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Show THE EVENING HERALD, TUESDAY, KOVEilEER 10 192 NEWS FEATURES i ilESS COMMENT Tl'.IELY. EDITO?JALS WASHINGTON NEWS PIPPLING THE EVENING HERALD 18Mt la a datt ia 1931: eicept Saturday, and Sunday Bwrnlnf i - rani wnlnf diao I ft wU7 la rery Montlnf except Monday. published ta tU Herald bulldln.. W lonta Vint Toto, Cult' echoed elan aattar.nt the pottofflos to Prow. UtaA. Entered - u ..." jre iimn. niiiCity ........................'... PisVir'' Vol H. Hurnibrook i. Oonnar BanaaeoB urines Office, Telephone Ui to rial Booms, Telephone Member TJnlted ' Prs SdltM ..i....T..,.10T News Service and N. & A. Berrtee. to Titan south of Rait Late CStyt Urges ulatlua of any newspaper In Cah oetalde Salt Lake City and Of den. ' TERMS Or SfBSCUPTlOX. . . Only daily new (paper .mw.....mpm.w !!Tered By ctrrler, per month liTere4 by carrier, per year, in edraace eUrered by mall In Utah eonaty, per year, In advance......! eiivered by mail In Called State, outside Ctah eonnty, f ..44J0 per year, iixt Have Order walt. - RHYMES jiAsoN An Independent Newspaper. jukUlied as Prof . Advances Startling Ideas -. , n : er Predictions are made that. the human voice will soon e heard around the world. Except as a feat, it ia already ractically without terrestrial limit It is physically possible or anybody, anywhere, to speak so that anybody; any where ' ' .' Ise, cari hear him. new some rulerwlll have to be means that And that pplied. When many persons are assembled in one room, to ummunicate with each other, they have to appoint a chair Outbursts of Everet True - -By Condo nan or moderator, and whoever wishes to speak has to "get he floor." JThe chief function of the" presiding: officer, and A PiPB IM A'PUBUC, f the parliamentary rules under which he operates, it to see SAY, PLACE. IS lest at nobody does not once, o it that everybody speak " OFFENSIVB TO :'Y'r' e heard. , A.3RBAT af li;tr, " . When the world becomes one room, the same condition-xists- MANY PERSONS Free speech has to be curtailed. Only one at a time, r as many at a time as there are selective wavelengths, can AM ON !t M "tt)U GOlAGTbl30 peak, and there must be some' one to supervise the order f it. ; .' eXTRMELV , : TT' e II. j ' ml - Which provokes me to holler Is the oue that I gave job Where ; f) J 0 T.. OFFICE CAT Willie : Cwilldge lias been prudent mote. mix a yuar yet nobody knows posivoiy wliether he is the twenty-tiltor the thirtieth president Fred Williams say acting and jnotlegglng are two professions that liieTK'mnlned-byaniateurs- ." : last year?" Hello, Why artf yoo here In front of the cilice you gut fired from last, weekf , Wultlu' to ' get taken lack. Jlmiule: J'ot niwJit -- 1 Just wanted to see if they was' Still in bus!- - DAILY LESSONS IN ENGLISH .; By W.L Gordon " "You told me to file these clerk, lSon't say "If any one wishes to go, said the new I wish that they would go now." "l'es," admitted the boss. ''I was tbiukiiiff It would be Say "LkjKlsh that he." dHSors.' Ui lar if flttst used the DPTESTnSPHONOUNCKIllo- search. Accent both the noun and j We wonder "If movie producers verb on last syllable. Pneu OFTEN - MISSPELLED jud astronomers wllaborate In pick-:' . matic. . out new stars. SYNONYMS Fiction, fable, ro Paul Strebhle says to many a mance, allegory, story, tale, legend. is latden the littV red myth novel l0re Important than the little, red WOttD STUDY 'aTse a word hool house. thret times and It is vbura." Let US HerefordTg a Daughter Only increase eur vocabulary by masterShe doesn't like Today's ing one word each day. A shady-jok- e. word : GRAPHIC, She doesn't hike, 'Her graphic story held the read She doesn't smoke. attention." er's She doesn't swear, K She never flirts, I . She doesn't wear Those shortened Skirts. A wise fellow never stands out in