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Show rr h "M SUNDAY; HERALD 2 Demo Rally In County Set Monday AROUND AND ABOUT Utah County. with Mr. and Mrs. J. Donald West left recently by plane for the Eastern States. They planned to visit at Chicago, 111,, Boston and Cambridge, Mass., and in New York City. They will drive back . . home. y 1 . " Mr. and Mrs. Chell Boston (Doris Richards) formerly of Provo, are parents of a baby girl. The couple have two other boys. They are now making their home in La Mirada, Calif., where they recently purchased a new ho.me. Chell is employed in an aircraft plant. William Keith celebrated his birthday Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Christopherson flew to Live Oak, Calif., recently to bring back his father, Chris Christopherson, who has been ill. He has been staying with them while he convalesced. yiel" Christensen.. of Shreveport, .La., has been a houseguest at the home of his brother. Theodore J.- - W. Christensen, whom he hadn't seen for 23 years. Niel was In Provo on business also. He is an engineer and an inventor. Colleen Orme, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Orme, cele- brated her fourth birthday Sept. 21. r Mr. and Mrs. James W. Daniels Jr. and son, Jimmy, and daugh-te- r, Kathy Lynn, arrived from New York this week. They will make their home in Provo where Mr. Daniels will be in business. Mr. and Mrs. Daniels were formerly of Provo. They are at present residing at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. John Finlayson and son, Kevin, formerly of Provo, ' are makingtheir home in Paramount, Calif. www pmp t Michie East and Merrill Christopherson flew to Kanab and Fre- donia, Ariz., on business recently. . ,r . . Dorothy Sherwood of Sallna, Kan., has returned to Provo to attend school at the BYU. She has made her home in Provo for the f past few years. Dorothy spent the summer months visiting in Sallna. -- V Mr. and Mrs. George Ford and daughter, formerly of Provo, now making their home In Las Vegas, Nev. ' . - - - , . Is k' r ' " '- -. s The Eisenhower Bandwagon, During, its ytjh County tou'r, n, the nation's largest campaign residents will met several state ty will arrive in Utah andJcngressional Wednesday, reaching Provo at noon.. p3 Qyde Senatorg didate GcQr One of six, the unit includes a Arthur WatKin;,1 Wallace Benndtt n two and Rcpresenave William . huge are Dawson, those who arong ranch wagons, an "Ike Jeep," a have been invited to speak. , j motion portable picture theatre, Ten Uh County girl'5, music system, bicycles, search- dressed lovely in the official "IKE a lights, and huge barrage ball- Dresses" and carrying decorated oon. x will parasols, accompany the uh- -, Sponsored by the National Cit- it. I L izens For Eisenhower committee, Two colorful fparades will bt the Utah County tour is utyder held, one in' Provo during tl$ chairmanship of Ford Paulson, noon hour, and in afternoon ' f ade at 5 p.m i$ Springville. 2 The circuit begins a rauy, including a major and mntinn nifr Wednesday in Lehi at 9 a. Hn.t Doliticul irfdrM1 T at ture will American held WedPleasbe stops showings,1 Fork, ant Grove and Orem, arriving in nesday evening ijjk Provo. The six touring Bandwagon Provo at noon. Southern Utah County cities will be visited, in will travel approximately 180,0(k the afternoon, starting in Payson miles in covering all parts of the at 4 p. m., moving to Spanish United States this year. y The Fork and Springville, before reunit will LakVi toXir to in Salt its Utah for Provo time gin turning night activities. City, Monday, Ivhcn it partlcf pates in the visit of Vice Press k ' dent Richard MJ Nixon. coup-carava- FORK National, county, and state candidates for office on the Democratic slate ill be honored guests at a special meeting to be held here Monday evening, it was revealed Featured speaker will be tday. W. McKonkie Jr., candiOscar date for the U. S. House of Representatives from the Second District. Mr. McConkie will speak on such matters as the importance of the west in the nation's economic scene, and the role of a democratic congress In current and 'coming western development. Other candidates on state, county and local slates who have received special invitations to attend the affair are Virgil 11. Peterson, Lehi, candidate for county term; commissioner, four-yeRay Murdock, Provo, candidate for county commissioner, two-yeterm: Heber Grant Ivins, American Fork, candidate for district attorney; Bcrnell J. Hansen, Spanish Fork, apd Alan Hodgson, Payson, candidates for Utah State House of Representatives, districts five and six. All special guests will He intf duced and given the chance to speak briefly. 