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Show . 1 ( PSiSSHZ ZlF on the line; . Lii Detector Ban; : Utah iRdncIisrW SUNDAY HERALD 12 . On Government Job Appttcai. ti ITrg jed '; , v;-;- Embarrqsccid qtOwh;: Hypsrbofc m Receiving Modal iririiD . lr SOS CONEDIXS.(INS WASHINGTON, Jan. It It foolhardy to place complete maa trust la what crta a great when eaSed upon coddcoly. uyistrange In surroundings, to respond to word directed at aim. So MiftiM lie. Churchill can be oa ., le B-2- Em-iee- n 4 . r - a -- s.,-ws- " - ::J i ' - :.-- ii,krJ - mm t,:i tJ.'-flttlJreJeas- fWVATE TtVnSW Irrptiaa dancer SamU Carnal . giroa basband Sbeppard Bag (left) aad Loa Walters a preview of bar act before her appearance ta Walters" Miami Beach, FU-- , adgbl dob. Kbof, a wealthy Texas oOmaa, brpugbt the tUacar to the U. 8. after a wmrlwiad eoortahto. .- Reorganization Of Internal fteyenue t - m 1 son "MADOLXNE By DXXON ' An enjcablajtmie waa enjoyed a m m 1 Packed House Sees Samia Do Her Dance . m ma at the home of Mr. and Mrs. MAU1 3EACH Samia (UP) Garth Olson, when friends gtbH and weaved to .wWg to ered the blrthr Ggmal pay honor glad days of Bishop Harold Harmey through Jier Egyptian harem dance and Reid Pulver- - Covers were heM'Thursday night before a packin. y f aa mmm east mm. U U ' V. - r . . arranged for those mentioned, bouse of 400 Gold Coast cluding" Mrs. Harmer and Mrs. ed and her. .admiring hus Pulver and Mr. and Mrs. Don who showed hlr approval! band, Spainhower. NoveMygifta a kiss and a ftukfc aqaeeze. opened by the honored guemfwithsou wen Bwiiiiiti.wwiBmiu, and comical limericks written byf ; Sbeppard (Abdulah) the hostess and Mrs. Spainhower flarling." aald aa caused added merriment aa they KJng HI. who refers to blmaelf a "Texaa 'Arab." 'They- - like me. were read. Parlor games - auburn--. The, tri- you tlnk?" -' asked. his- haired 'wife. umpnant ionunenxai army was BOISE (UP) The City of Pres had to disband. Sentiment ton Is ready to take its place as aa Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ashby reminded one about Samla'a dinner guests recently Mr. and bistro abounded, as did sympathy for the second Idaho municipality to Mrs. of "the old boot frequenter and Clark children, Henry the" families of departed officers employ ' fluoridation process for almost but not tmite." Joann, Jimmie and Paul, of Ben- Each officer, aa be joined the Its water system.-rsaw . a "I couple of grinds, but Mr. Dean nam and Mrs. and. in, club, promised one mouth's pay State Public Health Engineer no bumps;" ho aald. "It waa a Linda and Jane children, Ashby. for the pot that would take care Vaughn Anderson will go to Pres and Darrell Dean of Pay son. Mrs. snake dancer with a high-broof dependant of departed bud- ton week-en- d to make this adjust dies." There were no pensions at ments in the mechanism. I wis ton Clark and Mr. Ashby are sister twist." Samia's trailing gossamer pink ' and brother. that early hour of the republic vas first city In the state with Mrs. Ethel Francom entertain skirt waa split down the middle and me society, ot course, was such the a project ed her sewing club at her home cut low so aa not to hide her os named for Lucius Quintus Clncin-natu- s, naveL Gold tassels drapThursday, when guests enjoyed a cillating the Roman general who midriff from the botbare ed her at served luncheon Ask delicious Committee to sought the peace of. the plough tom bra. social a ofaaequined tables and small evening Most" seemed well after years of the sword. A young satisfied with following. French major named Pierre Report on 'Ransom' Mr. and Mrs. Selby Dixon and Samla'a convolutions, although Charles LEnfant . designed the WASHINGTON (UP) The Sen Kenneth Dixon are spending soma doubted she would drew medaL Some of its early wearers Included franklin, Morris, Hamli- - ate Armed Services Committee has several days at Denver. Colo 4 at many customers from I411 St. Cyrs .. Secretary of State a stock show. playing a few. blocks m,,uuayette, steuDen, Jonn Paul agreed to ask for . i a report on the away. Joaee. the Plnckney boys, Koscius- - Dean Aeheson Samia laughed at the idea of a no, oreene. Putnam, Schuyler, $120,000- ransom" paid for four WASHINGTdN WAS THERE U.S. airmen who were forced down NEWBURYPORT. Mass. (UP- )- battle of torsos with the blonde and Horse and light Harry Lee, Scott, a