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Show - J. ,.. ,y, y J - . y, sy .' THE SUNDAY HERALD, APRIL 22, 1923. : Mrs. H. V. Hoyt, Mrs. H. R. Merrill, Blgelow, and Mrs. M- - Mr. Percival - v Mill If It nil' I JUU X. 'v 1 1 UUU1 1 1 1 eldefEach -- fill rkI fl $2.00 per Yaif Alltyme Ctepe HMf.iT a llflEial '"11 In n I k km nil hi 1 t llllllll r ; 1 1 1 1 - - m --- m m x:x . - I1I1I1IJ 1 (claea In the Announcing the latest pre sentation oHhe new-r-- : Mutual wlU (urhlab one number on the program and m jwiae i to he awarded to the i class furhlehing the best entertains ment- The "31 Men, Boy 8couta, enlor, Junior and fceehlYe classes axe contesting. ' Games will lsor. be enextwid-e- d joyed. A cordial toTitatioJi Is. V to eTeryone. " II II II 1 El t C Bessie Toung was pieaaanUy . afiss number of friends at surprised by Iter- - home Wednesday afternoon. Games and music were enjoyable fee entertain- tures of the fternoon' menL after which e daluv luncheon 1 wttnerred fr ue following Mffltredtt a niiiiii11 : r 1 Ei 11 I II II II II Alene - SBBk. Bk Bi M r , ' MPMk - JIIIIIirT llllll .... M MFli Bt Mrs,. Sidney" : Mrs. Cal Cragun at j, children's blrthdai Jjarty elJier enTrtarned"afew home Friday afternoon, friends 'Thursday afternoon. Spring were used In Mnslc, sewing, followed dainty luncheon, weT enjoyed by the following: Mrs. H. H, Norgard. Mrs. Parley Peterson of Clear Creek, Mrs. Robert Sneddon, Mrs. , C. Nelson and Mrs. W. K. Spafford. nowera ment to her In rs. J. R. Springs, Idaho. U BTU ONE-MINUT- compli d Manghaa-of-lffa-gotf- the guest of Dr. me W rs. Susan Heaton. was pleasantly surprised by a number of friends at her home Friday afternoon, in cele- bratlon of her birthday anniversary, which occurred on that day. A pleasant time was spent with needlework and social chat pythe following guests: Mrs. D. G. Calder, iMrs. John A. Vance, Mr. J. W. Lunce-forMrs. J. A. Elder, Mrs. George Carroll, Mrs. S. J. Cunningham, Mrs. J. E. Chrlstensen. self-invit- TT ki ani HEALTH TALK ' : E. - . rj By J. H. HENDERSON, D. C. .Jpy-Wfi- d, deTOrnJiaitnse bra Ster Coanie Staggwas successfully surprised by a nntaber of friends at, her-toFriday evening. , Spring flowers preralled throughout the entertaining rooms, where games, music Horton, a elea Reece, dauehter Birthday " annrversary oo curred on that day. Games and music were enjoyable features of the after noon's entertainment, during which a Wives of Btudents, mothers of stu delicious luncheon was served to the tmd married following little folks: Marie Clayton, dents, from Evelyn Dixon, Clay ton ..Smith, jack women students will be- - ehtertalned' Smith, Boyle Strong, Jack Strong, Vir- on Thursday', April 26, in the faculty ginia Thurgood, Emma Clark, Ha room by the is. i. v. women. The ef wood Leavitt, Lois 'Martin, Lael Poul- - fecting of a permanent organization son, Vesta Taylor, Ruth Taylor, Albert I for this group will be considered. The Tlckman, George Dixon, Paul Shill, hosesses on this occasion are Mrs. Carol Williams, Eaaton Russell, Floyd William Boyle, Mrs. L. John Nuttall, seven-year-ol- .rLwi -tm - I - SOCIETY. ' ' MI1 brack. Arrllla Walker: Harold Jones, Vera .Harris Barlo Harris,.. Con G9 tls Roy Roily end Junior cmrr, Ph.. I I l1 "BUL A-- nil - J-- L -i- '- ' with, 5t m iv . '1 f - rv--. ir-r- r Many persons have a good' Mrs. George A jCulllmorewaatosW appetite one day and sickness of food to the members of the Social Hour ess next; at the sight There is often" a belching of club at her home Thursday afternoon. gas and a taste of bitter fluid. The rooms were prettily .decorated and ferns.' Mrs. Frank RoyFrequently the tongue is coat with roses - BW -air interesting, xevlew of or ed. There may ... . inayoHI Hh bwkrThe hirdAterm.1 f Musl- a.iii be nam in ii. ine Biomacn. al numbers were also enjoyed during Headache and dizziness often jwhlcltA 4ellcious4uncheon-wanervdnoon- 'a Accompany to Mrs. L. M. Nelson, Mrs. J. A. The stomach like every Vance, Mrs. D. G Calder.Mrs. S. J. other part of the body is de- - Cunningham, Mrs. J. E.' Chrlstensen, pendent upon spinal nerves Mrs. J. W. Lunceford, Mrs. William Moloney, Mrs. Frank Royla&eev - Mrs. fQtstrengtliAndgor.