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Show THE EVEMKG j HEEALD, WtDNESDAy JANUARY ICS TWO SSI EBDTOMAL . - ' - - ( r . I I ;.MIMBEH XEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSOCIATION MEMBER UNITED PRESS ASSOCUTION . LOYALTY - XGO, Sta Metee. General Man is splendid, marj Js royal, h is decked with ailver bells ; he is so intensely loyal to th eouu try where he a. H. Ilovaibreok. ...Publisher Gunnar Rsnusan .v.. .Qtf Editor stabllshed as a weekly In 1856; as a daily In 1922. Published In the erld building, 50 Soulh First West street, Prove, y Utah, every evening, To a native at Toronto I remarked, the other day, "Friend and comrade, don't you want to- - come- where it always May! Oh Ucnm th9 DeUvrred-ftwesteffl sea. where you weary keeping tally of the bless(sept All View. ke Vlewt Vineyard. Orem, Provo Bfuth, and Pleasant ings you will see. "There the flowers are always blooming of whatever nature should be iade at once. Telephony M. and the birdlets: alway sing, there old Jiother J&iane' Entered a second class matter a tj he postoffjce In Provo. Utah, booming all the joya of endless spring. There no .bitter isiness Office Telephone skies are weeping, there is neither heat nor cold, and the liitorlsl Roornvrtelepbone nights are fine for sleeping, and the days are edged "with gold, t In the. homeland you have chosen winds fcre bolster . i. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , ous ana raw, people's feet are frozen and their whiskers livered by carrier, per rooBtET,.. .. 111 .., Vt4 i Um uiarr. iimri ptiuviu UtTered-h- i carrier, oexjmt. inMsmes. nil Lc i.wira hbj uit bib can mi it, auii U19uii;i!T,:"r' va r,lu u taws !tKMl hr Msll . I (ah potior y. fires barniBK" goestakeey the home . .MrorAd h mull in United State, outside ttah county, per year. In l and slate. in the summer yoa are ......... $4.80 goes ror corawood,incoal vance the horrid heat,- - in the fall cold raini melting, gasping are eople off their f eet . Let me lead you pelting, washing than not later insne must be ln .1 advertising ;eepy for the current by the fingers to that valley in the west, where the scented-zephyro'clock, . in. linger, where the storm fiend is a jest.". Said A Bright Light Gone the native of Toronto, "Your old valley is a fake; I am n family consigned all thatwas going homeward, pronto, to our city by the lake. It is Tuesday a but the ortal of Harriet E. Dunn to its final resting place. The -- true the blizzard bellows vef allour eountry-side in cold makes stalwart fellows and we point to them ivith irthly tabernacle df a choice soul was laid away. And pride. Canada, old Britain's daughter, hosts of mighty ler passing there is little wonder that all who would pay men can showf thoughcoum rovea throagh-winand vateif, urn w ibuta wthe tnemoryTr universally nd room to worship at her shrine in the. Sixth ward chapel. with our sideboards full of anew."- ;tyj who those and "Aunt knew especially who Hat," Those recpre oriviletred to refer to her in such endearing terms, -r EXAMPLES tnize the voil that has come into their lives in the parting. 