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Show Tuesday, June 6, 1950 DAILY HERALD i Over tfe Nation 'Around the World J aIJ.a lit wiuuf vincyara Nw West-Ea- Father's Day Essay Contest st Resident Succumbs Speed Record Set By Pilot taftseteWfaaaaasasjiajBssVaai Police Question Suspect In Slugging of Provoan Salt Lake Stock Exchange VINEYARD Thomas Wells. Hey, kids, can you tell us Closing; quotations from NEW YORK, June 6 8ft, native pioneer and Vinewhat you think about your Soderstrom, a California Police, today were questioning his room- at Central Hotel this Dad in 50 words or less? If yards oldest resident died at his Ken-Lo the direct wire of automobile home landed o.m. 7:30 his at of dealer, ' Monday, can a . Dad the best you Br UNITED PRESS mour, radio and television execu- causes regarding the chocking morning. Beechcraft Bonanza at La Guar-di- a tribute in pay incident 265 W. 1st N. andsuspect or poem, you Corporation, essay of tive, will act as chairman of the to old age. Albert Police were to (Sox) called slugging the hotel Field today at 1:03 p.m. EDT can win a cash prize in the foundation's 1950 fund drive. WASHINGTON about 50, Provo, who this morning where they were He was born Singleton, to establish a West-Ea- st transconHerald-Prov- o Retail Dally was found in a pool of blood In told by Mr. Singleton that he had 1 tinental speed record of 16 hours Sept. 0, in Salt New York Industrial Council contest. President Truman today reap-- : HAVANA, CUBA , 12 minutes for light aircraft. Lake and and City, .31 noon. at been slugged while asleep. PoAverages off Deadline for this contest Is pointed Gen. George C. Marshall Forty - one vacation - bound was tne last Soderstrom took off from San Bid Asked lice said there was evidence tha( June Wednesday midnight, as head of the American National British war brides and 40 mem member of a at 8:52:30 p.m. EDT Pedro, Calif., Bristol Silver .... OlVx $ .08Vi 14. You have, a full week to of their families who have family of 12 he had also been strangled. 2,500-mi- le on nonthe Red Cross jfor a three year term bers .22 yesterday 20 Cardiff dream up an essay or a poem been detoured and stalled by children born J After treatment in the Office frf stop flight. He touched the wheels .06 05 Central Std beginning June 12. for Dad. Winning entries will international red tape since last jto ims; single-enginof his on 1.35 1.25 pioneer g. plane Con Chief city physican, Mr. .Singleton was All members of the board of Thursday took off today on ihe in be printed the Sunday the La Guardia runways at 1:05:-2- 0 Herald parents, nam . . .26 .22 Silver to Utah Clayton on removed last Father's of to their Eneland were trio Cross Red of lap the hospital uel and Sarah dayJune Columbus Rexall . .31 governors p.m. .33 The Provo Lions dub quartet whereas at. noon heValley 18. Brief stops were scheduled for Hatte was exterms similar! Asfor National The Aeronautics reported rslifey reappointed .18 came out of the Cedar City con- to Combined Metals . .17 V, Bermuda and the Azores. Wells. Kyle Sorenson is chairman be in "satisfactory condition." sociation, which officially timed .08 vention contest with a second Crescent Eagle . .07 V cept Secretary of Commerce The brides, with seven hus inof contest the His and life essay no was the said there early preThe a flight, .03 .. .02 to 4" re- Charles East Standard uspect being questioned place, according report by bands and 33 children, who ex was spent in Sawyer who wa.s vites all kids to submit their vious record for Soderstrom's .11 The the .10 Utah East case is reported to have in the delegation. to returning Osthe pected Interior Confly shortest, to entries possible Lake City Father's Day Secretary placed by type plane, which falls in the .10 Provo men were defeated only by visited Mr. Singleton mr. weirs Eureka Bullion .. .67 route between Oakland, Cal., and Salt Tuescare Provo of and he later Chamber test, car L. Chapman. 