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Show - SUNDAY, MARCH 9. 195 Provo. Utah Coonty. Utah Retaliation Planned SUNDAY HERALD rlcascnt ... ' ' ' . V Chemical Explodes During Chemistry Class at Hebcr r Grovi U. S. To Clamp Ilcrr.os Heeds h TraveI Curbs Red Cross Drive PLEASANT GROVE Arthur iOn Russians Meredithis the new chairman HISER Excitement ran high the Wasatch High School Fribottle containing a day when In Reward Offered For Driver of Utah County Grand :J u ry Costs Reaclr $3486 Total " Cost of Utah County's Grand 348.li. County "7 are no agurea in Jury totaled ue I- Hit and Run Car aUffrl 4 wregomf fcv Uth Ifrrfnr m,.H for of an allegedvVL n Auditor Karl ; Bennett said toUL arprthensioa sodium-raetaH- le col- driver who caused a three-ca- r chemical, which Saturday: seswas The Grand la Jury The amount, ; he said, will J. is highly reactive to water and IT, seri-- j SMi months, although tt msloa near here Feb, sion be paid by the state, although four occupants ef of Oxygen, exploded during a dem-- J the did net meet every day. Te ously injuring county made the payments tne car. of ward the Us Utter drive in Red Pleasant r; : Cross part the is onstratlon in chemistry , class. and wUl- be reimbursed by the Described as a black 1S39 model WASHINGTON. March 8 (U- Pterm, it met only weekly or 1 Grove. j William Dudley, teacher trfl state. a the machine assertedly came soda often. not The United States win ciamp sometimes that Of the total amount, f2380 235 Assisting him a a board mem charge of the l class showed went lout from a aide street and stntek a travel restrictions on some to 'and to $505.80 S8 Jurors Jurors received per day driven by Eugene D. Denner-- J Soviet citizens, and their families ber will be Eldon Johnson and the presence of mind and calmness Mr. Bennett said. ' during the days they were la (car excitement. The bottle witnesses. the nvt wir In retaliation for. curbs Salt Lake City. The Denser Una, during will be Lucille Hinman. consecretary in fees session. Seven Jurors made uae vtnicie Any attorney assigned to Las year Pleasant prove came exploded - into hundreds of tiny nection went into .a spin ana placed on Americans with will: the Jury be ' up the Jury. head-o- n with another auto coUlded walls cow, n was learnea wuj. and the nearer particles sprayed their than 7 i quota meeting driven by Roland L. Sabey AmerH The restrictions are scneouiea any other and ceiling, also causing spot town In or Utah city K annmincMl Tuesday Damn I ican rent. county. This year their quota Is fires to start' In various part of : In addi. $1200. room and clouds of smoke to Lincblrtt th The reward was announced by unexpected developments. , At-Ronald L. Jones, club secretary. , .; tion. majority ol the North Mrs. Taimadge Thomson Is as fUl the air. lantic announced synuuaneouav sisting-wit- h Red Cross blood bank. A fire-dri- ll signal was im RnvlA embassv here re- - She and 11 others' who recently mediately sounded and the buildTti Mt!v informed the state depart have had training . as certified ings emptied of students. . ment that 407 of its- - citizens are staff aids are Mrs. Wallace SailMr: Dudley and other mem "In the United States. ing. Mrs. Lee Beers. Mrs., Harold bers of the faculty, used chemical OREM The Lincoln high school J rii tt N. Russians are not ex Hardman, Mrs. Eugene Jarvis, and were, aidto 'pected to be Included formally out Mrs. Leslie Cronjar. Mrs. Ray ed by the Heber Valley Fir De faculty . and student, counca an 'PARIS (UP) Businessman An-the order. Official .pointed them mond- BasUan. Mrs.- Fred Keetch, partment which used DO hose-wat- er nounced la a public statement Sat Mrs.