- 'Mra. lOeorge .TgcBridge, the joints Mrs. CarroTlT "lAdj'usfeients J. H. Wilson, Mrs. Susan Heaton of the backbone which have and ,the Invited guests, Mrs. Don Clay become out of alignment at ton and M.s' Leslie Cullimore. Later ' 'stomach place," sixth or the guests were Joined, by their partseventh -- Ttorsal vertebrae, ners.' Gamua and music Were enjoy restore normal stomach ed and a dainty luncheon served. ; strength. Miss teacher of the Brockbank, Digestion and all the processes of the stomach become Second grade of the B. T. U. was pleasantly surprised normal when there is 100 per by her pupUs Monday afternoon. cent nervous energy. Games and music were enjoyed, and a I JUA- - X B. Beck, Caleb Haws amontn. - r TV T u V 5 - Mrs. M. P. Henderson for -.--- - y : Vk. L tfiese-Bympt- oTn I - - XT: T TT TPt i imiA fe. k UUUUU U U UUU UUU U U UUUUUUUU UU U U UUUU and a delicious luncheon was' enjoyed by the following: Irene Westpbal, Ellen Thompson, Melvln Kavachevich, Helen Kavachevich, Latham ". .Kimberf Mrs. Parley Peterson and Mrs.Ht W4UlerPteld, Edith Vincent, Frank H. Norgaard of Clear Creek are visit Field, Albert Klmber and John Stagg. ing friends in Provo for a few, days. Russell 'was hostess at n .t d,ctInc'n b,n - com- - :M&lMiizit i, ti iJLJUtil i models that .- - - 111 I - . - 1 Schats, I INflH W 'sy' Autt'tatlv . Nelson.aageftungKuoy. Maxine- - - 'T ' j ' " ' ' uir lili Finrfinea Tianaen Norma liaam, Lona Baum. Max Iwlsr4iamajr- Ercaii- - II Illlllli IIIIIIM 1 I j i;! V F Mil k 1 11 iiif tflT' - rm.. If II II n.i iiAnintM 1 wvAiwiu v 19 1 ua,niuj4 ILjOIJ am n.r w ran iu 1 11 11 1 '- ',. "r. The V. I A. of the Pioneer, ward wia give a social Tuesday evening la the ward amusement batata eomplV mest to Eld en Paynewho will leave May S for the Northern ute busIon field of theL. D. S. church. , me entertainment will tie la the form. of inlffllfflrtrr-show- er for tne departing JL x . 1 tF, I . , j JP liil fiJ W " " Wi 1 MM iHBMBMMBMMd Mrs. LucUe' Overly; Dabrnar Brlund and Mrs. Fred Critchlow.iamnirf; - - irii.i, v. 1 Mr. F. D. B. Oa ,""6ui,imuhi civans and MarJorie'Bee Miss Xliara Peterson, - Mrs. N. A. Peterson ihtertilned' at IMlss Florls ., Klrkwoi)dsafra7 a birthday party at her home Satur-- 1 erson, and Miss Verda Peterson day afternoon, la honor of her daugh- assisted, the Ijostess in entertainmg. ter, Zella, Whose eighth birthday an- niversary it was. Games and music - nBr v. "v. entertainment, during which a sdelicious lunchexnr wa- served. A large birthday cake, containing eight lighted candles, formed, an. attractive ' centerpiece for the luncheon table. A delightful time was penny7:ihr M- lowing: Misses Darlene Owens, Donna Evans, Alice Miller, Beth Reese Alda Thurgood, Helen Spencer, Rita Jacob-seRilla Jacobsen, Ruth Grames, Mtrj Startup,. - Onda Chrlstensen, n, Mta, una oitum waajaoetess to. ger- era! friends at" her ' home Tuesday evening in celebration of the birthday anniversary of her. hnsband, which oc-cntronjOat jdayjLJwaet peas and fcrhs attrartlTely deocrated the 5?um "residence." and Games1 ' - mUblc were features of ehtertalament, during which Jk dainty luncheon was served to 80. . -- - r.;; training-s- chool, No The