man named Clark who later in Communist Hungary. When President- - George Washing- bountiful1 Lili, who promises to a man ton 'visited Newburyport in 1793, a throw more nudity into her bubble named Lewis for joined routine come Moncertain explorations. carpenter, working on a new bouse bath and towel Illlum, , Element No. 01, was picked i a Gets Namesake .and of chalk day. . up, piece discovered by Dr. B. S.' Hopkins, scrawled on a beam; "Washington 'our years after the formation ox the University of Illinois, and is of the society, a member named named here," While making repairs Moulton exposed the rafter and after that institution. on his old homestead, J Charles the words were still visible. i- . - m mat Tbera's tort to b coio tdgbt-clubbe- rs . . fim witH rapedly r-- 1 n. nsmr - Tft gtsaam Una ia tied tip and moiotjy cam maka any calk. blp-tossl- ng r 1 eoolMM if aoeaoona tie trp Ca a lonf stzinf of calk. Often foQowad by LOCAL STORM CQttlNO UP? Botmd to if a rwcorver Si left oft. . Newburgb-on-the-Hudso- Overruns Field,- - f t - Snyder Works For . . ; irest-creat-crands- . ..;., A Utah County. 'tir c - CRUC5ZLS. Jasv.19 arelga ML Clair, governor of the Northwest Territory, named, a new settlement on the Ohio nver after the dub. The place haa done quite well since then. Was pennants la 2919. 1939 and 1940. Hereditary n m e m b e r e, lis Churchill, have Included Zachary Taylor. Daniel Webster. U. S.Grant. MacArthar. penning, marAiarcn. shall Bradley, Peyton four postmasters general,' eight justices of .the supreme court including one present at xne uiurchin Initiation, rrea Vinson, ana Harry Truman, president. CburchiU'B erst The relative la. this country waa Jon athan Murray, a young Scot who arrived In 1685. Reuben waa his grandson;- - Churchill .is- Reuben's granted poetic lieenee for what ha aald the other night at the sumptuous. Lara Andersoa home la Wash-ingtwhan a major f eaaral aanv ed Edgar Ertuac warn; u.a-A(ret) draped the medal of the Society of tho Cincinnati about hli familiar red and awouen aacic Mr. Churchill, who haa known some pretty high momenta aince the time, of Queen Victoria, aaid "I regard thia as the most mem-arabday' In my crowded life." Made a lot' of us who art in corrigible admirers of the old maa remaps tne oia man waa sin wince. Either be waa talking cere when he seemed to cnoae meoai-givm- g tne through bla hat or we bad no prop up and call true bus no job iixe.tune er respect for we aooor mat waa greatest today mmore with in be seemed being pressed upon mm. The Hyperbole seemed to em himself whc.n be got off the crack is tne barrass the old man, too. With an about ."ua ana we," it he has thia trimNtrip effort, painful to watch now that theme of in" his greatge,. to -- be la very tired and enfeebled, he made, to recaptured aome of the raxory- Britain a many is- problema almost evenly whimsey that haa marked his pub- congress that split in hospitality and bostility lie utterances in the past. , He tamed the course of bla re toward bim. marks: to his American mother. Jennie Jerome, through whom be bad' become eligible to receire a medal first struck to bind together the 2,000 Una officers who served under Gen. O. Washington la the Revolutionary war. Jennie Jerome waa a descendant of Lt Reuben Murray, who fought, for Washing WASHINGTON ttJP) Secretary ton and Independence.; of Treasury John W. Snyder Fri day urged Congressional approval Oa Beth of President Truman's plan to reHe reminded his distinguished form the Internal Revenue Bureau audience, seated In what waa once to Insure "top efficiency, unques the drawing room of a rich man tioned integrity and maximum who paid an Income tax of two economy." per cent, that bla ancestors fought Mr. Trumatre pun will go into on both aides in the Revolutionary effect automatically unless either the House or Senate vetoes it by War. and he concluded: s - It can tnue bo aald that I was March 14. It would eliminate 84 - on both aides In the war between tax collectors who are political apus and we." pointees. . Their duties would be The old champ waa back in taken over by up toU district stride, and fit to take his place commissioners under civil service. on a roster of greats, mostly dead. who have "made" the society." Preston To Install . The society was formed on May 19, 1783, at the cantonments at Fluoridation