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Show TELEPHONE 495 FOB MOSTLY CLOUDY Herald Ad vortising i ..i Sporta. EdibriaL j Tj. "': Circulation with scattered showers; cooler bbjh 48 low 33; highest temperature recorded in Provo area Wed nesday 68; " lowest Thursday morning'43. ' .: h 1 Gas Water Heater. 10 year guarantee $84.83. Sears. (adv.) Society Phono: 432 !:. ,h SIXTY-NINT-H NO. 229 yARf Ike Asks U.S. Join Trade Unit TEXAS PRISON FEARS TROUBLE FROM BAD GUYS HUNTSVILLE, Tex. (UP) The Texas State Prison ordered all male employes to guard duty today in readiness for possible violence by 52 "worst type" convicts staging a sitdown strike in the exercise ward. The prisoners . struck, in demand for three instead of two meals a day. Warden O. B. Ellis said the demand was refused late last night wnen he talked with a spokesman for the group. "I did not and would not give in to their demands," he said "But I'll be glad to listen to any just complaints." No injuries were reported in the "sitdown strike," but the prisoners broke several r windows. : f Participate in OTC I :. j AUGUSTA, Ga. President Solon Meet At Augusta " Seeks Authorization Of Both Houses to (U)president asked Eisenhower today specific action by both houses of: Congress to permit American! participation in . the Organization for Trade APRIL PROVO, UTAH, COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY; v? PRICE FIVE CENTS 1955 14, dbira! Study F t Assor irdoiredl raw DisfribytDoini P15 Serum if Meeting Between Ike Sen. George Labeled As a Social Function Voluntary Plan To Get Test v By MERRIMAN SMITH United Press White House Writer " AUGUSTA, Ga. (UP)-Presi- dent Eisenhower scheduled an informal " ' " " t 'i meeting today with one of the Sen ' i ' Cooperation. ? " 1 ? L . w. I most ' Georate' powerful figures, vi&amzauoa i nas Deen a own F. chair Walter gia's George, xrequent target of foes of the man of the , Senate Foreign Rela Secretary of Health administration's reciprocal jforeign tions Committee. xraae ana tariff program,! which Department Asked To , The White HouseM labeled the 1ias encountered rough shedding in Proceed With Survey Eisenhower - George meeting this ' congress this. year. afternoon at the Augusta National jit. x.i5eanower : puDmitted an AUGUSTA; Ga. (UP) President Golf Club as "social." agreement under which this! nation Eisenhower were There to today directed an imother aspects the would enter the organization, ask" . . . " mediate federal y hH study to assure meeting, however, that made ing specific permissve legislation J tne saix polio oi iair tusiriouuon from both houses raiher than the appear more than social, regardto alT vaccine of the coun sections less of what the two men may say usual request for Senate ratifica and of the popula try segments f v to each other. f , I tion. . " tion. Invitation Extended The new. organization r stems The President directed Mrs. , . from the ' . The White House said the meet s GATT arrange3' j - Culp Hobby, Oveta secretary of ment between J34 nations, known ing was arranged when the PresiHealth, Education and Welfare." as the General Agreement In Tar dent heard that George was com By LOUIS GUILBERT to make the "survey, then . report iffs - and Trade, which has been United Press Staff Correspondent ing to Augusta to address a state to him on the best ways back in existence since 1547 to reduce SAIGON, Indochina (UP) Re bankers convention tonight. . Mr, and means of assuring "that every undesirable tariff I restrictions bellious warlord troops aided by Eisenhower then invited the Demo of section es a the, Czechoslovakia- is the only Iron cratic leader to visit him, too. aeseners attached wjmmunisi fair of the share proportional Curtain participant in the plan government - held city 58 miles Gov. Marvin Griffin was in Au vaccine." Mr. Eisenhower informed the southwest of Saigon with mortars gusta for the same convention ear , The accent for the time being House and Senate in a special at dawn today, lier this week, but made no appear will be on voluntary methods of-- , message today that Ifailure to as The "early mprning assault by ance at the golf club. Nor was assuring , fair distribution. White fume membership in the new troops of the dissident Hoa Hao there any indication that he was Bouse Press Secretary James C. organization would $e interpreted Buddhist sect broke the tinderbox invited. Hagerty; did not know whatn steps throughout the world "a la lack truce in free Viet Nam and threat George has announced his inten might be taken along of. genuine interest on the! part ened a new outbreak of the in-- tion to run again for the Senate tary lines should such a plan be to of thij country in the . efforts and-onext year and one of his' likely civil war. ' come necessary, . expand trade. The i Buddhist warriors Herman is opponents Last the President directed Talmadge night "It would constitute a serious mortars into the city of