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Show """"a""- - - 'W"'MMM'""'"'l""WWWlMMMIMWMMI- T" THE EVENING IIEHALD. TUESDAY, KOVFMEEX 3, 1523 rt'i - t- " 'FAGS EYO UELIWL HINTS FOR MONEY SAVING ' NOTICE OF EQl ALEHTIOX. 22S1 Jas. P. Thoeipsc , 100, KOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT. Xotiee la hereby gitett that the1 2240KolU Tork ItXKtt 10.00 Xitire is hereby given that at a work baa 2.00 meeting of the hoard of directors of rtelenbeck completed. puriHiaBt 23S9C.-A- . to contract in Kewer Diatriot Ne. T, 3270 Chae. F. Reynolds . 1010 10 00 the Syndics te Milling A MillUig y Ettemsiea Ko. 1, that the aaaeaament 2271 Chaa. F. Reynold .12)00 12.00 held on the amtud day of lists have bees eempleted om said 2276 Nepal Xetaua 5000 5.00 1928, the laU? date of U property wlthla said aewer distrtet 2287 Bol1 Tor 1000 1.00 dlinqunt stK-ksdillntiuent on rOB RENT LOST AKD FOCNU. No. f, Ezteesioa Ne. 4, as follows: 88RoU Tork 1.00 M of asKtwsuietit iiujuk-- . 22, . .'. 1000 1.00 was)OBtponed until Saturday, Depaccelf of land abut- 22S9 RolU Tork FOR REXT rota house. S31 W. U)ST-lru- i wwr SpanleL 8 no. AU lota and luprofa-men- t 2290Kulbl ting upuai said nrupngod 1000 Turk cember 5, :1D25, at tf VJuc-I- l p. m. ". N-8rdN. 'old. dark' brown, rurk-v- . Find and riWadlng from the prop- 2291 KoUe Trk atrthewniinTs mceroom9, call Bank Smith pool hail. Jj.1 erty ine of the atrwt ' upon whkh 1292 Marvin lerk KIM) 1.00 Bonndy Offlc-FOR BEXT Two deeping rooms, Building, 18 North said improvwaeot U onstroeted for K"a Marvin Tor: are.. Provo. rtah. "Teated. .wi-f- furnished "and very LOST-rDa- rk cow. wilMmsitj FtSdet a distance of twelve rods and located 2312 W. IL Child 1000 1.00 P. E. HUI T2. comfortable. Call B2l7 U 597-J- . ' N-- l In the following loll ind blocks: ' 2313 W, H. Child 1009" too . Seety.-TreaLots 1, 8, , 10. 11 and 13 of 2314 W. IL Child iooo 1.00 Publication date. Nov. 3, and Dec. TRASa. FOB BEXT 4 room and bath modBl-7; Lou X . 8. , and 2318 W . Child N-- l 1000- - 1.00 4, 1925. ern apt Hume 821.- ASHES ind txaaa aaaied. of Block A PUt "IT; Lot and 231$ W. H-- Child 1000 1.00 I lt-l-- tf abla. ' Fbom WW. 6 of Block 80; Lots 7 and 8 of 2320 W. H. Child FOB BEXT 3 furnished rooms, ,TSM AVUU- J.W NOTICE. TO CONTB.VCTORS. Block! ZL PW XTi lot Bbxk 2127 W. U. Child 1000 1.00 IKUEli AND BOOM ground floor, with private bath. 13; Lota 1, 2. T and 8 of Block 38; 2328 W. IL Child N-1000 LOO State of 61 8. 2nd W. Road Utah, Office of BOABD AXP BOOM Jth home Lpts 1 and 6 of Block 59; Lots T 2329 W. IL Child , 1000 loo Salt Lake City. Commission, Bloc k 80; Lot 1 of Bloct 2330 W, H. Child .... ..." 1000 1.00 ind of prlvtleces, 618 E. Center. FOB BEXT 3 room furnished Sealed bid will be received by 19; Lots 7 and 8 of Block 14, Plat 2331 W. H. Child 1000 1.00 the State Road Commission of Phone 258. cheated apartment Utah, Prove all BOABP 2348 in of N-MD ' Retta Broadbent 1BS4 "l," Oty Survey KOQit 87&2ndE. 240 8. 1st E, . . ,15311 State Capital, Salt Lake Chy. Utah, Lota. 2361 J M, Pierce Building ; ,. . 6000 6.00 t 2 o'cvlock p. m., ifi'diy, Novem--tn-- r i . iii That the Board ot Commissioner 2427 Geo. A. Bullock ...54119 61.11 FOB BENT 2 large furnished 13. 1025, and at that time puba 2452 J. M. Adam t . 