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Show V ACS TWO THE EVENING HERALD, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 'r 2,lS23-"- . ? A r-f-' MB NEWS FEAfURESj PRESS COMMENT TIMELY EDITORIALS WASHINGTON NEWS t RIPPLING HYMES THE EVENING HERALD An Independent Newspaper, weekly In ISM j u t dally la 1953 inti wj er tt.g except Sttorlnj, and Sunday torslnf; rarai awning aditl tvety moroief "ept Monday. SstabUtied s la tiia Herald bolhlinf. to Sooth first Wast atmt I'tatL Tpto, f.mered at ammd class matter at tea postoffle ....... ...... J Horti '.brock m S. Outaftr Bhuunub tn Prero, CtaS, ...... t.... .Pnbllihw f?ea Mcsiber United great ........ T. ..... 101 aad Sanrlcf Baniea. K. r a BS0Ii OFFICE CAT CiL Tliey pnt the ,n "not" word, i lta ............. . w 40r mntiih Oeilrered by carrier, pot year, in adVancc.....;". M"' INtormd by Biall In Utah comity, per year, la advance. ....: fhTered ty bjUJ la United States, outside Ctaa eoonty, per year. Mrrbr t ;...,..'' Officers to serve the city for the next two and four by the voters of grovo tomorrow. It is years i;ot only & privilege but a duty and a responsibility of every eligible voter in the city to go to the polls and cast his orher welfare of the vote. "Every citizen should be interested In extent the to of choosing of the participating community the men and woinen who are to handle its affairs. Provo city is now a4n million dollar corporation, and ia steadily growing, every d4j?. The city is in the transition renod of stepping from the pmallerun to the larger city rank. New and important problems arise daily and must be handled com tv the men elected by the people as mayor missioners. How these problems, will be handled depends upon the type and capacity of the officials serving the city. Irrespective of personal friendship, the voter. who has the interest of Provo at heart should vote for those whj34n his estimation are the best qualified and wh'arwtil Ho the s of the cities most in bringing this city in.tp'the in the west. Financiers eleetinj'the" administrators for a ten million dollar ccmeetifwould do so with utmost care and study and woold be nled in their selection, by ability rather " ' .' than 'Sentiment or friendship. ' serve all the people "of the Since the effinrJ of community, they should be puced in oil ice by the maionty thi'n the minority of 'the resident of the city. In the past, not only city but slate and national .officials have been placed in powtr by the few rather than the many. It is. a and an indictment to any community whose citizens disgrace "' are to disinterested and neglectful of their greatest privilege and highest responsibility that" two out of every three fail "to participate in the election year , after year. If all eligible voters exertised-the- ir franchise, the successful candidates would eel more keenly the responbility o the $ervice, they " '. ;" v' must re nCer. Voters are ured also to go to4he polls early and not postpone it to the last hour. Men who go to work in the morning in the plants or business offices should cast their rather than wait and do so' after vote on the Way to -- work in which may prevent his going at the later hour. . Vote for anybody you may choose, but be sure you vote. - in-ti- tbe - Geo. P. i . has untiringly spent all of his time for a larger and better -.r rroro.. v n - MONEY ON AVtiFTlllf for apeeinl Itseryance, We propoe ,7' Old Itaaer Blade Week. ? THSS THAT ' ; , allkinds of "ItTa'ke make a world, niuaes J. . M- .' I'here ire tw-- ways to keep out of divtuve court. One la tu give ydir wife an oullihlted rhargc accniint In any or all of the stores In Prove mid the otherUs to stay single. A . ' ' frk 1 IN ENGLISH Sim ' SAYS. ". '.