185 of class horsepower, 08 Eureka Lilly .084 the winning Cedar City quartet day night at the hotel.early were delayed in Chicagp moved to Joseph, Sevier county. category London, of Commerce. are There 3. The change was made because .05 . which won the top honors in the. Great Western .. .03 ana Havana. He married Emily Frances Coo- so prizes of $15, $10 and ' $5, ' the interior department is more naraora, uonn., .11 10 Lions international convention at Silver Horn get busy. . ley, Dec. 31, 1882, in Joseph. concerned with disaster work NEW YORK New York' as Utah's representa01 Indian .014 Queen Their marriage was later sol t' than the commerce department. tives. They will represent the .05 .04 Leonora Mrs. Ella Halsey, 80, has filed emnized in the Manti LDS temple. state again, this time at Chicago. .15 Madison Mines .. .14 suit for from her separation moved to Victor in Emery NEW YORK They Members of the Provo quartet .04 03 Hill Miller In 75 bricklayer husband. Charles, he was bishop for where Edward A. Sandgren, Dale are county . .07 .05 Mt. Dev. States Abbott Kimball, president of charging that he abused her 12 years. A devout church work .03 Reese, Claude Bobbins and WarLive- New Majestic .... .02 OGDEN, June 6 (U.R) Nth national cancer foundation, throughout their 4? years of mar- er, he served on two LOS misren Kirk. Mr. Sandgren was the Veda Christensen, 20, Idge-mo1.20 1.15 New Park .. stock: announced today that Dan Sey- - ried life. She is the oldest person sions. The first was in the Westdirector of the winning Cedar today entered a plea of in.44 .45 Cattle: 75. Very little supply North. Lilly .. to ask for a separation in the his ern States during 1907-0- 9 and the nocent to charges of battery on last .03 City year. quartet Standard North offered .024 on about early, steady lory of. tne New York supreme second from 1937-3- 9 in Sharon Third place was won by the the person of Grace B. Peay. She .27 .28 N. H. (U.R) A good grades; bids unevenly lower Park City Cons. court. was arraigned in Provo city court stake. He was a blacksmith by LITTLETON, House quartet. 1.50 Rico Argentine .. 1.40 Sugar on common a load became that hobby good vocation and was always promi- was what turned , and trial is set for July 6. ' 3.00 3.50 1083 Coal. Silver t lb. fed steers No 29.00. Mrs King TAIPEL FORMOSA In Los nent in civic affairs. Forfeitures in city court In.16 .16 Francis Glessner Lee into the slaughter heifers sold. Few cut Tintic Lead R. clude: Chinese nationalist guerrillas He moved to his home in Vine nation s only working woman ter jto common cows Fausett, Provo, $35 Ray .73 .69 Tintic Standard for speeding and $15 on a charge Or. Earl J. Blackstone, 56, head supported by naval units cap yard in 1930. SALES state police captain. vealers dull after sharplylower of improper passing; Clifford of the department of business tured the small communist-hel- d his widow and Mrs. Lee, "captain" only when close Monday. Few medium to Big Hill, 2500 at 7. education and secretarial admini- island town of Kangmen, ?Q miles Surviving are children: Rayle, 19. 177 E. 4th N, $15, reck 4. 100 s on at Commonwealth com she official heifers Lead, business, Mrs good feeding less stration at University of Southern south of Ningpo off Wenchow the following Olson and driving; Oreian N. Hanson, 1000 21mutes at edCrescent between to as Oil, her duties medium Eagle good stock calves George Lqella 26, 1021 D St., $15, semaphore California, died Sunday at Los bay, an official nationalist navy Emily 380 at 3i. 2000 at ucational 25.25. of director Late the New Croff, w load of Wells good F. Monday John part Vineyard; Angeles, according to word re- report said today. violation; Clarence Gourley, 50, E Hampshire state police and Har- 725 lb. fed heifers 28.55. Closing Dragon, 2000 at 18. ceived by Evan M. Croft, head of The report did not disclose Wells, Syracuse, N. Y.; Joseph Eureka. $15, stop sign violation: 2000 at 4000 East vard medical school's on Standard, good and choice vealers department trade Wells. Salt