7:i he was so radiant, so lull ox ngnt ano nappmessr. mat one " "Consider Charles with-heAdoiphus Chee the To ever issociated the sombre phases of life to me; "like you, at humble tasks he wrought, and to ow dnn n would have been much the same as. to have said d the savings bank he brought the kopecks he ' hought of the sun s forever being obscured by dark clouds. had earned no coin none ; he he burned ; he. I wasted, that Sn whori the. word reached Provo Saturday morning lAunt Hat" was dead, many a heart throb was felt. Hundreds wrought and humped and saved his mon, and didn't have a lick of fun. Had.he kept up through'all his daya his earnere eastirt prof ound sorrow est, funless, saving ways, he might have gained a little "wad, "Rut there is vet a briirht spot to behold. It is to be foiind the lives of thoie whose memories of "Aunt Hat" are enough to plant him in the sod. -- But I called on him at .mot! in thrrae who have found lit e Burdens tne easier his home and sold him stock in Teapot Dome and other, regions where the oil is fairly seeping from the soiL And h bear through the precepta and the love reflected in the now he tools his limousine, a splendid wagon, painted woman. fe of this good green; at country lubs he trains with plutes, he rides to hounds and hunts and jho6tsc He ence could scarcely pay iJfheSmfflerCQlleges,-- out Henry Ford." "Con nWwrS)w'c6aia"-bu: Recently a man of wealth announced his "intention of sider Riram Henshaw Head." I to the said: ndihg his daughter to a freshwater1 or a small college. "he lived next door to Colonel Chee and "likfe.him saved e was able to choose any college he might desfrerwitis - the braw bawbee; he had enough! ii now appears, to keep his" wintry years, to kerp'thg'g'axint'Wolf fratfl' MMSBfttol-M- i 'fmehyater-'buy gas and tires and something more. Heboughtjt mall places compared with sonve 200 to 1,000, their buildings that strangerr3.nTrine or ranch 'or flowing ltd equipment often aren't as new or as spacious ps one might -- well ahd-at- if and'i. hides. And J f r ycry one you'll name who ish, and weir instructors (like most other college protess- rs) are wpef ully underpaidj- - prospered at youi. soft or V.'w. vill name a dozen "who.' I Ukfe as notf tneeniy way;ine rest 01 ine country ever -- Tvent brokerpoor easy trpsti-i- bopcful folk. And so Vila bai-'of ihein' is when Mi of them accidentally possesses a ga my htflnbirmyaTw each, day.- excellence and beats a Princeton, a and not be jealous of Charles Chea,' whose unusual team of potbail yacht ia sailing'! i : r. n;. " on the sea." ornen, a micnigan, or u iou e vuuiv. , And we call them ."freshwater colleges' and let go at "'r"'' ' hat--. " : Death' of Lady But very, very often, when you look up a prominent man or he was St. find that "Who's Who," you'll 31ary's '94, ' bells toll Let the 4 eloit 'Oli or Swarthmore '88, or Carleton '06. A saintly soul small of these tremendous a percentage JSomehow, there's Has passed to its reward. lieges represented in "Who's Who." Gentile and Jew Some years ago we Americans, as a nation, conceived the And Mormon, too, Ilea that to, be valuable a thing must be large and wefelthy. All grievejwith one accord. o we set great store by our big universities, with their 10.And all who knew sweet and true How ' -' e make a great mistake.And kindly she could be, After all, what does a lad goto college for? Probably .UponJbieEJtufaL here are a dozen feasons ; but shouldn't the tnaiil purpose bi . Witt drop a tear to to to himself how so train able he that is think, p4eam And bow their heads with me. pnn his own conclusions, to search for the truth? And as we go The smaller college,, as a general thing, seems to offer a Witb whispers low hors favorable atmosphere for all of this, than the large one. Sad news to tell each other, his is true even tuough it usually has poorer professors thai We know that all he large colleges. Have lost a friend . Distracting" outside activities are apt to be fewer. Lesr While our friends ass ia made about the football tean. There are fewer atu Have lost A MOTHER. , automobiles- - Dances and parties cccupy a amall W. M. WILSON. r