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Show . Over the Nation 'Round the World Br UNITED PRESS Communist China said today it was "impudent nonsense" for the United States to deny that it hi tends to invade Manchuria. Radio Peking, the official Red China propaganda outlet, scoffed at U. S. delegate Warren Austin's latest disavowal in the United Nations of American designs on China and said he should "tell it to the marines." It Said the full force of the American propaganda machine was trying to fool the world, but the Chinese people are smart enough not to believe such ' un pudent nonsense." BELGRADE, Yugoslavia Premier Marshal Tito told his people today that Yugoslavia soon may contribute an armed forces unit to the United Nations . for use against aggressors. WASHINGTON The government today relaxed its curbs on cotton exports by an nouncing an increase of about 60 cent rh tne export quota. per . The move came after strong pressure from the cotton bloc. An additional 1,350,000 bales of cot ton will be added to the amount permitted to leave the country during the eight months ending March 31, 1951. Former Provoans Win In Salt Lake U. S. to Red Delegation SPOKANE, WASH. HONG KONG Grant Visas to China DAILY HERALD THURSDAY, NOV. 9. 1930 Prove Utah County, Utah Dr. I. S. Collins, candidate for county coroner who died last week, received 14,524 votes, balloting revealed today. BUENOS AIRES. WASHINGTON, Nov. 9 U.B The atatt department announced today that it will grant visas to a Chinese Communist delegation to Wis com to the United States, but will restrict tne delegates to the New York area. The delegates will appear before the United Nations security council to press Red charges that the United States invaded Formosa.. The same delegation also presumably could defend the Chinese Communists against American charges that the Reds have Intervened in Korea. U. S. immigration laws forbid the admission of communists to Miss HOMECOMING QUEEN this but state department country, Marilyn Turley, named to rule press spokesman Michael J, over Y' Homecoming festivisaid the visas would be ties. issued under special authority of Attorney General Howard Mc Grath. r . Argentina Dr. Luis Mitre, 81, editor and chairman of the board of direct ors of the influential newspaper La Nacion, died of heart ailment here last night. Mitre, grandson of former Argentine president Bartolome Mitre, had been editor of the newspaper since 1932 and board chairman. since 1909. MOSCOW The Communist party newspaper Pravda said today that less than 50 per cent of the eligibles voted in the American elections because the contests were between reactionary Bourgeois parties. The newspaper said the apathy of the American public was indicated by the fact that only of 98,000,000 eligibles voted. Pravda also noted that congressman Vito Marc a n t o n i o, American labor party candidate New York for congress from district, polled more votes than in 1948 but was peaten by a Democratic-Republican coaliton. 00 Mc-Derm- ott Two former Provo residents were numbered with the winners in the Salt Lake county election Tuesday. Martin M. Larson, former justice, of the supreme court and prior to that judge of the Fourth district court, was elected to a four-yeterm on the Third dis trich bench. He defeated his Re publican opponent, Leland O. Larsen for an unexpired term. Dan S. Bushnell, young Demo cratic attorney, won a seat in the house of representatives, state legislature in the Salt Lake county lSth district. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Bushnell of 271 N. 2nd ., Provo. He graduated from the Stanford university law school less than two years ar ago. A zona today wore the coveted the direct wire of ReivLo crown of BYU Homecoming Corporation, 265 W. lat N. queen. She is Marilyn Turley, junior student, who attended the 'Y' as a freshman, went to UCLA in New York Industrial Average California as a sophomore, and Up 2.77 at noon. Asked Bid came back thla year to win one MANILA, P. I. S .09 of the top "queen" titles of the Bristol Silver . . . $.08 .18 .16 Fourteen Philippine year. She is from Sundown Ranch, Cardiff . .03 .03 Vi Communist alleged Central Std party members went Ariz. 1.30 on trial today on charges of plot140 Con Chief Another Arizona girl, Lucille .32 .31 Silver . ting with the armed Huk rebels Green of Phoenix, and Vada Clayton to overthrow the government. .32 .28 Fiexall Columbus of Johnson Barnwell, Alberta,, Combined Metals .22 .23 Some of them were said to be of be Crescent .08 .09 . . members of the party's Philippine Canada, won the honor Eagle attendants to the queen East Standard .03 .02 Politburo. All face long prison coming the terms and possible death sen- duringAll wereHomecoming festivi- East Utah .104 .12 chosen by popular Eureka Bullion . .09 .06 tences if convicted on individual ties. of vote the student body. .07 .07 V4 Eureka charges of rebellion through murLilly a Miss Turley is five foot nine Great Western . . .04 .03 der and arson. brown-haire- d, green-eye- d, .12 .09 4 Silver The first government witness, inch, She is a Horn beauty. .01 .02 . Indian Queen Benjamin Adivincula, who said member of the To Kalon social .03 .04 Vi Leonora he was a former Huk colonel, tesunit, which sponsored her in the Madison Mines .11 .09 Vi tified that the Huk army's aim contest. .05 .03 Hill . . was to take over the country by Miss Green is a freshman, five Miller .07 .06 Vi Mt. St. Dev. . . . force. foot six inches tall, with brown New Majestic . .03 .03 hair and brown eyes. She was 1.22Vi 1.20 sponsored by the Arizona club. .30 .26 Miss Johnson is a diminutive North Standard .02 .02 five foot four inch blue-eye- d .43 .44 Cons. Park City blonde. She is a sophomore and .IS .11H By was sponsored by Lambda Delta Rico Argentine 1.80 1.70 .03 .04 Sigma. The three coeds were winners Silver King Coal. . 3.50 4.00 from an original entry list of 12. Tintic Lead .14 .1314 SPRINGVILLE Dale Despain .80 .78 Standard Tintic of the Utah county planning comDAY SALES FOR Sell Bristol Silver, 100( at 8. mission and William J. Phillips, head of the city planning comClayton Silver, 600 at 30Vf, 500 mittee met with the city council at 31; 100 at 32. at their meeting Monday night in 1000 at 5. Croff, to further development of regards East Utah, 500 at 11; 500 at 11. the Memorial park, according to Grand Deposit, 4000 at 3. Lloyd Ashcraft, city recorder. 4000 at Pheasant hunting permits will Kentucky Utah, During the past summer, the be sold for an area extending Little May, 1000 at 3. park has been seeded to lawruand from the Skipper Bay on the south Magnolia, 1000 at a sprinkling system installed and to Majestic, 1000 at 3V. juston west of the Cherry Hill New is now ready for landscaping. farm $1.20. the north, with all pro- New Park, 400 it 2100 at 43; 4500 Since the erection of the new ceeds to be turned over to the Park City Cons., stake house across from the park, construction of sidewalk along at 43; 2400 at 44. it is now deemed advisable to the Geneva road from the Lake Prosper, 10,000 at alter the plans for the park as View chapel to the Mark J. Scott Rico Argentine, 200 at $1.70. were previously set up. Accord- residence. Silver Shield, 1500 at 2Vi; 140 at 2 Vi. ingly, the council authorized Mr. The Provo Gun club is sponsor14. Despain to draw new plans and ing the project and permits will Tintic Lead, 500 at 78. ready them for approvement in be sold anytime Friday afternoon Tintic Standard, 700 at 1000 at 18. order that the landscaping may at the Carl Johnson residence, Utah Wyo. Cons. Oil, one mile north of the Lake View begin early in the spring. In as much as many clubs and on the Geneva road. Only individuals have expressed their chapel 60 permits will be sold. desire to help with the beautifl-catio- n The hunting area includes LiveOGDEN, Nov. 9 (U.R) plans, it was suggested that property owned by Spencer Mad- - stock: areas may be set aside and desig- sen, Norman Scott, George Crop Cattle: Only odds and ends on nated for those factions, who may per, Scott A. Taylor, Carl Taylor sale early; about steady; few in turn take over the planting of and Paul Taylor. that area and use as memorial Officers of the gun club point common heifers, $22.00; medium if so ed out that with the heavy traf to good cows, $20.0021.00: com since desire, project, they the park Itself has been desig- fic now traveling on the Geneva mon and medium, $17.5019.50; nated as a memorial park. road, a sidewalk is needed to pro odd lots medium to good feeder It was also the decision of the tect school children walking along steers, $25.0026.50; good stock calves, $30.00. council that the roadway around the road. Hogs: Hardly enough sold to the new stake and ward building establish market; early bids and and its adjoining property shall sales weak to 25c lower; good be known as Kolob Circle. lb. butchers and choice 185-2Mr. Ashcraft also reports that largely $19.00 19.23: few lots a delegation of business men were Wyoming, $19.50; good and choice also present at the meeting to 0 lb. sows, quoted $16.00 discuss Christmas lighting plans choice under 300 lbs., 16.50; with the council. They particular$17.00. ly asked that the lighting be efResidents along Sheep: nothing sold early; late fected earlier this year than has U. OREM S. 91 between Orem's about one deck good Wednesday been done in previous years with Fourth North and Eighth to choice 102 lb. shorn slaughter other activities to follow during North today were warned lambs, mostly No. 1 pelts, $27.50; the month of December. that culinary water will be few good wooled lambs, $26.25. shut off at 8:30 a. m., Friday, and will be off for approxiBROCKBANK TO SPEAK mately six hours. Purpose is 30-3- 0 to allow installation of a new ON WORLD TRAVELS section of pipe. Members of ther Provo Rotary (Continued From Page One) club. will hear an account of a trip Smoking tobacco while driving around the world from one of a motor vehicle is prohibited in ments of position have been forths, I. E. their Ayer, Mass., according to The coming as yet. American magazine. County Clerk Dixon today checked the disputed totals on the state senate race direct from the SIDE GLANCES summary tabulation sheets sent in by judges of each district and arrived at 14,243 for Clegg and 14,210 for Dean, a victory ' margin. 