- - , r '' ' i- - ' V ..... - , . s " (Paid Political Advertisement) . . OFTEN MIM'SKH "JatU'r" whew referring to, two jiersoim or tbinss.. . Vst "birt" wbt'ii TeferrinB- to three or more. OFTEN r - MISHUONur'NT EI Mnuve Prouounee "nmv" the "o" os in Sno r r . OFTEN MISS.rELI.ED Ciifnrrn. ir. r V.'OHDS .Note the "rrh." ' ; ''. :. . nufcliall season Is over. Next year we RUURest they hire women um nirea so iluyers enn't talk back. Those things, be announeed,' Thiink!KlrriiK'i romliiR. It Is not nre n elebrntt(in held becuiiM" footlMii! siHakiiig as an astronomer) only searchlights. Don't b foofish." Reason ends there. ; 3 What searchlights?" a.skil ewry- - fYNONYMS Buir, active, industrious, euiployetl,' . aaldmms, liody. Nine Eskimos linve arrived in Profvt.'-oHall had to admit that 7 New York, tiops should wnteh Ut; didn't know.. It was .pointed V HU) STI'I y Tse ,.a? word them. They may get jobs' -firing out that hean blights TmU around fiii'iinees. t hree t lines and it i.s .yours." Let uf ipai'tiiiciit The fluudug sword nre ulntionnry. Increase our 'oe.'iimlitty by wnster-- j Tmln"yV CauubL a boiilliy(;er.Ju ..Xnsbvllle. lug ne word eneb day. Ooiwidornbly piijued 4iy popnlnrword : l.'lMITAl!I,F.., that eannot Tcim.' He was M years old. liui he imitated, nmtehlesa. ''Ilia bis goods were not jiortrnynl of the ebiirsieter. ileliv'lited the ainlienee.'' A turtle nniy Hit around a eoiilr (II autnlred. j'eura .wllhoul.t inki!ig LObK'HEAH CORLV. up any excuse for Uoitnj so diU-jseii- t. r Kediims,-entrrpri.sius- One of the contemporary philosophers says there will be work for ' people to do In heaven. He doesn't seem to bave found ouf yet whether we mayi "expect, regular paydays skepticism toward bis theor.vv Pro- there ' or not. fessor Hall (fid some investigating, " "fellow Is with The 'oni,anv (.. 2fMb' Engineers, Fort he V.u Humphreys. discovered, Is 119 again. We find tbpt be kissed hi tract shoes good night and put his two surveying a betwet4i Quanthv nud Warreiiton, daughters under the bed. , anI the triangulating is being done at night bv nieansf searc'i lights All work and no play makes jack n new 'method of the 2!lb'u own In- seem to darned important vent mna wltldi gives resu'N f most ruarjelous mathematical ae- President oolldge's tailor is an- - Is of Interest to I'ruvo Follig Then Flaming Sword In Sky Arouses Fear Of Superstitions ' Jrns t "Co., ilie eoinplaiot." Prioe 00,., ,nt till dealers. Don't asfor .1 Vidw-pining", re)Med C'et I.Kisii's ih?'- Mine hf.t iVisier-Milbur"Xm. . iiUtin li.id. i5iiffu.v Co,.a!r.-.V- l x. Kr'ryt.bing's A proliably thinks a flrtr -- lbant. . .Jtnir 'ards mny 4her-B.i- i;. ah-. ehlgger ele lsou be' a waste of time. hridKetlt"iy(iwnitg TutS MtGHT LlK-UW- KTW - ' OO 11 1 UKL i I TrS 4 i dukes GEs'sovf. . i , Knew Bis 1 I II I l VI If It u I i-.I- (U W4ffM fcJti'm mi'km) I x Wt:-- tr( ." But nobo Uf will page the great sleuth to follow the plain tracks iir the above photograph; It's a picture study of the ' great merchandising truth of the present century. The merchant who sells inferior merchandise, or y?ho asks a long price for the goods which he offers for sale, knows better than to buy advertising space to tell you about it. He rprefers darkness to the cold light of newspaper publicity. He is either afraid of competition or is still laboring under the impression that ninety per cent of the buying public are mind renders: that they know just what he is offering for sale and will follow their mental "hunch" to his place of business. The public however has been educated to newspaper mer- -' chandising methods; They follow the advertisements it's their buying guide and their merchandising bible. 'If not, represented frequently in the advertising columns' of their local paper,4hey4vonderlwhy.i?Is thi&partic-- 1 ular merchant afraid of daylight competition?' a s k s t h e newspaper reader, "or does he still cling to tne old fashioned idea that a customer is personal prOperty.''