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Show If : - 1 " - -" tiioiuuBiuaea, at every turn,' he decides? to returto Bethle. hem, his home town. Wfien- - he comes to say good-byto Leila he finds her a compromising 'situation with a friend of her father's, and after denouncing them both, leaves. or Salt lake Crly WillBe the Held to Drat o Fourth -- Wf;- - ' ft League Team Yokel By - Mfcumcuu ii fds- ' A COAL CAMP. LEAGUE. - : (M0HRLAKD,? Marcft": 8LAt the mitial. meeting of the Eastern Utah baseball league.'Tield here Wednesday night, seven teams applied for these teams, are all admitted It will De necessary to Tiave one team the schedule. tdmls-sionr- lf be put that Mleeach-weekvdurinIt but summer, .which have applied are appears this ltEFTeama Monday basebalt league league map nearljrissed the lo f Mohriand7Hlawatha;-TJyV'a"ttl-Price, wtoen team Spring each a vrillpesMttfthaf pinned wrlstloct evening Hel perr Kenflworth and Sunnys We. . 1 '24 season when SpringvUle hope to on him. Just' as the champion gave $500 forfeit money. No definite action was taken. The meeting is to be held in Salt have grown sufficiently large to aup-the ibig push that he thought should nort-ata- te e and will be attended oy jT-ehave bnraghttnTnTTheTflt fall, Mike league basebaljUjhaoaiy 7 Harry Hear and directors of the objection to Logan is one of distance. stan Mike was on top trying for varl Provo Athletic association and On the other., hand Brigham ous holds, giving Meyers different . The most important, 'matter, coming ugden would r Logan to any kinds of - Tfunishment. Meyers retal up will be that or sail xaae. inus ntimr ettyr So. if Salt Lflltft doesn't. MONDAY AND TUESDAY iated with a oouple of headlocks but h m Logan probably will. arjtTejcbjcongrfililntffd Salt Lakers to talk real baseball bus! splendid matches staged Friday even-la- the Dutchman broke both of them. The Provo baseball magnates will ShoWTO, 9rI5r The Mas weTe ..thoroughly satls- - This was followed with a toehold ness. Some of tnem want represent II . op at AnTertcanytnTrtoTroid ' cobfi I and some tnMiua state Annan Hon in the league Mike cham with the which agaTn gave expresseOTttfetr appreciation verse with. Tiappy" Hoimsteaa ana don't. President Billy Lane of me . : -for ...the entertainment which; was pion more punishment 'L a uAnMtn PkOrt DimtOB - t --41 CHANGE IN PRICES" rith Then sauter oh to' LehJ z iteVs to of. i.i ii tare anxious 8 overly ' w'n"'ff "f h?"1 strictly high class throughout. It is "Rice aaatn nftpr ' And Mitchell. that Dave" evening doubtful if a wrestling and boxing tussling, ohnny, had Mike's shoulders a stata Jeagua team In the capital city. the Provo ; r.manage rwill be slotted It deTO ALL card, of hlghre merit has been staged where they were just about to smack He's aired thetate league wljl may be either Mitchell Or Holmstead, l I Uee from crowds the espe tract park the mat, but he twisted and turned BELL" PLAY MIDNIGHT STAGE SCREENED any other place In the state. "A if either can come here for the begin-"You gave nie many a heartache to- - until he had noLonly robbed Meyere cially if the Salt Lake Coast leaguers U -- ---told gooa on - aitr Jdfeln&.Ot tha. league season,. 4ft tkeWe-a said high had W fall whattoofcHifce-tits" Mfoe." bttt Larney. Uchtn-night. .... . Thus faf President Heal has been all pictures sport writers have been cool in their stein, Meyers' manager, .following the gut oil top. unable to locate Snapp, who, after Mike was very aggressive and kit attitude toward the state league. match. "I'll never go fishing with you. '" artist i'The Little J "Cut we are going to put it up his marriage to an Idaho girl depart.Feel my head, and ee" how It burns. working tho 'champion continuously", on a ed California and o has ana una honeymoon oui to Hmo Thnro nnlsaimrelv una W.nii'iit nn ntiv You sure had ray man in .many a tight lioorM frwm t rk It dtma ' jam-.seemed to have difficulty In turning whether that city will support a stute , VJf ' ' v nounced by the Strand theater for The world's champion is now. hot ohnny over or setting the hold lie dn league," declared President ileal, up between how- and Monday after"' Mfc fffciffi Monday and Tuesday. Thta is the "We would like to Iiave a Salt Lake noon he'll be offered the managership on Ira' Dern's txallr Meyers and his sired. j tWi yearr has v I Provo If I of the he Timps. young aptress-whe-- in doesn't "5Vjt5S Kor a third time, Referee Leafs .blgj team 'In the