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Show Grosvenor also was honored when his name was given to, this tremendous glacier 30 in the Andes. OFFGD DAYS SUPPLY VALUE --V SEND NO MONET AT THIS TXX3 Natural Vltamls. Bey Fret Offer limited. Hail Coepoa "Now. Send N Money. print name and addrcM on vest card or fetter lor y Mail before yo forget. F.W. IS literature and SO day FREE Offer. No, Sta St., Milwaukee S, Wia. NUTRA NATURAL FOODS, I4I-A 17.00 FREE OFFER to awjualnt yoa with art 40 to 70 on roar ViUmiiw. 4irc. e's Ct v4 Jut To-Da- A . Nam JL-C- ity. .State. Add ma v r3 i.. "Vs ... . . J ..'-- - - t - . BREAKING AMERICA'S LAXATIVE DRUG HABIT " rn Eases Sore Gvsz . bl Snna are a triunpti of .1 i 1MB aenea-- a aeianee. iy mlmmH in finf falee Adirtitatkm of looae, badly teeth. 8au aaaea aore. Irritated gnaaa due to looae fitting denture. Applied in a few pfatoa ty minute, make the wobblleat eomfort. Eat Perfect firmly in ptaot-civ-ea "rtay pot," . UarmlcM to cum or dentures. to can mat from Sao , month. Staya aoft and pliable -d- oea not harden and row plate. fttU rfeS out when repiaeement la needed. No daily bother with adheshre. Gat. Sno brand Denture Cushion today 1 1 liner for Vh per or lower plates $l.M. lloney back if not satisfied. At all drngriata. j ajiythinK-tolk.Ianili-pi- atea G0D STOP Sean oenu PADS iZHi Geography 35,000 miles through Africa. At 82, he still " logs something like 10,000 miles a year. Dr. Gilbert Grosvenor probably will go down as the man who brought geography to the people. When as a young college , professor he was asked by Alexander Graham Bell to join the National Geographic Magazine, it was a slim technical journal, printing fewer than 1,000 copies. Grosvenor had no In 1899, previous journalistic experience, but inventor Bell had noted the young professor's lively curiosity and adventurous spirit; in 1903 he became editor. From the beginning, Grosvenor had the notion that geography should appeal to all the people, not to just a few with initials after their names. While a stickler for accuracy, he began to put out a magazine for the. man in the street, using pictures of the many wonders of the world countries. and the people of He awakened such interest in geography that membership in the Society grew from several hundred to more than two million. Grosvenor was not content with popularizing geography he "added to it" Succeeding Bell as president of the Society, he sponsored expeditions to all parts of the world, many of historic importance. He was in large measure responsible for Robert Peary's trip to the Arctic, enabling Peary to discover the North Pole, and he also lent financial arid 23-year-- old far-flu- ng SUPER ANAHIST ANTIBIOTIC THROAT LOZENGES instantly soothe and help heal sore throat of colds, without gargling... kill dangerous germs, o moral support to Richard Byrd's expedition to the Antarctic. There are few parts of the world that Grosvenor has not been to or hasn't helped someone else to reach. The many things named for him that are testimony to this Grosvenor range from the 21,900-fo- ot Mountain Peak in southwest China to beautiful Grosvenor Lake in Alaska, and "include the Grosvenor Mountain Range and the Grosvenor Trail in Antarctica, Grosvenor Island in the Arctic, Grosvenor Glacier in the Andes, Mount Grosvenor in Alaska, and Grosvenor Fiallet, a mountain . in Norway. There's even an ancient Chinese plant named after him Momordica GrosvenorL It was used for centuries in treating colds and sore throats, but its source and botanical classification remained a mystery until a Society expedition tracked it down in Kwansi Province of China. It is only natural that Gilbert Grosvenor should have been born in a far-o- ff place hisTurkey. His father, the well-knotorian, Edwin A. Grosvenor, was teaching there. The family returned to America and Gilbert attended Amherst College. head of the National The much-travelGeographic Society makes his home near Washington, Society headquarters. He is married to Elsie May Bell, daughter of the telephone's inventor, and they have a son and five daughters. -- wn ed re-lin- t en eer from Camera Cflx. Cover: Paulet 4; Harold M. Lambert Sfedlea. Paoet 4, 7, It: Nafioaal Iroadcatfin Co. Paoet 8, 23: National Qeoraphic Society. Fe EIUlo My name is Ben. Fm one of thousands of boys and girls you have helped by contributing to Easter Seals. , In saying "thanks" for all of us, may I ask you to give generously again this year? Many of us still need the help that Easter Seals make possible. And only through your gifts can we look to a future that will let us walk, run and play like other kids. We're counting on you. Thanks again. , National Society for Crippled Children and Adults 11 So. LaSalle Chicago 3 WJ ' for hope, opportunity, independence Family Weekly, March 9, IKS 23 I n |