Sadeck, the former governor who has been of State John Foster Secretary : setback to the monentum; which -H : 20 persons extremely close politically to Grif to at Dulles start least t worldwide distribu wounding has been generated! toward that some of them tion of information on the anti-gravely, in the firs fin. objective." he said. "It I would Is of breach an first the Easter truce, George polio drug, including Soviet Russia political fig strike a severe blow! at the'devel major ure The of from rank this and the Iron Curtain countries m state command said the high tany reg of pment cooperative arrange ular South Viet Nam to visit the President here in imme recipients. army ments in defense of the fre diately launched a cleanup drive trips Mr. Eisenhower has made to Hagerty said that this morning world." I: election Mrs. 1952. since the his in rebel unfold, Hobby Conferred with and Father Steward plead with him not to ijump. Canina finally troops led by Augusta LOVER'S LEAP THWARTED An exciting bit of drama The chief executive! also express- against Gen. Cut Ba Talk whose Politics medical officers of the federal , to shelled come mortars was to a May In back this York Robert bank New when of ed Canina, failure safety, persuaded that muttering "everything today ed the fear ; Whether the about the distribution Sabdeck's government to central facts seems add district. He Manufacbe with floor he to foregoing the sixth of the me." from had threatened to going wrong complained Join just thejj Organization clerk, leap country The to rewounded and were to on trouble. program 30 was on up shown Canina the ledge for evacuated minutes before he the girl would; confer later political significance hirer's Trust Company. In photo above he is poised for Trade Cooperation "oould lead with to seen. mained be aboard South a Viet Namthere of out Saigon representatives , of the mediCertainly to the imposition cf newf trade jumping. (UP Telephoto). ledge for the leap as his girl friend Marilyn Osterwald (arrow) was talked ese was ; cal no Red answer Cross' profession and - the pharmaexpected today. plane. restrictions on the art of other ceutical U. Should Lthe The S. a President industry. George and Embassy said Presi countries which would result in "These discussions will be along contraction of world trade and dent 'Eisenhower's special envoy. go beyond a purely social chat two lines," said Hagerty. "One, Gen. J. Lawton Collins, postponed in the sumptuous club quarters, it constitute a sharp setback to make plans to see that chanwould to relate Indefinitely his planned April 20 probably export foreign of distribution of the vaccine nels policy rather than domestic poli departure for Washington. are open; second, to see that : kept voums nerpeo win tne uneasy tics.'. equal opportunity of treatment is truce between American - backed Another important presidential given . to every section of th Premier Ngo Dinh Diem and the visitor was headed for Augusta ; country." religious sects who oppose Wrn be Cary Middlecoff who won the Mas ere going to pieces in tests. The vestigate the firing of Edward Cor By UNITED PRESS He added that within' the vac BALTIMORE (UP) The govern cause of their own political ambi- ters golf tournament here last Sun ir Force paid $36.61 each for si by Secretary of State John Fos- ment William cine ' Labor P. supply' available, the Presi has announced it will ask the Secretary tions. . day. launchers the Navy only $12.95. ter Dulles. A Senate Judiciary Sub to be sure that each to Mitchell wanted dent asked Congress to today Court reinstate treason Collins had been working closely Middlecoff reportedly was en Rear Adm. Lloyd Harrison testi committee already is looking into Supreme 75 hike child minimum from the medicine gets the wage requiring wim uen. raw. tiy, the French route from New York to Augusta fied that the launchers "disinte the case in connection with a study charges against Army Sgt. John his to cents ah 90 "fair share." hour. David Provoo Hagerty was un for acts he allegedly of the refugee program, adminis in Navy tests. high commissioner in Indochinft. today and will. tour the course with grated" to able estimate the present na 10 more fed committed the than years ago. tional Nam's crisis before Mr. Eisenhower some time later He also proposed that An to end Viet Corsi: Rep. Paul A. Flno (R- - tration of which Corsi has criticized SALT LAKE CTTt (UP) ' supply. " act be standards labor era! fair House find The government's notice of ap Fino proposed that the oerwhelmin2 mafcirity of the the civil war could grow worse. this week. The press secretary here at the 11 M than" two NY) proposed that the House in- to more cover extended Mr. two When the men contin the 'Eisenhower, as peal was filed late yesterday in vacation rebel got out although wneiner iireo orsi ' 31st Utah. Legislature; today had iuues ' added that lious sects and the government to uing: to suffer from