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Show SIX A TIIE SUNDAY IIESALD, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER WM& ' are By MRS. E, a. HUGHES. We love you our Ki wantons Too tbe sweett-efWw? know; We lore you tl8s your gizsarda When yoa band ns out tbe dough We lore yoa in tbe springtime Whea the flowers are in bloom But of all tbe times We lure yoa It'a on Thursday noun. "not sold will be handled easily, quickly, and all will be washed hygieni-caHsparldinglyilean. - Everything about tfce Mayteg and you wifl will appeal to you not be asked nor urged to buy That will rest entirely with you. it. SELL- - ITWash' everything; dainty The4 Maytag-mu- sr garments will be handled as SELF to you, or youVill not be v gently as by hand, heavy pieces V expected to keep it. Maytag Dealer comes with no long tales He merely puts ff Maytag in your home on free trial where you may do a washing with jt and he will assist you if you wish. - THE r ' your You'll Never hlU$ ' - Maytag Feature 9 7Outstanding 1 Wsahea fa tor. Largest hourly capacity, ia the world. 4 Moat compact washer mad- take, floor apace only 25 Inches S quart, Catt aluminum tab t t a ' t Tub dean aA warp, rot, awelt, 1 1 w So Ifr release. ' " 4- suachateab - : You want clean heat . 2nd. It is positively the nearest approach to absolute 3rd.! You want these things at economical cost ' r WeU Mr. and anBMawsaBsw Gijrafoam HOasher C.WITH CAST ALUMINUM TUo x THE MAYTAb SHOP Mrs. . f j ! - ' ' 2 delirious Sprin grille News luncheon served to thlr-fee- n. , - M.iS Tlelha'Te'iisen entertained the following at a Hallowe'en party Wednesday evening: Merrill Bird, LaMar Bird of Shit lake City Challn Diamond, Marie Jensen, Emma Lee, Lucille Lee, Evelyn Warpent Sunday at home. ren, Lenore Johnson, LnRue Dibble Mr; and Mrs. Lester Teteraon and Ida Evans, and Sylvia Hnrst, 4 iniily, Mrs. James Lambert of Salt Miss Bessie Diamond had as her werf the ftuests of Allsa Jose-hia- e Peterson Wednesday. guest Tuesday, Itltw Melba Diamond 6f pirngville. Miss Thora Perry entertained at a lallowe'en party, Monday. Aiiro-riat- s A. L. .Goates was happily games wer played and a at higonwi Tuesday evening Mr.Jaad1Mfs; J. n."Lee alt take City Sunday, moTtH-edl- : " "S?Sv I l We now have seventeen (17) homes heated with gas. We can make you positive statements as to 'maximum cost for. heating your home with all these most desir- .. able comsiderations . The- B club met at the home of Miss Amy Jones. The lesson was by the following friends, Mr. and led by Miss Margaret Fursythe and Mrs. lieury Weight, Mr. and Mrs. V. the class work was given by Mrs. 8. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. NepM Gled-t- i Mary K. Mower. Miss Lenore Con- and Mrrniid Mr. 11. IS. Urqnor die gave 'two piano soiosc. A delicthe evening was spent in games and ious luncheon was served. music.4 ; Miss Eveline Miner entertained at " Mrs. Halloween party Wdenesday E. Crqhart, Mrs. Ivan a ' Childs and Miss Tess Childg spent night. Decorations were in Halloween The guests style. following Monday and Tuesday in Halt Lake were present: Margaret Fox, Aleln CUy, while there they' attended the Portia Mansfield dancers that was VaneTEdnaTStarr, Oiorla Friel, Louise Kindred, LaTreil Goates, given at the Salt Lake theater. Amy Jones, Margaret1 Fors.vthe, Mr. and Mrs. Dlmlck Childs and Gladys Thompson, Gladys Harriet, and Evelyn Miner, Harward Allan, family and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cher- - Bliss CrandnlL. Keith Gudmundson Grant, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dallin