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Show 'X THE EVENING Armstrong's Linoleum attractive guest room out of the'" "an array of prices we are offering '; ; attic,'--Angenuine Armstrongs - sparkliae tile patterns Come in.''At d , ..... Linoieum pritited-an- d i -' iniaia. Beautiful ew patterns.-- , "Bright colors. Jaspes for Small fig-.wed effects for bed- rooms.-- Matting designs that will make a neat 2Tf rol living-room- JPO - at Our Store Get Armstrong's Linoleum ft. ' or printed, "a simplythanmopping. wood by Warmer floors. ';. and quiet. ", In Salt Lake n spent the week-enin Salt Lake visiting with- relatives and frlenda. , Armstrong's Linoleum Rugs are attractive in design and coloring, and add definitely to the beauty of your .. home. .mil ,i '. Visits in Salt Lake Mrs. Ellen Baird, Miss Lavern Dixon, Oran Baird and Row Dixon motored to Salt Lake and spent the week-en- 10 Dixon-Taylor-Riiss- - fn 2 . Tit 'it. -- Co's , A cushioning layer of build-era' deadeningleltisiirnily cemcated in plaefrver Genuine Armstrong's Linoleum is cementwater tight, smooth ed down as to form floor.No Ducklings. Skilled linoleum workmen do this cementing it is a real Job when they get through. - one-piec- or. THE , 'J PLOTHCRAFT Tailored hour Springnlle year. Good styleHhelime coodt looks on all occasions. "5130 in blue, r brown the standard serge. gray,-o- 3250 See the CM. Humphrey was pleasantly surprised at his home Friday evening, the occasion being his birthday Cardsr T games and anniversary. music were the mam diversions of the evening, after which a light luncheon was served to the following : Mr. and Mrs. Webster Hoover Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Batten, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Seefhaler, Mr. andMrSTX W. Boardmnn, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Whitinsr, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McDon-r- i Id, Mr. and Mrs. Don Williams, Mr: and Mrs. Joseph Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Prows and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ward. Payson After" Monday, April 20th, the Elliott and Harris Cafe will be open from 6 a. m. to 9 p. m. In doing this we feel we can concentrate our efforts and give our patrons even better service than.we have done in the past; TheTeOTHGRAFTJtore Manager VttsjloLittle. - InMuraerBeit UMPANOGOS STUDENTS GO .Athe ff ft - ..Shippers can get 2 choice loads.. I farm implements and horses, these conditionr also plements are. sound and good, weight 1350 pounds one5,-yearQld-geldin- d. im- g, ; also one automobile. cows or """'r; Anyone wanting to consign other products call Provo 73 and make arrangements, i . - present.- - Col.rL R. VifWdrey Auctioneer Taylor pleasantly en tertaiued the members of the S. C S. Friday evening at the home of her. sister, Mrs. T. M. Waddell, Tulips formed the floar decorations for the entertaining rooms. Games and music were the inaln- diversions of the evening, Mrs. Grace Beesley and Miss Adell Peters being award rd the prize for the games. .. was served A deliriouT'luncheoa to the club members and the follow- Highest Quality Oak Floors Cheaper Than Rugs v that unsightly Convert floor Inter one of beauty layng3 inch Oak over 4 o1d'PLL. tnes $40.00 per average size room the cost or expen- and sa-- iMjXi'V' r 13. L - lSflfeJ e V,; give rugs. Turn your floor troubles over tr. a floorlntr Gsnert PARITY 1IAFEN I'll one ' HWj cr' READ HERALD WAKT ADS ... '. I".." ..." :. tie JifJhjeJiadleaAidwill held Tuesday at s:S0 In the Com munity 'Congregational church. ing will be provided for all. Sew- V' For VapoRub Cold Troubles d -- state. Mrs- - Eva HIndmarsh entertained at a -- mwimmmm i : v ZMPty V w7 first-han- . . afternoon In honor of fcer little daughter, Ethelyfinyfiosefourth birthday