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Show THE PROVEYEXING HERALD, TIIURBAY. MARCH 19, 1925. PAGE FIVE. BUYER'S r'itlEND AND v,-- Herald rOK . . SHOPPER'S GUIDE 9 HELPFUL HINTS : " " 1 . ant Notice-I- s hereby given the by USENESS AtlO of eomailssloners of Provo City of the Intention of aaid board to make the following Improvement, board, TO CELEBRATE FOB BENT Apartments In new modern apartment house. Furnished or unfurnished. Manager In ewe Iambi Call T27 from to 7 daily. 107 E. 1st 8. -SALE .7 MONEY SAYING NOTICE OF INTENTION. CHURCHOFGOD 3 , I DIRECTORY PROFESSIONAL t: tour-focement sidewalk - with Portland ANNOUNCEMENT ATEES WELDING W0BK9 , i fe CLATSON WEE CO. mICAT 1WB11IENTS- n xr 1 , FOB BALE 4 ' Tires and Tire Repair. renteot four Inches thick. Including y r" lene Welding and Jacob B. AndreSr Mi MorgaB, W.SnlJJ, Phoao 649. the necessary grading, also for tbe Wo weld anything Catting.. Btcck, Oomplete DependabU Coleman and James B. fucker MMER BATTERY STATION HABBISBCBQ, Fa March 17.- -, construction of private drireways mad of metal Work gnaraa-tee' t 10 acrea, S mile out, with Brick FOU BENT 3 modern furnished - " formatloa ot SBBouneevthe Starting, lightning, Ignition QoaUty. 100th anniversary ot with The ' . also service. (CP.) ..First class pavement, bone oa main road, to trade for rooms with garage. 772 West the Cor. 2nd West and Center St Church of God In North Ainer-- ! for tht practlca ot trees H2-W.-1 removing partnership N.'th 42 W. Ws Phoae and rebuild any home In tpwn. epalr Center. , vfll hecelebraed in this city whcYe the same are necessary, on law under the firm same ot Mor18 acres, food bonje, on mala make of Instrument - Work in connection with the quadrennial (he north side of Center street betown. In home for SANITARY CLEANING A FOB RENT Furnished apt,', and meetliur'of the General highway, to trade gan, Coleman A Tocker. They . guaranteed. , Eldership, tween Eleventh West and the 23 acre farm at a aaeriflcei will . : PTEING CO. 8. 180 E. M23 0th the will pracla general BUILDING jarage. engage beginniug May 20 aiid lasting one tracks of the Salt Lake Utah Rail "' take a home at part payment! J aU Incorporated) in week.'." .. , Us tha tice of law, CONTRACTORS & CO.. road company t the south side of STONE . FOR BENT Three modern rooms. r The General Ws Bpeclaliie on Ledlet Fins ' HOMELAND BEALTT CCv Eldership appointed' First North street between Ninth In Provo offices with branches, QUo E. Brd 8. . Phone 500. Specialty. Repair Wprk Garments. a committee eight years ago' to and Eleventh West streets and beWarner Si one, Manager. Bank Commercial Building, MILDEN'IIALL & 14 N. Fourth West St Phone S3. 28 N. CbJt, launch a movement for eight years tween . Fifth and Eighth West ' Utah, 67 , Center , East Provo, St FOB BENT V "or unfur of HALLADAY Phons 809. , Provo, TJtab, spiritual and materia I advance- streets; both sides of Second nished apt. At a bargain,; 830 Phone 955-ment to culminate in the centennlul North street between Xinth and . E.2udS.. of 1925. It hag conpleted its duties Eleventh West streets, and the HANSEN DECORATING CO. FOB SALE OR TRADE Emerson FOB KENT Three-rooH. G. BLUMENTHAL CO. unfur and succeeded in increasing ' the north side of Second North street DR. D. D. B0TEB O, Y. Hansen, Mgr. nished house, close in; garden lot membership of churches, 8unday between Seventh and Ninth West piano, nearly new. Sarah E. Ilar-noTrunk, Transfer, Taxi, Plumbing, Heating, and Painting," Paper Hanging, Paper Physlelaa , OsteopaUile rhone 550-W-., Endeavor streets; the souib