Lake City and Mrs the . secretarial practice depart- whether the town still was held Jennie Alexander T. Davies, 37, Park 7000 at at of legal medicine at Boston, largely (U.R Lee June LONDON, Wakefield, Huntington ment at BYU. $25, speeding; Fred j. Cunby the nationalists. City, 100 at In East 1936 Utah. 200. which rounded with she a Savold N. is Bulk of Hogs: Also Largely Peterson, steady. J., grandson a surviving Dr. Blackstone was But it said the guerrillas 28, 589 E. 2td S., $15, visiting ningham, 3500 180-2Eurefca at of Cons., $230,000. wen and choice lb. gift Lilly the of British version from good raised infancy, facultvman at the BYU summer drove the communists out after whom they to car under control. failure 8V4. 3000 keep was at a i bom with one butchera 34 lot choice world's "lAicKiiy, of Prove; the grandheavyweight school last year, and while here about 24 hours of fighting in Delbert Mills Nlles F. Smith. 21, 677 Pioneer 2000 IV4. silver in at spoon my mouth," said Idaho butchers 21.00: good and Grand Deposit, by championship tonight children, 77 great grandchildren the was found guilty of speedwis active in civic club and golf which 100 communists Svere and Circle, a 16. 330-510.000 at of late lb. choice sows great-greHowell, Bruce Woodcock ef energetic seven daughter stopping grandchil vice eireles. Ha died of a heart attack, killed. , ing and fined $15. president of the Internation Choice under 300 lbs, up to 16.00 Lakeside Monarch, 23.000 at Hi dren. England in the fourth round al 3000 100 Harvester at me Madison Co, "It the Mines, ef their scheduler lSround Sheep: 250, Several loads Idaho 11; Funeral services are scheduled time and money to gives BY WALLY FALK Friday follow my ranch Jambs arriving lata, market at 13. Dallas Young to Speak bout before 50,000 at White at 2 D.m, in the Vineyard City stadium. nobby til scientific crime detec not established; odd lots good and Miller Hill, 118 at ward chapel with Blhep Taylor tlon.,r To Democrats OremV choice trucked-i- n nstlve spring North Lilly, 2000 at 45. X. Friends may Allen officiating, In crime started 20 lamm 37.no, raw 5000 at Interest Her North MATLETON YOUTH Standard, and choice in good the at rail LhS Olpln mortuary tJ Dallas Young, Utah county Oil Securities, 1000 at 6; moo at HELD FOR TRIAL she became ln was 11,00, Oram Thursday from 7 to phv, years agoIn when Democratic tha chairman, will id reaMlfa Jack (araitad 20, rnyitertaa Lwella Maplatnn, Wing, and at tha home of Mri, told har by har brother, who Ploeha nrlatol, 1000 al 4, walvad preliminary hearing to- dresi tha Oram Pemocrita Wad- OUnn prior to tha larvices at n p,m, In milUnf In accompanlad a Moitrtn medical Plumbic, 1500 at 20, day In Provo rl)y enurt and was ntidayhall. Harold Hanson, Oram examiner on hid lomttlmas hli- - Market! a Glance bound nv.tr tn fourth district rlty nkn Argantlna, 400 at II 40, arra raiei, A talent for m n a rourt He is rhargid with a chairman, announced today that rtnyiton Coalition, flOOO at 5' Elizaboth N, Cooper also helped her later fir UNITE!) PRENI Silver King West, 1000 at 44. morals offense, Rond Is fined at uests will he narty candidates turmaking from tha county, 845 at with tne legal medicine depart $500. f tocks Irregularly higher In ac- Sliver Shield, NIPHI funeral services for ment. 1500 at 14. tive trading. Sundance, Mrs Elizabeth Nunn Cooper, 70. Bonds irregularly lower, Tintic Lead, AOO at 18, srosr,str.NTY . ' A Meeting Called For Like Mmi, Tusiaud's who died Monday In a Trove rest U, 8. government bonds barely Tintic Btsndard, 100 at 71; 200 MANKATO, Minn, (UW FirstIn be held will Nephl home, at 70: 80 at 70. Mankato high school eager, Char Haygrowerj, Dairymen Now the miniature "Nutihtll tesdy In quiet trading. Second ward chapel Thursday at Studies les van Lanen, set a acorlng recslocks Irregularly lower Western Ally. 1000 at curb of Death" Unexplained Pi m. Silver unchanged in New York ord of 96 points in 24 minutes nf Haygrowenf and dairymen art are perhaps tha most famous at 7214c a fine ounce. Mrs. Cooper was born April 13, and lard futures up 2 points to off playing time in a game with an- invited to attend a meeting In tha o! the department. Occupy Cotton higher. 