---- -" ' ' ' " Are " your customers wondering why -- ' ; x 1 . THE CRiTirc, v A EGrGr? ' - I W. 1 a second f!uniim sword. '. third. There ihep hung all .night over the pit v. It. was prelly darned terrify ins. The next nilit'n hap pened again. Then mnre Eights. Every nlgbr," Itr fact.""" IudtsHl. it's still happening. inv-er- mm V Sherlock llomios n It requires a certain nmount of imagination to see the phenomena ns flaming swords, but they're mysterious shafts of light anyway. Even unimaginative peopUM'an see them. After they had uj)peared for niibts in stux'tssion, some of ones ticssah'tb fee! the has n 'av-'- e f'jbtf ned Washington ciibncil juipulatiiil wiln-h- . is .iiuny .r less' sti iierst it ions. A necro street ..('Shorter preached a ji 'f sermons a mi 1. .1 be swords. He said they wefo a dire portent fur .the capital. They were, a puzzle to the most prncti(la'l of folk. Wh TBI wl t- MAvjfc T jptfjl Si z Then Then thnvui betwien diipjer dud bedtime. '. News that numerous Washing He: Isn't II shell's eveuiinr'gortn toninns really- - were senred reached! juiuTtw tWcara of I'ruf. 1Slw: "Veh! Kwoct and Jow." Tnlted States nnral 'observatory f LOCK TVjiT MAQUtRADf. WITH 'CO lUTWETGlfuP. one has bad the misfortune to suffer from beadacbos, dizaiiiess, nrinry disorders and By CI1AHLES P. STEWAKT. other kiifuey Hiss and hiVR found MCA Service Writer. relief from iill"' this sickness anil N- A flaining WASHINGTOthat advice, is of .suffering, in sword Washington's npiienrod to friends and nilt;!! ..untold vain,, one of niaiiy thousands, but it is thai of a Provo resident. Who would sk for a better eamiile? Mrs. It, WiUcits, Kino W. Seeond St., X.. f.lys "A did disordered my kidney ify liack was weak mid beiiiliu made the dull, bearing pains worse. - bnrr"--p:ln- s also darted aert kidneys. frequently tr!ii!ded with iin i onm-ss- . It wasn't iir befertr I became run1' down, tired, weak nrul worn-out- . My kid Iiouu-- s neys ncted too freijui-nlly- . 33 33 BY WILLIAMS i.ocv YuH GO Turt t,r 1 mo What My Neighbor Says it of-tb- OUT OUR WAY . , i bobliy-shln- !;' . '";... We have jittsl heard of a poet who or liaggy at the knet But that Cat is sap bucket and the electric, got riclh He gave up poetry and thority far the took up the training of geese, tur- the best dressed man in Washing- the chief executive. It is said why should be,- Isn't he an honorr in trousers that keys, eats, scorpions and tadpole's ton, In spit kf the haytield, the never apix-ay a'y member of the Press club for the movie comedies. I!nd newn from Texts; The isa't what it uaee wns. i Toolt five men to xhoot one btindlt Btj W.L. Cordon ; TOM pood snpnortefg KobedV8 Nobody. I wasted my time ou nolNdy For nobody don't ldva me; . I fooled a lot wlth.nobady . tint nolM)dy lied to' me ; . ',' But I won't do for nobody .What nobody oiin't do for. mo-So I told'lles to mdiody But nobody lied to me; And I won't piay with nobody Who won't pluy fair with me! I've lost my heart to nobody ' Who can Nobody be? v i Remarks are being made continually of the improved condition of the cemetery. Drains have been constructed, low waste corners have been filled and redeemed, our perpetual plat has been enlarged and planted to grass one year ahead of, sales, the large overgrown trees w h o s e roots penetrated graves and upheaved monuments have been removed, and in a general way our cemetery shaws a materially improved con' dition. r 9 r" when I see them," said the yell leader as be gaxed up into the basketball stands. ? 