She doesn't dance, the rain or thinks the world Is. all '. She doesn't sing. wrong just because he Is. : And goofs In pants "r Ihm't meahTl thRig. The greatest suffering in the ' She dcicsn't use world is not half so painfull as the The beauty salves; fear of facing It. But won't refuse ' To show her cakes. Tou ask her name? , . Well, that's a wow She's not a dame, -- cow I She's jus BlaiiketsIvBedrobec! On Evolution BY CHARLES P. STEWABT " EXCELLENCE VS'y71-I often heard of Hiram Horn, throughout the middle west; of all men skilled in shucking corn twas said he was the best - Great champions from distant farms encountered him at times, and Hiram proved them false alarms, and won their wagered dimes. And they went the winner's fame; there was no man like Hiram Horn, and none could buck his game. I saw him in the 61$ home town, ypon an autumn day; he was alive to his renown, he had the right of: way. , Oh, he was honored and esteemed, and handed warm regards ; he was a bigger man, it seemed, than con- gressmen or bards. "Why do the people thus acclaim and boost this trifling guy," a stranger asked; "his dinky fame will shortly wilt and die. . What boots it if a man can shuck more corn than other gents ?,uch triumphs' are not worth a buck, or eighty-sevecents. This Hiram breaks the damsels' hearts, they love his rustic fame; but in the city's crowded marts no man has iieard his name." "Men kve tlte fellow who excels," J said in Janguage blunt ; "we love to see him wearing bells, what-evbe his stunt. If any man can pull a trick at which' his neighbors fail, we do exalt him pretty quick, and hand him wreaths and kale. And thus a millifi lads or more are striving every day to do a good and useful 'chore in some new, better way., MSTR, i " WASHINGTON Not only the fundamentalists, but a good many evolutionists, too, ar BEely to be startled by some of Jasper SpilUnan'a theories. Prof. Spilifflaa Is a consulting scientist. of the agriculture deprtwent, a prominent member of the Nations t,Acd-itb- t a very big man in of the scientific World. A long succession of races, as highly developed as ours, may have Inhabited the earth before man was, even a tadpole, he Pmf-Willi- am . says. '. "A complete process of race evolution from' the lowest form of germ life to decadence and extinction takes," continued tjje doctor, "no more than five billion years. The earth's age has not been exactly -- Famous Oregon City Woolens! determined, but we know It must be many hundred billion years old. Thus, since Its beginning, there-ha-s been time for almost any number of complete, processes of evolution. We have no reason to believe they didn't take place." Jacobs Oregon fcity Mills have become famous thrqughout the nation becayse of the wonderful blankets they manufacture. You read of themV in the Saturday Evening Post and other national magazines. We have a splendid display of these wonderful blankets and are sure you with us when you see them. t orN ". "When the earth was first formed,? Dr. Splllnian went on, "of course It was entirely different from the! earth we know now. It was much smaller and probably surrounded by a different kind, of atmosphere. Its living conditions may have been unsuited to the evolution of a race like onrs, but well suited to the" evolutional a race with different physical chara.eteri8-tlcs- , yet equal to ours, In capacity ' and Intelligence."; Blankets Made From Pure Virgin Wool V- - Think of the joy--tcrawl into a pair of cozy, warm, virgin wool blankets f. on a cold bitter .night. A good bed is an essential part of life's comfort and should be given much consideration. Don't wait until you are suffer-in- g with cold buy a pair of these wonderful blankets today and be fully prepared. Low prices is another reason for you to buy NOW I o . "Picture." said the scientist; "the