league, but if SaItLake manager are in Salt Lake City trying I -l- imhed to the ton runs- - Of stellar I ' SCvCT! to get Dern to come on the mat with right paw lurked suspiciously near the! doesn't come in Logan will. Logan the manager probably will be Happy I' t rHolmstead. I I II -- success, beginninr very- - low andll broad back Tf Johnny Meyers ready: Is anxious to get into the state-cithe champion. JvJrwTir By Tuesday morning thereH beali "At the last match with JHeyers and to irivo 'him the coveted tan. The cult." " . reaching the top. Provo would support Springville if state league-- in existence, and a manDern-sa- ld Yokel in- Satt-iak- e, at Mike to got out otthe at the crowd-yetleCorChurch Around "The the Litle . ager of the Provo Timps. ringside that he would be willing to hold. lie did and once. more took the ner" is a screen adaptation of the take Meyers on If Dern could weigh aggressive role. Provo has, to put up $500 iorfeit y 'still were 160 pounds at 3 o'clock on the aftor- one ,atae.pmyofeaniene;-4iAt the hour mark they money in the state league. To "raise Charles Blaney, known in every cornoon of the match," said Liehtenstein going strong with Mike on top and that amount there Is going to he a ner of the country either in its stage ' "The governor of Utah and the mayor Meyers flat on his stomacbvA' minute big baseball dance at the armory Friversion or novel form. The scenario were on their feet Johnny of Salt Lake City were there and later they day night This will be the biggest was written fcy Olga Prlntzlau, who beard the statement tried to clamp several wrlstlocks on dance ever given In the county, and has many, photoplays to her credit "We are going to accept the offer the former champion, but each time one of the best Roy Boren has and ', A romance hetweenr-a-mtalsthis knee. and make Dern come through, if he Mike broke them with' charge of the dancing party, and says, a society girl, a strike in which angry doesn't 111 take him to court to make When the announcer called out "70 he will eclipse .all his ' Timpanogoe mob 80 rioting, miracles and deep him answer to making false state- minutes," Meyers clamped oh a head- efforts in the way of --music, decora - genuine sentiment figure in this ments before the public." lock, which Mike broke with a somertions and a rood time. You'll miss drama. About that time' Meyers' interrupted sault, only to find himself in another half your life if you're not there, ac Not long after young David Gra the manager with the statement that similar hold which he bad more diffi cording to Mr. Boren. : ham accept the.charge of a fashionCOMMANDMENT he would never wrestle Dern for the culty in breaking. able church, he falls in love with Meyers created much merriment championship and allow him to weigh 4 CKMOPCUTHI P00CTJCTWW 160 pounds. TieUa Morton."tlattghter of a powerful and amusement and was somewhat mlllionair minaowner; aha con- Dern weighs 158 Bounds, ; Ell Jeered, when he apparently lost bis Track and field men- - are gradually THE NTH COMMANDMENT Tinces him that he can do snore good take him on at any time for the cham temper and started to jump around as rounding into condition for the preAnd Corned by reforming the rich than the poor, ptonshlp," said Meyers, "but I'll never If he was dancing the quadrille. MJke season events that are always an atto of her the succumbs and he -l- low him to weigh more than spell that was as cool as a cucumber on a traction at the Tonne university. If If he claims to be middleweight he frosty fall morning and did not let Old Sol continues to pour oat Its will have to weigh ia at the correct the antics of the champion worry or energy-givinray t for anotherweelt, weight However, HI wrestle) Dern yturbJhlnUin wilPbe Tiy Bme for any other match and The fans were on their feet yelling at a minimum among the training themselves hoarse for Mike to finish athletes on, Temple hilt . allow him to weigh 160 pounds." 