1000 4.00 licly openedTfor the construction of rooms for light bousekeping. $12 BOABP and room for two ladles, o provo City, Vtahr sitting . Board 802-Jof . $25 Bevlew 8453 and Phone M. 3.00 J. C59 8000 Equalizatjon Adam per mqpth. per mo. 91 W. 2nd S?" a gravel urface xad in Utah oa the .proposed tax to be levied on 2479 Peter Carter 10000 10.00 county, same Federal Aid being jthe said property in sald Sewer District 2481 Geo. A. Bullock -. 25000 25 jOO FOB BEXT 3 room unfurnished between Detour ATTOKXETS-AT-LAW. Project No. 73-No. Extension No. 7, in wlB meet 2497 W 4, . D. . . 10.00 . Perkins 10000 bouse, close' in. Also 2 beds for and Bed Narrow. N-sale. 610 W. 1st & Quston A Paaea, Lawrsra, Cltft the city .commissioner room, city 2548 Homer M. Brown ..10000 40.00 The length of the road to be conaad county building,' Prov City, 2559 Made Bamseyer ... 1000 1.00 structed or landing. Bait Laka Oty. Improved Is 9.44 miles Itah, oa November 10th, 11th and 2009 J. M. Pierce ..7.... SOiML.8.00 and the principal FOB BEXT 3 roms And bath( Items of work are be 12th, and aeeaion la 2619 1025, Geo. pu 1 Hale 8.00 8000 modern, loe In. Will allow for approximately a follow ; Common each dates of said between the 2680 Fred Ry Woolley ... J000 1.00 excavation, 6300 cubie tending furnace If desired. Phone Sea ear ladle and aliases ahoa tar-.fayards; solid bonrs of 10 o'clock a..m, and 11 907-- J or see Helndselman Optical A 2727 P. Bobertshaw 1000 1.00 rock excavation, 19,000 cubic yards ; t , table. Brat. Taylw o'clock r , m. and will bear and i N-Jewelry Co. 1000 1.00 borrow 31,500 cublo yards; gravel any objections and make cor- 2730 P. Rohertshaw 2731 Rohertshaw 1000' 1.00 surface loading, 21,530 cubic yard. p. of rections any proposed assessments FOB BEXT Two furnished rooms 2732 P. Rohertshaw 1000' 1.00 Plana and specifications are on which the said Board may deem un with private bath. Hot .and cold 2738 P. Itobertshaw ,'... 1000 1.09 file in the office of the state road equal or unjust That during said N-water.: Phone J34-J- . Salt Lfckc City, where Consul! county clerk ar iwea time between the hours of 10 o'clock 2731 P. Robertshaw ..... jooo 1.00 commission, be seviewed by prospective' Ove andersigaed for , furtber may. they 2735 P "LOO Bolwrtshaw 1000 m. 6 a, and p'elock ,: p. m. FOB BEXT 5 rom modern furn- bidders. Specifications, proposal bidpartlfnlnrs. said assessment lists will be open 2736 P. Robertshaw ..,.'1000 1.00 ished home. 180 E. 6th 8. 2400 2.40 ding blanks and title sheet will be te publiq Inspection at the office of 2738 Peter Carter . NOTICE OF SALE OF 27C3W. 8. Yerkes-276- 4 ,...25000 25.00 furnished, on deposit of $5. . Plank DELINQUENT STOCK. the city recorder in the city and FOB BEXT Light housekeeping O. 3. GrenduU 5000 5.00 will be furnished on - payment of MJUlng Company. county building, Provo City, Utah. -- rooms near university. Phone Greder Mining 2781 Peter Carter . 1275' "4.27 $5.50 and wllj become the- - property I By order of the Board A of Corporation, pbue of Business, 307-N13 of the purchaser. Any additional 2811 M. Lawrence Provo of Prove, t'tah. ; Cllj, Utah, may be secured at the of2.00 Drown 2000 dated 2nd. 1925. November There are delinquent upon the " FOB BEXT Xit apartment, well fice of the Utah State Road Com-: 2813 LOO Brown B. FBED ETANS. :,Hartey ,1000 furnished." 