bursitis in his million 'additional workers. . It now his adviser on refugee matters to U.S. District,' Court, here where what .Mrs.WhiteHouse was agreed to attend the Special session 24 Hobby minions. aiming for ' affects treason avoid a fight" with Rep. Francis earlier charges, against, the was a right shoulder, played a full 18- April .23 and pay their own, ex- agree to a truce Collins prepared hole the voluntary plan whereby San Franicisco bank clerk round Wednesday in addition Mitchell told a Senate Labor E. Walter ). leave ?as scheduled for Wash I Walter and Cor former penses. doctors and the drug industry. inwere dismissed for a second time si have been feuding. situation to a morning practice, session with Committee the proposed The Legislative Cpuncil, which ington. But4he worsening, with the aid and cooperation of ' 15. . EiMarch last President . Ed club crease, the by him requested held here. 4 Dudley, Unwise: The American Medical professional has kept tally on special poll state- - and .local health services, senhower, would improve the lot Association said federal aid for Judge Ronzel C. Thomsen ruled could see to it that no child need taken by the Senate president and U.S. embassy sources said Col of some 1,300,000 workers without House speaker, said 45 House! mem- lins would stay now until the crisis nurses training is unwise and un then that Provoo had been denied ing the vaccine for treatment affected industries. hurting has 13 "been had The? senators resolved." sources definitely bers and group the right of a speedy' trial "within would be deprived of it. necessary. It told increase But he said believed Oae ad- - the meaning of the Sixth s Amend to this attend. could be done representathe such within a program, asked by any greater pledged senator said ad would serious necessitate one weeks." "several they tive and "very PHOENDC (UP) Attorneys for ministration, would be "a danger- ment." He some in industries." would be out of the! state, justments Provoo, now 38was on Corregi- the Upper Basin states presented ous device." said a $1.25 an hour rate proposed arguments when it fell to the Japanese in Thus both houses ire assured of today on why they Money: Both houses concentrat dor seswhen CIO AFL would the force and the 1942. After his liberation he was by majority should not be made parties to ed on appropriations bills. sion convenes to striighten out an returned to Fort Meade, Md But wage boosts for about half the Arizona's suit against California error in the child labor law. A the government transferred him to manufacturing workers in the for Colorado River water. vote is needed toi put a d South. Fort Jay, Governors Island, in 1949 The states were New Mexico, t By UNITED PRESS bill into law withoit waiting 60 and indicted him in New York Opposition to the administration Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. I R. Walter 60 members has Holdaway, House Provo, pres The Federal court; on charges that he recommendations is centered In yesterday's hearing on Cali days. wage ' ident of the Federated Milk Produaid to his Japanese captors. and the Senate 23. it gave mainly in the South. fornia's motion to make the states jFo ' cers last to asked re Association, is session of the night Other congressional News: Provoo was-- charged specifically HILL i AYR FORCE BASE, (UP) Purpose, to the suit, Arizona and parties to the Utah's milk governor at An air force master sergeant was a place or A Ser House Armed amend, Launchers: with willingly, broadcasting propapill passed peal, Nevada counsel presented their the regular session j which would MOSCOW (UP) Austria and the problem on the agenda of the April vices Subcommittee heard testi ganda for the enemy and with in- reported in fair condition at the At the conclusion of SALT LAKE arguments. The forbid 14 and 15 yea old boys and Soviet Union eonluded an agree 23 special legislative session. CITY. hospital today; after receiving (UP) mony that the Air Force bought forming on and causing the execu- base serum obtained through a mercy cirls to work in offices or stores ment on conditions for, an Austrian Holdaway wrote Gov. J. Bracken 100,000 rocket launchers at about the day's testimony, George L tJtah Foundation estimated today tion of a fellow prisoner. state treaty today. Both govern- Lee that "our dairy industry in the same time launchers made by Height, special master appointed that' government spending: in Utah after school hours. flight to San Francisco, ments; prepared to issue an im Utah is faced with a crisis." iHe the same company for .the Navy by the U. S. Supreme Court, would amount to more than $200,- Base, physicians reported M. Sgt. said he c o u 1 d see no rea 000,000 while . the state's income mediate call for a con said that although Safeway Stores, Robert. Pendergrass, about 35, was son '.'why this should be one of would be ference to sell it to the West. Lac had suggested that the state's death near yesterday as the result x $198,000,000 only during these long drawn out affairs." He It was one of the most significant dairy fanners seek a federal mar of a f rare of brain disease. 