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Show A KEWSPAFJCB dedicated to a policy of fairness to ill sections of Utah county. , I ''-- -. THIKTY-NINT- I ii 1 1 PROVO, UTAH, FRIDAY. APRIL 17. 1925, YEAR, NO. 226 H I I I f"-"- W 1 I I f 1 viin 1 o o o o o o e o o o 0 O 9 9 i Wovo R oiarm HONORED SIS I : I'MI II I ILl' W NULL - t- I -t Annual Boys Week Activities to lie Held April zo - . .I i Ao May 2. - V - BiB Bicycle Races Staged for Saturday Afternoon ' May 2 i . Plans for the biggest Boys Week ever celebrated in Provo was perfected at tire weekly luncheon of the Provo Rotary club at the'" Hotel will be observed during the last week of April, beginning April 26. VarioM committees to handle the affair of each day's activities have beea selected by John W. MeAdam. general, chairman of the week. "Boy'a day in church" will open the celebration Sunday, .April 28, - i when it wiU be the ?ffort. to arouse an interest In church going In the Doys. . nyuiau mrj5 una iubisc the activities of that day and will select group of speakers which, with the permission of the 'Utah stake presidency and the respective bishops of wards and ministers of churches, will address the meeting. Dr. C. H. Carroll has ehargd of the events to be observed Monday "Boy's Day In School and Evening Home.". Speakers will be sent t to the various schools In the city '"t and Provo Bench, to encourage the boy to remain in afhout and to make tlie best of their time there. Fathew-wi- ll be encouraged to remain at; home with their boys on ' that evening.. been has designated Tuesday Cnder the Day." "Citizenship chairmanship of Lester Taylor, a committee has worked out plans Intending to give the boys experiences in the civic offices of the city,, such as tho city commission, 'the police force and the fire department. Harry Ileal heads the committee a on entertainment and indoor to be held Wednesday. Tbe leading feature of the day will be .the'ehonis competition of the boys In the, Provo city grade schools to be held in the evening at the. high Prizes will be school auditorium. given to the winning school . ath-letlc- Koysi-Dfrj- i, in ncr SUNDAY fl! il &AiJJtttm day, will lie under the supervision -Ban Hunte-- ; of the creasote plant. The Industrial plants of city will lie visited during the day." A big "Loyalty Day" parade will be staged Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock under the direction of W. W. Orem and Harold Dunn. Tliree bauds will be in the line of march. Vera Greenwood beads the committee In charge of the planning of activities to be olv the wired Saturday and which will end with'the annual bicycle raws In the . afternoon. BOMB KILLS 100 IN CHURCH ill mi! ulHlllf IlliLuu i1 " HELD SUNDAY i - "--- , i Relief Society Offi- - a l eachers Washington Lawyer Alleges i Deal in "Fifty-Fi- ft OU CUims INSTRUCTION GIVEN ON STORY TELLING Provo Canyon Home to be Dis- cussed by i. L. Al. I. A. Winning Ward to be Announced at Union Meeting Sunday Afternoon 'I -- EASTMOND TO CELEBRATION of lusnue the a neighbor hoy shooUng-o- f her 8on,'Charles, Mrs. David f'unnlng-huiof Gary, being qiiUzed in en investigation into tbe illm-sn- ' of another son, David, and the deaths under lusplcloiis: '' circumstances of his father, a sister and three brothers, She has confessed to spreading-arsenl- c on lred and butter given to three of her chil- ton. 312, MALECHORUS OF EUREKA y EMPLOYE DIES . II.