2tJr E. 4 NoT , , N4 following doserllied stock on account mission. ; of assessment Xo. J, levied on the City Recorder. 2814 Mrs. Zo!a B. Harris, 1000 "1.00 Each bidder must accompany bis 2807 M. Thomas Holt 78.00 ..78000 November Published 1925. 27th day of September, 1925, the aeT. 3rd, FOB BEXT Modern furnished 8pt. 3915 E., A.'Cbrlstenscn , , kkjo l oo bidjnlth a' certificate from an aperal amounts set opposite the names Grouni floor, ' free phone. Call of the 2937 Warren Shepherd' 35O00 35.00 proved stating that NOTICE OF SALE. share a respective holders, N-30MY. J? Percy. Goddard 1'tKXK) 10.00 suld surety, company will provide 2043 : follows: i . Syndicate Mining and Milling com- 2945 E. A. Chrlstcnsen . 1500; 1.50 twiil bidder with a bond in such slim Cert No. Name. Shares. Aint. pany. Prlnrlpal place of business, 2949 A. J. Olson 50.3 as is required In iHid in accordance .......50000 FOB BEXT Furn. rooms for house- 212 X. E. Sea mount ... WOO $15.00 I'ovo, U.ah. . 2950 A. J.,OJsoa .'.'i.... 25000 25.00 with the provision-o- f N. E. Phone 1st 281 226 X. E. 1500 Searaount ... 11.23 keeping. . ' Kotjce 18 hereby given that there 2955 H. M. . ' Cummlpg . , 1000 1.00 233 X. E. Seamount .'. . . 7500 18.75 delinquent dpbn the following 2970 W. 8. Yerkes ,...'.10000 10.00 art KlgH to reject any or ail bids J5SOO 206 N. E. Rehmmmt 13 7.1 oa account of assessment number 22, J 2972 1000 " LOW is TMK'rved::: CjiSh or iirrtlfled check Beamouit.:.1710a 42.75 levied en the. 8th FOB BENT Booms, .board If (t,Vl21t, any of September, 3001 W, U Brlmhall . 1000 LOO for Five Thot;suiHl (5000) dollnre 275 K. E. Simi mount v."t 260D 6.50 1925, the housekeepsired, also furnished op- 3098 Geo. A. Bullock ...10000 10.00 maut paynble to tlie' State set ne Boad 843-259 T. H. Ileal 3033? 90.81 ing apt. 820 ErtsrN,-Phoposite the names ot the respective 3151 Florence C. Walk , 2000 2.00 Comtnitwloh in u.st accompany, each N-- 3 142 W. A' Dennis 3440 tL60 stockholders as follows; 3158 H. F. Thomas ., .. 12.W) bid as evidence of good faith and at 107 Vt: A. Dennis .....10000 . 25.(K) Syndicate Mining C 3161 Hatch 50.00 a gaarantee thut if awarded the Chase .....50000 187 W. A. Dennis ..... 5000 12.50 Cert. No. e FOIt : nicely furn-isbeName. Shares. Amt 3166 1.60 contract the bidder will execute' the Mrs. 4000 Birdie Barnett 2500 6.25 257 Wm. Nutt rooms. Phone 271 W. A. Dennis housekeeping 1500 1.50 3167 H. M. Cummlngs .. 1000 1.00 contract and give bond as required. "" 278 C D. 5000 12.50 N-902 Bobert Plunkett .. ". 500 J50 STATE ROAD COMMISSION. 3168ILM Cunimlngs", jooo 1.00 279 C D. Coates 5000 12.50 1100 Clara C. Henrla 2000 200 8169 H. M. Cummlngs .; i000 1.00 PRESXOX G. PETERSON. 280 ULiRCELLING Otto F. Birk ,, 5000 12.50 lie7Cbira C. Henrle ... 2000 2.00 3170 H. M. Cumuilngs, .. 1000 1.00 Chairman. 5000 12.00 WWrWw 281 B. F. Roper 1168 Clara C. Henrie ... 2000 2.00 3171 H. M. I HOWARD C. MEANS. Phone 280 EXI'EBT Murcelling, 50c. Cummlngs .. 5000 5.00 TharinanV-.'-1000 2.50 1169 Clara Bjron ' Henric ... 1000 '1.00 3172 H. M. Cnmmings .7 6000 5.00 7G0-- J 231 8 283 S. Chief Engineer, for appointment ATWiijls. .: . . . 