5 "..v:.y - ... "I know . ; both in the way of extensions and improved; conditions. , The Memorial Park on East Center that now replaces the old junk heap which has been an eyesore to the public for many years, when present plans are carried out'of soiling and planting trees, lawns, etc.,' bordering the lagopns that have been made, will be one of the most beautiful parks that can be ' . - . fpund in the. state. ' i)eopIe to W. Bates, mi Almost flify one should be. able (o . fit In somewhere. ' " ' , r::,"r A wonderful improvement has been made in our City Parks, "Forget the business outlook. Just be one lookout for buiueBs,',ayi E. ' J. Troyer., .':',, - , s M. i Svho I : tration. . ' ' '. :. 'r'r-, - A wonderful water works been made in our has improvement system and eiiuipment We are how provided with shoj and office conveniences which insures better! service; to the public than it has ever had before. The rebuilding and completion of the Water lines in Provo canyon has been" finished. Also h replacing 1000 feet of 24 inch wood stave pipe with cast iron on our mam feed line on 7th East, all of which has been abig saving in our water supply and which also gives better fire protection and a more satisfactory service to all water users. . ' jS ; is not tied or pledd to any special interests or corporations, and it canbe said of him that his departments have developed and improved a dmirably during his adminis-- r '. I riATT V T.FSSONS i. LtU W -- -j- - , A man , the-cit- y i - It means that the splendid conditions now existing in Provo will be perpetuated and that you will be voting for a man who -- front-rSr&- ' "! 1... Ifr'Four Years of Experience Means ing to , You Vote For ' la the farmhouse there's a maiden who is tired of hum ttarm water faUpet taNB thetvrum chores: she Is worn-anfitavyladenworking in and" Jm5ttw"B toiahrf out of doors. She is dreaming, as she labors of a. movie world teogha itb I.au) BiJ the queen's career; some day she'll surprise the neighbors,, aLd ; it you jolt the nations 'fan and near. There's-a- ' damsel sweetty aluue.'pro ouch '.. i . lx dreaniing in .the'Oold Brick dry goods store, with the crowds around her streaming-b- ut sh wont be there - Tw hlrtt towns 'much "more--; by her dreams she is uplifted, in that sordid, . I)iTlu comedy wUii-about la wore (juwrreling busy scene, for she knows ehe s strangely gifted as a movie : ; , . '. ...... actorine. ,' In the laundry there's a lady whoja-keefor e wealth and fame; little dimpled, a Sadie, she will Eugene FU ttber aaira ran anyone try "the movie game; other girls have proven winners-Ma- ry imtifflnerwhtit a kinftmuie (celitig a Pkkford and that' crew; and she joins the other uift'ty rajiur must tut'e living .In 8pmner8,of sweet dreams that don't come true. Sober J Iinasia. earnings cannot daunt, them, and to Hollywood they go " ' Ouch! tninfeing managers wjll want tnem, onenng large chunks . of dough. But the managers are hidden and are mighty Titer; wbb a yomift man from Troy hard to find, "and the girls who, came unbidden find their Who. went out with a lady uauied lives a;weary grind. They are gifted, b'Jtthe city throngs .". Joy; , with lovejy, gifted mails, and they travel, more's the pity, lint he oime liaclf Not tojy iMmewbat funmetC-,' in the unemployed parades. Where two damsels get their he waaut tnat kind of a boy. For while in damsels the wait of wrath chances, forty vain, day advances, day of poverty and painrson they've emptied 'IPa time 'I '.settled, down, Ve; all their purses and can pay no hashhouse bills; then with innrked the wUd young man as lb" ' chaste but earnest curses they go back Jo farms and mills. ateam roller iMid ever him. ' Outbursts of Evcret True - - Bu Condo . There are still a few common, AND THAT'S. A ftEAt. ttAPCiikU ordinary weeks' not yet dislgnated and-cit- y ! T doll-Jik- City ; largest el 'Otil? dally newspaper la CtaA south f Salt tolation ut any. a'8perOii UirJ outside Salt Laka City and Olden It at :- Telephona .............. tdlUrlaJ Office, Booms, Telephone ............. f 1 1 MANY ARE CALLED i- The. , 'I WALT A: h |