place on the calendar. The man from the small college probably won t be a: tappy a dressepas the big university man. Perhaps h. OUR WAY on't be as well up on the latest shows and the newest dance.' in . ill ''...I-- ' .iiini.i. sii mu7 tj. . But taking it by and large, he may know just a little bit ore nd able to use gray matter in his brain. - SatayrBny"rip. wrrfcrr-trProv- dwells - JkfJjfjmUkf o, eom-atn- ts ; . .: I i. l, x w i . s grief-stricke- -- w -- - wede d -- super-salesm- an sweat-staine- ' super-salesm- an as baiet. tIft!S)ort - the-stoc- k ;- f : --- - g s '.':.' " ' aDear ;3 ; - - " . - eht-own- ed Pb. --Ct, tra ; -- stopAbit and grln. lietCTow castles ilftre fsllifigp And you1- - hila are growing dim : hen trouble's on you calling r And you fa n't get rid of him; hen the world looks dark anij - lira cr'.ug And the Buri isTrat-o- f irVnt: ben yoUF- Soilt with tfreadTTts - cfwerjat: .. And yoi want to flult the fight ickef np your lips and whistle, Stop a bit and grin; art right In and smash old trouliJ ji.i i.i i 'J.-'- . ti "Tob v not be Arioo trio. t KNX, 337 : ,1.. Meter, EipreJia, IToUy-woo- d a kealt-- i amash-ap- f i; II year stom- IVabde, but still she does not realso thst the debtot pays m hetb 1m pay or not ai m ' ." 30 p. m., mat-lne6 ;30 p. m., children's hour; T:46 p. m., Ulk on rCar of Ue BodyM by Dr. phlUlp M. XoreU; 8 ; p. m., profram.- . KFI, 4T Meters. larle C. Anthony Co., Los Anitele fl 30 p. icu, matinee; to 6:45 p. a-- , radio feature programs; .T p. m., program by P-- M., tontse Kloa trio; I p. vt., musical program ; 1Q p. . cracker mdan-W4i8ie'- -- prograif,-- , .',.'-- . KGW, 481.6 MetersjOregonlan. Portland 10 :S0 at m., mutdc, weather,, news ; 12 p. m., concert by Rose City Trio; 6 p. m., dinner coa-cer- t; ift 7:30 p. ta., weather, police, markets; 1:45 p.. aa, kcturo Cath 11c Truth Society. EFQA, ; 454.3 Meters f Rhodes 8torer. Seattle 12 :30 p. m., Toung Men's Business Cluh luncheon pro. gram; ? m, programs by Seattle Women's Clubs ; 4 p, Hoffman's concert orchestra. i QufcS, tki-Uf. , saf (caught a chance to rrlai Tm a sleep-wsncer and I thought I was work ; "Aw, gimme ing my nBav4Uural.? a -- a tick J and - t- a. The. old axkra to the effect that Actions speak tender than words," Is at least SppUcabls to moving - ' Getting eld Is Just a matter of using np the visible supply of thrills. But, JEIdred .Harding says., lust go into, a barber shop and watch them grow young. tV.( ; i , ' . There too, I ween, 1m only one lifter to twenty who lean. In what class are you? Are yo easing the load Of overtaxed lifters who toil down the road? ,'.,. Or, yon a leaser who lets other. bear Tour portion of labor and worr. " ire ui and care? M "nil . (a heavy beet wULde) a the T: Weak, stomachs are stomabdomea, lUiae achs that have TO FEU ALLsUGKT YO'J; thewelght up lost their tones tb MDIT IB JJ,S. lUOHT? t S which la a great stomach muscles ' many cases can be brought back and lewer It by. rilaxlag the ' r by a few minutes, setting up. asjclea. LTeu Ucnea, Ant daily. fxerckte ?':.;. srrran, the i If yoa havs that feeling best npsBloa, itaes a me dowa legs described as "not feeling Just out straight, raise the right leg right."1, yet ; are j probaWy an up . as. tar as sl 14a... keeping wroag physically and yoa either ypur lega straight, lots . nolnV have to Ut op a fctt or atop fcfvtiTea time Repeat jrttkjajfi, f: Tour most precious asset is ,i Kxerelse.S Tron flto. position good health-- Conserve It as you raise . both . legs together from would any other treasure. Office floor and bring- - down, together. lue tt eottftning, eihaasUrs sod Liegs; atraaghtj: Tea, ftmty, wearing, and no ea. kaep , Exercise fat posltioc in good physical trim, withost at hands straight ver head, raise least ten m --Bates' dally exercise body to sitting position (wtth-owhich brings every muscle .lots bending knees) trying to play. Ton are In greater, dan- tench toes with flnger tips, f As ger from what may hit you from ypu go back, inhaler bs yoa go Inside than you are from any- forward, xhaIa;i--!