1111 Yokel was the favorite of the even- a good job when he clamped a jevere Coach Twitcheiris putting the meal to - genuine surprise In "A -- There ing. Time and again the fans as-- head lock on the champion. Meyers through some good practice work latest" MONDAY AND TUESDAY Midnight Beq," Charles Rays . sured their Idol that they were be- broke after a lot of punishment but dally and watches'closely to see what as Na-which pens-hind him, and gave him several dem- came out very much daed. Mike took plctnre? Shows 2:30, 4, 7:30, 9:15 p. m. develops. He really expects to find onstrations. tionat attraction tomorrow at ue advantage of the dizziness and Jumped some unheralded start to complete a two-da-y seen was run. about the much on Johnny, in a flash and pinned an track team for this year. Nothing Columbia theater for a talked-o- f "stopper" hold said to have other headlock on htm, giving bun a The practice work will assume the a Prvr fiva reels the picture has been Invented by the champion. Ap- little more torturous punishment dignity of competition this comnlng love s'ory a with melodramatic in the famous Charles Hoyt play twinge, parently he tried to get hold of Mike tried for a cradle, but Meyers week-enmeet Is planned as a two-daintertwined. Suddenly it changes to Yokel's ahkle for the hold at dlffer-- broke with a headlock. Mike con-- , to determine the best track an allegorical setting, with tour child ent times but Jilke carefully, guarded tlnued being tha aggressor, - trying and Held man at the Institution . of actors, two of whom give a demon his extremities so that Johnny could first one hold and then another. The of rictor the higher learning. stration with huge mallets of the not get the desired hold. Meyers seemed too heavy tor Mike, meet will be awarded a gold medal A midnight mystery a gallivant with ghosts a proper way in which to lay low - a The two middiewetghta looked as who was unable to turn the champion by Edgar McArthur of the Schwab of hamprrrnd enough thrills to last a hurricane . couple of "spooks." They - werer dlmuch.. alike on the mat as the two over. Johnny burned Mike's ears " Clothtng company. year. a exhibited who rected by Ray, high .. proveTblal peas.- Jt was hard for the witha headlock which he broke onlyf Prizes will also be awarded the fans to tell thenr apart. They are both aner exerung nimseir to uie. limit. degree of skill Jn handling the Juven-AND COMEDY Colleen Jtoor- men -- who finish second, third and . Hesr of about the same height and same At one hour and 40 minutes Mike lourtn, the fn tht QammountQictart respective pruces-t- o M a ' build. it noj been for the brown gave Msyers the worst punishment he hat. a pair of tennis shoes and a neck VhJmQmzndment' leather knee pads and his white' had during the entire evening when tie. Mr. McArthur la the donor of leather shoesj Meyers would not have for sayeral. minutes he pulled, and all four, The contest', which is slated b?eii disliiiMUishect What is believed to be the most to- from his oppo-- Jerked at Johnny's leg. .Every second! for April 6 and T. will no doubt be an " markable studio set ever designed fort nent the fans looked for Meyers' signal annual affair. ., J v The two men received ah ovation as that lie was willing to give In bu lt What is already considered the best the maklng(of a motion picture Is one e they stepped on the mat and were in- - didn't come. The champion was black conducted meet in and what which was fashioned during the filmtroduced by the referee, 'Professor! in the fare Item' the agony he passed promises to become the biggest meet ing of "The Nth Commandment" a: Laf. The men were very careful 'when throuslit Hut still he tamely squirmed in the west Is Blated for April 29 this picturliation of the famous Fannie they l'im came, on the mat. ' They and jerked untjl liebfflkeJhe hold. yearr--- lt annual B. Hursr stor; of tha same name. This -; weTtrteftinc each "other mt fora long Mike sot away- from, another" aeadr Y. U. track meet and relay carnival pamcuiar set represents the Interior s w-; vT. :jr-- - . ; : . JT time. They exhibited the utmost carc-ilo- k I KC:. and Johnny crawled out of New York departto which all the high schools of the of an fulness and watched every move of the! body .scissors.' Johnny flirted with' state are invited and to which the ment store so' complete as to detail At ike's toes but other. they were too eva most prominent schools send . their that it entail8 everything that Is war-- . on ". Time and "Clin Johnny trl"d to t sive to pay to for anyathletea; ranted;' to'exclte the fancy of a bold of Mike's legs, perhaps to get his length of time. housewife. Nor is this meet limited to high The construction of this unique stuShortly after the one hour and 50-- : schools. Junior colleges and all of fam(us.."sfoiper," but Mike was too fast for him and was always stretched minute mark was passed, Mike's body the grade schools of this county are dio set was made necessary by the fact out on the mat preventing the hold-- . was in Jthe viselike grip of the cham- asked to participate. In short there that the location Is supposed to be in When they struck the mat after nine pion's legs. . It was but for a few min- Is something for practically , every one of New York's big stores.' No minutes of starring. Yokel was on top. utes and then Mike burst out of the man with anythletlclspisTtJon and department store with a basement - -- . . . . . .. " T. i g&- '". .' 