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Show "WaiC.i That Next Step, Cousin, It's an Ego Buster! Wolter Wincheii's OCTOBER ; 14, THURSDAY, Washington. News Notebook Wires Grossed Occasionally In Government Office Mix-U- p Along Broadway 1954 Tht Daily Herald it dadkattd to serving the of Utahl County, presenting tha newi Impartially, indepromoting all worthy project, and serving as an of opinions on pendent vehtcU for tha froo oxprettlon InHr-s-ts By DOUGLAS LARSEN NFA Staff Correspondent GovWASHINGTON (NEA) still are having officials ernment - THE BROADWAY LIGHTS Silhouettes About Town: Clau- dette Colbert hailing a keb (on Madison) with a tiny saver Eleanor whistle . . . Roosevelt going like 60 down public question. trouble remembering that headFederal Civil quarters for. the has moved to Mfrhiffan. A White House aide dialed FCDA's number the other and asked day, got the operator 01 uie m for the extension wanted. Han"I'd like to speak to Mr. man. sen," slid the White House not in this city." then?" asked the whrp i hevoice. White House J. Joan Fontaine Duymg scads of movie mags at 57th and Lexington . . . Stunning .Myrna Loy alone at 47th and Madison. 50th Postwar Voting Trend A . ... Behold to Loy Luise ed outembrace-bi- t to have for working control in national legislatures. Not doing the . . ., at side trend. midnight Lindy's even the United States seems unaffected by this of Game" 3 Janls "Palgemu Paige In 1952. the American voters of course gave the Sardi's) stopping a run In (near presidency to Mr. Eisenhower by a margin of 6,500,000 her nylons with her lipstick votes. But they approved a Republican House and Senate Tyrone Power surveying the Cub throng from Table 50 . . Ruby only by the narrowest edge. Keeler 54th, oolookable The GOP is now engaged In an election campaign as eVer strolling ", . . Anna Magnani apaimed not simply at holding control but at strengthening plauding the murderous impres it. Yet signs are beginning 'to accumulate that this may sion of her (by Tony & Eddie) (in prove ari extremely difficult, if not an insuperable, task. at Bon Soir . . .. Bette Davis Sutton slax) unrecognized along able Samuel like the researchers vote "T. ii halt Viova heart lau minor that st crnod m&nv voters are Place . . . Gloria Vanderbilfs on 5th at 49th. Low not particularly disposed to give the President the im- heels, purple-plai-d dress, white most of ft these coat and he blue" people seeks, though lip rouge. proved majorities like Eisenhower. Mr. stil V, Two show- Sallies in Our Soundings suggest that many are going to vote for gals in BirdlandAlley: were having a Democratic candidates for the Senate; and House. Wheth k talk. "I've got to er enough will do this to give the Democrats control of get mine out of storage." said 'In Washington." wpI1 where are you?" T natti Creek. Vhere ay -- Door-to-do- or ne freak-weather- f . . i . mink-to-min- one . : answers. vou think?! tie-libetween "That's too bad," says friend, The telephone and Battle Creek 'what's wrong?" Washington had gotten crossed. Mr. Hansen FOR YEARS, NOW, the Atomhad been left behind in the ic Energy Commission has been denying that its tests have anyWashington office. . and lienerai thing to do with THE AIR FORCE a with still of come wonder a lot But up have people F.lptric new cheap way of getting Jet about It. In fact the neighbors on of AEC Chairmanv Lewis L. planes off the ground fast was Strauss in nearby Culpepper short runways, uia way , rockets which was very expen County, Va., which has suffered sive. The new System Involves a severe drought this past suma tank of alcohol and' water hid- mer, are among those persons den in the wine. When the take unconvinced by the AEC denials. off boost is needed the alcohol Strauss reports: mixture is Injected directly into "My- - neighbors In Culpepper, the combustion chamber of the where our streams and wells are dried up, look at me suspiciously jetAF-G-engine. a nave E these days. . But when they say also engineers brand-neaircraft cannon just anything about it I point oift that about ' perfected wihch shoots my wells are dry, too." He also says: shells at an "unbelievably" to make "I am advisedvthat in an ordi- fast rate. It's supposed obsolete even the new M-3- 9 can- - nary small thunderstorm there is non, which scared the pants of fj much more energy released than MIG pilots at the end or uie in quite a large bomb; and that jin a hurricane or earthquake, .the fighting in Korea. A GROUP OF Washington cab; amounts of; energy released are