- V, thing that mar strike rod freta (Exercise 6 From flat position, th outside, i.. '..,;..-.:'- . less onf straight, hands clashed Tour arm and leg muscles behind head, raise bead and doubtedly keep healthy from draw up right knetry to tonch your dally activities. What most your chin with your knee. men and women are aick from with-tof- t :i knee. ; is lack of intestinal - activities. Exercise ( Trom flat position, The ffipvetoenu arranged for hands clasped behind betd, ssSm this article are' my special- ab- head aid botb knees, trying dominal exercises and d&tlgned touch chin with kaeea. : t in tf At -- -- au . . Another VMlm. Here lies the tody Of William jCarsthiw He died of old age, in a telephone; booth. ut y , - V Ke-pe- t - DietJbatWniJUdDigfktwri: " Upon arising tea minutes exercise! after the bath spend Ave minutes vigorously, jrubblng ttitf body with a Turkish ... . r... 7 : , toweL 4 " Orink.tw glassea of wa.er.tVV" ' """i - BREAK AST;. Stewed answeetened fruit such as pruneai. ngs, any. dried fruit. -- :Eggs...poacheiL. soft.: ; cooked, or scrambled! softwithout, much grease., Dark . t. bread toasted with coffee cocoa, chocolat or ' substitute, Between; breakfast and dinner take at least ' r. - two glasses of .water. , . .s DtyXBRt Soup, sack a beef broth, mutton broth, chicken broths-toma- to Toast. bake- dsnap er a vegetab-e-soaapple wtth cream, a fruit pudding; tapioes pudd.ug er - prune whip. Glass of mtik, or cocoa or chocolate. :. 80PP&R: Broiled lean "meat, chicken or Ssh; any 'tw ef the following vegetables spluacB, - stringbeans,' baked ' .potato, green peas, beets, turnips, carrots, ttjuash.' toasted. For .ileSear nuts, cracker and" oheeSft) fruit-o' a gelatia pudding; coffee substitute. J Between supper and bedtime at least two glasses of Water. , 4"." -- ' - A rolling atone may gather no moss, bat L- - P. Guy says neither will if have to pay an Income tax. , . v apr-eots- .1 bteri i ' r . ..f. tUy. uHrei it J W. 61(irr jmiMoih. Enclote r.- itanpea enveuift joi your, reply , "TcOoern,t-kKiU anncer o -- Solons Don't Believe In Early Rising - it Dark-breu- -- "I hope I'm not protruding," apologised the fat man as he but-e- d in on the private party In the .. dining eem. .." r - -BU-Vn- jjj: Tor i MeOoierf The modern girl must wonder, bhw tier nole jnother1, learned, jpf-t- te things. she tellsjtbe daughters to i BE A BOOSTER. Shun. know there're kits of people Sittia' rottnd in every town, This country Is so poor.' we ate Jrowlin' like a broodia' chicken, CHARLES P. STEWART By about 4300)00,000 wotth- of lea only Knockln' every good thing down? NEA Service Writer. cream last year, t r Don't yoa be that kind of cattle, -- r"v": WASHINGTON. Congress doesnt. if iii0t ii'lify .', no use on earth, think much of that old trouride 'Cause they ain't ..The young people of today are not ... x'ou just be a Booster Rooster; abont the early bird.,, , bad at all. It is theyoung peopia Crow and boost for all you're i Or maybe It doesn't.