'Tocal members of the Democratic party urge all interested persons of the Spanish Fork and Utah County area to attend and take advantage of the opportunity to meet and hear the views, of the Democratic candidates for the various ofices concerned. The affair will be in the Veterans Memorial Building September 24th at 8:00 p.m. ar ar ire Highland News GOP Plans Full Dav Of Eisenhower Bandwqgonln Utah County Wednesday V 41 . SPANISH Ph. FR 44)217 COLLEEN ROWBERRY V; I'll I". If A " Jf (, cap-coun- j epun .r 15-to- .... I semi-traile- r, J ITT- ma iiiii 1. nn - - i - J - una Hi' lrfrr v j ipatr-Prov- PLEASANT GROVE CHILD GUIDANCE CLINIC COMMITTEE Appointed to direct the Child Guidance Clinic Fund Drive in Pleasant Grove are left to right, C. A. Rasmussen, Mrs. Anera Williams, Mrs. Jessie Shoell, Mrs. Talmage Thomson, Mrs. Joan Jensen and Ted Jones. Players Awarded Trophy and Pins PLEASANT GROVE The coming week of .Sept. 24 through ALPINE Francis Abel from Sept. 29 has been designated as the High Council awarded Alpine Child Guidance Week at PleasWard softball players their tro- ant Grove to allow citizens of the dav-lon- w phy for second place Sunday night and also an individual pin to each player and one to Bishop Reid C. Burgess. The coach is Don Brown and players were Van Burgess, Leo and Bill Turner, LaMar Drew, Roy Loveridge, George Rasmus-seVernon Shepherd, Tad Dev-cy- ( George Brown, Creed Strong and Max Brown. n, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gubler from Lund, Nev., spent a few dtys here recently with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Beck. Injured Woman Returned Home ! city-wid- ,r-- - Roberts. M. Mrs. Talmage Thomson of Pleasant Grove has been named local chairman of the drive with the Jaycee Gems of the city to plan and conduct e canthe vass conthe to make ,week. during vicinity "voluntary According to Mrs. Thomson, tributions to the funds for the additional money is urgently continuance of the Utah County needed in order that the clinic Child Guidance Clinic. A proc- will be able to function until the lamation to this effect was made close of the year. Committee by Mayor Edward C. Roberts, members named to assist Mrs. after receiving an approval vote Thomson are Mrs. Jessie Shoell, of the city council at the council Jaycee Gem chairman; C. A. Rasmussen, meeting on Monday. Mrs. publicity; The county wide drive for Avera Williams and Mrs. Joan funds has the full support of the Jensen, PTA presidents, and Ted city officials, and an appeal to Jones, Jaycee president, This committee was selected' to citizens to - support the worthwhile drive is made by Mayor head the drive from a large group of organizational heads of the city the evening with door prizes who met recently to formulate going to Joyce Greenwood and plans for support of the clinic. C. Rea Carlton. Later a nice hot A. Rasmussen was the Lions Club lunch was served to the eight representative. club members. Announcement of the drive and call for its support will be made Emery Booth has been in the in each of the 10 wards, as well American Fork Hospital where as special drives in the schools. he has been taking treatments. Business establishments will also He is reported to be fine and be contacted by the group during will soon return home. the week. house-to-hou- se 11 ib- cross-countr- " t- - First Aid Class By Red Cross To Begin Monday j ; Published h fltralit Oml poratton, 50 SPutb First West Street every afternoon Mon-daj through Friday. Sunday SundayHerald published I morning. Entered t second class matter at the? post office In Provo Utah under the act of March 3. 