anniversary occured on that day. The party was In a costume affair and every nursery ' In the rhyme' was represented ;,;- mi costumes worn by the nuu ijuumi. tv Mrs KathHrn Southworth and Mrs. Kucauh uaiucn joye4 during the afternoon. John. Noak's Ark surrounded with little The Alpha Detla members were animal crackers formed the centerthe guests of A; Rex Johnson at piece of the dining table on which his home Sunday evening. Games, covers were laid for the following ; music and n- - delicious luncheon. Corrina Pharo, ,Maxlne. Clark, Were enjoyed. present were Evelyn Clark," Do& Dixon, Dick the Messrs. Pa l and Harold Har Pope, Wallace Davis, Catherine Calder. Spencer Needham, vard, Hnmilton Roberta Hindmarsh, Larscu, George Black, Aldous Mart Lawrence Monlnger, IiCona Tierce, ham, ...Walter jSteveugr Clurence Norma Pierce, Aleen Harding, Kent Allred, Ted Bushman, Don Kenney, Hindmarsh, Delbort Wilklns, Arn; Hunter' Manson. AVendall Thorne old Wilklns and the guest of honor. ," and Victor Hedonist. BERLIN The former crown prince and his wife are Joining Field Marshal Hindenbnrg at Han- Oven 17 Million Jam tfsro YeLv fereirce which will include leading politicians of the bloc that Is backing the old warrior's candidacy for ' . -the presidency-- . AN I: . The sixth grade pupils Tlmpanogos. school made a Salt Lake City Saturday some knowledge home geography of their, A meeting Miss Uuhy ft " i ' . C 7 v . t Visit Prominent Paces' in City as Part of Geography . Study - - t TOSALTLAKE : Mrs: Scott's t Pistributors.of Jjuality The program given In- the Fourth ward Mutual last Tuesday evening had as it's theme "The Home" which will lie continued inl tomorrow evening's meetiug at 7 :30 and the following program will be given : talk" "Four Factors of an Ideal Home" by Miss Ruth Mother of Mine" by Miss Meta - the- M jjittAUeemTmfiTea piano by Miss Ruby" Epierson and a readThe Glad Hour club met at the ing "A Hoy's Mother," Miss Dell home of Mrs. Don Kirkwood Thurs 'Church.'All members of the ward day afternoon, April 16. Needle" " , PROVO. APRIL 27th at 10:30 A. M. are invited work,' music and games were the entertainment for the afternoon. 1 will-sellPrpvo Park ad joining the ball grounds, The B". T. U: high school officers A beautiful', bouquet- - of spring at publicauction: ''ZTZ . 'trare n luncheon Friday In the flowers formed the: centerpiece of rsfhool cafeteria in honor of the the table on which covers were laid ' The Jones herd of dairy cows from Lehi, these members of the. debating team and for Mrs. T. W. Jones, Mrs. Thomas one-half rawa are amonir the best in the county about the' debating conches. During the Kirkwood, Mrs. Fred Cooper, Mrs. Holsteins.v luncheon toasts were given by the Shef Henry, Mrs-- Charles-- Jones, Jerseys and one-ha- lf ' Mrs. Walter Startup. Mrs. Frank following members of the tenm GorThere will also be a lot of other cows consigned don C'riindall, .Mary Wainwright, Mrs. A. B. Simmons, Mrs. that I have personally selected';' also one Jersey bull,- Arleen Harris, AMa Judd, Joseph Stark, P. Hunter, Lafe Alger,' Mrs.-Ias repsold Will cows be Air old.. 5 months guaranteed Brown and Burton Tew and the Mrs. Hewitt Strong, Mrs. ,George A. ; and Mr. Startup and Mrs. Martin. resented in the ring. coaches, Mrs. Piileipher j Clark. Will also sell SSAtE water-tes- demonstration in window The literary department will have charjie of the Relief Society meet- ing of the Pioneer wand to be held Thursday at 2:30. Mrs. Vera Perry will give the lesson on the life-anworks of James Whitcomb Riley. Musical mimlxrs will also be given. A food attendance is desired. LR. HARRIS DAIRY AOCliOi of. d HOUSE Nephi a suit you Jan wear any the day any day of the Here DelmaT Hair Hiawatha spend the week-enthis city visiting with bis parents Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hair. usspll Co. ONE-PRIC- E tt5130n Serge MhUh ANNOUNCEMENT I STANDARD SERGE x formerly Miss Elva Crosby of this city. .Mother, and baby are doing nicely- r- - Dixon- - Taylo r--R . . Clothgraft , New Arrival Mr. and Mrs. Stanley K. Dcsh are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl born April 15 in Casper, Wyo. Mrs. Dean was Where There is More Than 0nePr ice Someone Pays Too' Much.