side of Third Call after 5 p. m. 610 w. 1st S. schools and Christian Moving Vans, Sheet Metal Work Cleaning, Calsomlnlng. . sochHles and in raising hundreds of North street between Sixth and or Day 1 SIGNS ALL KINDS . ELEOTRONld MEpiOTNBm Hlght and Office, t -between West OldamobBe . SALE and streets, FOR Factory iport thousand ef. dollars'" for beuev- - Eighth -PROVO TRANSFER & ' 474 W. Center 846 N. UnlT. Piano and Furniture Beflnlshlng I . Phone 287. First and Fifth West streets; the tag cr, "2 awdeL Will consider FOB BENT 1 or 3 rooms for olcnees. , . 11 TAXI COMPANY Hours T J'hona 812-- or 720. late model Ford, terms for balance. Thone 109. Provo, Utah. BeT,JJjL$pdcgraphJ ayhe head south side of Fourth North street 6T North First West feoutsekeeplug.- - 190 8. 5th W. PHONE CC5 between snd Sixth Phone EighthWest of the movement, visited every local and Fiftf streets between and First church In the general body from the West streets; the west side-FOR SALE, CHEAP Fresh Jersey Atlantic to the Pacific. modern EENT FOB apart 1 Eleventh West street between Cencow and team of horses. Call ; C, Biieakers at tbe ceremonies will ter street . and Second 315 N. Unit. ALTO TOPS AND CURTAINS inent for couple. NATIONAL LAUNDRY W. PROTHERO J. 8 North 783J-fe and 6 Physician, Include former. Governor Martin G. street the West side of Ninth West Surgeoa Seat and Covering, Are. tphoWcrlng Cement Contractor of the street between Ceuter and First Brumbaugh, Special Attention to Dlseaara of president FOR SALE, CHEAP Wicker baby HANDLE BERT Family Wash a Specialty. Dr. 2 furnished room for Juniata College, Huntington, I'a Children and Internsl Medicine. BENT FOB both sides North W. of 1st 800 S. streets; Eighth carriage. AuU Tops and General BlackEstimates Free. ' Office 135 E. Second North. light housekeeping. 284 E. 1st N. E. G. Tahn, editor of the Church Ad- West street between Center street Phone' 1022. 450 S. UniY. 447 South. Third smithing, W. Governor . ' vocate, HarrlslmrgT Phone 457. and Second North streets, and tbe xl3 FOR BALE Two city lota, 8. 2nd V, PreTe. rbaoa S3, and pwnflnent' rtergj-nwwest side, of Eighth West street be rodi each, on Srd V. and Tth W. FOB BENT fVroom apt, strictly the church throughout tlte eountry. tween Second aiid Fourth'- North I3S0 piece. Jackson Motor Co. modern. 184 E. 0th N. Phone The history of the Church of God Streets! the east side of Siitb West 520-LOUIS KHLCH started In this city 100 years ago street between Center street and HATCH FUNERAL HOME " DR. L. C POTTER BERG MORTUARY when Joh n AV iuebrenner, a young Fifth North street ; the north side Of Ambulance Foot Corrctlionist .....-,.-;FOB BALE G round bona for Service for of the Diseases Ear, Nose, mod. flafln Eye, BENT man of .23, decided to separate him- Second North street between First Arch Supports und other Uv; FOB chickens, am all quantity, Director. Funeral Sick or Leading Injured. Throat tbe Truman. 195 E. 4th N. Phone self from tbe German' Reformed de- and Second West streets. SB lbs. or over, So, fatten MarOrthopidic appliances made Deseret National Suite 1307-1A 2 nomination. He bad "served as pas228. Day or Night Calls ket. Said proposed district is to be ' to order Bank Building. Iitablished 1870. Answered. tor of the Salem Reformed churcfi called Extenstou No. 10 of Sidewalk 674 Phone Center. W. 208 Bait Lake City, Utah. ; beard If de- in ftennlslied 160 N. Univ. FOR BALE naed FOB BENT Bedroom Hurrisburg and three I iounfry Paving District M, 11. The total Phone 532. sired. Phone 943-J- . . pianos, at extremely low prices. He, had a faculty fot estimated cost thereof is the sum churches.",' tt Tailor Bros. Co. Phone 25. of $13,764.29, or $0.88 per trout evangelistic work and was uces FOB BENT Bedrooms; board if fnl PROVO AUTO PALNT CO. unfoot, there being 15,009.03 feet his almost revival in work, M. II. GRAHAM SALB-Jladlbloombulbs RAY INYESTMFNf CO. TOR General Foundry and Ma-desired. Phone 943 J. 320 E. 1st this proposed district in In became and heard of frontage those days PRINTING CO A& Irif ntee, Cents each- .