1879!; Subscription terma by car-- total of 25 prospective first aid instructors have enrolled in an American Red Cross course! to be taught this week at Brig-haYoung University Fileld-hous- e, according to Golden Jick-m'a- n, Provo, first-ai- d chairman of the Utah County chapter. A r4ax-ipuof 30 students can be accommodated in the class. Max Mason, Salt Lake City, A m m " rier In Utah Cbunty t Per mont certified teacher-instructfor this area, will be instructor for the class, which is to be taught from 7 to 10 p.m. each night Monday through Friday in Room 223 of the fieldhouse. to entering I the class, the prospective instructor must have passed an advanced first aid course within the tast three years, said Mr. Jackman. or $l.5i months tn advance $3.00 One year tu advance $18.09 In th By mail anywber United States i or its possessions: $1.50 pV month; $9.00 for six montbi In advance; $18.00 for a year In advance. Herald telephone numbers z For editorial circulation, advertising and sports, call FR3 5050; fe society and mws briefs. S Pre-requisi- te FB3-46S- 4. w, t a uvuw Service Station Opens at fills Sawl!,,lh Lehi -- - ... A a J I i ; i sH ml single publishing company prints and binds more than 3,000,- 000 Bibles a year. 2 OUCH; LEGCO pnino J mrg office? Evry- - ho4y wantt fo 91 into SUE THAT DOG'S OWNER FOR ALL HE'S WORTH.! WARNED HlMj HE SHUDA CARRIED, XXL. hov nil in be1 YOUI And whil 'wottinl - tkyv" 49, Hi ctf tin' INSURANCE 5 J ' 18 if 1 SCREENS T coit m litHa; im Hn and arranl W btoal. SHUDA! jColl CORDNER'S Don't YOU GENERAL AGENCY SUU. Orem 134 S. . WES AC - TOM . mvik Call for a free estimate on IS 83 North University FR 3-52- 50 n and Free Bonus I'fczthcrkousc.XOTt for enly S l Sw m fsdst??-:- - 12 Esho 'Pktis t'crt.'--' '31 1 1 J OTer ncucei 14 TaiftM ' SKnivt I Plwa Fad. V 3-27- RUSSELL JL '' I Saws) fjawnt twttar Cnif Ewltar fiprsaaltrs t2 Sarvln'a 1 Sssns "1 Swar And These 12 os i. STOCKS ME 1 1 r .'-Harry at . Ssrvsr Fry CM Msot Fftrk 1rv - 1 . 1 Gravy Udt i Trol Moriu f OnAirf 1 h Prict sensation! This delightful BIG clock will brighten up the home for both children ond ffti xrd PiVcai ":..".'!.., a SUdl Frka Other models to choosa from priced fo f $29.95 including bonus! ONLY 50 DOVN and 50 WEEKLY! w rj;ilrf Choice of - ' f fkt t 14. iVHi; a - ijo 12-inc- I adults alike. Authentically designed by master carvers. Runs entirely on weight and pendulum. Accurate timekeeper. FULLY GUARANTEED. Quan- i" , NOTE: See the Community Color ad on page 3 in Family Weekly magazine section of this paper. li r 06 OPEN AN OR MAIL COUPON SCHUBACH 161 West Center, Provo Utah I I I TAMBARD a 'tin, Cuckoo Clock COME IN, PHONE FR EASY BUDGET TERMS TAYLOR 9n'y e 4L. ,n t. tities are limited at this bargain price! usual or permanent installations DIXOri . . 15 loolc Vhaf Ttit un- Then vt oro, wnabridg iefionory ana an ATLAS in canfral spot far tkata Harar-- o Word 1 and lacaHaiH. , 73 dk aatk. . Optional at Only 1 1 II M For the unusual Fireplace., fimn whn ym Wfcy totm ! can b SUIE with an iftin-tnr- a DICTIONARY? rt& Who. sr Ptlmt Drawar Cfcttt """luifAi. I i4 Here is a modern fireplace screen featuring satin black wrought iron frame, with solid brass top bar and trim. Beautifies your fireplace with smart good taste. "Fjirebrass" finish protects all solid brass CUSTOM-BUIL- 'icManary" an. fVHY 4 irff rnrt 1 i.r ; frame parts ... no polishing ' ever I Your choise of black or" brass curtains, TVty StONO . A mrmr MAHOGANY rt.a J! . '"W d4?Thii u ii frcTm-Cardsto- 9 it S S k ii 1111 .rfdPr ,ii...l.iimiw l!fi mmmmm rlNr.fi liiittil s t I I I . Plaei itnd ma tkt Cuckoo Clock com pl.t a witli ths Wootharhooia at outre cot et odwortiiod. 1 egrtt I - pay S0t down and 50 wotkfy. - Mdn ' ' , . , ...... . . ' " '.. " - Easy & Conyenient s ; SCHUBH . i6i Addrtsi SiOtSLi v;t c::;Tcn o- I Pleasant Grove Supports Child Guidance Clinic Drive Alpine News Delia Bowen of ' American Fork, Joyce Greenwood of PleasMr. and Mrs. Claude Ellsworth, formerly of Provo, are temant Chelta Jackson of Grove, porarily living In Salt Lake at the home of their son, .while Mr. Salt Lake City, June Beck, Rea Ellsworth convalesces from a herat attack. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Carlton and Lorna Devey of have been serving in the Northwestern States, Mission at Seattle. were entertained by Dixie Alpine They were in Salt Lake for a few days to attend the wedding of at her home Thursday CRESSIE GREENLAND Strong By their son when Mr. Ellsworth suffered the attack. When he Is well Mrs. HIGHLAND evening. Silas they will return to Baker, Ore., to complete their mission. Sewing and visiting took up Adams, who was injured Aug. 28, collision a and in truck train Mr. and Mrs. Don West are vacationing at Salina, Kan. near Lehi, has been moved from Mr. and Mrs. Tuck Gammon left Saturday for a week's vacation the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City