1955-5type 7 biennium. the breaks in the diplomatic log jam keting order "we . . do not like to Family-osaid he wanted, to "get this finWhen was learned it that serum American Leaguej tax study group The of the cold all war. and he to told do needed treatment be what for ished," .could parties urged be ob by Safeway." - 000 0 , New York But the Western powers, which He added thai the state's dairy to begin making lists said: the figures take into account concerned in San two tained only Francisco, 1 110 Tctnn must agree before any Austrian farmers also are opposed to what of documents they wish to enter all state income from all sources PARIS the officers from outfit sergeant's and Nixon Premier Edgar1 (UP) r.rimm and Berra; and jail state spending: as. evidence. treaty is signed, waited cautiously he termed "more meddling into t: U. S. and flew to the coast for it in a 3 in the called! Faure ; White, look for a. the at small of be the federal estimated bur Utah affairs by the print 000 2 Pto jJohn P. Frank, special attorney Only $78,700,000 British envoys today to press jetTheplane last night.RICHFIELD, Utah (UP) Kansas City fore hoping for a final agreement,. government." The association pres for! will come Arizona in said the from, officers, Maj. Robert W. suit, spending yes legisla 03) 0 maine poisoning was blamed today preparations for a meeting of j Big Chicago tThe five at envisioned the were 1st Lt. Theodore if The ident said that rea California's powers balance that legislation only tive appropriations. Stroberg terday av. Conillness that affected for Three foreign ministers next Christos ofand serious R. Shantz and Wi Shantz; on conference an Austrian to interests 461st the possible the son come will Bombardment to he protect motion from earmarked funds in making necessary bring sue era and Lollar. 1 state .treaty would be the United of dairy farmers, then "we prefer Mr. and Mrs. Dee Henrie of Marys- me tour upper isasin states into oyer which the Legislature has no month and "an eventual Bigour Wing, flew to Hamilton AFB, Calif. conference' with Russia. , and their three young chil Cleveland at Detroit, delayed, States, Russia, Britain, France and ' ' and then went by automobile to that the law come from the people vale the suit , was to block the billion control. .' dren. rain. more Austria. eager our who Faure, San Francisco. They left here about appearing .Utah in here buy Upper Basin Storage Proj The Foundation also predicted a than either the United Statesor The parents and children , were dollar Baltimore at Washington,' post- - It was understood the German right 6 . . milk." . p.m. and returned about 10:30 state property tax of between six ect in Congress. found unconscious in their ranch ', poned, rain. a fori in Britain question would be excluded from speed arranging and seven mills will be needed to p.m." Ten minutes after their rehome at Elbow Ranch, eight miles Frank, discussing the legal points the conference agenda. U was with Russia, pressing turn- the serum was administered could meet 1955 school fund requirements meeting National League south of Marysvale. by Henrie's is the case, said California Details of the agreement were LEADERS WORK ON if to Pendergrass. The sergeant was possible. eventually use all the Colorado Anotner forecast was that a con- for itin July, 000 brother. James. Brooklyn being UgJitly guarded pending the APPROPRIATIONS BILLS v. To water are Western of a states shift if River! other $1,500,000 urge! preparations removed from the critical list toyear 010 New York issuance of a communique. But WASHINGTON, (UP) Senate A doctor recommended that all blocked from using it because templated . from , the general fund to the 'uni- for such a conference, he. con day. and Campanella; cautious speculation in diplomatic leaders hoped to finish action to five be taken to the Richfield hos the coast Newcombe S Ambassador U. witht not school the form would state fund has be ferred already circles was that Hhe Soviet position day on their second appropria pital and authorities and friends diversion Maglie and Westrtmv, to take it 'from made unless revenues are higher. Douglas Dillon and British Charge works 000 013 would be such that the West most tions bill in two days under a arranged for an emergency trip. Chicago . the than the Foundatioa expects. d'Aff aires D.4P. Keilly. river. 00O00O Cincinnati e likely could accept the stepped-u- p tempo fol legislative Rush and Chiti: Valentine and conference call. lowing Congress Easter recess. Bailey. Highly Rcdio-Acti- ve ! - 1 - - , 1 " 1 I ( Rebel Troops Attack City Near Saigon so-call- ed - - fc . 2 ... - " - 1 m a mm . j nation-receiv- - r non-volu- -- ; ut , rZ7'- t " h s - - . , i 20-year-- old j to-U.