and ' were Mrs. Ellen Hqgnn pf Salt Lake. dinner and. family riugton and Gorden Pierce. Itefreshments were served, gomes played and Mr. and Mrs. Bert West- attended stories told. the birthday party that was given for Mr. West's father at Pleasant ''" Mrs. David C. Stephens and small " Grove Sunday.. son of Ogden are visiting at the home of Mrs. A. O. Childs. Mrs. BlataiKlndred spent the The Mothers Study club met at week with her father at Santaquin. the home of Mrs. J. O. Reyrlolds las' Mrs. NepM Straw is visiting in Friday; It" was music day and the program, was under the dtrectlorrof Salt Lake with her daughter, Mrs. ; James Perry. V" Ms. Mary K. Mower: . Biological sketches of three Amer lean couipof!er8, Edward .McDowell Miss Helen McKenzie entertained Xevln and Cary' Jacobs Bond, were the novelty circle of the high school Kiven by Mrs. Mower.- Mrs. Mower at ber home to a chicken supper played three selections on the jiiam Monday evening. ffom McDowell's wood'and sketches Madame deLory of Hollywood, Cal.. Miss Maurine Wblting and Miss song 'Mikhty Lak a Rose," and the Leona Cook were guests at a HalKosary." by Nevine and Ralph lowe'en party given by Mrs. Ben Weight player. "A Perfect Day," and in Spanish Fork last Tuesday "Just a M7earyin for You," on the evening. cornet, compositions of Cary Jacobs Bond: After each number wa Harold McKenzie entertained at Kiven Msr. Mower gave a delineation wpper Tuesday evening for the "M" ' . men of the Third, ward. of, the piece rendered. CIomJ can In color. T3 oa opaa can. prica f.o.K Detntt ..aatxa AB AU-tte- bodyf heavy crown d jtndern fuel tank filled from - - ' . ments enhance value that has been definitely established. See today's greater Ford value at your nearest Authorized Ford Dealer's. Place your order now to insure early delivery. vi A wiper. Balloon tires extra' : f 25 -- sfV Detroit. Mich. - Lunehon .wag srved by the host . Mr. and Mrs. Vern Anderson of ess assisted hy.Jdra. Drucilla Clark. Mt Pleasant spent the week-enwith Dr. and Mrs. eGorge Anderson. Lewis Childs has gone to Salt Lake to attend the L. D. S. busine Mr. and Mrs. J. I, Hoyle and famwdlege.-", ily of Salt Lake spent the week-en9 with Mr. and Mrs. Brown.., Miss Myrtle Child Is visiting in . Salt Lake City for Burt, Brown is visiting this week with his sister Mra. 'J. E. Hoyle .of ' '" ',. , Tbe Home Culture club met at Salt Lake City. the home of Mrs Mary Klnley lost Mrs. George Crandall entertained Friday, 'October 24. Community Hinging was led by. Mrs. Harold the 8 T, club at ber home Tuesday " CbrlHtensen, a one act play was evening, three tables of progressive presented by members of the club, auction bridge were played, Mrs. G. the story "Sob Sister," was read by eleven membera were present. Mrs. B. M. MendenhaJL Discus- D. Knnedy willing a high score. A sion was led by Mrs. Cbitl Packard. delicious luncheon was . served; Luncheon was Berved In Hallowe'en style. Twenty members were pres Mrs. John Bryan, Mra. I. ILClegg, ..I et Mrs. G.' D. Kennedy, and Arthur i(. v Bird ntotoredjo Eureka Thursday MrRrWUIlB WelghtTntcTtatnprrnt to 'attend the funeral of Milton a surprise party for her husband Moaka, who died In San Francisco. last Friday. Hallowe'en decorations were ".carried ont' in the home and f Mrs! Walter Wheeler and Mrs. the luncheon.