passage of a few billion years. The earth's character changes. It grows larger. Its atmosphere assumes a A',lrv new quality. It becomes nniuhnbit-abl- e for the first rare, which perishes and la burled far underneath the meterioites wlrfc-- are striking the earth constantly and Increasing in size. ' But conditions now" may be suitable for the evolution of a 4 e wll-rejoic- ti 'rL S- w- .' - Visit Our 4 Drapery Department p. smoke:'!! let-rs,- d g ,.1 in. the - - vividly-described- .nun w:tfcn in Evenlnler Classified Business - . II Herald Ads Are Getters. Dixon- - Taylor-Russe-ll J PROVO " ' - "THE ONE-- P SPRING VILLE-.- ; . ' I second race." "A fow pass by," Co. , RICE HOUSET - i NEPHI -- pAyson i "and the second race suffers the befdre conditions became suitable' as the first, Nobody-ca- n for the evolution of the human professonr,) guess how many times this happened nC''' ' I more-UHlo- related the years some-fa- te j"! , TOM SIMS SAYS fW OUT OUR WAT Hanger. Pat, haw you anythCng o say iHfore we' drop the trap? ' Pal: Ton, by gorry, this 'thing esu't look safe. If. hars our ups and downs. The Strange things' happen. We know man who oes the highest is the one a man who has everything in the who bounces when he hits the bot- world he wants and stiQ he & . tom. r . happy. .We - 90 Only"tning on earth" inore trouble Society gets plenty of exercise trythan raising a family is taking care ing to cut head lettuce with a fork of a young bird dog. .. " instead of a knife. BY WILLIAMS f I. 1 , L...'. thatTamous Scotch flavor . . in breakfast oats " ; ,U message: "This hoM fully equipped with Statistics ntoniiitic sprinklers. 'iow loss of life has never m cured n sprinkled building. In case f fire you maf get wet, but Dot .irned." To one tmveler this brought some 'lought and he he wrote tl)ereunder Hp, following prayer: "Now I lay lip down to sleep. Statistics guard nv slimilHT dep. If .1 shou'd die, m not concerned; I miy get wet, iy slumlier deep. If I should die. . yHERE is only ONE way. to get . ' ' which distirigaishes Quaker flavor and that is by getting the Quaker brand. i Oats was originally a Scotch dish, It must have true Scotch flavor to be at its best Remember this, for your own lake, when tempted to "try" some ' ordinary brand. f That flavor Is milled In. Nobody aa yet has successfully- imitated it Grown-upand children who ordi-fiarily dont take to oas, respond to &is unique flavor.. And flavor, aa ... ' Kcac hhig for the Record. rassHchusetts man has under- lie eighty eisht oneralons, each of no doubt was. entirely ill. After he has had twelve uireliconght' to be entitled to a of ome kind. suc--'s- - s Too mnny mothers are raising ii'ir diiiighters to be bathing beau ts, sighs Heber Moon. " Z-Kindsl : VTUTir NEiTscmicsZMC , ... ... you know, to food. true Scotch flavor in oats J-'t- . ' ' Oh, The Silly Hifng. An old cnvnnt forfrom her7-lii- co said to his wife ith a sneer "You now want a dollar, Jh if asked to "try" a substitute fot Quaker. TKat isf if you want real Quaker flavor i ; ; Picture postcard of a hotel carry lii-- I f " "X think radio is one of the most "oiarkuble, most wonderful and lost interesting Intentions of the no," remarked Henry Vogcl.'. "Say," growled Arnold Wxbn, I'Ta hear you describe static." A ' " ' ti the point Milled under' exclusive Quaker methods applied to the finest, plumpest grains. Quick Quaker is the world'g fastest cooked breakfast , .j.. dish. rV,': Takes 3 to 5 minutes. Thaft faster than plain toast, , ; : . Due to Quaker niilling methods, ft supplies, too, the "foughage'' yotf need to make' laxatives seldom nec-' . essary. Look for the pfctureof thtf Quaker on the label Sec that it is there before you buy breakfast oats. 1 j ( , - - - . . The Quaker Oats yoir have always JmowrA in 3 to 5 minutes and Quick Quaker-Coo- ks f |