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Show ' (Advertisement) ct" .VUU. I ahotti mot m n - ... ' - higher-powere- t d, Notable on all 1955 Studebakers new front bumper and which give the appearance grille of a single, massive chrome unit The grille extends . the entire "We are highly --ratified that width of the front fenders, and we can offer as our first new the grille opening, framed in a line of cars and, trucks these heavy chrome - finished casting, Stude-baker- s. .. history - making 1955 extends the entire width of the hood. "We Sre especially nappy that A wide-ans"V" bar with we can launch them with a dy- stylized Studebaker "S" Is cennamic competitive pricing pro- tered in the grille opening. The gram made possible by antici word 'Studebaker is east In repating economies of operation." cessed white letters In the grille A few weeks ago the company 'frame, announced that its 1955; car prices A new, higher and wider hood would be reduced $37.23 to $287.23 is said to give a more massive to place each model in a stronger appearance to all models. A large competitive positioa. Truck prices chrome hood ornament accentu were cut $30 to $100. ates the new silhouette. low-pric- ed is the . le . ' , 11 ? 7. I 1955 Studebaker Gives 16 Color Choices New Power Plants . On '55 Studebakers Powering the 1955 Studebakers are:: , 1. The Victory Six engine step ped up to 101 horsepower in the . Champion series. 2. The new Pacesetter V--8 " ' developing engine 140 Body colors include a choice of eight solid colors and eight two-tone combinations with harmoniz interiors and up ing color-style- d holstery. horse- power In the Commander series. Wildcat 3. The series. in President the engine This is the most powerful car engine ever built by Studebaker. C. K. Whittaker, execuuve vice-president, says the increases in power have been achieved in all three engines without sacrificing economy of operation. All three engines are products of Studebak er engineering and are being built at the South Bend plant. r A - ,r - ; " : s t The 55 Studebakers 'were un signed by Raymond Loewy, with interior styling by Eleanor Le Malre, interior decorating expert and color stylist. In the car line. Champion and Commander sedans are avail' able In Custom, DeLuxe and . Regal models. The new President series is available in DeLuxe and State model sedans, and In the coupe and hardtop sports models. Sports model five - passenger coupes also are available in the Champion and Commander and Regal line, while the hardtop is available as either a Champion or Commander MANAGER Malcolm "Chesty" Regal model. LeSueur, manager and part "Conestoga station wagons are owner of the motor company in DeLuxe and available which is showing the 1955 and models in both the ChampionRegal "Commander" Chrome and Studebaker tomorrow. gold "President" nameplates are Commander lines. In the 1954 set in the rear quarter anel of line, the Conestoga' station wagons these models just above the side were running at 16 per cent of )!""''' I f iS1-moulding. Champion, Command- the company's retail sales. er and president designations are cast into the deck-loc- k assembly. S and 8 ornaments also are NEW TAILLIGHT DESIGN CONTRIBUTES TO SAFETY on the deck lid. 1 iaJ ' Rear bumpers have the same A new taillight design is said massive treatment as front bump- to contribute to as well as ers, wrapping around the trail to elegance safety of appearance. ing edge of the rear fenders. A Lenses project farther from the molded depression in the bumper frame and overlap the rear fenaccommodates the rear license more thus the ders, making plate, which is protected by a easily visible from thelight side. v wide overhang. five-passeng- er De-Lu- xe Name Plates In Panels t-jf , ,! Ill If n V-- V-- - f matic Drive units, thus assuring a fast, smooth acceleration. Gears shift a u t o m a 1 1 cally through the two low ranges and then lock into direct drive. An n automatic at speeds up to 70 miles an hour shifts the Automatic Drive to the intermediate gear range when an additional surge of power is needed. On President models, a four-barrel carburetor adds power in both the low and high gear ranges when the additional two barrels are opened by degressing the accelerator pedaL All cars have Ignition-ke- y start ing. Accessories can be turned on when the car is parked by turning the ignition key to the left. Interiors of all cars have a new feeling of luxury in upholstery, colors, naraware trim and appointments. The instrument panel features new toggle switches with