5000 12.50 1170 Clara C. Henrle 1.00 3173 H. M. 1000 :.. 5 Publication dales: Oct 29; Not. 2ndE. ' 5.00 ..6000 206 Pen F. Bea ........JOOOO 25.00 Cummlngs A Milling Co. 1925. , Syndicate Mining 3178 W,B. White ..10000 10.00 182 Ben F. Bea .. 12.50 '34 J. LOAN. MONEY 2000 2.00 3182 R. .O. Abbey .... ..loooo 1060 q. Jensen Ben F. Bea 2:8 5()00 32.50 ; 93 Wells L. BrimhaU . 1000 1.00 3202Heber C. ' NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX. Jex .....20500 20.50 Seven per cent on farm wd dty 273 Ben F. Bea 6000 15.06 ' 241 Olof M. Frolsland . . 2000 2.00 3207Wm.'T. To Whom It May Concern: 32.88 Sr. ..32887 Tew, Proro Consolidated 27? Ben F. Bea 1400 3.50 213 property. 1500 1.50 3208 J. W. 'Wilde CrlFlanders Notice is hereby given that a 12200 12.20 182 West 281 George Bo Ad Beal EsUte Company. 5000 12.50 A. Bullock .. 5000 5.00 3209 Warren Shepherd ,11500 li.50 special tax has been levied by th tf 1C2 G H, Nay lor Center at Phone 688. . . . 10000 25.00 2473alph F. pStChm Reynolds . 1000 1.00 3210 Warren Shepherd .17000 17.00 Board of Commissiojiers of Provo 270 G. H. Naylor 8000 12.50 T. H. Heal WANTED, lOOOl.OO 3211 Warren 190F.CK BJchmond ..., 5000 ; 12.50 ?82 Shepherd . . 7000 7.00 City, Utah, on the property em i3'i". IL Ileal I()00 1.00 321$ Warren Shepherd . .11300 11.50 braced within street paving distrb 1000 , 2.50 WASTED 20 tons alfalfa hay. O. 255 B. ''JC ftenlove 299 Anna H. Hinckley . 2500 2.50 3211 Ben H. Bullock ... 26733 26.73 No. 17, which tax became' effective N-- 8 And la accordance with the law Thone C31-yY DaybelL 800 Jos. 2500. 2.50 3215 Warren Shepherd . ,2700(L27.00 Octoler 29th, 1925. Said tax is and order of the board of directors V146 A. L.R. Hinckley Frederick son 1000 1.00 3237 Wells L. BrimhaU 1000 1.00 levied for the purpose of construct Woman desires made m the said 27th day of Hep. WORK WAXTED 6210. B. Sangren 5000 5.00 3241 Wclbj L. Brlmhall 6000- - JMK) ing concrete pavement and curb and ' harea of . $84 P. Best temher, 195L $0 many 'position, as housekeeper. 1000 1.00 3245 Ulysses Maeo . . . Dayne .;. 8000 8.00 sutterretarin street paving district reference.-4Writ- e Housekeeper, Her each parcel of said stock as may 1 589P. Daynes JK) 3247 Wells L. Brimhall 500 " 1000 1.00 No. 17. Said special tax is levied n-necessary will be sold at the office 616 John W. ald office. McAdam 5000 6.00 3255 L. A. Jensen ; 5000 5.00, upon the following described prop- 121 ; West the Center .i. corporation, jof 921 John Prita lOOO 1.00 3256 J. A; Clark 6000 6.00 arty : ' WANTED TO BUT 2 or 3 horse' street Provo, Utah, on Saturday, 925 John Prlt-- . 1000 1.00 3203 Dr. J. V. Jarrett , 10()0 1.01) Lots 2, 3, 1, and 5 of Block-2- 6, N-- Plionee 552. the of at 21t motor.November, 1825, day .power 996 J. Jenkins 1000 1.00 3294 Jos. L. Olson ..... 5000 5.00 Plat "B, and Lots 1 and 8 of J : hour of 10 o'clock a. bj. of bald -- u m 1021 IT Jenkins .". ."."777." 2000 2.00 3303 Ben bullock tSS82009.20 Block 88,l'lat4'-- ' ProvoC4tySurday, to pay the delinquent assess- 1022 WANTED to rent or lease, by 2000 2.00 3308 BonRld L. Green- J Jenkins vey" of BulMing Lots, fronting on ments together with the costs of Teiinblomnnr" A good farm 10761. A. gmoot .......24600 24.60 ' 6000 B.OO fwth sides of University Avenue, bfr haigh and expenses of sale. l' for tcrm'pf years. Provo B. F. D. 1087 II B. Cole A Co. ... 