drivers in a bull session on the'far beyond anything involved in stand in front of the Mayflower an atomic thermonuclear explo- Hotel the Other day were ratingslon. conventions which had been in THERE'S A MOVE on to town the past year. Here's what toughen; up punishments given U. S. armed services : personnel. they decided: Biggest Uppers: The bankers. The Uniform Code of Military Biggest drinkers: The doctors. Justice, 'adopted in 1950 as. a part Biggest playboy: Real Estate of the U.S. armed services', unification program to give all milimen and home builders. Biggest talkers: DAR women: tary men the same, legal safewar veterans as the smartest, Biggest bores: Atomic scien- guards as civilians, j has now come under attack by Navy and the most active and the most tists. Marine officers. The new code The walkers: influential the at Legion politically Biggest lobby made most changes in Navy law. nation's Capital. It is not smart, naires. L V IT WAS WIDELY reported in and regulations. however, to advertise it so t braE. :i" U. was Adm. Rear S. Albert the zenly. Army Jarrell, England that writ-lnoTT O ' w w awa&Aa.wa..A " m5 ina tV) a laminffilal .If flapper-slouc- h , UUC3U l uavc a uig ciiuuu rkxmj fttnrlrnUft fnr Ite nivn'mifnAtsc THEY'RE REVIVING1 some of the old gags concerning the fabulous wealth of W. Averell Har-rima- n, since he became the Democratic nominee for governor of New York. Here's one of them: Friend of Harriman sees him having lunch at his club and inquires, "How are you, ; Averell?" do "Feel like a million." Averell . and Ethel Smith (in the feature of the postwar demo RalnerArnold It is a Cafe foyer) exchanging cracies that the voting populace has generally declined to Parisian "howieedoos" . . v The like the they majorities Chandler Jeff whopping Milton Berles and give ruling regimes well-remark- turning over some of Its new guided missiles like the Honest John and WAC Corporal to the British Army for incorporation into its ground force units.; The Pentagon denies this report. It's reported that the U. S. "I," sighed the other, 14 "I of a if me uvr V1 unto cuiiurui; ins mar "still have. to get mine out sumsate 10 say mat ii nangs . . Elinson's store!" Ezzy ffin will not be much greater than now. of Dior: "As a kid he probably up Far from worrying about this, a lot of voters appear used to enjoy letting the air out " to think it is the wisest thing. Some would deliberately of tires." try to produce A split, with the Republicans holding the VienetW: His name is White House ancLtne Democrats the Congress. Indecision IraMidtown fresh out of Kosloff, on voters part accounts for some ofthis straddling. They . . . He landed on Tunecollege Ban one on, certain Alley about a year ago .v. . The are torn between the parties,-favorinWHIRLIGIG on other questions. issues experts agree he is one of the NATIONAL prolific composers . . . In If the Democrats should take Congress, they will most his first year 22 of his songs admini-stratibpaint' it as vivid repudiation of the Eisenhower or record been have To some extent, it would be that. But the signs ed a recordpublished for a rookie . . . But are that it would be more an expression of great caution none have become V clicks, al Voters have developed increasingly in recent years though some were plattered by . . X He is getting the technique of playing one party off against another, top names a ditty few howeverfrom of using one to check thcother. That technique can be rich, probably win hear. Titled:, practiced without any great upsurge of resentment, and Spoke ToaSoon" . . . It's on the labor problems to the states. By BAY TUCKER it could be way wide of the mark to interpret a possible reverseside of the nation's lead-Northern Senators, Republicans Tam'nrratir vir.fnrv in anrh terms: For if feel inir were ing seller: The Crew Cuts' rMer- WASHINGTON. Oct. the American and Democrats, resented the disc of tu- ti ... cury frankness, amazing Tr;u, rcaiiv l uiumig.uccpy it, nuuiu naiuij icoc iui. uiocuhuhci Federation of Labor s legislative Goldwater scheme, Since 17 untoucned and ne is just aoout as popular as ever. , .y, Memos of a Midnigiter: Judge strategists on the Capitol Hill beat states, mostly in the. South, have to work' laws! inimical to It was common to say after 1952 that the election re- Chas. Perry, who married Joe now reyeal in their annual report "right ' unions. Yankee bloc the sults showed people trusted a national hero but did not and Marilyn, is upset about the of successful operations how they feared that