4 This is still not the same as the official canvass procedure, which entails checking of the summary tabulation sheets sent in by the judges against the official tally books kept by judges of each district. This is the task which the county commission will perform Monday. Appear Unchanged Totals appeared unchanged as yet on the two close legislative races in the county for the lower house. It was generally believed a de mand by one or more of the candidates, or by either party could which differs bring a recount from an official Oanvass nd re quires a court order. An official canvass consists only of the coun ty commission . checking election judges' summary tabulation sheets against tally books. It does not provide for opening the sealed ballot envelopes of each district, and cannot catch errors? if any, made by judges in the actual counting. To open the ballot envelopes and actually recount the ballots requires a court order. . olive-skinn- ed . Park Development Considered Springville Council . Provo city commission today passed an ordinance which will amend existing city laws on in stallatlont of sewers and floor drains. The ordinance also amends laws on the sale of surplus city water to users and provides for collection of a stand by fire protection service. The ordinance will be printed In full in The Sunday Herald, non-reside- Nov. nt 12. The ordinance provides for payment of one dollar per month per inch (based on size of pipe) for water piped into a building solely for fire protection service The new Sears store will have an eight-inc- h pipe line running into tne bunding to' bring water in case of a fire emergency. Under the new ordinance, the company will be required to pay Provo city $8 per month. The ordinance requires any person making excavation in public streets for laying of any type of pipe or drain or for any other reason, to pay the city a deposit of $50 to insure the satisfactory re placement of the cement or street surface. The ordinance also specifies the type of material which may be used for sewer or drain pipes and connections. Child Guidance Expert to Speak The public Is Invited to attend talk Friday at 9:55 a. m., by Dr. Leonard H. Tabaroff, director of the child guidance center conducted by the University of Utah department of psychology and medical school. The talk will be given in College Hall and will deal with the work of the center in Salt Lake City. a now can be restyled. The American Magazine reports, by simply using a plastic Cover. It COmei in varimm rnlnn with contrasting ruffle trim, slips on ana on readily over the tub top and. above all, hides the tub "feet" and old plumbing. Old-sty- bath-tub- le s Afternoon trrtrjSaturday and Sunday Excepting Sunday Heruld Publish Sunday Moraine Beraia tion. 60 Soutb Ptrst WutCorporaStreet, Provo. Utah Entered aa second clasa matter t the ooaiotttce In Provo Utah, under the act of March S 1879 Subscription terms SI 00 by carrier in Utah the month S6 00 for eounty ix months In advance 113 00 rear the In advance By mall anywhere ta the United State or (ta poaeee. Ions II 00 the month to 00 foe six month SIS 00 the rear advance Published by The Old? Get Pep, Vim ilSiJffy'kjy txxlf T"b Py, - ,9"ibtntM lack. old )urt tome ODAY. Out Introductory il oow for or Ml ill arm moth rvarrwbar. ml, o. At all druf it ores everywhere in Provo, at Center Drug. (Adv.) 7. 8. 