Process Irnprves Pasture Tcchnirjup Injured As roe: WASZSSTON. UP Sen. Way farm expert haa for the past year Wevt been ' keJplEl' Belaa HCUSTtSf, .Tex. UP bm Horse has premised to Intro- - been heipUg Belgium grow "were teea. for farmers persons 'Injured. tectriea by gtrtcg tit iaee 1 Halation to baa the rrepug-aan-t, food. 9 a A! ' whea w ' e ve Friday seriously, W Anderseia. aarleuM" and outrageous"! Rhrt f st ex-- Force bomber failed to bait oa 1 15 teams' of American rracuce of' using lie detectors oa tarsi attache to the be say aero, aa wen aa Marshal! perta to the United Uitrs to study runway mm tt earne la for a UtvK- jvrerament Job applicanta. tne piaa food program adviser, who our style of low cost, I ' mech and plowed tirwijh 153 yarca TM oreson sepubucaa saia in Sanpete Coun- anized, kigaiy aciantlSc farming. dirt tell and smashed- Into a 2: Safjsao Department once used, lie- learned ranching know bow to get foot deep ditch. j , ietsctors. Ha told the Seaato Jnnrs- ty, Utah, aald that introduction of Belgian farmers all right, tret they use food is yields, American beard bo .other baa practices that also pasturing day food a agencies are resorting to the tests raising grassland production by as k of hand labor aad their 'Unfair' Tot t History to weed but aubvemves and secur much aa- 20 per 'cent la aome areas costs too much." -- ..,.. . ' - , here. .. Coming back to tho tonic of raa-ity risks.' White xtorse did not name tne "Belgium la aa Industrial nation tare lands. Mr. Andersoa said that Todays Teenager ether agencies, it waa disclosed re which Imports a third of the food half of Belgian farm land is used MADISON,- Wla. (VTl consumes. Mr. Anderson aald for grazing. Tne team of. pasture County Probatloa OfScer L.Itwr( V, cently that the Atomic' Energy tt ; Com mission ased He detectors oa ia an Interview- la his 'embassy specialists ' who went. to America Ambora aaid Friday that bister r back-wo to can new came do with how oa. ofSce. "so ideas one anything of its superhob applicanta at ia "not playing fair w&a today'.. ' M raise crop yields will help the na- - to grew mora grass and thereby teenagers. ': . secret installations. tional economy, which is constant-- ! increase the supply of milk aad "It provided World War II t j . of flnd-- 1 mat . nlarned Ire. the 3ELXCT SOCXETY MEET their childhood and ia ac AzDert-- i to were ita .doOara for. pay lng "They ssrplsod7 to teara blight SUNDAYAFTEENOON SET more international tt; eaa imports. that wo rotate 'pasture land back prortarlng The Utah Stake" Relief Society Bora aad reared ia Provo, Utah home, . so that the Bvestock only sioa to handicap their matuzlr Union meeting will be held Sunday his father Nephi Anderson. 488 eat tne mature grass. Crass la a years," Ambora said in bla annu: on Juvenile cases. s at 1:30 p. so. la the Fourth Ward rt. a oisaop in tne mixture," Mr.- Andersoa : said. report "Teens rers doat have muck t Mr. Mormon church ChapeL "Some of it. grows early, aome t will talk has been la government ' agricul later. If you never toko tho' anH antlelnate.M he aald. Dean WCUam Edwards a oa economy, in living- as .way of tural work even since graduating mala off the land naturally some ttfa. AH women in the Utah Stake from live. University of Ulan. He of the graasaever gets a chance to First book printed from mo him typojia not that by J oha.n are tavttod. also all visiting teach-- till maintains -- an interest In the grow to a point where it la very futenberr. A Chinese. PI Sber nutritious.' livestock ranch ia family Sanpete to credited fwttft doing so to 1041,; XrOmr 1S 14 . rt. e -- th .' 3 r . rr ehy-coocb- y, , HURRICANIT Yoa can avoid "bad wwathor on yourpart7 Una if yoti alwaya let tba otaar party break m to aoaka an eJaieTjaocy call. r. w . . -- rAfR AND WARM CRf , j i j Ah tho kind of weather everyone like. Enjoy it all year juet by tssing-- your pnoner aa you would . . like othcra to taat thaira. . , VSln-cyrltle- r s." zZ . . ! &Tho fountain Stotcs Tcfephona I . r ' - : ft. . ' . ' . i - i .. - . - r-- 1 1 1 ... - ' Tclccjrcph Co. r ; - - I o " ! - v - (I SIPECD AB." FACTORY IPIU)ESC!liiS! , SME U: a LESS OLD RADIO VAtotms -- 'f?r 100.00 1D95 "X GUARANTEED. FOR ONE YEAR m NO " ... t.' 255 West Center, Provo, Utah EXTRA CHARGE CORF. DUY - Phone 2070 Y01O TV SET CI9VJ! While this Terrific Value is cvGiloblar |