Kuppenheimer workrooms by master tailors. from 195.00 THE CONFIDENT LOOK i . 7; V-'Hr- I: & t If ", : .:' v. ' V. I i t . ,''lyi - ts THE KUPPENHEIMER LOOK is n r Vl ( : are the most comfortable Kuppenheimer slacks made. Men appreciate the hidden inner waistband that keeps trousers up, shirt down, makes them feel neater and trimmer. Pleated or plain, with slanted pocket. All fabrics and colors. From$32.50 Sup-Pan- CENTER , 7 Kuppenheimer slacks are the most beautifully tailored slacks a man can own. They're everKreased, too, for permanent crease retention. Stylish, slanted pocket, pleated or plain. In all most wanted fabrics ' and colors from$30. a. WEST jf ; KUPPENHEIMER SLACKS FOR A MAN'S CHRISTMAS filV 73 . 00 78 W. CENTER ( n- . U i ; i - Plenty of Free Parking in the Rear '3t i 260 North University Ave. l |