thetheArizdnian's Naval Institute Proceedings, complan Personal Health Service a of mar connived with Senate Democrats breakup that the new code weaktrust the Republican Party (hence the small margin). rift. Thehe first of plains the swell would migration ever performed . . to block revision of the ens "The 'Supreme discipline. to the below Tha iudsrment mav have been accurate. But the coin had riage industries Generalissimo TrujUlo of the ley Act at the recent session of northern of military justice is now Court Line. Dixon and Mason looked too been ten of at. & reverse side which has not Dominican Republic- is incog at Congress. It is a fascinating story the Court of Military Appeals, The 1952 outcome showed that the voters did not the Plaza Betty Hutton ped of masterful lobbying. of three civilian ADMISSION composed "We, her coast home fot $77,500 Republicans are using the BRAZEN the AFL ex- Admiral Jarrell place full trust in the Democrats, either. They turned dled judges," bra therefore." report . . . Dorothy. Malone is get AFL's boastful admission to ans cash ami WILLIAM , M. D. acid. is answer By BRADY, inese judges control My them out of the White House, and all evidence suggests ting her mink the hard way wer the charge by Labor's top zenly states, "permitted the de ged salicylic piams. seems as though the best of that if the food is fit to eat when the most important function of It of a for to continue back were would in if couple them bate the let hot are who . presidency leaders, they generally sup Bought a Montana mink ranch and then Senators Irving the home remedies I have, been it is canned and the canning command, which is discipline. at stake today. It's a girl for the Paul Dudleys porting Democratic Congressional days, readers process is correct no chemical Yet they assume none of the M Ives (R., N. Y.) and Herbert recommending to oursince So the odd truth woud seem to be that Americans, . . . Rock' Hudson and Betty candidates, that the Administra H. Lehman v responsibilities of command. The Tony preservative is necessary. ' (D., N.Y.) presented I . . . Hildegarde tion, bogged down on this issue. a are effect of civilian influence is tre2 Iwas like other westerners, donot wish right now to place full Abdtt madeforup her & t)ud amendments. Practice ANSWERS Labor QUESTIONS stint on the With his inability to obtain auth Fair $5,000 ' one one mendous and it is bad. be confidence in any single major party. They find issues got by Blue Angel tv show, which hasn't ority to reduce tariffs, President "This, of course, put the Southto How Gain Weight either coming too confusedwith no one party appearing to have all the a sponsor The author of the Eisenhowers other major legis- erners on the spot because they 1 n labie Is there any way for a girl 18 Ju ' aval to oppose this, "The Little World of lation failure was his attempt were obligated answers. v, without p r e-- years old, 5 feet tall to eain Labor and it also did the same for the. This" mood may not produce ideal working govern- Don Camillo," is in the clink (in to amend the 1 1 oh or weight if she is underweight. How s c i r p ( for defamation of a gov't management law. Republicans, who, as a Party, hard to find in much should she weigh? (H. L.) ment, but evidently it is the; only kind of government Italy are supposed to favor the propoofficial Fashion model Dorian t' people are willingrput faith in at this troubled time. Leigh and Comm. Roger Mehle AFL'S MASTERFUL LOBBY- sal. The AFL was opposed to an i i the larger em-- ! Answer She sould weigh about lis? aUuiiur 1L 1 L X1 "V1 w 20-m- m. g and-anoth-er AFL Strategists Reveal How They Blocked Taft- Hartley Law Revision m . " " , ji4. "Sh-Boo- m. i t r . Taft-Ha- rt ... - I . Monkey Business In Iowa 1 best-seUe- f ... r, ... . er . .3iK so-call- ed . ! ,- 5-ev- I Letters to . - ponums wnerei28 or 130 pounds. Send stamped the clerk peers envelope bearing your address are Renolarizing it. She will file jut at you irom ana ask in writing for the pam Enforcement of Dog in a few days . . Rumor says Dehlnd Dr. and novelist Eric Remarque Brady of Dr. a pile phlet HOW. TO GAIN WEIGHT. Ordinances Needed Star Maceration Paulette Goddard will wed at ling's Quicklif t and informs you Feet sweat so much the skin A little while agofa writer named Hal Borland, writ- Cannes on New Year's Day. tiiat citrate of soda, Is too danger- gets all white and thickened and Editor.