880. In England, a daughter of Fart a black-walle- d 10 points. other prep school. He led his team county agricultural stent's office room remWheat closed unchanged to uo Hogs: 10c to 28c lower: sheep: to a 114 to 23 victory. William and Ruth Tongue Nunn. iniscent of Mme. Tussaud's wax Tnursoay at 8 p. m. The price of She came to the United States works, 1? models of classical lie: corn off He to ttc: oats un dull, spring lambs steady, old will be the subject of tha hay with her parents in 1885, and had crime examples privlde capsule changed to up 2Hc; rye up Vic croo lower: cattle: steady to 50c state police average meeting according to Noble Michigan of tha agent's office. c; aoybeans up 74c to 1 He; lower. lved in Nephl since 1B07. 4,518 traffic arrests each month. detective work for visiting re- to she was married to John Coop searchers and police officers. er in Salt Lake City In 1909. Mr. All details needed to solve the Cooper died several years ago. unexplained death are present in model, and students are al Surviving are a son, William N. each Cooper, Nephi; a daughter, Mrs. lowed 1 Vt hours to probe with a Irene C. Sorenson, Los Angeles, small flashlight while Mrs. Lee to answer Cal.; three grandchildren; a step-s- o, waits R. M. Cooper, Salt Lake City, their questions. The models are built on a scale and a sister. Mrs. Frances Coopof one inch to the foot. So exact er, Salt Lake City. Friends may call at Anderson are they athat in onetherepresenmousekitchen, funeral home Wednesday evening tation inof the corner works like and at the home of William Coop trap ed Thursday from 10 a. m. to time the real thing. Screen door hinges function perfectly and so do tiny of services. Burial will be in Vine doors and windows. Bluff cemetery. Each room of the tiny models has been valued at $5,000. Mrs. Lee supervises selection of the Low case to be illustrated, color scheme, situation of the body and other details. Actual construction is in the hands of Ralph 8 VALPARAISO, Ind., June a Canadian foreman- Mosher, (U.R) S t u d e nts at Valparaiso model turned carpenter Technical Institute whose grades Each room takes about maker. four fall below standard must put their months to build in Mrs. Lee's facsets in storage, the television luxurious home here. ulty announced today. Keeks Joesph Allnsky head of the The purpose of her "bnby,M the Television Department, said TV department of legal medicine, Is sets can distract students from to get all aspects of the law to study. Thus, the school requires work together, Mrs. Lee said, that all sets be reglstred. of state drswing on her six years police experience and 13 as consultant at Harvard. "If district attorneys, medical examiners and police can be (Continued from Pare One) taught to work together without J rivalry and appreciate what each creasing from 205,000 to 340,000 is expected to do," she said, the number of displaced persons "many of our cases of Unexwho may enter the United States. plained death would be solved. The bill goes to the senate for "Sometimes there's rivalry. final action. The D.A. sits on information he r someone else Contempt Edward A. Rumley, has, perhaps, executive secretary of the com- does. I'd like to get these three mittee for constitutional govern- groups together in a 'superment, made himself liable to pos- group.' Each one would find out sible contempt action by refusing what the other Is doing. It's the roa Jabilifaj ! right riJing comfertl cut ever down we'll to tell house. lobby investigators only way who buys his organization's pub- those unsolved cases on every You get the right RIDING COMYou get the right POWER! Not a You get the right ROADABILITY! lications. police blotter." little engine! Not an oversized one! FORT! With plenty of room for six Mercury's rugged, balanced chassis Education The house, elected . . . a the in out roads But smooth big people inside . . . with "Cushion-Oil- " C. Graham N. rough helps Barden, D., Rep. Rival mmde-anti-lab. . . 