- The foDowing were Mattie Clyve of Salt Lake were dinpresent: Mr. and Mrs: Grover Clyde, ner guests Friday of Mrs, Dimmicjt Mrvami Mrs Guy Browne Mrrtind Mrs. Chauncey Childs, Mr. and Mrs. ByrenMndhjlfPayigh Mrs; Ftank Saufurd, Mr. and Mrs. vTslteTFrTJarwJth Mrs. A. W. G. L. Thorp,Mr. and Mrs, Joseph. . . ..." d The recent improvements in Ford cars have created a demand, that Is establishing new '' sales records,. Back of this growing demand is the knowledge that Ford cars have gained their .universal recognition through dependability and economy of operation. The recent improve- outside graceful body lineal wickeiad head lamp rinut comfortable, low team large ttea ing wluetf powtft ful, positive braket. Standard equipment includts four cord Uret, reca-viemirror, extra the carrier and tvindthitld ; f - YOUR GAS COMPANY It QreaterDemandfor the Improved Ford Cars " ' gas-bless- ed . Ar-?y- Runabout . 260 - 520 Coupe Tudor Sedan 580 Fordor Sedan 660 ,., Don't pass this up. Be fair to yourself. Help make our cities ideally clean and wholesome. Join the clean homes and dean cities, armies of our progressive cities who are blessed with such gas service as; Prdvo Springville and Spanish Fork. Think and act now. . - - No Labor No SmokeNo Soot No Ashes No Waste ; week-en- d . Touring . Gas Heating Is Cheaper - - , . Mrs. Madam deLory of Hollywood Cal., who is visiting in Provo with relatives was the guest of Mrs. Mary K. Mower last Friday evening. SERVICE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED . Qronemnn of with Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Ilolley. 214 WEST CENTER ST. PHONE 86 TJna of our chain of 17 stores in the Interaountain States selling ' 1 Maytag Gyrafoam Washers exclusively. '; . V j, due to dirt andilust, cleaning and smoke, and ashes then you will find the truth ' s of our claim that , ; Mrs; Leonard CalHster of Prove siient Tuesday visiting with Mrs. Leo Marshbanka. It f J x ' SalLLa keJClty .spent 4he. uniformity, known because it is automatically controlled and gas is the most flexible fuel " ' v known to science. 3rd. If you will be fair with yourself arirl add to1 the cost of any other fuel you use the actual cost of Misses and Pauline Firm- age are visiting in Halt Lake City mis wee wun Airs. u. w. nuirrey. Mr. and" Mrs. E. . v Aft-ne-a m - It is absolutely clean. 2nd. It is positively the narest approach to absolutely , cheer up dear Eiwanlans guesta Sunday of Thomas Wheeler. GAS Then-Cons- ider : 1st Chorus. And I know when die I shall breathe my last sigh ' For the dear old men.of Klwanls. J : , : C ia available with Gaaoliac . 1st , ntold We loved yoa lit your childhood And we'll love you when your old But of all the times we'll love you most And think you very fine . Is when you kindly ask us out To Klwanls club te dine. : t ttant tcaiioa World Leadership 1 llalf your virtues are melll ky, tha Maytag Grr.lo.ri Multi-Mot- V wringer. Self aijoating. ' In. Ci Reatoni for W . 7 Qothea caa bf ' ' put In or takes ' out with the waabarrunmng. tplit or corrode. 7 " . jof :58me HEATIMG; : ...... love yonr dear old grey heads And your bald heads we love too We love you big tall husbands " And the short oneyes we do But of all the ones we love best Our dear Kiwanlan friend , TIs the hubbymarf th one who can Be true to as till tbe end. Easily adjusted S Waahe. cleaner. ; We love your asjdrations " And your motto fine "We Build' We glory in "Jonr progresa And desire to have instilled All the virtues of a builder And to help when e're we caar : -We want to be your helpers men. Klwanls Forjwe're proud of to stnd you ut today Telephone nest washing FRElt a to da JUST A LITTLE GOMMON.kE.MSE We love your Joy and sunshine ' Your smites so sweet and gay We love to heyour sweethearts And be Usaed twice every