1000 1JD0 3312 0J0JLuXlUteiL-st--aMSaAhin Orqnbalgh N-- l North J. P. CLAYTON. . So. 2, Box 89. ,.; 0 1113 . .. 2500 2.50 streets, are assessed for street pav Secretary. 1193 M. A. OoodeU , ...I 10OO 1.00 3311 C I. Goff .n337Chna. Foster ......50HK) 60.0C lug at $10.1877 per front foot of WANTED A few good cows to Office 121 West Center St, Provo, 1758 Grant 2000 2.00 3338 Chas. Foster ...i.'.oOOOO 50.00 ' v Dougall , Mareh-hankUtah. abutting property. E. J. . for milk ; 1762 Elizabeth O'Brien theirjeed. 60O .50 3339 Chaa Foster -JMn 50.00 4 50000 and Nov. Publication Plat dates: Matileton. Utnlfc ISStBr WTTJIXon ; . , . . ,5OO0O"60.00 3343 Robert A. Stelter . . 2000 2.00 "B, Lots 2, 3, 1 and 5 of Block 5, 187Bolla York 5000 5.00 3348 HebefC: Jex USED CABa 11567 11.50 Mat "B," Lots land 8 of Block 22, NOTICE. TO CREDITORS. 5000" 5.00 3349 04Q. P. Small Pearl I Nielson ...1000 LOO Pint "A," Lots 1. 6, 7, and 8' of In Judicial Fourth the District 1955 A. E. Money FOB SALE Ford bug, cheap, 231 1000 1.00 And In accordance with law and Block 23. Plat "A," Provo City Sur in and for CtahCounty. State 2040 ' W. 4th S. 1 .; ' ' 'N-- 8 Court, Rolla York 10000 10.O0 an order pf the board of directors f 01 nunuing i)ts, ironting on 2041 E. C. Da vies" . . . . 1000 1.00 made on the 8th dayof September, Nih sides of University A venue, bematter of In the estate the of 2043 E. S. Weller , , ... . 1000 1.00 WILL pay caab for late model car. 1925, 0 many shares of each parcel tween Third South and Fifth South B. Crandall, deceased, 18W. 2052 J. W. WUde tf Deseret t165 N. 3rd one ; 1000 1.00 of stock as may be pecessary will streets , are assess for curb and ltors will present claims, with 2053 Delia Hansen 1Q00 l.op lie sold at public auction at the ofgutter and street paving at $8.2313 Vouchers to the undersigned at bis 2054 FOR Emma Hansen . . . . 2000 2.00 fice of Bald , roadster, corporation. Room 9 per front foot of abutting property. ., in residence Utah Springville, . 170 N. Univ. Hansen-...20u6 Theo Emma Vickers, 2.00 2000 cheapa Lot 1 and 5 of Block 4, Plat "B," Roimdy office building, Provo, County, State of Utah, on or before 2110 4. E. N-' Ave. 50Q0 5.00 Utah, at the hoiir pf 8 o'clock p. m., Lots 3, 6, 7 and 8 of Money the 24th day of December, A- - DM 2111 A. Block' J, Pluf E, Money 5000 5.00 Thursday November 6th, 1925, to "A," Provo ' - ' 1925. . ELECTRIC- WtRINQ. City Survey of Bulldini: ZUBEmerett Brown ... 1500 i;50 pay the delinquent assessment toIxits are assessed Tor !urb and gut-- , MILAN L. CRAXDALL: W7Ja.-T- . Brown 2000 2.00 gether with the cost of advertising ter and street Wm. Leavltt, wiring and npatr Administrator of the Desestate 6f paying at $ U.5271 per 2145 Anna H. Hinckley . 5000 6.00 and 8Mf eret B. CrandaH, deceased. " ' work. Phone 153-- J. front foot of abutllng property. expense of sale. j 2202 Vernon 2.00 2009 Gray p. a. HOUTZ. The following described property GKORGE S- - BALLIP. USED RANGES. 2219 Jas. P. Tbompson 1000 Kecrel arr, Is auioMwd for private driveways ,, for Administrator. ., Attorney; 00 ipcajj&a. r. Thompson.'