8 out curves the as f springing . .i and ease of hancylinder, engine straighten sharp regarded by unions hold the car to the road like a trark. that knows where it's going and gets chairman of the labor com- (Continued from One) dling that's second to none. It's the mittee succeeding the late Rep. kind of perfectly balanrdcar you've there smoothly, quietly with plenty Mercury really rides smoothly end in reserve. And the new Mercury John Leslnskl, D Mich. the right to be named sole bardreamed of driving. Try the new with everything in rhythm. You'll is "America's No. 1 Economy Car"! find tha new Mercury parks easier, too. Rubber Thex Big Three of the! gaining agent at the mine. An open hearing on the' inderuDDer industry disagreed as to whether the government should pendents' petition will be held keep its synthetic rubber plants. today in Denver. A transcript of turn She No. 685 Harvey S. Firestone, Jr., chair- the hearing will be sent to Washman of Firestone Tire and Rub ington where it will take thirty ber Co., endorsed a bill to require to sixty days for the national the government to lease the plants board to decide whether an elecYour shoes are used more than any other tool on the place. to private industry. But Paul W. tion to name a bargaining agent Litchfield, chairman of Goodyear is necessary. Theto got to fee good and war well and take barnyard abuse Tire and Rubber Co., and John L. Collyer, president of B. F. like a hog's snout They can't cost too much, either, these days. Goodrich Co., said the governWeinbrenner has made shoes to meet' these needs for over ment should keep control of the 50 years. All we ask you to do is to come in and COMPARE. plants. Litchfield and Collyer said the government should increase Afternoon (ExcapUns the synthetic rubber stockpile to Every Saturday and Sunday meet a possible shortage of naHavy, flaxlbl blflofnllMO kIv tural rubber. Reran upper, the itly IsatW vm4 In Army thont, Sunday Herald Published Sunday Morning Pat- Point Rep. Basing Wright c r for comfort awarrr and SomlM, wqr. man, v., Tex., asked President Published by The Herald for tprlngy, rtttful wHrint. Truman to veto the basing point tion. SO Sou lb First WestCorpora, Street, Provo Lftab Entered as second bill. The bill would permit manu butt-I- n erch pod. class matter at the oostoffice tn to absorb costs facturers Provo Utah, undet the sot oi freight Sprlnt-ttoMay, rtvtd down to ovHoio. and charge uniform prices as long March S 1879In Subscription terms Utah by carrier as they do not try to create tl OO -rwbbor html the month S6 00 for county six months tn advance. S12.00 monopolies. the rear In advance mail la Sen. William F. Aceountlng States oranywhere the United By It Knowland, R., Calif., said he will elona Sl.OO the month SB posses, 00 for months. S13 00 the year im try to force the administration to six ad vane. account publicly for military aid funds spent in the China Grand Prlt wWmr of OJ.RU-Char- les - . v Provo Quartet Wins 2nd Place ! ed . Policewoman Scientific In Sleuthing Job ' . Educator Dies Angeles Denies Battery Court Charge Ogden Livestock nt, life-wo- rk . 14-16.- 00, . 21-24.- 00, 3; 2: 0.: 50 20-20.- 2; 2. 8. 8; 14-15.- 00 at 7. ,1 Savold Wins British Version of World Boxing Crown acmr around 2. at at 2. ; 2. Da-H- art good-humored- ly , If you buy shoes like you buy you'll buy No TV For tools.,. Grade Students n by Weinbrenner Tax Revision -- JThe right power! Coal or ----as rse "Tta ffte right -- She t an-p(- Grid-cor- rlp-f- k, rof-hrdn- g, ol Arek-Sridg- p nT Soft-walki- 1 RADIATORS REPAIRED Auto Glass) Installed Specialised Work W UTAH 49a Cole Avenue T .V! Grand Carry on ymmji Mobilgo LINCOLN-MERCUR- Y 1150 NORTH STH WEST L fJj4 js- - as Economy Run PROVO AHLANDER'S PROVO, I'XAHk r PROVO, UTAH GO. PHONE 2306 |