-Fu- The section Will meet in room '' l. ' . ' - be-h- ., iji,,, jtljneeliilg . U.S. FLAGSHIP HAS MISHAP NEWCABINET presi-side- " )ARI) V. S. S. SEATTLE, 17. rCI) The. flagship April Seattle wnsa again speeding at 15 Hawaii today, knots an after a slight accident nt sea which delayed the war craft's progress. A gaske't-a cylinder, head ofi one engine blew, out and" engineers worked for, some hours repalrlug the damage. The Seattle was SjK)ji.uilesjouth-wes- t of Siin Francisco at dark last night and bearing a. steady course loyvard jthe sFene of the coming "battle"" in which the remainder of the fleet, following liebind, will attempt to "capture" the islund. AB r . NEW TRIAL MAY bour-towar- li BE DEMANDED NOTED SINGER tbroitgfr-TFaitzntio- RESUMESTOUR NEW SERVICE " 1 folk-son- n STATION OPENS -- liack-lxm- "vol-untnr- y forty-eight- h . LOXDOX, April 17. (XT) One hundred are dead and 200 injured in fiofia as a result of tbe explosion ' of an Infernal machine in the cathedral yesterdayduring the ; funeral services for Generol Georghlef, murdered conservative leader, according to the Exchange Telegraph company's Vienna correspondent. Those who were killed .Included the burgomaster of Kofi a and the former minister of war, Naldenoff, while Premier Tsankoff and War Minister Kaloff were injured.' Many arrests have been made. - bomb outraee In f"ofln cathedral, timed to TcUT and wound i; mmiy eonservatices and government iTupiiorters, gathered for the funeral JL. kJlva nf IJpllprfll CiMlrirhiof la hff. ' llevwl part of a general revolution; ary movement. I' An uprising wa to -- have begun rodiO", according to this belief, following assassination of Georghlef and King Borgls. When 'I h king escaped death on the high' iny outside Sofia the revolution Uid not take place. . The COMMUNITY ' KLANMAN'S Itjilo-Egyptia- f einw-ra'tl- .'.;i'i.: thatas - : INDIANAPOLIS, Inct. -iThe state fire marshal's. ..office' 1 was requested by police today in blaze , the mysterious "The effort ot he I'tatt stake homes in the nation than better at which did heavy danvaged to the at tendance at the church services. " palatial home of D. C. Stephenson, Sunday school workers tor former grand dragon of the Indiana wart ft3r - - etT the K, K. KM during the night population td. attend Sunday school young people may have may Be over- John O'Brien, fire chief, declared neit Sunday morning Is a most de- comff-'bat arcgnlar . attendam-Tbe besif .positlvelythe blaze was of Incen sireaine nnuertaKing anu suouia ne snnaay senwu approved heartily by every man, wen waj to urge a person to attend diary origin. Twenty nine gallons of a .mUtiiriTHiiun and child in the stake," said these services may not always be to of gasoline and kerosene were found Bishop. John W, McAdam, of the speak to tiirti or her almut It at any and all iierlous; A far more in (the bouse, O'Brien said and gnS Provo Sixth ward. jets In the house were open hut not "Fathers and mothers, especially, effective way is to go yonrself. "Yon go. Romelxsly else will see should. appreciate such a move and lighted when firemen arrived.. If0- It will not be .Stephenson, who. la tinder Indict- should show ffieir appreclhtlob by: "a "lld ne lnft in that way nhtitjt Will ment for. alleged kidnapping and ii.:... xkh.i rathef popular to attend Sunday . i: assaulting of Miss Madge had not, lived itf the house achoAl Sunday morning There U school aervicea every Sunday - " that ylUt produce, better Ijig.'! . for several wacka. . Apr-H-1- U.S.SfflPSALE Rev. Mr. Bnchelder will preach Sunday at 11 a' m. in the Community church on the subject, "Easter " and in the evening at 8 o'clock the theme will lie "The Religion of Sheerfuliiess." There will be special music at' both services. WASHINGTON, April 17. rP) ''Tile church lechobl will convene -- The United States shipping board Snmiay at;in r."'m"."Tia""rBe Senior in a brief filed in the district and Intermediate C. E. societies at today .'Bccnxed; the Pacific Mall " - Steemship. company of delllioTately T p. m, . The Pilgrim class will hold Its muddling the sale of the five "presi monthly business meeting and social dent" type liners to the Dollar lines. e in Mena Troi hall Monday evening company's purpose, April 20. The Indies Aid society the board