- Dean Atwood. Mrs. Pauline more urday, their stand and policy in tolas Pinay, France's first rightist that regulations permitting but' along brought "Controlling Spring Floods' to come .to this country for U. N. Luneeford. Mrs. Barbara Hymes, chemical extinguishers.. Prompt under the' Fourth Repubwtu be tne topic of the work already restrict UfmTo the and Mrs. Edwin Mart. They will action resulted in very little, regards to. students attending, the premier assist when the blood bank mobile actual damage by the fire,-somstate basketball tournament In Salt lic, formed!, a new coalition gov "Pooplo Speak" Tuesday at New York area. 8 p ra. over KOVO under the In is Grove. Pleasant unit on PAortilatton future tv. ttwin ddIv damage by t the extinguishing Lake City during pie coming week. ernment Saturday la a" fight to ' sptjhsorship of the Provo to trimartly off economic ruin for France. methods used so that only re According to the statement made stave . cavI City Adult Education DepartAmtitrs DurchasicK mission A. :V. Warnlck and -- The 60yeaiold Independent preby ob be Principal necessary wuj decorating ment, The Daily Herald aavd- i and four dependents a total of to repair the effects, according Student Council President Ronald sented his streamlined cab xova Lincoln 235. . to the school principal, Ferrin Hatch "The high school's inet to president Vincent AUrioi The panel will be composed Officials could not say whether of towards attitude attendance van , . Saturday morning. wagoner tournament games is to encourage Pinay win be both premier and Off Charles Madsen, member all the Soviet correspondents la In the Utah Lake and Jordan aU students to attend, but to dis- finance minister in the ' new gov this country would be covered.'. Rtver Control Commission; v. The travel control formula will STUTTGART, . Germany. courage students from remaining ernment. Popular Republican Rob David X. Gardner, also of the MOTii-th Russians to request- 8 In an Lake Salt of four for; SCbuman days ert win be again foreign , (UP) Some 4,000,000 voters, in and either or J state department permission bethe tournament! whether their minister, indicating (Centinned en FagO Two) no change . commission, d southwest Ger the ' both, Eldon W. Payne and In hotels, motels, win be made in French foreign fore they leave the Immediate to is be bousing f are T. Gardner, Provo city where 'they are assigned or man state' rote Sunday in an elec warned that the dispute will not with relatives or otherwise." and its key position in the Frank '" I Uvinit The deoartment would then tion Commissioners.' be settled unless his men also get "Adequate supervised transpor policy a of as test widely accepted North Atlantic and rearmy European H. Theron . decide whether to grant the a editor ',. Luke, city union shoo. tation wlU be furnished to aUJ treaty. popular support for'" Chancellor .National of Herald the fo be will been attention 'oueit. has Dally which Lincoln the in games Tigers The pew premier win present his Adenauers uerman re cused on the issue by both the win Its attitude will depend largely Konrad participate for aU students at cabinet to the' National Assembly moderator. handle armament plans. m hw Soviet officials Americase and the recommenda steel a 50 of cents round trln. per charge - The election will give the Ger tion of a Pinay, who Thursday ..similar requests made by railway emergency panel The buses, wul leave the school in Tuesday. man voters their first opportunity last month Gen. Charles Do Gaulle bis handed cans tn the soviet eapiiai. the railroad in that to express their views, on Ade plenty of time for the students to first political defeat since the war. an such agreement see the full afternoon or evening worked until nauer's premise to provide 13 dustry sign Saturday morn divisions of German troops for with its 1.000,000. shop and main program on each day that Lincoln ing to recruitearly his cabinet. tenance so Eu-employes. no tare win be need for H. Gen: Owight D0 Elsenhower's j The railroad decision is sua plays, posts In Plaajra new Cvery Aftwsuw students to t remain away from Most of thewent ropean army in exenange tor re- being to some laturoayf sad government segments fought by home to enjoy and participate in storation of nearly complete Ger of that industry. asvsay Penis rbUsae the tournament activities." School party leaders or independents. man sovereignty. uaday atornUig at stake Tn the election notedThe steeiworkers statement wlU be dismissed on the- - days i j AMERICAN FORK The body of la Directly That Pb-1ahthat such agreements- have Lincoln is engaged in tournament Firemen, Spare Sauagel br Rvrald Ctroont consti so aowth mm Mn Vinnv Hill Shiolev. 