- care for of Who caused ie tyoubhsi worth. ' worms. - ji.J..C;v:-Z-..";-Vl'. f At all events, very few. congress is. eldra 'If your town needs boostin', boost men quit the bay until well o In ,' The mat-- who right il ' 'er; the forenoon. , Don't bold back and wait to see vThere are exceptions, like Senadsn Friday is one of the ff some other fellow's wlllln' tor Borah, who always is up be- on which it is considered tmluvky " ..all right in; this" country's free. times" end baa s couple, , hours' a face ai. a policeman .Vo One's got a mortgage on if; horstback rldliig, as well as a whole it's jnst yours as much n his; stack of work, to his credit before r centrsiiy tocmea Thirtytg-i- t If yonr town "la shy on boosters most of his fellow, kglnta tore, have news bureaus Are maintained by the Ton get In the boostin' biz. finished their, breakfast food..,t ,fi. t'nlted Press In the United' SMtea Tly-- bonnes seldonl meet however, Ifof th giithPrtng a big majority of if things oon t --seem to suit you. before noea-anAnd the world seems" kinder the law ma berg set their alarm clocks nations i news wntcn- :comee esa lay ro the Evening Herald. , . , wrong, . . .;. accordingly. i-- J r . Whnt's the matrer with a boostin' -- Just to hetp: tie thfcir aiongT Yet there's one thing the nation's 1 Canse If things should stop Howstatesmen do have to get up good We'd be In a sorry plight and goi derned early, for, and that's To Just keep that horn ,, CoolBoost her up wtttt aU your might. to ketp a date with President him at breakfast eat with to idge, White Honse. "If yoa know som feller's fallin's the the president has some- Often Times Veins Burst Snd Whenever J nst forget 'em, 'cause" you know thing in mind that he particularly Cause Muck Suffering:, That some fclfer's. got. some good wants Congress to do, be Invariably ' pense and . Loss of Jim-- j . points; begins asking batches of senators t ones Them's the yon want to show. plojinent to drop' in on Cast yqnr leave out on the water, and representatives him for breakfast, during which Many people' ha.va? become . de "TheyH come- - tatck," ' a sayin he talks the matter ever-wttthem have teen because . true, spondent to convert and tries them, it they led to believe that they no rem--ethere is Mebbee, too, they'll come back need ' , converting. will reduce swellen stjina that; buttered,' ' Well, the president breakfasts at ' - When some feUer tjoosts hV. If for yon.' and bunches. 8, whlett may not jseem very arly win get ,tw'0i(ce'rigt If you beto accustomed who are t folk fJW EARTH NOTHING LIKE of Moone's Smersld Oil at work by that bonrr but seems inal bottle The new treatment for torn flesh, ing tlass to a congressman who (full ntrength at any first early mighty store and apply it at honvrK-cuts, Wounds,, sores or lacerations has bard work to drag for duty directed' report yen will - fnuckly that is doing such wonderful work at the capitel py Jioon. . In flesh;' beating Is the Borosone improvement which win eoatf-iae- P until the veins and bunches arere-- , iqnid and powder combination treat- T ' . -A- 'J-fHr dnced to normsl. ment! The liquid Bo ro zone is a Moone's Emerald Oil bat brought powerful antiseptic that purifies the much comfort, to worried peopT all News from Egypt- - They are wound of kit poisons and infections Is one- - Of ith to move Tuts coffin, - But' they over germSc while the. Borozone powder is the great bealer. There is nothing won t get it on th first page again. wonderful' discoveries t. of recent years and anyone who Is dlHapw like it oa earth for speed, safety snd efficiency. Price (liquid) 30c, r Market report shows the price of pointed 'with its use csn 60c and $1.20. : Powder SOc and 90c wheat is advancing. May be trying money refunded. AU drnggjsts serf - ,.4 ' t lots of . Sold by Adr. to catch up with bread prices. Drog