day oh bow lonely But bow MiuV-en- d This Ufa we hive to live , When we lean that Dr. Curran Asked yon .one kiss to give. y K Deferred Payment : teb y, '. Maytag Kiwants " d to-weeks- ' -- , - 4 chiidtcrT''' ;r.' Cher-rlngto- . ,. . Mr. and Mrs. CUrence Grant Of and Hubert Of Salt Lake have re- S. hospital in Salt Lake last ThursSalt Lake visited last week-en: . turned from southern Utah after a day.' with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grant.. week of deer hunting. Miss Blanche Groesbcck Ig spendMr. jind Mrs. W. A. Firmnge had the week in Puyson visiting Ben Coe Miss Mrs. ing .and Argyle as their guests Sunday, Mr. and ' rMs. G. W. Hslfrey and family of Deal visited their sister in the L. D. with Miss Rnna Drack. Salt Lake City. d . ' Mrs. ,A. W. Cherrington entertained Thursday for Mrs? Walter Wheeler and Mrs. Mattte Clyve of Salt Lake City.. . v i V Mrs. Ted Christensen of Fairview visited last week with hW parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, F. Meiuleuhall. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Crandall 6ccaron being tits tertained for their son Karl last The birthday anniversary.' room, was decorated with Kewple dolls dressed In fall colors. The evening was spent playing kids games. y suckers Ice cream cones and were served on doll table with doll dishes. The hostess wns assisted by Miss Portia Davis. There were six' teen guests present Frl-23r- d all-da- One' of the mot unique Hallowe'en parties ever held in Springville was given by the Saturday Afternoon card dub at the' home of Mrs. John Mendenhall October 24. The guests were taken through tbe basement rooms which represented chambers of horror before enteroing tbe living rooms which were appropriately, dec' orated.Bridge wag played, after .which a delicious luncheon was served to the following:' Dr. and Mrs. Neil, Mr. and Mrs. John Mendenhall, Mr. and Mra, .Wallace Mace, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Argyle, Mr. and' Mrs. E. E. Knudsen, Drf. and Mrs. Frank Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Harry ; Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. George Russell, Mr, and Mrs. A. G. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Whlttaker, Mr. and Mrs. George Barron and Mr. and Mrs!" Dasll Smith. . . Compare with Coaches Theas finer dossd eafe are built on the famous Bulck chaia with e 21.year.proved, 60 and 75 horaepower Buick Valvcin-Head snginea. Extra power! r . And they have the famous "Sealed Chaiaia" and the new "TripU Sealed Engtne." No other car, regardleaa of price, furniahea thU completeneaa of protection for driving parta. characterUtic Buick' charm of bod.' bave profile. They are finiahed in Duco.. They seat five n ' in people roomy comfort. They have the Fiiher V V ventilating windth.cld, automatic wtndahield wipes, and a hoet Buick's exacting clowd car staodarda Flaher-bui. m theirnfe,tefc,I - prevail bodies. - . K,AuPcV' one-pie- f aate ' lt Mrs, Heer Clyve of Salt LakeXity. - E. 0. Best and brothers - Henry P J ' J c. ll . ff. these Better Buick Sedans i" ndLl. how much to "Coaches", before yoasuperior apend your money I BUICK MOTOR COMPANY. FLINTf MICHTr.AN uuimamul UmraJ Motor. Croraiii ' The ohildre'n and grandchildren of T. B. Childs, Sr., happily surprised him on his seventieth birthday, Saturday October 24, covers were Jald foli.iwenty-faut.th- e color. scheme was carried out In pink and white. Invited guests included Mrs. Wal- - 1' '$ i f .r8 TELLURIDE MOTOR C0MPANYK TVhcn better automobiles are built, Buick will build thertt " |