. IOOQf-1.Publleatloa dates; Qctlber Good coal and ga raflga,at bar- to the regular assessment Publication dates: Oct 2221LouUuBTbi)mp8oa O 1000lii nil In Provo City Survcvv of Bulliilne gala price 7 Oa company. ; HEmmWANKADS FOB SALE REAL ESTATE Beeotiul B BALE new strictly Bee J. W. 8T.Ave.; iN'30 turn. Mdera Under, 478 eel bargain oa a uWCfiuttte Irast-nic- e V 6 Uwe In. Ifcickwig, fine vlace (or trade' will eunslde IOiin INSURANCE - AGENCY Im com-pan- ...... ....... ....... ....... - l t t ...... ...... ...... X8 vi 8 -- B: QUICK- BALE Cued furn-tur.leaving town, all kitchen 4 bedrom furniture. 637 E. A - eerL. N-4 -.- i ...... ' 8 N-1- 8 ii .... ...... ...... - N-- , Edison iB SALE disc phono E. ased 4 month. graph, L 8. 147 - N-- a ?tte N-3 - -- .- 7- 6 Young cow- fresh fn Cheep. 871 N. 4lbW. LE iR Tew day, - ' ' - N-- 4 ....... ta KaLE Howard ' beater, )B 1st W." Phone 374 N. I. 209-- Marsh banks, h.': N-- Fine 'Delicious apples, )B SALE I. $5. Mapleton, N -'"- -i' 8ALE Sheep, rams; old ewes. 3. W. DaybeU, Phone 631-ijf, N-1- 6 B SLE Special prices on standard Make 35x5 tire because of arstock. Bee a if interested la Motor com- iiS.CBgJnga.-.TeUurld- B 8ALE Onlooa Phone or caU at 112 W. 8 So. J 692-- N5 )R SALE Sweet Spanish onionB, Jonathan apples, Banana ana ibbard squash.. Phone 842; W. N-- 4 " M--t- coh-side- 6 LEGAL NOTICES I 6 .... ( . N-- 0 t a - v .... .... ............ , .t.,.'.. surety-compan- ! - ' Mrs. Zina Dennis for Bactne tuMw. Full line on hand. Phone i 8rd E,l: JT-2tD. ' 8 )B SALE huiuo of lilt At cost, the unfinished Vi. C. H. Carroll Are aBd 8th. N. ' Opportunity r buyer to finish interior to suit Jlvidnal taste. For terms inquire iik E, 7 N. Phone 400. : ,.V-.:- .. N-3 several-amount- ....... ..... J. ' EXT--Thre- d 726-W.-- .- )B SAuE Cheap, nearly new hand der mllU 605 N. Bth W. t.- tt. Coate.... " .Jf-- -- N-2- 5 450-W- 4 . -- ...... SC a 1 N-1- iB 8ALB Knight Woolen Mill at factory" banket, ahtrta, nter St. Provo. products - trmm A prices. Over-af- t, etc. 182 West N-- 3 orpilRTvn BTJBT SMITB motor specialist W W. Center. : Phone 130. 4 r jwruiAnrr " inruiiasi (aBQAINS la need furniture and ranges, Taylor Bros Co. M-S'- CONTRACTORS. . the- Blue Jacket Melody Boys ior your ward flnnceg, parties, (cUls Eeasonable charge "tJall J. Murray;' Phoiie ' AB8TBACTS ........ . N5 OF TITLE. ........ If .... ' ,' ........ ........ It 0 AND HEATING. w .... Cor;T-0Otrl.0- .... , N-r- l ....... ...... ,. ; FLCMBr - ....;,..;.... a . deeds, Botary pnbUc Utah County Abstract Co. 21 N ' At. Be 04 about your title. . .... ' s. BSTBAOTS, t ........ cap-"abl- e, - 902-J- .... 6 M-7-- tf tAM'tt OKt;itIKA ir ....... ....... 8 et m$ flgnre on your plastering 87 W. lst S. Job, Lea Thatcher. Y.-- 2-- ..... : 'tJSED FUKNITUBE. 1 75000 K - lit ft' related to plumbing, If a kin to Us. . Buckley and Haws, eon- 'actor, plumbing, heating and 9 N. TJnlv. leet metal work. ' ive.' Phone 411. ' 138-13- l0 ix.1 ' tA tf t DRESSMAKING. "iri- - ijnj"tfrET W-Ph- 5 8 - - . ' . -- RESSMAKING done very rason- N-aUl'. 44& E." 1st N. ' 5 1 f, 1 -- . . 10 20-2- 20-2- KODAKS. , ar; tint on slightly used Kodaks. Edqulst Drug Store and Kodak hop. ...... ...... : ;. CouiuienWBg 152 fwet aumb of the northwest corner of Bli. 2!, pint B, thence East 131 fcot; 26 feet r thence West 134H fuet; thenc South 26 feet to.bcglu-niiuj- ; . BUSINESS ,4 DIRECTORY thenc-i-Nort- ........ .v.. . j $50.15. Commeneuig 171 feet South at DR. GEORGE E, ROKISON Northeast corner of Block 88, Pial Physician and Surscoq A," thence South 25.61 feet tbew-West 120 feet; thence North 25.61 Specal Attention U X Kay Work Office in Bee Bids. feet; thence East 120 feet to be ginning ... IlLotyJ ' Commencing vXrfdat Nonh. otip Lot 5 of Blk. 12, Southwest corner i Y Not Eat at PUt B tbence E. 6 rds; tbenc-N. 8 rds.; W. Vrds.; 8. 3 rd. to CAFE H black north of Fopntaln , I $J'L90 I beginning tn-KitVannmnclng at 8 W. corfli oti special and coffee S3e Dinner sjwcial S Of Blk. 12, Plat "B," thence X 35 and 40e Short Order and Sandwiches 1V4 rods; thence E. 12 rds.; thence 8av 20 on your meal. 8. 1 rods; thence West 12 rods ...... $54.05. to bet'tnulit a. m. t 8 p. m. Ppen Commencing at NW. corner of Lot 4 of Blk. 12, Plat "B," thenre E. 8 OSTEOPATHS. 8. 8 rds. 10 tlieuce W. rd.; 8 rd.; thence X. 3 rds.,a0Vi ft to PR.D.D.BOTER beginning ......$54.65 OsteopaUiie .Commencing at SW. corner of Blk. 12, Plat 'B," thenc N." 8 rds., 6 ft ; ELECTRONIC MEDICINE thence E. 7 rds.; tbence S. 4 rd., 6 ITwho 2.S7. C16 N.'Uulv, Ave. ft. I thence West feet ; thence Hour 241 7. South 4 rds.; thence VT. '88 ft to be 2 ,.$109.80. driveway ginning SEWING MACHINES. N. of SB. corCommencing 100 ner of Blk. 22, Plat "A," thence W. 90 thence E. thence, N. 40 TOE W1JITK ELECTRIC 90 thence 10 ft, to begin- Sold on Conrenlest Term -. . $59.11. Splendid bargain In used mach.. ulnfl . t ine from $10 to $15. Machine Commencing at SB. corner of Blk: 22,. Plat "A," thence. N. WO ft.; for rent Expert repairing for aU ' thence W, 80 ft; fbence South 100 make. WHITE SEWING MACHINE ft.; thence E. 80 ft, to begin7. $59.14 -ning COMPANY 'AU'-oLoita 6 and f of Blk. !, 275 W, Center. , Phone 49 :. . ; . . . . .'. .$ko,67, Plat "A," All of Lots 1 and 8 of Iilk. 1. H)UNDBY. Plate "A," 3 drivewaya ..,..$229.'2ti All pf Lota 8 and 4 of Block 1 Plat "B," 2 driveways .,...$90.12. General foandry and machine AH of Lot 5 and 8 of Iilk. 4 work. Electrical and acetylene 7" PUt "B," except 27 foot rlKbt-nf- weWIngT u7i $m-iway PROVO FOUNDRY & The following described projierty MACHINE CO. is assissed for special sidewalk In addition to the regular assessment, phoxb 77 all In Provo City Survey of Build ...ing Lots: ; . AYERS WELDING WORKS Commencing at NE. corner of Blk 88, Pint MA,M tbence W. 120 ft. , Welding and thence South 144 theme E, 120 Cutting. - We weld anything' ft$ thence- N. 1 111 ftt. to begin , made of metaL Work guaran- - i $250 JUL nlng teed, rirst clas service. 'AU tald nbove.vdescrll)ed Jot and 42 N. 4tb W. Phone 712-parcels of hind "are to be asses,d for thd fUl dcnlh thereof back from the property line of the street upon which, they abut and npon which said Improvement ; 1 - constrncted and is doe and payable In ten eitial annnnl installments, beginning October 30th, 1926. Plumbing:, Heating and Interest ;;t the fate of 6 percent ' Sheet Metal Works per annum on the whole amount of said tax Miall from tbe tbe ordinance levying said tax 474 W. Center become October effective, Phone 109 . . Provo, Utah Dth, 1915, and interest at said rate tbe whole amount of said tax sliall be du and