Co; But For Coolidge Do yon - , - WILLIAMS mmmmmmmimmmSiii - Swttt hlin oh the chin; Be 1 ga in e jiport In the battle, Stlfk it out and win But, m mutter how ynfa Rtrnggle, Don't forget to gr'.x ... iuoy s World se-e- l. e GtTTM MO.,TEU TIMS HE MAKES APftqm .y, -- ntWr t - I d . r- ', ;. I -Explains Veins Enlarged i n l N rareTsold byz E1 responsible dealer near yon. ConsultBiin- - Cah Be Reduced Et. The nationally advertised valves, fittings and plumbing it. iraures made by nilL oa htlloeg place a, wtg-- t -- . enoogh,TOUwlll flndt .feet start exer-- . eislng at one. cwn-pletel- r ly d attsn-iloa.an- eorrse-tlo- a. -- ind health ;.. you go you World's masses Vre always divided into Just these two classes. Ixere44 Lie flat oa your back, draw knees en, with both j A: We' are born,i thinks Mark Brim- N'ot the humble And the proud, for halL to live and le&rn and love and lose,. - - la life's little span ,'a- - - Who puts on vain airs is not count- It Is said we dig out graves with . , ed a man; our teeth , out . the man having a Not- - the happy and sad, for the new plate made says It's false. swift flying years man in ter BTFtBg?HctrTnHn-l-ig-ianghand the village, and was known for each man bis tears. miles round- - & a good. chip. , So.' The two kinds of people on Wesiber Forecast earth thnt I mean ' When the coyote howls at midnight, Are the people who lift, and the WRk that, eerie howl of his, .people who lean. Then the weather either changes Or remains Just as it is. WWerer will find the And;-Tdd- far ytwrs.cr gat fimctsaa formaUTia,,!;,, ef yea "parts clamor a: c):lfiii make 5 doesnt ted right and a tew ether , ' Philosophy :.s Getting pretending to like 1C shop-keeper- s, 7'hli 1 ha4 year oosg that will np icoaXn-Cting- ,;s WHICH ABE VOL T We're seen all kinds of shops tnd ByL.E. KELLER. but we hare yet to There are Just two kinds of people see a pork store ran hy a Hebrew. oa earth today- -. Just two kinds of people, no more, "Dow is it you are, allowed to I say , a puppy la yonr flat?" keep . . 'We named bint for the janitor." Sot lie sinner' and saipt, for 'tis ' well understood In the Japanese language then Is The good are hair Md &nd the bad word- - fer-- kte v ho wonder so half nut-rr-T""- '' many Americans sre wilting to. go Not ther.fi and the poor, for to out and educate the Japanese. That word is so much easier to demon count a. man's wealth r Tou Bmsr flfst know the statg of strate than to epelL - rw- to give year ach, is "off" and features; 11 a. m nature talk ; T. 8 and p nw proA Amoi; itwHHf a&t tan, gram ; 10 p. m, A'mbaBnador orchea-tra- . foils the trigger juMJ for fun. ' iiVv Mother la accents pained, KHJ, 405.2 Meters, Times, hot "Amos issays so scatter-brainedUaual ifeatvres dXT p. Anffele jf2 UtUHl rr wait for TTTHT JIJ - - UcGQYlKX iirtctorT Cornell MtAiail ColUv r MaltJtf ?smashiup Ud," aald Gladys 9. av fd tile msy talk; tatooed mafi, "but yon ive wiweathWj ftdcLSarMeJptrl efli desigas."p. hl, "A Scrap f Paper," a conrie trama by KGO players, muaJe by Another erUa In " ' . yhyt-co- A Steer clear of that vocf ass round that they dost want to t cahedl at aO. , 4 ,rana Boyn" omr TuMtnaa Dorters arr thee don't wast to be elle4 George. .C II. Ilee-trie- ,' fttnre rYeper tserri,- - ey ASTBVS mU Food CAT orcM- It. p. m., George W. Ladlow conceit 0 Trlend WT 1 . Oeklaj-dUam-U -- OFFICE iVTOi,;oiiiiow J'j ;; 13 This ON THE AIR T !&TT7ndepeHdmrNew8pa0r VASHINGTQIHxiiVS Vv ... m III! ,. -. ; TIT.IELY EDIT0?JALS - i i m X WALT THE EVENING HERALD RIPPLING f f MASON r RHYMES " 0,052 - Mrk PpSffllfei dy " i tt JtW TOM SI3IS SAYS' - have-their- " . Hed-iuls- It' si |