87. resi- - the selection of a state been "successful.' accepted fta games in sufficient time for aU Wt ".' (UJD f dent of this city for a number of tutional assembly. ! on Pro, aa Tex. Utaa Cntaree BAYTON, George tnmttmt tare of peaceful r indirect issue of ream to abBut txamt the in ihe and uttwm in I'm reach at lh city safety this . smoked sausages nearly . t ment relations la scores of Ameri sences win sot be counted Mungers vam mrt of Marca J a. Vuth ,4 years, was due to arrive, here against became soaked sausages. Passers-b- y 1S7S. uterrlptlee Itm fey " mornmg Christian Democrats and opposed can industries." the however not students students, tn Utab tka saw smoke pouring from a mrrimt objects. as it did attending school during the nonta ST SO lorwtati aie moou by the. powerful Socialist party of Management In periods shed and turned la an alarm. IX. that a or World War during tlSOO In the var has advance, all overshadowed win be in regular session during Munger raced out in time to stop Born Jan. 15. 1865 in Smithfield. opposition ernment agency has no right to It la th iarwhfr other Issues. will be counted firemen, from State er it Irnt Cache County, a daughter of Jo--J Tne new-- , southwest state was recommend. that - workers ; be the coming week drenching the shed. ynH4 1 ': i absent. par .month STJOtioi (or ate was seph and Sarah Crosby Hill, Mrs. formed through a merger of three forced to Join a union. It the process. aaootba. SUjOO Um vaJ U aaV just curing lor some reason If it real is ad Shipley came to American Fork smaller post-wstates with a visable that any student remain in with" her family as a child. In 1920 total the city over night or for a longer population of 7,000,000 he moved to Salt Lake City where period of time la connection with the resided until 193S when she the tournament the school Is premoved' to California. . A fife long Final (CewtiBued oa Pago Two). Registration pared to Issue to those students a member of the LDS church she was active for years in the Relief So Set Monday For They indicated they would agree request blank that must be filled to the Insertibn of the' word "Ko- out and signed by the parents of j ciety organization. ' She was married to Joseph Ship Squar Dance Class rea" In armistice agreement para- the student. la the statement the wi ea aalrvded pknH we tag Qtig4 which limit the future use parents assume the full responsi ! ley, who died in 1944 in Los An t graphs wldw tip, the. for i student is that Final registration for the last of forces now engaged in Korea. bility seeing geles, CUST CUFT TIGHT, T1CKT, T1C:T,ST0LA and adequately chape Before Lee launched his tirade, properly Surviving are five sons and beginners square KJLXN iXHT msI YRO TOT daughters. Ray Shipley. Mrs. Erraa dance class Is scheduled at 8:15 which took up most of the 45 min- roned and supervised. BolL Warren Shipley, and Mrs. p.m. in Timpanogos ute session, Libby laid down what Also aU students are encouraged ' racusss si Naomi Brown. Los. Angeles : Clar School Monday m' he said were the three conditions to go and, return by bus as the gym. ence Shipley, usena Idaho: A registration fee of $8 covers for prisoner negotiations. They school is not responsible lor stu dents in cars. ' eighteen grandchildren and seven the eight-we. ; traveling private were: ; teen great grandchildren: also to Linn Rock course, according Plans are going forward for aU . ..U. S. ROCK WOOL L Return of an Allied wood, city recrea three sisters, Mrs- - Margaret Mc- tion members of the band; Tigerettes not of them director. Just, part . South Orem f hone 677W and as many students as desire to cracken. Ogden; Mrs. Susan Blng-- Classes underway last (He referred to 53.000 South Ko attend to got? IMlaSOeSt nam. smitnfteid; Mrs. Effle Bowto ha and from the Monday, Mr. Rockwood, said, but rean soldiers the Reds say were contests intravel i man. Salt Lake City. Alpine district buses. were at the but will and released Join still front," may couples , funeral arrangemetns are to be announced by Anderson and Sons be able to catch jup:' without dif impressed into the Communist forces, according to the UN.) Mortuary of this city. Burial win ficulty. 