- Phone r4feH Painting jind Varnishing j Where trees or fence are required lLchin.ft . Work. 'Eleciikal the founder olThTpfesent irrUe J. EL Kirk. 699 E. otb 5. u&i TTTtfirruivcraiy Are., ' Welding. Provo's ProjjressiTe and to be removed tor tbe construction Acetylene God,"i'L;u;'.y;.; Auto l'tuh. Cleaning Steam Process MISCKLJL1NE0U8 Provo, o'.Buid improvement the 'same Is to PROVO FOUNDRY & Hrinltfrs. FOB SALE House, 4 rooms,-- , or Drybig Re?mr be done of W. II. HAY. rrert3mt MACHLNEXXr aiwwrwy-T138. 47 S. Thlid W. . rUun Pleascs. - vacant tot -- SOI Srd E. " A WAyTEPCCTleTHflffiltonle Wr I IJijtt PrM&g to have the ting property owner, he TBED E. UAxVVlce prcHldent. 77. Phone 285. 80SW, Phone pair work, - Jleasonable prices. option of removing them or to allow FOB SALE Buick touring car, five Motor Mart, 40 N. 3rd W. RADIOTRICIAN tbe. contractor to remove them. The . S estimated cost of - removing trees passenger, $100. Pbone sets installed, InRadio TRADE FARM tS E."l3t S. nod fence arer Plenty nt good C35 E. 4th S. Phone 933. ; Trees spected and adjusted. See mi FRESHWATER Ls the Best for Your Radio as We! as Your Car oefore installing your set. farm, with FOB SALE rakes, hoes, shovels and cui6 Inches or less in diameter, ea.o and Housecleaning home, at Edgewood. Will take WANTED tivators make the gardens proONLY 10. March $3.00. Kan., ELDORADO, G. ALBERT COOPER waxiug of floors especially. Phone duce good eats. Get your tools city home as vpart payment Call 0 to! 12 Inches in dinmeter, eacl. The Ford Battery is a battery of true quality. Insist "Big" Bill LaTrasse, notorious ban ' . 701-110. 170 N. UnlM 2 , Phone ''. '".. here. JW S. 6ih E.1 , on a genuine Ford Battery it ia your own protection. dit and taw breaker extraordinary; $0.00. 123. Phone Utah. V.V Center. W. Provo, is a priwtnw here today liecaiw 1 12ta48. Inches In diameter, each. ANDERSON BROS. GARAGE 1 IVVL SALE Early "seed "potatbes. CAEPETS CLEANED by experts; he could hot run awayunder fire of $16.00. 23. business March for oiien 457 Ohio. Irish Cobbler andEarly 18 to 24 inches in diameter, each, Watch for phone number. Abex Butler county' officers and leave xt .f. J. I'hllllps, Gordon Matthew B. Iniv. Ave. SIMMONS. $20.00. t Hazel and his first .Secwid North m .hmh sides Hendcrsn, only Co. Meb-- J caiiins Carpet ";Ift in Inches the:ni.slH(f'C 24 Over r:.!liips. Berths Maud Phllllpa diameter, each, iircet btlwa Ninth nnd Eleventh weetlieflrt.In the tattle with of" FOR SALE Weal location, Provo Mil- Nl.ite 'of t'tah. County, Lee Bay $25.00. Roliert Phillips, ; In niid 'West .streets "which,. Claude extending back BENT TAILOR ficers Saturday . Bench; electric lights! telephone, PIANOS FOR n, Van Wageiien. plaintiff, George of pavement, Driyewnya six nnls from the property line of ;on Phillips,. Mabel Dot runups, BEOS., PLANO DEPARTMENT. Henderson was killed, LnTrasse, E. water, service, In 2&i 6 or 10 acres said Second North street. J. D. Ilodse,. Hazel Henderson, Mrs. each, $5.00. , Kenneth Glenn Phillips, Buby 'E. near nlterurbao line. P. O. Box 83, each. waterways, Irrigation Also the following lots and lands BARGAIN USED LnTonln Henderson and " Virginia 8 ANOTHER 4roTo, CtahJ PHllIp Williamson, defendants. , oc.ited In Plat "A" Provo City PIANO. TATLOB BEOS PIANO Henderson, the two year old daugh- $10.00. The State of Utuh to Said lineal foot, Removing fence, . C Irfits. DEPARTMENT. jier -. froniliiK siurvoy ..Buikliug'.' ter of Mrs. Henderson,;1 Tvcrer cap- 5 cents. " '."".