- Labor Secretary Requests Cong ress Appeal Filed In Proycto To Raise Minimum Wage to 90 Cents Treason Case . i l j Legisjatolrs Agree to Extra Session - . t ..,? i : A. L I 1 S 1 , - : ; 15-ce- i Austria Russ Finish Draft Of Treaty two-thir- . 4 . jjppe r Basin States Give (D-Pa- ! Ara uments Special Session Asked to Handle Utah Milk Problem i two-thir- ds nt ate Utah Spending Top Budget, Says Foundation , Serum Flown From Coast To Aid G I . . r j j France Wants Big 3 Meeting five-pow-er Today's Baseball 5 -- ' : : : - Stricken With Food Poisoning ' ... j non-prof-it T-3- - - !i ; . " - I . ; t . I i j ' . . . . Thorn Named f five-powi ' Louis Conley and .and Rice. 01 .01 Qraadall; Haddix m 031 Philadelphia 20d 000 Pittsburgh Wehmeier and Lopata; Little-fielFriend (2). Kings (4) and " d. . AtwelL . l POLIO VACCINE ARRIVES IN UTAH Two Czech Ant Communists Escap e In Small Airplane REGENSBURG; Germany (UP) Two Czech anti - Communists hedge-hoppe- . d Immuniiation against polio was under way In Utah! toda follow-in- a arrival of first supplies of the Salk vaccine yes-" ' terday. , - Salt tosent were The supplies Lake City by a large pharmaceutical concern and were distributed however, i to private physicians newly-approv- ed a tiny airclane 17 miles through Red jet Patrols to freedom in West Germany . today. .me wcciia aKui 2d years ot age, landed the stolen single-engin- e sports . craft , in . a field . 30 miles south of. here and immediately asked German police for political 1' ; asylumi . . j:' American Army authorities from a 'base at Landshut took the men for questioning. The Army declined to make an immediate statement. . . Rules for Food Sale, Labeling Being Drawn Up SALT LAKE CITY (UP)- -r The German police, and an American State Department of Agriculture, Army source said the Czechs had after a preliminary hearing, today flown the aircraft! from iKolin, was drawing up regulations for the Czechoslovakia, near Prague. They labeling; sale and advertising of sweetsaid the men told them they had foods containing artificial recent ordered as the by stolen the plane and made the eners, . .'. Utah Legislature. Communists. to escape the flight foods and state drugs super-- ! It was reported that the plane The W. G. said that Kilpatrick, visor, to avoid flew out at treetop level can the of sugar, representatives Czech radar posts and night and industries other and ning, beverage day patrols of MIG15 jet aircraft which are known to be constantly seemed to agree that labels should To Committee Mysterious Metal Disk Baffles, FBI CfiNTRAL CITY, Colo. (UP)! Central City AEC officials admitted today they were unable to identify a small but highly radio-activ-e south metal disk found of this historic mining community. ( The; mysterious metal disk, measuring two inches in diameter and about a quarter-incthick, also had baffled the FBI, U.S. Geological Service, state health' officials and veteran milling men as to its y: origin! or use. A geiger , counter reading of the guarding the Iron Curtain frontier. indicate that artificially sweetened Strange "button" showed it regisuerman police said both men foods were for special dietary use tering more than 20 per cent were dressed in civilian clothes. only. 7-;-- V: 4ir in-a-gul- ch - i- ; V . h ' i Morris Steen, 30, a miHworkeri for Cherokee Uranium, Inc., found the disk in Lake Gulch a mue south of here. He said he spotted what he thought was a chunk of lead and pocketed it at the time without further investigation. The mUlworker said when he was removing the lead to make fishing weights Wednesday ' he discovered the .nrysterious disk inside. Officials said the lead apparently was a homemade shield for the object The disk has a small glass win dow! on one side and a white, powdery substance which glows in the dark is visible inside the win-: , SALT LAKE CITY, (UP) Sen. C. Taylor Burton dow. On fhe reverse side, the ob ject has a clasp similar to a clip used to hold objects on trouser belts.-.- :'J !:T - " (R-Sa- Lake), lt president of the Senate and chair man of the Utah Legislative Council, today made three appointments to an eight-ma- n committee to study the need for a state office building. Two appointees were Sens. Grant Also on back is an inscription and Frank reading: "UNDARK" at the top Thorny lt At the s bottom it reads: "22M-TTR5- 8 M. Openshaw Lake). ; USRC" then "Poison In As chairman of the Legislative X, side." Council, ' Burton named Guy Car-do- n A Denver, radiologist said the Jr., Logan, as a ' . disk's radioactivity probably was member of the group. not harmful but advised all who Rep. Charles E. Peterson (R -handled the object to carefully Provo) will appoint. two members to the Commission. wash their hands afterward. , A detailed examination of the The other three members are the ' object was scheduled 'by the governor, secretary of stats and attorney general. puzzled officials. -- (R-Sa- - ' -- non-legislati- : : . ve . |