'T;'-:- ' hold and continued his aggressive interest floor space of the required size, and ,' tor sverai oiiuuies ne punisnea. me some d In meantime the T champion severely with a wiistlock. tactics, getting baby crawl is a, feature completeness could be found in Los After they had struck the mat a sec- punishment from .one of Johnny s of the event A teachers' horseshoe Angeles, and as this completeness of ond time with Mike still the aggressor, favorite annlocks pinned on the op pitching contest is already considered detail is vital to the story, Frank rYokel tried hard .to turn the cham- ponent while standing. ".' one of the big features. Borzage, who directed the picture, deBoth men were on their feet when , pion over but failed. In all there are some sevently cided to construct a replica on a scale v One of the most unusual holds and the matched was called two hours and events scheduled. The last twenty. more lavish than ever before attemptone that hasnot been-- seen here for five jnlnutes after its beginning. one are relays and constlttue the relay ed for a similar scene. ' : No f alt a long UmeT was the real 1earhug carnival. Medals are awarded the Colleen .Moore and- James Morrison - ' that Johnny gave Yokel while both Mteyers and Yokel's' hands went In Winners of the first three places In head the cast In The Nth Command'were on their feet Viselike Johnny. the; sir together, accompanied "by each event and attractive ; pennants ment" which will be the feature at are given the schools winning' the the Princess theater Monday and Tuessqueeied the hold tighter and tighter those of Referee. Leaf. tintll R seemed impossible tor Mike to Thematck waa4ftend -- thebesl relays.- r day. .Eddie Phillips, Charlotte Mer-rla- endure it much, longer. Releasing middleweight wrestling match ever - Hundreds of athletes competed In and George Cooper complete the. "" seen in Utah was a draw between that hold, Meyers clamped On an e.t J. , yearEach of thelarge personnel of the $lyers whalnterpert Mike Yoket'tormerworld'a ""cham Salt Lake stni standing. This-tohigh schools .and each of the story. a great deal of Yokel's strength to pion, and - Johnny Meyers, present the Utah county high schols entered - break. - Mike was roundly cheered and claimant to the title. large souads of track and field men. DAVIS COUNTY' BA8E8ALIu The preliminaries were of a high The B. Al C. of Cedar applauded when .he came away from had a team the hold after considerable difficulty. class' order also. Art Schmerts of In the field. InteresetCitywas KAYSVILLE. March SLThe first running . Meyers tried some Deadlocks on the Salt Lake ; V . v City pinned Merl Christen-se- a high horn the start At no-tiin official baseball league . meeting of 1 7Ae-'.STRAND8alt Laker and again they , were On of Logan to the mat in 1 min- the process of the meet was there . held Friday nighf; any Daviaounty-wa- s then feet xTnydUplayed2soms utes with a double wristlock and head delay. Everything was run oft in dis A fall attendance was present of officlever tactics to hire the opponent out sessaora,' .. patch time. v . . v. . cials from Clearfield, Syracuse, Lay- ftham- MlkeJYokel.' former woriri pkm middleweight; wrestler, wrestled tnazMeM!nu-Pte8P- nt champion, to . standstill" at the Elks' athletic car' .a; ' nival at the armory Friday evening. The card was one of the best that has hnnn awn hr and talma ita -- alongaide the benefit at the high school a few weeks ago; The entertainment committee of toe Elks under the chairmanship of Roy stjlant of his guard. Mike'a shoulders g; I thTe 8, t1a i s PRINCESS - tus k"? arid-buz- . '111 l . - - - Mi ?r 10t t . ff itiiit-Lak- jyV.'. $ -- I i d -- " er 'VJI I r g 1 m u UD Ji -- a-1- CHARLESlBAY d "A Midnight Bell" d - - -- ' . r r;"T: j . i "Timis ' the-stat- : J I - 1 ' - r r . CSElODElCSm I much-attenti- g-- mnm ! IQDODEinD. if ten-yar- . ciaAmr: vniocan snd d nototlo cast jFram fheplayty j - - m ok - ..- ' j- Cameo Comedy : '' ana :.v MONDA Y and Tuesday : |