-'- " FOR SALE Prle Ancona egg setIf to Fail I Grow : Ilalr . ;iHti stiid improvement and to a tured. "Big" Bill was afraid his contings. Phope802-W- . will Private driveways be, BXPEET MARCELLING ; prices sweetheart wastgoirl& to lie You are hereby siunniohed to apinjured, structed where driveway crosses the depth of six., rods back, from the tt ,.r- o reasonable. 7S6 W. Kid 8. I'honc irc!pe,rty iiues of the various strwls withln twenty dajs after pear so he laid down his revolver nud sur.OR SALE Building lot, 3x9 rods, 83ft to same sidewalk, the cost of the upon which they niiit : Iota 1, 7 and of thbi aimmious upon you, if rendered. ' on S. 4th .5V $273; terms.. Inbe assessed ngninst tbe abutting S in UWk' 70; lots 1, 6, 7 and 8 In served within the county In which Pacing the Jail here with that prolierty In addition-tEMPLOrMENI the regular Uim k 79; lots l and 2 In block '98; quire 425 S. Jst W. this action Is brought, otherwise talthrtreadr-)lclri-al5TcicanTng KALSOM1NING, paper a lots 1, , 7 and 8 in block 757 lots' World's Hair within thirty days after such serfrom-house and to him SALE Wiove escape as stated penitentiary la and painting at special price. wy. pavement I. ,. c, T and in uiock 74: lots s on hair bald 5 Grower, and defend theliliove entitled grows vice, evade the law JarKc lot. IOTiO W. Zud X. and snd many jails, Sorm Wkk4sen8CLW t44.d;ll,to lihwk-78.l..t8 4, &,:, acTTmiTTind"ln"Tasert)fTi'r',frrilnre numberless 'times: "LnTlraHHe "dS tion inlets will 1)6 eonstructed where s iu block in block 72; lota 1 and ton truck, where hair is not wanted. so to do, Judgement will be rendered FOR SALE Clie-rolclared (hat one of his secrets of private Irridfttlon ditches cro t.ie FOB etectrte wiring, 4 and 5 hi blmk 81; lots 2, 3, Upstairs Jeweler. conuacang ft: terms. 1021 'imikX to easy Cures dandruff and all against you according 'to the de WATCH as.cheftp, a never tell was same to of cost the be sidewtilk, capture evading t estimate and repawn call Ony AND JEWELRY is , 3, 4 ilMd 5 in blmk 83; lots 5, complaint which Phone sessed against the properly nsUy; v 7. 8 In blwk woinnn anything. man and Talbot Phon 461-$1.75 per iniinds of the will lots 5 and C in scrJp troubles. REPAIRING 90; tie filed with ten within In days them as to addition the regular "I had a chance to escape but '( k 91 : lots 5, fi. 7 and 8 lu bl(Kk jar.1 212 West Center. the clerk of said court. IXU SALE Good fresh milk cow. MARCELLING, 30c. 230 W2nd S. couldn't- leave ILizcl behind," Bill essment and the estimated cost oi : lotiLfi nuiLS jjUdock Mi hjits ji: M-- : ' MARTIN M. LARSON.. " Phone . sii id irrigation ' . inlets is us abut, "iid 5 in bb-Phone said. . mid in 0 7AgentWanted U4; lots 5 " "'" ' t Attorney for l'laintlff. stated. k !:,; l..is 1, 2. 3. 4, 5, C. 7 and P. FOR SALE BY OWXEB-i-Onlnrge Address: (). S M; TtiM ."f!ffisPfwas tha have jout nnd oiiieiise of said pro block ''; lots 1, 2, (i, 7 mid amLjtuu and one SBiairniodern.LrlckJlQliui- hnlght BitildiTTg: ftrt fpu'stion addressed to me In poscd Improvement will be paid for duck 07: lots 1 ami 8 in Work 102; Man. Clioice lot. Small payment down, Winnipeg, d ':- - 5 and 6 lu block Provo; l'tuh. "Ctxk-rii- , by a local assessment upon the York by my publisher. New lots 6, 5, J3; easr terms. Inquire at 373 E. 4th Publication dates: Mar. 12 19 26; j ;:. 