- - Herald: ing in the New Work Times Magazine, suggested some- When did he get his divorce? I read in the Herald where ous to use without a prescription. sore . . H. K. R. Police were investigating Provo not at all that it is so cheap Answer is body coulcpmake a lot of friends by proposing to build a It Wear soft wool socks an Joe College: 13th dog poisoning in thei profit on the sale ,would or that few thousand miles of narrow,, winding dirt roads leading It City Slickeronversus alleged with soft wool feet or & Broadway cor stockings happened the clerk's wages. soles, never cottons or Daar area, in me arucie scarcely pay to nowhere in particular. ner in the 50s Monday em at 5 . certain. to 42." nylons no mention made of a was there some There is of sort the AFL joined with Lister The AFL credits Senator Hill regulation Cautious use of dilute solutions , Said Borland: v Runyon would have , enjoyed So, able of Tthe dog or ordinance police sale the investigation prohibiting to Alabama Hill, Democrat of formaldehyde on stocking feet. owner's violation of Provo One of his "Guys with doing a "magnificent job, of sodium citrate t "Such roads will be open only to motorists tired of covering it City's without a pre- insoles, sometimes a brief appliand Dolls" characters (B. S. have the bill reconunitted to the since the pitting of Northern is law. It that evident ) dog queuing across, the country at 70 miles an hour. They Pulley) very cation of very dilute solution di- the owners of a stranger who committee, and buried, at least Democrats against. Southern Dem scription. in the East j a This is new will be built for dawdling, for stopping on hilltops, for I sked forobliged dogs it will idea, but to skin of. soles, will gena light . . . The latter temporarily. Senator Barry Gold- ocrats led every member of the Briar area are very disrespectful a better man, than Brady to rectly take Arizona on wildflower water, for helpfor was a curves, the for to Gentleman Republican, vote admiring, (with parking erally control the excessive toward the Provo visiting killing minority dog law invalidate so it. Not ed cause Labor's when he many years propos TafHartley revision bill. It was In pam- and that the Provo City Instructions for all the things the prudent motorist simply one or three nips under his belt) ed a noor sweating. Police have sodium citrate was used in phlet EXCESSIVE SWEATING amendment that would one of the few times that the ago who took the joshing that follow can't or shouldn't do on a four-lan- e down fallen in: sworn their highway." the modification of duty milk for infant available on written humor . . . Puller have turned jurisdiction over all Democrats voted solidly on any request (no to enforce that law, that: the We understand what inspires Borland to this pro ed withoutgood A few grains in each bot-feeding.) a of if dice and in pulled you provide stamped above action was taken. I am thing. pair Ue prevented formation! of large clipping) posal. Modern turnpikes and superhighways are magnifi- vited the stranger to toss them envelope your address, sure that people don't like to poibearing cent. They are engineered for safety and give you more first . . . He thre .7 four passes UNCONSCIOUS IRONY There curds. It is seldom so used today. son dogs and if dog owners were is - delicious, albeit unconscious A tablespoonful or two of lime of it than anyther roads. They give you peace of mind and Pulley had to borrow money g of the rights of 1 thoughtful water mixed feeding from friends to continue . . irony, in this frank acknowledg more sausf with each owners took and more physical ease. and care their of v, actory. or still better. ment of the Federation lobby's a Pulley Jtoyed" with the But racing over them almost neutralizes the scen- When dogs as they should and not turn healthy infant needs no such cubes he lost no time breaking strategy and tactics. them loose on the public there ery. Except in places where mountains just demand your the stranger and then returned For many years, labor spokes help to digest straight milk. Wa would not be any trouble. tered down a bit at first, but right men and publications have deinterest, the land alongside a turnpike can seem as im all his money plus $8 . . . "I had Dogs can be a very great nuisout cow of or goat after the the a lot of laughs," said B. S. and lighted in denouncing lobby ac first few ance to the "general public if perpersonal as the grass covering a modern airport. months. then went on his way . . : The tivities at Washington They have ; mitted to run loose. They attack Brother Borland has a point. s stranger tried to learn the iden