ball knobs. Window controls have V E. B. "BOOTH" SORENSON Office manager. kick-dow- .f -- Mack and Studebaker truck manager truck sales. MR. LOU JOHNSON i rrtmmt mm mmmmmm w im MR. REED LAVENGER car sales manager. j): .cr ' New - . utmwmmmmi i. V TOEE0W : servicemen are at "Chesty" LeSueur Motor ComUtah. Shown above; top row, left to right, George South University Avenue, Provo, pany, Clark, Jack Jameson, Wells Richmond (Service Mgr.), and Maurice . Richmond. Bottom row; left to right, Wm. O. Beckstrom (Body and Paiint shop, Mgr.). La Nar Spendlove, Jim Skelton, Oren Harding and Dan Hunter. SOME OP UTAH COUNTY'S finest automobile -- 410 Low gear start Is In all Auto- r Mwwwgw PAW 1955 SIWBAlffiS: Massive Front End For 1955 Models OCTOBER 13, 1354 Utah County, Utah I'M: Free Gardenias for the Ladies And Refreshments for Everyone Attending Studebaker Showing This Week New Low Prices For 1955 Studebaker Cars-Redu- ced $37,23 to $287.23 "Chesty" LeSueur Motor Co. and Studebaker Packard Corp. introduce their first product Thursday, Oct. 14, unveiling to the public Its new line of Studebaker cars for 1955. New truck rpodels also will be shown. James J. Nance, Studebaker Packard president, declared: WEDNESDAY, DAILY HERALD LILLIAN ELTON T1" - i Secretary. "" '' " X ' '', ' I )!: WAYNE PORTER Gigantic 4th largest full-lin-e e spool knobs. it . worlds producer of cars and trucks Studebaker-Packard-tt- New and used car and truck salesman. Used car DEL PETERSON sales manager. Inverted Fuel Pumps Vice-Pre- s. On 1955 Studebakers Cites Economy Fuel pumps on all engines are to . reduce the possibility nverted used car and truck salesman. of vapor loek. The fuel pump on the 8 engines is located on the camshaft timing gear cover, thus reducingthe height that the fuel Commented is lifted. Compression ratio in all Whlttaier, 'From the inception engines is 7.5 to L of the President line nearly 30 Radiator designs of all cars have been improved to prevent was the purpose of years ago, it of coolant due to high loss the Studebaker engineers and design Radiator temperature. engine ers to keep it abreast of the needs pressure caps of the atmospherof the owner who demanded the Studebaker also is introducing ic vented type retain up to 13 of a its most complete line of trucks pounds of Internal pressure. ROBY BURNETTE Custodian. prestige and satisfaction seven new models Because of the higher pressure also insisted in history really fine can-b- ut tolerance, the engine coolant that his automobile and its opera- with a wide selection of power not vaporize at normal does nu Studebaker Engines and transmissions, plus tion fit into a businessman's plants bofUna temperatures. ox ra rear axle merous options Long Tested Heat dam pistons are on all budget." tios.on the new enRemarks Drive transmis three engines. They have a wide Automatic A spokesman said the engines a Studebaker spokesman tions with the economical direct area between the top of the piston ' have been run for thousands of gines in high gear are and the top ring which confines Studebaker engineers drive feature extra said cost on the heat to the combusiort chamber. at hours In dynamometer tests dur have the available achieved Ugh horsepower thus protecting cylinder wall and most as as well popular ing their development, trans- lubrication, and increasing ring new power plants with models. New la tilt for ' thousands of miles, of travel missions with either direct life. Pistons are of lightweght small cubic displaceon the Studebaker proving relatively drive or over drive are avail- aluminum alloy. ment. able as options on the heavier '"V. Air cleaners and silencers have jgrpjinds.'This has been done by design models, v been tuned to more effectively The new Wildcat engine ia ,: the engines to make maxi dampen air intake noises. An oil The 1955 Studebaker the President series, under de- ing mum use effective of fuel each bath cleaner is standard equip new The engines:V-velopment for six years. Is vir- charge; and by ample manifolding have three Power-Plment on Commander and Chamthe in 8 tually "square," with a stroke to permit free passage of intake two-to- n 140 horse- - pion engines, with the oil bath models' the bore of V-- 8 of ZM Inches and in the type being optional. nower and exhaust gases. n one-toton Inches. and ton, , 3 916 models; Six in the and the The Pacesetter engine has i Tube less Tires and --ton models. stroke of only 21316 inches and Gold-Platein d gross weights Standard Ranging Hardware from a bore of 3 916 inches. This Equipment 4,600 