839 Main St. . plevt's of ground within tin T and 8 io blmk 104; lots 2, 3, 4 and hherry, port." "But where ilo North.. . ' No deKcribed ExtensiUin Apr. 2 9. I questioned. followliijg Via block 105; lots 5. C. 7 and yon get It from?" "From the Bahbl,.who has an allow- 10 of Sidewalk Paving District No in bkiek liMJ; lots 5 and 6 In block p. Fnirbanks-Mors- e FOR " SALE NOTICE TO CONTKACTORS. ance of ten gallons of sherry a year 11, being ihe district to be affected 107:- lots 5. 0, 7 and 8 in block 108; sumaamsaBseMaoB anfl gas oiiglne nnd benefited by said improvement lot's 5 and 0 In block 100; lot 5 is ..M-2Office of the City Recorder, Provo, for spiritual purposes, of which he iianiely; pump; Call 431-- 2. CO. , . lr.nk 110; lots L 2, 3 and 4 lu block ,..' "A- Tour Thrmili nine." retails Utah; March 11," 1923. '," :K. In The binds souththe following Baniuet America" Rolierts. " : by Xeil . range, . FOR' SALE Banty Sealed proposals win be received All protests and objections to the east quarter of Section 2, Township used 3 months. $120 when new, at this office until 10 o'clock a. m., A USED CAR with onlyone good talking point 1st Rule G, the railrond regulation 7 South. Range 2 East, Suit Luke t arrying out of such intention ninst will take $75;' also rug. Phone March 81, 11)25, for constructing conbe- - niade in wriKng, statins either Base aud Meridian: ' like use of the 970-J.a wagon wheel with only one" good spoke. Paint intoxicants by crete sidewalks, waterways, drive- prohibiting AH- - lauds or description of proplylngn'TEenorthlA ot andonblock has helped many a "bally-hoo- " salesman to trick along ways, etc., Including all necessary employes; has been amplified by the . or before the 2Cth day of Center , street between Eleventh erty, re FOR SAI.fi Two new'' his prospect into buying. Watch your step; grading in SidewaTk Extension. No. New York, New Hampshire, n ml west street and the tracks of fiie iljri h, 1025, at 5 otclock p. m. Call at 357 8. 10, Sidewalk Paving District No. Hudson Railway to include narBMHlern lionses. of the fellow who has onlr the outside appear Salt Lake & Utah R. R. company to The board of commissioners f cotics. 6th Eaud look them over. Terms. It, Provo . ance to taflc about. TELLURIDE MOTOR RECON. a depth of six rods brick from the Provo City, at its first regular meet-Inj- r . .. Tim construction ronsists of T ' r , : tbe 30th flay IhereafturUo-wi- t line of saJ.V Center sirccfc pioix-rtCARS are good value from any point of DITIONED The Lapps train their dogs to act All lands' 16,000 linear- feet of fronting on the west side jjf March, 1025. at 7:30" o'clock p. ni. makes reconditioned fully comparison. - Standard rs pSVrry sidov.'iillt pavement 4 feet wide with as" living SALE Choice FOR bottles, always of . Eleventh West street between nill hear and consider such protests and convenient terms. reasonable S04-' cul- " Catl prices' the guaranteed box and wall between teut the jLook-Like- . necessary earthwork, plants. sleeping Center street and Second, North and objections to, said improvement -!ac?:s; .vid remov.nl of trees and the human being,, to protect, him street and .t been made. as six have shall back, rods extending CO ' from , FOR' SALE i- Kawlelgh's Have Your Clothes ' draft .. from the property line of said ElevJSI By order of the board ot commls- health products, llnament, ointInstructions to bidders, together on the south side of First JSorth doners of Provo City. Home of Buickw Dry Cleaned cxlratta, with plans, specifications and forms ments, toilet. artlclc8, A gold nugget, part of the original street between Ninth and Elevannii Dated March 5, 1925. BuicK Will "When Better Automobiles Are Built NATIONAL FRENCH spices, food products, etc., rhone for contract and bond may be ob 50ld tnken from Sutter Creek, Cali- West streets and extending back sit : FRED EVANS, .. 