and is now at the home of In the westrn states. They will return home Oct. 1. Mr. her son and daughter-in-laDean Mrs. and Pleasant Adams, Dallas Lockhart has been released from the Utah Valley HosGrove. pital where he recently underwent medical treatment. for a broken . leg. iConnie Ferguson is a guest at Patricia Ann Keele, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vera W. Keele the. home of her grandparents, celebrated her fourth birthday on the back lawn of her home. The Mr. and Mrs. Elverson Ferguson Sr. She is the daughter of Mr. 14 little guests played games and had refreshments. Patricia re and Mrs. Elvernon Ferguson Jr., ceived many nice gifts. of Idaho Falls, Ida. She will stay Shir! Perry underwent surgery atr the Utah Valley Hospital with her grandparents until her parents are situated in California Thursday. He is feeling fine and will be home soon. where her father will be em ployed. Recent newcomers to Provo include: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hen derson, 245 N. University Ave., from Boise, Ida.; Mr. Robert Baily, 456 N. 8th E.. from South Jordan; Mary Walker, 605 N. University Ave., from Pleasant Grove; Mr. and Mrs, Alma King, 770 E. 7th N., from Garland; Mr. and Mrs. Edmund P Hannlfah, 515 E. 340 N., Goshen; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Case, 657 W. 2nd S., from Altamount; Mr. and Mrs. Kenf K. Anderson, 69 W 2nd S., from Bountiful; and Sharen Heaton, 177 E. 4th N., from Murray. LEHI A new Sinclair service r Others who have movd to Provo are Mr. and Mrs. Arnell Heaps, station operated by LaMar Jolley 445 E. 4th N., from Payson; Harvey E. Price, 658 N. 4th E., from r. of Orem is now for business Bountiful; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marchant, 884 W. 1280 N., from Peoa; on Main Street.open Mr. Jolley is Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray, 47 W. 7th N., from Los Angeles; Karm Willes station Cass the leasing men Ellsworth, 177 E. 4th N., from Schaffer Chino, Calif.; Rosina at the corner of Main and Center jVallozzi, 177 E. 4th N., from Los Angeles; Joanne Nebeker, 789 N streets, and will be open for hut E., from. Pasadena,' Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. George Pinckney, 69 W business daily from 7 a.m. to 10 2nd S.. from Alameda, Calif; Da rlene Kayor, 70 Ekins Court, from p.m. Inglewood, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Hal L. Werner, 313 E. 4th N-- , from The station offers all Sinclair Canada. as well as Goodyear Also recently making their homes in Provo are; Joanne Stel- - products, tires. Mr. Jolley also has wash nagcl. 264 E. 7th N., from Sacramento, Calif.;! Carole Thackrey, 744 and lube stalls, and is trained to N. University Ave., from Portland, Ore.; Ddris Candland, 232 E. do minor repairs, Including serv Sth N.. from Santa Rosa, Calif.; Carol Christensen, 605 N. Univer icing spark plugs and Installing sity Ave., from Oakland, Calif.;. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Phelps, 134 E. and adjusting brakes. 2nd N., from Nampa, Ida.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert M., Taylor, 293 E. A graduate of Lincoln High 6th N., from Rexburg, Ida.; Norma G. Jorgensen, 46 E. 3rd N., 'ft School, Mr. Jolley has had four from Burmiiigham, ' Ala.; Jack R. McCampbell, 451 E. 3rd N., from yt ars experience in Sinclair staRiaby. Ida.; Kelly Folson, 195 S. 9th E. Spokane, Wash.; Gene tions in his native city. Before Coreman, 361 N. University Ave., from Lyman, Neb.; and Mr." and coming to Lehi he was employed Mrs. Vaughn Perkins, 135 N. 7th W from Kaysville. at Bullock Motors and Owen's Other Provo newcomers are: Mr.f and Mrs. Zora Peacock, 230 Sinclair station. S. 3rd W., from Palo Alto, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Clair Cherry, 228 N. 3rd W., from Ephraim; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thornton,' 460 N". .1641. W., from Dillon, Mont.; Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Jamesion, 56 W; 4th N., Lovely Wyo.; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Coates, 245 E. 6th N., from East Ely, Nev.; Mr.! and Mrs. Lee Echols Jr., 431 N. 1st E from V'i I" i Alta., Phoenix, Ariz.; Glen Sherwood, 468 N. 1st E., IX Canada; Carol Crapo, 468 N. University Ave., from Alberta, Canada; and Mr. and Mrs. Bob MendenhaU, 163 E. 8th N. rMa ty - rr.ovo 1 Chargo Account it j " |