pilloried the doctors, the Indus children going to school. Mail carSiaried letters, not more trialists, the railroads, the bank tity of Pulley but the group of LAKE SALT In CITY riers have a terrible time with tUP) 1001 one than or words page newsmen wouldn't tell him . ; . ers, the farmers, the power in a biennial report released today, them, newsboys , are dragged off long pertaining to personal terests etc., etc. "I must .return his money," he the Welfare Commission their wheels and bitten, ladies Utah health and hygiene .not to Now they admit what is genOne of the toughest Jobs o girl said, 'it isn't dignified' . . ; He said the State's growing welfare walking down the streets have disease, diagnosis or treatTaken from the files of that went through the Colorado finally left, a little, unhappy over has Is to convince a fellow that his erally known at Washington needs hot have been met .and their stockings and dresses torn ment will be answered by that not all New intentions are serious. namely, that organized labor Dr. of facilities at as well as being frightened half river canyon In 1871 was a visi discovering The Provo Herald expansion urged Brady if a stamped ranks with the farmers and the tor in Provd, a guest of Mr. and Yorkers are gyps . . . He was! the in Provo, the to death, gardens and flowers are State Hpspital la enenvelop Robert director of T, Bower, Mrs. . 4 Dave Rust H. American Fork George Training School destroyed, and garbage cans are closed. Address sot h corre25 Years Ago Social GALBRAITH the and Industrial School in Og- - continually being tipped over by Nayldr, automobile dealer, 'died ican Science Research at Amer- SIDE GLANCES By spondence to Dr William University, Washington. v ee nome. . . was . at new den. them. nis Oct 14, 1929 r Brady co rhe Daily Herald, i stake officers sustained at the at the I feel that the city authorities three , Adequate housing Provo. Utah. The Philadelphia Athletics won first union of the newly Broadway Ticker: The Four welfare institutions is of the first and the police should show a meeting the world's baseball champion- organized Sharon LDS stake in Lads (former Canadian choir concern, the report stated. Facili-- j more cooperative attitude toward I'm sorry that the interests have ties ship, defeating the Chicago Cubs. eluded Mrs. Eva Gillespie. Relief boys) debut at the Copa on the the Tuberculosis Sanitar enforcing the Hog law and proput a crimp in the preparation ium at four games to one . FredereickJ Society; J. Erval Christensem 28th. Special tables reserved for were said to be adequate tecting the general public from and use of the Fool Proof Cough W. Madsen, Sunday the Canadian consulate ... ; . A an additional 300 to dogs running loose than they for Housing Medicine at home, as directed in 400 School: Merle Went. YWMIA: Wall St. syndicate is trying to children needed immediate have in the past. is Little L .sson No. 5. Call It CRI. the at Edward W. Bentley. Myrtle Chrlstensen, Primary . . . buy CBS . . . This is how bar tn ly Training School, the! for which send 25c and stamped Welfare uoiorado College, led by 'Dutch' the U. S. stage is: Not one major commission The stated. envelope.- For all school now cares for more than is still a need for a new theater now : offers - live Qar:, defeated the strong Colo movie receiving a know; w o person may still be 800 s. The Chicago stage a h 200 above its design center, more beds and cafeteria rado a. & M., 14 to 13 . the Theater patients an ounce to of able ci of purchase the last the Big Burg East High Leopards' mauled a facilities, the report showed. capacity. trate of soda without a prescrip edThe switched to has temples) need at the Indus The commissioners added, how 4fl Provo hapless prime High eleven, some tion communities. in . . Juanita Hall's extra bounce re- ever, that more "liberal", approto e. v commission trial the School, No, I don't know of any substi is a Detroiter named Larry Ran was a building for reten- priations during the past four Her are Herald staff correspondents tute that would .serve quite the ported, . . som new Bottle Clubs ..Seven in the various communities of Utah more difficult boys." years has brought about mark tion "the of same purpose as this mildly alka will surround the new Columbus County. Contact them ii you have medical ed" inprovement in staffing and a $1,000,00 Although newt. District circulation stents' art line, diuretic, diaphoretic, expectCircle Coliseum. They debut in com-- ! servica;tt the welfare institu. is building ne&ring