charged was to continue will meet Tuesday. April 21, at 2:0 lts"very profifnbfle and lucrative" p. m. and' the Missionary socletv agreement with the bonrd as operaWednesday .afternoon. April " 22. tor, of the five sbjps, which wonld The services will be lie lost to it by consummation of the held Thureday eeQlng, April 23. sale. . , . . CASEOPENS After-Qlow,- Wrt ThV-PneiXi- "mid-wee- k . J -- gt 4eakatr WIei 4 8'n-lces- -', 1 , moi'n-nothln- The first exclusive service, station to lie erected on North Tniver- sit avenue, will Ik' ien for busi ness Sunday at the cornet- of Fifth North street-anCniversity avenue. Klmlwll Snd Booth, the owners of tlie property,- have erected a modern service .station, said to lie the last word iu that line of business. r ..Pep gasoline refined by the Oil company und Vico motor nilst prepared by the Ftah Oil com pany, will be handled '.exclusively ' by the' new station:' -- To Introduce their new business. Kimball and Booth, will, "present every auto driver who drives Into the station Sunday- with a box of candy. ; - HOME BURNED CHURCHNOTES fore. WhcfefHleepertba Walah, 'WcT7gn8LVclnUeDBel chief -- 'the statements, saying:" "When such evidence Is Introduced we will show its falsity, but, with due respect for the attorney of the prosecution, I doubt whether such evidence will be introduced. - RUNAWAY AIR CRAFT RETURNS LONDON, April 17. (CP) A than immiway 82 hours the giant British dirigible, K:33 returned to Its base at Pulham at 2 o'clock this afternoon.The airship, which was torn from itsniooring mast .shortly before. 6 a. m., Thursday, maneuvered slowly over its aerodrome under perfect control this afternoon, after having spent f perilous night over the Sea. storm swept-Xort- h The pride of air service officera iu iheir dirigible wag vindicated when its .eojnmander, who was on board with 10 men of the crew when was swept away on a 50 the a mile gale, maneuvered throhgh the long hours against head winds and finally brought his craft " home without assistance. - " Revolut ionary Plot Follows Failure to Assassinate . King. mnlvu Senator " Thomas - NOWCOMPLETE : ;r GREAT FALLS, Mont, April 17. 1CP) The governnient todaj be of the ease gan presentation FORMER CITY ; . v, m. i. a. ...... The canyon home and the summer outings will be discussed In the president's section of the Young Provo and Spanish Fork Clubs Mendelssohn. Male Chorus of Ladies Mntual Improvement assoGo to Eureka With Salt Lake Give Delight-- - ciation, meeting In room 260 E ful Concert Official The secretaries will meet In room ISO T .where the, annual report blanks will be distributed." Dr. Christen Jensen will outline The Mendelssohn male chlfius Members of the Kiwanls clubs of rrovo, Spanish Fork and Eureka scored high lust night in their third the four lessons for May in the' advanced seulor section. united in honoring Lieutenant annual concert at tbe Utah stake. Twolessons onJITteDivlulty :3?f Cully tabernacle. Jesua of Nazareth" will be given by staged at Eureka last evening. seiibir 'JPlIIirravciU-presidcnt-j- if the although iHit terge, Mrsr Eureka club, presided and first was warmly appreciative of the deimrtmenr. Mrs. Winifred Cannon will speak called HiKiii President Hoyt'of the iiiinilierg rendered. The chorus was iu the Gleaners section. Provo Club. oietiquette wolf balanced, the singers were well will Miss Marguerite Jepperson .William J Knight and Swen O. to thej direct a song practice In the Nielson were also called upon 'for drilled and quickly hive section, following which Mrs. baton." brief remarks and President J. W. Much trwlll In dim tliu flll'ibir, J.: AcmjaJSJiixnin h wl llpwtk-oBti- H ChrigjriMfii nf Mm Simnisli Fork. clnD and Henry A. Gardner,- purpose of 'organisation mid Mrs. Spencer Cornwall, for the splendid Cla ra Cla rk will review an art icle of the Palmyra