- frovo Mght e; Let Us Cement Your Linoleum To the Floor- -It Will Last a Life Time . oon tIffire-organ!z-tto- tf - - : Mommg In Spanish Fork Mrs. Sadie Lewis and " Mrs. Ada Jarkman motored to Spanish Pork "Friday evening- - to attend. of the Alia club at (he home of Mrs. Henry A. Gardner. Mtthod of Laying Linoleum We clean your old floor- Chrlsten-f- My '".""" ', d r ell Miss , a - jk Rugs of cork! Rugs with warmth and softness of wool qualcarpet, and yet with the sanitary, ities of fine linoleum! . ., - ..... d long-weari-ng i fir - ww " i , ...... EWS.. ., ,". .. Week - End Here Miss Buby Baird yrbo is teaching school In Monroe spent the week-enIn this city with relatives. CITT.N Artistic and Inexpensive y T - - Soft to tread upon Armstrong's: Linoleum Rugs ro v. T .h;- Mrs. J. B. Sumner will be hostess to the niemliers of the Social Hour club at her home Thursday, April 23. After the business meeting needlework, music and luncheon will be enjoyed. nau. linoleum floor is cleaned s. -- ' for4iteheruaJ)orchir ii Inktid :-- T)ie. Fourth ward Belief Society will be under the direction of the liter ry eomoUtte Tuesday t J:3a Mrs. Alzergtta 8. Engar wlU. give the Waoa ia tht lifoand'werks of Janea Wbitcuuib Blley. The R. & trrttp book and reading "Let'a Go Back Griggsly SUtlou will be Siren by Mra. Thelma Weight;, trio, piano cella and saxophone will be .flayed by Clarence Allred, arv.ard Olsen and Carl Engar and cello solo "Longing." composed by Charles J. Engar will be played by Harvard Olaen. A good attendance la desired. ' -- '' FOI watj f Society J J , - for Every Floor in the Bouse 'rl KFRAT.nQNDAVrAPfil mm Cecil Mrs. Long. 19. abov kllie I. i Mian . to get of the native ' hi y A l ': ! "Thirty-nin- e pupils took the trip leaving the school early Saturday morning, most" of them crowding ; Into 'one big truck. " . The stale capital was the first r "mm. place visited. The pupils were shown through the building, special John Levi, most colorful Indian athlete atnc tb attention being paid to products, probably turn proteasioivt) scenery, and the various exhibits on display there. ;.. . V Pieive. hr rival for th love of Oeorg - Ormthir - M .The WlHnp took plac 8h ha bem aentencwJ Mont i from ft to 4fyar for th murder Tour: Wfflr1iri nine yw Hav been accused of murrter In the ds whlcb i population jol 'trjet, Ur. ' Ora - of the trip to 'xj of JSm . . The Bureau of Information and museum were next visited and an enjoyalble hour epeht revelling in the .ancient ..relics' and pioneer remembrances and native American mummies shown there. . EXERCISE HINT An Invitation was extended to attend an organ recital the tabernacle. The pupils went in a body arid eujoved the half-hou-r spent ., '. there. jt A Danghter Mr. and MhcxWbI-te- r Needham of Eureka 7 are . the The remainder, of the time was propd parents of a baby girl born at - LilKirty Park, boating, Sunday at the Westbood & Beck spout games, and enjoying the pbiying , , hOKpitaL' , .. - , llOfliantmfllOQnuijej.: Here Mr. and Mrs. Theye were accompanied by. PrinHerman Nause of Ogden spent the cipal AVitbecjOdiss Jacomjjdiss week-enin this city the guegts of Johnson and Mr. Bigby,. teachers " from the KhooL Vr. and Mrs. Robert Mooreflvld, f Week-fiit- f d : fc.By.Bternaw MacfdJa IJe on floor or bed and raise one )g at a Urn nntil it to at nelea with the body, ; Kepeat thta esercia about tea feswa. r" - |