2. The UN command Mrtll not be be made in the city cemetery here The course is designed to acwhere Mr. Shipley is interred. , quaint beginners with basic a . party to a 'forced repatriation. figures and breaks in Western 3. The Allies, are willing to give square dancing, and is also en- back all citizens., either soldiers CARD OF THANKS many couples have or civilians ,who wish to return to j. joyableas RockwoSd Mr. Communist territory, claimed found, Our family is sincerely grateful for the many acts of - kindness during our- - recent bereavement. causea Dy trie passing of our be loved husband and , father. We desire especially to extend our thanks and appreciation? to those who took part at the ! services, offered expressions of sympathy, sent flowers, furnished) cars, or in any other way assisted. The Family of E. -- hit-ru- -- T : i ' - Officials r Give Stand on Tourney rips t ? Pinay Forms Coalition Government- . rJirjrr.a.is Fever FcLT.-n.:Sots :n - . Subpehd Cemtiaaed The " Utah County Rheumatic Fever Foundation will hold its annual meeting Tuesday at 7;3D p.mi in the south courtroom. City "and County b u 1 1 d 1 n g, announces Mrs. George W, Worthen, preti dent. ea Pare Twe) phyflcisis, one ef Cje nation's foremost miblic health luthoHtle. submitted a letter 'in which he saidt, "I am guiity f no wrongdoing la the ceaduct cf my office." Bundesen was named in a true bill vote by Uhe Cock County Grand Jury Friday.-- esr-o!d -- - KADIAT02LS UTAKED AbU Glaae Ustalled Speelallsed VTerk . riectloa of officers and a report of the year's work win AH LANDER'S iSI Se. CbIt. Aveaae be highlights of the meetEveryone I invited, ing. 71 Flood Control Subject for 'People Speak' -- - f - Election' Today 81-m- aa . Gorman State I i i -- 1 Steel r ! -- -- newly-forme- . ' r : ; i " I TDY Tilt! UIDACtE CHAIRS . ; j Shipley Fanny Services Pending n.rtr.oir contour ciiAm- - right-of-cent- er -- - labor-manag- L .r 3JSSLS7 trt e- 1 Sl-S- -- - ao-m- ail , UX . T Truce r t tODY IS FETJICT CCriTCUr StTFCCTED 1 -- ar r . S CI ' 6 ZOaES CCIfTC PCE-KSwlC- ED .wBUftT-E- TO FIT i I te - city-sponso- red - Idaho-Falls,- an 1 r . ek war-prisone- .( rs . . - . . ? : , . j . CLOTHES DRY1 jjHlifFRESH? IN THE NEW G-- E AUTOMATIC DRYER I The longest place name Is the Welsh village .of Llanfairpwllgwyn--ogogogocRivaling it is h. -- teapokaiwhenuakitanatahu, a small hill In New Zealand. j AT,C i i fj imirtrV as NiJiH r. " i tXCTt,c 7 ' I 11' I oc k TUKPIttD MAT eMier dump dry nu MOTICTION DlStM .SA'iTT-iNaiNiia- huiimtt mm ee fee haaea tWr frPXtSTO ancUt. . b mtrt frJulums I limn U da md gmtttm Ueetiv an la electric, 3, sm all tjpm ef trm. mr far aheW salar. Daat ' m( wjw r WtW S iMtxftutlm. yWD waat a, car. caraa, aUk. ckac milk f Dl end me Fir Extinguishers at Please CncloJs S . Money Order C.OJD.. .... sjfc S38 Cash .. .v........ Snd . ........... ......... ............ State ...... City Utah residents add 2 sales tax ERIC ENTERPRISES 81 East Center St. Phone 485 ! Sit IT IN ACTION TOD AY i - I X 1 's s II IIj v I - . i .X w t Si BVKE F i - t Corner 3rd South and University In Orem Next Door To Utah Power Office Ph. 3900 "icKtzzt tor Diamond" .: "first In Ttftvltloii. ' Ph. . a V: () 4VT9MATIC ELECTRIC pxrbts -i " 0767-R- 1 161 WEST TAiitJbwrtxe'elMfor Eil A L asaaaaw' A- ' CEIT-FHO- VOy UTAII " s I ' I f . In Provo II-- . X 1 i. DuoiEin TWO BIG STORES G JE U UTAH ' fine service! e. SALES & ac ' E Mp) and kee vkyfeS y. as mmm m deer Is l Jffl THE COUNtrtY'S GREATESrs! nor hanging wet clothes indoors whee the weather's bad! It's dependably G-for years of on aa. iB 1 lie fia threatenifif weather; no ' ptsMs) VtseT9lSel,fa Presto Nam Address PROVO ay fabric plstely dry D aOH k'ikMIdMu-TakTaka.r-l On er "r rmh!i i ulw'" reotly SwSy nd wl intttuft nJVBAMt" DCTIN ACTION (7 i rot mca-Ssbsee Make your boM latmdry com--. .plete with this new G--E Atno-maDryer: Foe witl) it, there's ao saore todag of heary baskets of damp clothes ao more snatching clothes frees the sZfft wn ONLY ; )f '' l f -- e i |