s,take ami showing . in a national magazine. A. Jensen of Eureka followed "The The ..chief numlM-last night " '"" r SWudards W social dauctug will Provo speakers."""' was Cadmnn's "The Vision of Sir lie discussed by Miss Wilma Jeppson Lieutenant Governor Cully siiiike This number, a veritable Caillaux Opposed to Capital on Kiwanis Ideals andiirgi?il the IaiuifaL' before the recreational leaders. sermon set to out music, brought The Workers In. the Sunday Levy, He Tells members to tak'ea greater interest the realchorus-aof the ability Socialists interest In' civic matters and make well a the tenor and bass soloists. school, the V. M. M. I. A., tlie Pri mary and the Religion classes will their organization of lasting liene-fi- t John W. Sumnierhiiyes and Walter meet In their regulur places for PABIS, April 17. "(rP) The to the community which Is A. ' Wallace.! discussion of the lessons for May. Pninleve cabinet is complete and serves. Every student of literature knows Robinson acted as song Is focused Walter France of ilydntteiition the story of the seeker after the CIXCLNXATI, O.. April 17. Joseph - Calllnux, the new leader and Vocal solos by Geo. S. Holy Grail how' after .desolnHon i CP) Motion for-- a new trial was1 tjixin well were 're exiled was Ballif who exceptionally and despair 4he victory came' to eniected todayin the case, of three finance minister,as a '" ; traitor and to ceived. him through' abnegation Cincinnati policemen convicted in five years ago of self, In jntroducing the memliers of the iwhoin the. nation now looks fiir a n federal court hist night-o- n that the "gift ehafges President Eureka difficulties. orchestra. fiiiancial of its Crayeh without the giver Is liare." of conspiring to. violate, the prohi way out j;)yershad(wing In Interest all asserted that if enjoyed the repuMiss Becky bition law and briliery, "pianist and new ministry, tation of being the best in the state, understood f9 be' Vfher features of the RAXgAS CIXYt-Mh.- .' " April IT. anticipation of Pa illnux's pro- - witn tlie possible excepTion of to InTRTsniall degree (CP) JIadame Schuuiann-Heiuk,- - knowni: lie Hindu whicK Will the siKwss of the rendition. here today for three days testimony given by bootleggers and gram, soon after the cabinet is presented Nearly fifty per cent of .the inem- - In addition to the cantata which arriving Sioux jflty, Iowa, redenied moonshiners, rest, of deputies on Mon- liers of the local Kiwanis club at- came Inst on tlie Sentence of the three men is held to the chamber program were ports of yesterday that she was v wbieh- - was oue the' tended' meeting day: "Secret Nook,'' (Brabms), "Fire- critically ill. She said she was sufup pending appeal Caillaux has always opposed a of the t ever held in the south- flies, (a Russian Detectives were among 7f jiolice-me"The fering JTront-- a jaildwhicbu impaired g), e state. ern the part of and dry agents Indicted in the levy on capital JvMch was the and ""My the" quality of her voice, but expects BHssaard," (Cadman) under the. guise ."of a concert Homeland." (Speaks.) federal government's recent . graft to resume her loan" of the scheme whlih . Mf. Summerhaywi. tenor soloist, tour Monday; here. prole o Speak-ing-tcaused Herriot'g downfall. siirig'. Handel's "Wber'er: .Yon the n much beauty of tone, WnlkTr C A I R)0 The wl'h the chamber,-- however, : Caillaux illso Aren Cache," hp- - George Hue boundary situation was eased today of solution a promised and "Time and I" by Cadman. The by" an Official denial from the Ital- the problem, Involving g tax on cap- aiitllenee. wanred"rnoTe and flieTeiiorlan legation that Italian troops' bad ilal If necessary," but indicating sang "RylyhV; by Speaks lh a way occupied the oasis of Jerabnb, jn he would aim rather at reduction ' truly artistic. disputed tenritory. . of government expenses. ; : 