payable with each Installment. If any installment or the Interest oforewiid is Hot paid PROVO AUTO PAINT CO. on the diite when,' the same becomes Zapon Lacquer Process due, then the whole amount of tbe Auto Cleaning Steam Process tax unpaid at the time said Installf New ment and interest are' due will beDrying Boom47 S. Third W. Phone 188 come due and payable and will draw interest at the rate of 12 per cent per annnniJBtitll paid. One or more of" said" insf ailments "in 'the order in which they are payable aforesaid, V. HANSEN or the whole tax may be paid any time within" fifteen day after the. without ordinance 21 N. 1st W. Phone 812-iuterest ; and one or more of said installnients in. the order In which they are payable or the whole tax may be. paid by paylngHie AUTO TOPS AND CURTAINS kmouat lhewiiof and interest to date: If 'said tax Is not (aid when due I Upholstering and Seat Covering. BERT VANDLEY shall proceed at once to collect same with Interest and costs as provided Avtp Tops and General Black- , .,. by law and ordinance. Phone 85 - 22 So. 2nd W, Prova AH special taxes are payable at my office, room 2, County Court House, Provo City, Utah. Dated at Pmvo City;' Utah, tbl l!t'2C. RAY INVESTMENT CO. 30th day of Oc. , " ' Itoal Kittate Insurance Loan ROSE Y.STCWAUT. Rentals' City Treasurer and Collector of W. H. Bay, President , Special Taxes. " , Fred E. Bay, Publication dutes: Oct 30; Nov. : " ' 4." Office 78 X. University Ave. ; ' ' '; P.O.Box 283 Telephone 108 PASSPORT FORtJERY. - j... tt e tillUS v.... ft; I'bj-siclii- 10-1- : ft ft; ft; ft; a 1 w. ................ ....... t ",. "..'-.- , ft; .XuJiti H.G. BLUMENTHAL COMPANY Factory and Office St t: 111 : Dust-proo- C becomes-effectiv- -- , 2-- 3 BERLIN, Nov., 3. (IT )' -Hi- lda-peot advice today said authorities bad discovered a wholesale jHttpoft ' fflrfoy "foniqrtrafr. whoreWy. .400 iK'n bad snuiggled into Hungarians the United States. ABE W. TURNER t " ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W Noi 14 Provo KmghtIock Utah M-l-- tf MOWN POP. TAXI SERVICE. ju Tim TAXIUAB, night and day vice, os 11 PHYSICIAN A SUftGEON. R4!t-- - CE ser- AJttf tm HAS. M. SMITH. M. D. Office - nrr 'iTmnnju 'Provo Commercial Bank Bldg. HAVB TOTJB CAB washed' and residence Ice ff phone 172, phone polished by the TeBnride Motor 014. ' ntnnanv "i USED PIANOS. MISCELLANEOCa -- ,J-14-- tf M-l-t-T In reflnlahed used CALL and see Mrs. Davis for rug 6 Wert. Phone piano, Taylor Bros,, Ca, Piano woiiving, 4 .4 . ,)ept N30 IABOAINS a 8EFbS?E AMD SET SOWS CAkE CARS WASHED. - . Lou : nt r s. lot Good Tiolln, $25. - Hi de, $15. Call at 681 N. 1st K. B BALE , Jtmj N-4 bom , 5 an ft F J4 VI ' Ji m'jw rn 1 Wt& I1 mCCOKifcS ftDTB rti rue 1 rwu vinrwk 1 1 By TAYLOR. mfcT iCC?rJ LW5AFJ L THOSE 1 1 11. C00KJ6S-- z n A 1 w - 400--N- ., tf 51S-M- BOOK DIXDrNG. CARPET CLEANING.. part youf magadne bennd Into aalngle volumo. Proro.Book RltiilIry. Phone 852.-- 7 , rOTTR RT70 Ma i SHED GRANITE. 1st w 1 BJPraroTii.or!flg : .., ... Rnnn-vrPATRrvfiJTnTnffj1jUwV m , ' CI.HANED to look Ufa. Co; ;Phon ": . rushed grattib for rtuceo and Roof painting and repairing t cement work. Beerieyl Marble A specialty, work gnarsnteed. 779 .Wi 7.trt2nd7NoTrPbone ; . JlStf f ICK WorlL. j ' I -- ." 1 K I |