to 12,000 pounds, the short stroke means much less In 1955 Studebakers '55 tracks have wheelDases In addition to their-ne- w power, pickranging from the piston traVel, thereby reducing ruu-irci- e new tne it is declared nam and wear on pistons, rings heavy Studebakers are distinguished by rings are on up chassis to the all Regal and President models, duty chassis. cylinder walls, it is said. a "bigness and roominess of ap and the President series has tri- - A company official said the pearance that joins with their Champion engine has stroke of 4 inches with a; bore tone horns. Steering wheels blend combination of Automatic Drive smart lines and exterior and in of three inches. Larger main with transmissions with the terior appointments to give them interior color schemes. one of the great' a combination is bearings, and a heavier crank power engine of appeals unpar shaft that is in perfect balance President State . Sedans have est engineering advancements alleled In the industry. reduce engine vibration to hardware throughout Studebaker has ever offered, Tubeless tires are standard to operators of delivery minimum. The combustion cham the interior as well as on all '55 Studebaker gold plat especially ber Is designed to reduce ex vehicles which are so subject to equipment on puncture-fre- e lower of the half the hood models, providing leg stop-stacessive or sudden pressure rise driving. life. Conven and long driving These ornament. and models also in quieter operation resulting are avail with tubes tires tional more efficiency. The engine is have icuff-proplas on able special order, only. mounted In new angle-typ- e engine tic trim plates behind the door Bumpers Redesigned Hill Holder is e Studebaker The Metallic hardware. n o s to t n ir provide quieter. on Com standard" Lnish is carried across the lower Bumpers equipment , smoother operation. jon , the new Stude- mander and President models of the and instrument part panel, bakers have separated with conventional and overdrive the radio grille is in gold finish, bumper guards,widely and wrap around framed in chrome. the front fenders to the wheel transmissions. It is optional at NEW FABRIC FOR extra cost on Champions. ,: Vinyl sponge crash pads to opening. 1955 STUDEBAKER match the color of interior ear A new square parking lieht Is ' Power brakes are available as Three new upholstery fabrics nish mouldings art on the instru built into the slanting grille frame optional equipment at extra cost have been created for Presides ment panels of President State immediately below the head on til models. sedans in blue, gxeige and olive models and are available as an lamps. All Regal and "State green. Seats in the President accessory on other models. A models have a chrome side pattern at the rear door edge, fol coupes are upholstered in these cloth covered robe cord and fold moulding beginning at the head lowing the contour of the body fabrics with the addition of viny ing foot rest also are in Presi- - lamps and continuing back to the indentation that has been a Stude r. tail light. , it widens into a quill baker caps and bolsters. New and D. D. LAMBERT V-- Seven New Vice-Preside- nt Studebaker Truck Models . " 54-t- on W-t- on five-spe- ed f ; 175-horsepo- us i Econ-o-Mis- er -- -- Econ-o-Mis- er 14-t- on , America ! The HERE they are, headUnert of dynamic the great Studebaker-Packar- d the glamorous, glorious, excitingly advanced 1 combination Studebakers for 55 Go to your Studebaker dealer's right away. See these big, impressive new Studebaker Cham-- pi Hew on s, Commanders and Presidents. They're the fastest the saf cars on the get-aw- ay 212-in- ch ed fPrllL rt t- gold-plat- - ng America ! They're built to cars in Studebaker-Packar- d THE PRESIDENT quality standards! They're engineered for the same operating economy that gaye Studebaker the most sweeping victories ever scored in the Mo- bilgas Economy Run ! See the 1955 Studebakers now ! They're sensationally losvpriced ! They challenge all competition! d urp..sto)t ,uxutJ, JVE1T COMMANDER ed BIG NEW CHAMPmr gold-ton- Studebaker. much better made . . . worth more when you trade! : style-sette- V--8 and handsome ! The low price 8 with over a billion miles of proved success !. High-power- ed -- J NOWiS THE LOW PRICE FIELDt tl 140-hors- e- of surest-stoppi- V-- The gold-plat- est, mat 112-in- ch - Arm Sensationally low introductory prices! Packed with new power! Sparkling with new beauty! . so Hi Chesty77 LeSueur Motor Company Motor Row, 410 South University Avsnue Provo, Utah i Phone 291 I |