'r t,-- n . PLEASED WITH ARE GUESTS Jr Wheeler Brands Testimony as , "Typical Daugherty Barton. K. Wheeler case which prosecutor' say will - Involve the former leader of the "Washington scandal Investigations In an attempt to makp millions of dollars. - '. John S. Rlattery, eirief prosecutor, dren.. annoum-ehe-- would base his case upott- testimony of .van ; Washington lawyer who would say thatjWheeler urged him to enter a fifty-fiftplot they whereby w'oiild split the earnings of their prospective client, Gordon Campbell, Montana oil operator, In toady oil . of such a deal. Funeral Services, for George Mattery Is banking upon testiJoseph Ball Sunday in mony of Peter Nice, a'capital atBonneville Chapel torney according v to information . given the t'nited Presa, Onl-- tw George Joseph Ball, for wveral Washington attorneys have been years employed by Provo City, died summoned by the prosecuthm and ? here Friday., ' the one other than Nice la A. Bern In London June 2ft, 1S5C, who disclaims any knowledge he Joined the "Mormon" church In of p ch a deal.; ' j IHfrt-tq- pd came to inah in 1873r None of this evidence was proeettliug li Provo. For a long time duced to tbe Borah committee la he was In ihe- brick mmddilig bsi- - tlie wnt which probated Wfaetiler'!i new inlhts elty. , conduct In connection witb Camp Surviving' him are This widow, liell oil permits and judged hint not Mrs. Sarah Ann Ball, two suns, rh gniltyv It was said. Joseph A. Ball of Prove and Oliver Identity of the mysterious witness Ball of Salt Lake; three daughters, has caused a sensation here since Mrs. Llllbj Maun of OgdenT Mrs. Slattery first repealed his program Elm Burnett and Miss Lida Boll to the jury la his opening statement. of Provo ijud7ouo stepson, . Ray When questioned about the Identity... Snow of the witness, Slattery said : will eld FuueraLjaoicea i!nrt.-l,mik. ' v . ; . Sunday at 12:30 o'clwk In the talked to." Bonneville ward chapel. Interment "There la no siirh man,1" said 14Ht lw: rttV.cfmrtefy Wheeler. "It's another .typical. 41ie dlrectkiu- of the Berg fake." ' Daugherty . . .nnder ,. Slattery's promise la te prove that Wheeler talked to this mysterious Washington attorney and asked him to take over his job for a sum that would "run into millions of dollars,"-- . Such evidence would In- - MUSIC LOVERS KIWANIANS e Jndls Xvle Washburn wittHliseuss'The Dounhey of C'dIuihIius, O., faced a Xoachlan Dispensation," before the Hal Donahey, mm uf Governor-VItheological dispensation meeting In delinquency charge in probate court aftehe had taken Lillian VpgeL 15. room 300 E. to Zanesville, 3., for an automobile ride. Toung Donahey took the girl to The department, meeting Columbus where she remained at the home of a friend for several days. In roomliterary 320 E, will discuss the life and works of Jantca Wlitteomb Riley under the direction of Mrs. Elsie tC. CjirrolL Problem children will be discussed in the social service aectioit under i , grief caused, by the Instructions. se IDENTITY OF PERSON NOT YET DIVULGED t 'I ityAwAsi BrWtu to Of Fl' NEVADA -- mm The regular monthly union meet stake will be. held ing of the-tain College hall Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Following the conjoint opening exercise conducted by the stake presidency, the various auV lliary orgaulitatlons will separate for their regular class work.' RELIEF SOCIETY. Dr. II. G. Merrill will address the officers and teachers of the Relief The Society on "Swat the lecture will be given In the library. "Stories for the Children and How to Tell Them" will be the subject of the Kiiecial activities flection meeting In the fiiculty roo)ii. Mrs. Ida Smoot Dusehberry will give 'iiiKnrmiitflin-f- ,:. .1 Presidents . Nevada 'o vTADI'IITUCCO ' f.