2. Ogden Livestock Orem Area Warned Of Water Shutoff 40 325-45- Tie fellow-member- I 33-vo- IMS oft.. tt-- 9 i v" eoee. An Integrated precautionary will be for mulated tonight at 7:30 by Utah county defense organizations dur ing a meeting in county commission chambers, according to J. George Stratton, county defense coordinator. Mr. Stratton said that Utah county communities have always cooperated in case of fire' by pooling equipment if the blaze gets beyond control of a single comfacilities. Increased munity's danger, because of the tense international situation, makes it Provo's coldest temperatures of the season this morning. Lowest reported was 13 above zero from the Mountain Fuel Supply company temperature observation station at Ninth West and 12th North. Gas company officials said the low point was reached about 7:30 a.m. today, after a gradual drop which began around 6 p.m. last night At the Provo airport, the official government thermometer registered a low of 23 above, also the coldest at that point so far this fall. The mercury at the KOVO transmitter in southwest Provo hit a low of 22 above. fire-fighti- ng set-u- p ' Drunken Driving Provo police officers today were! investigating several thefts re-- l ported in the city during the past 24 hours. A patron of a local thea-- l ter reported that his wallet was taken from his pocket during a show. A shopper reported that his wallet was taken from hi pocket while shopping in a down-- i : I town store. Students at Brieham Youne university reported money mlss-- 1 important that a definite mutual-ai- d ing from their lockers and a resi-- I program be set up, he said. dent of 859 N. 1st W., reported Expected to attend the meeting theft of three ornamental ducks! tonight are the fire chiefs of the from the front lawn. county and sheriff Theron 6. About 20 per cent of Korea'sHall, county fire warden, Mr. 54,532,000 acres is under cultlva4 tion. Stratton said. - v m m v. n ,s bond final payment and $2694 for the balance of payment on a $6074 waterworks system. Payment of the last leg of a sewer bond included principal, interest and service charge. The sewer was laid several years ago through the sale of bonds by the ity and the present payment writes off the cost. The last payment to Martindale and Blackett, contractors on installation of pipes in the new Payson waterworks system, above the tanks in the canyon, was for labor alone. Heber Jones in presenting the bills to the council said that since installation of new pipes there had been much more water avail able, pointing out that there had been an overflow during even the latter part of the summer. During the meeting Heber Jones was delegated to invest! gate a service charge being made by a Salt Lake bank on bonds held for paying and replacing the water system. Councilmen said that the charge for collection of Interest on bonds Is much higher than local banks charge. Invading Chinese Communists Near Capital of Tibet CALCUTTA, India, Nov. 9 (U.R) Invading Chinese Communist troops were reported within sight of the Tibetan capital of Lhasa today. The English language news paper Industan Standard said its correspondent in North Assam had obtained from Tibetan traders a map drawn to show Tibet and the independent border states of Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan as part of China. The newspaper said the Indian government had been advised of the map before it was published It said the traders who had own ed the map had done business with Red Chinese troops. Three Montanans Killed in Crash m Sterling silver isn't pure silver, but 92.5 per cent silver and 7.5 per cent copper. v y-- - ?oj call me for a QUICK CASH at 0537-R- 1 Edith Seovfl, maP. or. ranges for loans up to , evu.ug Quickly Quietly Courteously Alpine Finance Co. 7 '2c 3; iVi il OPEN FRIDAY . EVENINGS UNTIL 9. te V im ev ma mot ict. etc. r. m. tc a. a. mt. art. "He works In the office next to mine and he's just as broke ai I am I don't see how they can afford to eat herel regular meeting this week approved payment of several city debts, including a $7275 sewer MISSOULA, Nov. 9 (CP) Three Poison, Mont., persons were killed and another is near death folcollision lowing an auto-truc- k today about 22 miles north of here on highway 93. Sheriff's officers and highway patrolmen were still Investigating the accident this afternoon. Listed as dead are Mrs. John French and her two children. Mrs. French's mother has been taken to a Missoula hospital in "very critical condition." Patrolmen said the accident ap parently happened when the car rounded an icy curve and skidded. A truck driven by Martin Thor-sheicoming from the other direction hit the car broadside. The French vehicle was headed for Missoula. North State SC. Orem uuLQ 'ewer iron Light) . v '1 City officials at PAYSON 7 Joseph T. Bennett, 57, Salt Lake City, was found innocent of drunken driving charges by a four-ma- n jury in Provo city court late Wednesday. Bennett was cited in Provo Oct. 8 following a two-c- ar collision at Fifth West and Center. . Permits Friday For Pheasant Hunt Waterlines For Fire Protection Setup Planned punkin' heralded the ng Flurry of Thefts Probed by Police coed Gun Club To Law Deals With Fire-Fighti- Ice in the gutters a city's equivalent of the rural frost on. Court Finds Man Innocent Of Integrated Arizona Coed Council Payson Lake Stock Salt Is Homecoming Okehs Debt Exchange Queen at'Y' from Payments Closing quotations from Ari tall, lithesome . " Mercury Hits Season's Low Of 13 Degrees P.M. sssw - |