39S E. 4th S., .tained upon application at tbe office Build Them." . t tout order, 940-t CLEANING CO. , Janfrom W. rods Becorder. James the fornia. Marshall, said line City of 1y property 2 53 West Center St. Phone 279. ' of the city engineer, and deposit of uary 24, 1848, is the property of a enrh 'West.-etree- t ; All lahds irtn (First publication Mun-- C:,1nsl 95 N. Uni. Ave. Phone 125 $5.00 for each set. First North stieet AU lands lying publication March 20, 1925. J New York aian. , i e g'. men WAXTED-i-Threj- B The right Is reserved to reject any to sell nationally advertised pro- and all bids. . , duct;, permanent workjtfith opporBy order of the board of commis ' '"' ' "jv": ""'''''' tunity to grow. Write 713 CUft sioners. '.''' f" "' "' ''-'- n 9 AllPlfiMYt R(t. ft t. Oh v;hat . FRED Bldg.. Salt Lake City. Utah. EVANS, , t'UE ALvoAWS ADMIRED you Ml&HT 1 ft. VES I'M GLAD VOU ' "taTe MRacuf?t2 but 1.4 Sun vou hAvE j : WHERE "THE OEUCt FOR KENT HUSBAWD'S TASTE MRS.KCwB.Tr. MOUR. IT (Seal) City Recorder. thiwk Sq Sake what'5 the" ADMiCE DIDN'T GET POP iBtANKEtV 'SiRE 5 . CLOTHES-H- E i MATTER PuEASE " I Da ted March 10, 1025. 6UTVOUSH0ia0 MOM DOES'IVJT UKB IT "T - BlAMK COU.AR ; nn-- 1 - IT'6 K'EW WANTED TO RENT-4l-roo(PuMish daily.' March 11 to March HUftRW A5l PROMISED VERS WELL MAM8E ALWASS DRES&E5 f sV? HERR HIM WHEN 4 BUTTONS Mmlshed house by .responsible 30, 1025.) . SHE'LL CHAN&e HER T j K1(?S KJRT2 'WE'D HE LOSES HIS , v t .. v party.eall ,.; . . COLLAR BUTTONS AMD OF ' ' I I EIGHT O'CLOCK ( ... fer-- lier shot It's a square meat for a dime and kllleillsii K.4rt to prevent his da big BAKEK BAUKK . , ter, Mary Foinces, being taLeji... CoimselorHW Attorneys od live in a house of bad reput. ProTo. t'tah. Tbls will he -n I '. i i KX'.. t- r.i ., i a 1 W- CENTENNIAl To construct a concret I - j . Oxy-Aeer- d. aix-iw- h M-2- , M-2- 3 . : - -. M-2- 0 R. M-2- 2 ; a. M-2- 3 ii.:: . ' M-2- 0 , At. St 10-1- M-2- 3 494-B-- M-2- 0 of M. Smith M-2- 1 i i I M-2- 3 Plh-cb- M-2- 3 tt M-1- 9 le 0-l-- tf 1 A-9 oU J the:-abt-4 LOVEHIND fcKfcU 'f M-1- 9 511-W- BILLtATRASSE M-2- 0 M-2- 4 , : .' A GENUINE TO rnd 13-ac- $16.50 M-2- 1 A-1- ' : I M-1- 9 DELLCIIIPMAN t .,. M-2- 3 -- h'l-rdt. . $50 Reward M-1- 9 Oriental Hair Root Hair Grower y-ao-a M-1- 9 e fVOB Gre a A-1- - TOl-it-- fi.nC'.eg5yv.g.aP1', ser-vlc- test hradsrHnTj"TnrtT M-2- 7 J. I " 100-l-J- . 2 ! . , W irUJ; Legals M-2- 0 Prof. a. 1!.-an- - H 6-- TELLURIDE MOTOR USED CARS 2 J .::.':, M-2- 0 ,' ft atyttah. Ml. " folk--btwa- Save Your Money Let Us Clean Your " 'HAT,: y Old Hats Made to hot-wat- New" M-2- 0 J. - ' - TELLURIDE MOTOR - The , M-2- ' wide-awak- - f MOWN POP ' A M-1- . ' m ' PI M-2- 9 5S5-R:.- ZU 7: - 'Ai -' v.l ColIirr'A'rr' l i 1 ' I I ELECTRIC sAA n tonvenfent Terms the; ygrjE Rulwidhl L fr.Mn bargains ffi lisen "Hin-m.- .. $10 to $15. Machines repairing for 'Expert rent" for .11 makes. '"A h ' WHITE SEUTNG MACHINE J 275 AV. .WW" Center. AAnV- - I'BUUB EVERY BITE5 A DtUCHl $r4 x . 'Jiumji Rv TAYLOR. " i ia iff! Itrf "IHl? L ;,i, I ' vi w . u ... . a IP SU??s J lOM r Ca 1 |