- iIOINGlOBE 'to snnaay cnoois house-to-hou- o o e pVo Dr. H.. G. Merrill to Lecture Seven Thousand People Ex pected in Ltan htaKe Fru'rlH()nsae7T)eing miidTTiy the officers of the ward Sunday schools of ftah Wake for the handling on Sunday morning the largest idr'iiiniimi"inwnfiffiiimmiiviniw crowds ever In attendance at the s,' PROP. E. II. EASTMOND. Sunday-schoolaccording to Vic tor J. Bird, superintendent of the ; .Utah take Sunday schools. It is expected that not less than seven thousand men, women and children in the' 16 wards of the stake; Including the nine wards of Provo and the outlying wards, will attend the first annual Bally day exercises of Utah stake. . The ofJUceCLof the ward Stmda?' schools are receiving tbe of the other auxiliary organizaGovernor Scrugham of tions for the success of the venture Asks Provo Artist to In many of the wards, according to information received by Mr. Bird, Djrect Pageant the Belief Society teachers are makProf. E. II. Eastmoiid of the de ing canvass urging of art of the Brlgham the fathers and the mothers to partment Toung- university has been request bring all of the children to the ed by Governor J. G.I Schurghani of Sunday school exercises. " pageant in Nevada," to atrect In other wards the Boy Scouts southern Ncvadu on. the evening of are assisting in advertising the May 23. It will be given at St. event, while in still other wards, the Thomna and commemorate the com officers and.tcacherg are Intending pletion of the "new highway from to make a last minute canvass SatLas Vegas to the Arizona state line, urday pigbt when every family will and also the discovery of the'Lost fbe given a spaeial verbal invitation City," near St, Thomas. to attend the Sunday school exerIp jpxtendlng the invitation to cises. Governor Professor Eastmond, The ward having! the largest per- Scrnghan says In part : ' centase of the entire ward popula "One of the nutin features will tion present will be presented with portray the coining of the Mormon a largo banner by the stake iioara. pioneers Into the Muddy valley. I Children in firms will be coiined, ac write to Inquire If you can assist cording to Mr. Bird. us in the matter to the extent of While each school has been giventHkinz comiilete charce'tif this act. as Its stnndardaTtendanc'eTToirThe of yon will have the the ward day fifty per cent.. the principals of the various schools population, It Is cxiKM-tethat a of the vicinity, Including J. Law- much larger per centage will be rence Wadsworth of Overton and J. present. ' M. Whiting 4funkerviHe " The winning ward will be an- Subsenk;Ht to this letter Profes- nounced nt the superintendent's secsor Eastmon.d has been given the tion of the union meeting Sunday direction not only of" that portion afternoon. of thepageant dealing with .the Mormon "pioneers, but with the production of the entire pageant. Is lu coumil ration witn uovernor scrugnan in T Salt Lake Cily today. ilD o POISONER SPECIAL INVITATION TO EVERY FAMILY SCHOOL CHORUS CONTEST APRIL 29 , "1 r o . GOVERNOR'S SON IN COURT BE OBSERVED v'M---f':'.r'.'- 1 O legfc Program DAY TO RALLY I WLLlVl O - ULtv. Pm LL - ' - ; m9- OO mm wme PRICE TWO CENTS g Cul-me- KANE.'l'if. The business section of St.. Mary's was swept by fire Culls for aid were seutt to ... ,. nearby towns; The fire started in the Penn hotel and rapidly spread to other buildings.- Traffic fui the Pennsylvania halted at railroad was temixn-tiril.St; Mary's and telephone comrnun Icnatlon was interrupted by. tlie fire, to-k- i. , 1 MINISTERDIES7 WITH APOPLEXY CHICAGO. April 17. (CP) Be- -' coming excited while commenting on the suiilde "of Robert Preston, university student, Rev. George De hospital Ming trlghk Milwaukee, priest wa stricken with apoplexy last nieht. and died an hour later. memRev. Wright was addressing bers of the Sons of tmj Revolution on the baneful effects of youthful excesses, when the collapse came, -- , |