listed also. They stand ready to help surgical for medicine the orant in cough a few . . . months Private sleuths state hospital, there tions. you with problems concerning adults or children, and if I did it pletion at the of the oaper. have a new lucrative biz: Investi By HAL COCHRAN mu Name Phone A school bus was stolen from gating New York bank accounts Coraannlty probably would not take the 082J1 its Alpine. Mary Williams state or federal autnon- of lot in nicipal, movie an town. stars: Illinois who stash American Fork. Dena Grant parking cash 100W tles long to crack down ana reAm rork. Rod Griffin (mortal aisj We'll bet a lot of kids tvih thv here to avoid divvying it with Am. rk., Duant Durrant (dr.) 603W bad been in wives who sue under California's quire a prescription. It Benjamin. Mra. J.-L Peay . 0413H3 An Iowa druggist says a lady Community law , . . Geo. AbjLaxemont. rana Kicnards ,., 03 IRS handed him a cliDDin in which Goshen. Xva Cook Any wife's definition of success: bott's wife and daughter Invested Highland. Cressie Greenland 088 J 1 any other woman's husbands ' over ,$25,000 in his William Brady, M.D., said a solu show, "Oh Lake Short, Xdna Knixht J 0318J3 e e e tion of 30 grains of salicylic acia Your Toes" . . : Chinese and Leni. joaepmne Zimmerman . 71W fluidounce of t flexible Alcohol soon will' be put In Japanese dancers are wanted for in . . 101W Lehi. Paul Willis (cir.) Llndon. Mariraretf Holdaway 6031 radiators. At the same Mm whv "House of collodion is a eood remedy for Flowers," the new 018J2 not take, it out of 'all Mapleton. Zora D. Hales corns, warts and calluses paint drivers? musical. Apply 10:30 a.m. today Orem. Margaret v whitwood 09S8R1 the corn or, wart or cauus once a 0393R3 at the Alvin Theater. OrenuJrn Keith (cir.) 031 1R3 Palmyra, Shirlene Ottesen A critic thtt Americtn day for a week or ten days, when Payton. Madoline Dixon . . 223J poeti have iiyi one fault in common. DETECTIVE'S NEW HAT it win be soft enough to wipe Psyson. Amber Jackman (cir J 337J We know PI Grove. Beulah Cs Bradlev 2351 Mriting poems. away. The druggist points out thata STOLEN IN JIG TLME PI. Grove. Guy Hillxnan (sports) 4383 selling salicylic acid for such DENVER (UP) City DetectivP Pi. crove. Jennie GUbert (dr.) 8181 Hollywood cure" itthe druggist's term, not better slogan William ifi his new $20 6101J3 w PI. View. Yvonne Perry Shanley hung bten married and di fedora on a hat rack before he mine) without a prescription is . 0107R1 Salem. Marirrette Taylor navt, ' onan . never vorced . Estella to 0903 Peterson have been testified in a police court ease Santaquin. against the state law. 328 J on page one at alL exSo. rork. Frank G. Kin business this monkey Maybe' Wednesday. So. Fork. Virginia Kvana (Society) 297 T. n af. w. a. Ft. on ; , so tall corn the grows When he left the witness stani, why Sd. Fork. B. Davis Evans (dr.) 397 A plains Cleveland man was robbed the hat was gone: . in Iowa, v Sprlna Lake. Hortense Butler of 741W Soriiurvillt. Evelyn Bover large sum of money right bnaniey found it on a prisoner M0n hat to b vary fcarafuf not to remembar too mucH I suppose all the Iowa houseSpic.. Katherine Sheffield (briefs) 697 after he won it at a race track. In who ask whether the use of the wives drunk tank, who had been Marvel Anderson (dr.) lSIM xnt Kooaavait aomim sir anon n kiv spf aoout Vinevmrd. Mrs. Gearce Wells OlQSJl Next time maybe hell be . lucky sentenced a f of salicylic in the jar when a dash minnt. West Utam Mrs. Cvcra Bishop 6S1JS enougn not to win. your agel" Mamey testified. canning is all. right use bootleg- The AFL opposed the pro posed revision because, although it admittedly "had a few minor favorable proposals," it was con sidered to be generally "objectionable.," However, there was a possibility that it might pass in the Senate if brought to a vote, ac cording to the AFL canvass, and House approval was virtually a Jong separation ING (USN) after Just For Pleasure FEPC proposal being added to 1 Labor bill." Finally, according to the AFL revelations, "We made arrange ments with Senator Hill to offer the motion to recommit before any amendments were voted on, and; as all factions were fearful and more or less confused, they voted to recommit the bill, 50 . i-a- si " - ... ; - bird-watchi- ng - Institutions Need Expanded ' Facilities, Claim On ce N ews, N o v H istory non-do- - j self-address- m ed i ! !;J?Uf ; self-address- .. Daily Herald ed T Correspondents all-fil- ms . " 3arbs da-live- ! ; ry R. ' . ; - v - one-ha- lf I ( f . I t k. |