Steel Plant SUFFERED TWELVE YEARS I am the mother of six children and during the .vital period before thelr'birth, I have not known what It was to have my stomach tunc? .tjpn properly. I dreaded to eat my i meais because my food turned to add, so at very Uttte and lost result strength as I heard of Dr. J. H. Henderson Jffld his- - wonderful chiropractic success,, so. came to Provo to take adjustments tram him. I was surprised with the Immediate relief 1 obtained, and now after being under his care for one week I And myself feeling normal again. I can eat three meals a day and the acid condition is practically gone. . I would advise all who do not enjoy good health, to Investigate the chiropractlce science. I intend to continue taking adjustments until --my physical weaknesses are overcome, MRS. L. MAUGHAN. Lara oHt Springs, Idaho. delicious luncheon served to St. The following spent Friday after noon with iMrs. Celestla M. Strong at her home: Mrs. May R. Farrerr, Mrs. II i com-ptete- lf Bu-t- Why Delay When Consulta-- tion Is Without Charge. 1. H. 'HENDERSON, nn D,C Office flours 2 to 630 P. M. Home Appointments 1 During March, as a result of our SPECIAL Can Be Made by Telephoning .729 Office, 61S-ReslSsnce. PRICE Campaign, we signed up , A - 35 NewPfefraji? M M ... - $5,00 to $20 AO . r, .. ..... 4 M - : iJrrovo r TxTIZ 5p a n-- t h r! table. .An Interesting review of the booy. "The Lady of the Land,?was given--- by- - Mrs. -- PartertJlxoKTOIusIc and ,a delicious luncheon were also enjoyed by the foUowlng Mrs; Parley Dixon, Mrs. J. F. McClellan, Mrs. Q. AluMM,ErjieaDionrJJrs.Wal- - lorMrsKssiecltrafWJ; Mrs; Upton Hoover, Mrs. t WE ARE PAYING 17 K, CENTS IN CASIL WE ARE PAYING 22 ft CENTS IK TRADE, "We can use your Rhubarbj Asparagu -- Sprirgv'dle': club-a-be- ilfetiffl & : - entertained the members of the Provannas borne this afternoon, spring flowers-werused in decorating the entertaining rooms, while a cut glass' bowl of --zEfeshMsgst Phone 295 for our Special proposition " PRICES RAISE. MAY 1st PRICESARE ADVANCING ON ALL SILK HOSIERY nn A nr41 let bfit Until th 1st nf Mav ma. nriTI ooll tinea m1mJM hrteA AT THE OLD PRICES. You can save .15 cents to 25 cents on each self now with your summer requirements. No, 590 Pure Thread Silk , , . . No: , . . . . . . JT. . . .S1.50 Special ;No, 580Extra Stretch Top .81.65 ;; No. 390 Heavy Silk ... r.$l;75 No. 2200 FnU Fashioned $3.00 - 99(K-Holepro- Ft rkr S Spinach, ' CALL US BY PH0NE-193,.- iO4, 11$1.25 ... ,1,1;. . Jenkins Knitting MilliCo. : j '"THE HOSIERY STORE 1 1 .i er other - w a 1 i J ; green stuff. Good Apples, large 8ize7"" , TTS .20 CcnU.Per Pound Paid for Uve Chickens.- 1. of k Wanted 75 cases fc f '.- - HoiyoW Mrs. John Penrod W. Bailey, By ordering the gas into your home this month you will save; money. Ranges going now at a discount of W-F-- S Buy Holeproof Mrs. Allle D. Cunningham and Mrs. George Startup spent Wednesday fn Salt Lake City. They went to attend the wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. William Dunn, which was given' that evening at the homeuot. the, bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Younger. Mrs. Dunn was formerly Miss Stella , Younger of Salt Lake. ter-T- ay Are YOU coming in on this date! i. ph. C. I Peter "Groaeman, - Mrs."- - Petert BoycerMr. andMrs. Reed StrontV Mrs. Mrs." Allle, Strong, Mr. Vllajte Strong," and' Mrs. LaVar Groneman, Mr. and Mr. Bernell Hair, Mtes Alice Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Mllo Cutler, Mrs. Hyrum Hatton and Mrs. Joseph B. Seethaler, aU of Provo; Mr. and Mrs: J. G. Cunningham of Heber, Mrs: Ada Toung of Ogden and Mrs. Hannah Pike, of St George. " Mra- - coMjm ; ....i,r ' ' |