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Show $300.00 Worth Merchandise Will Be Given Away Free At The. IIU ft t store Christmas' Eve. jewis at 8 p. m. Sharp See Store For Particulars - v - r 1 1 R J UUVJVhLJ .. in 7 CJI1 11 T TT 1 1 inerchandise and size& - - n- t uuhum rKlCJfiS " GUARANTEED." ' A Great ! i.i 1 ffTf k iu US T . SPECIAL One lot .of brushed wool sweaters, all new colors in- SLOGAN, COATS AND tiRFSSFS. The Season's Greatest Goat Sale VEk300 marvelous, fur trimmed, heavy silk lined, highest-ty- pe winter coats at a great saving Every coat .is a splendid new winter, model purchased especially for this, tremendous sale. THIS IS THE COAT VALUEOPPOR-TUNITOF THE SEASON.. Prices on furs and fabrics we feel confident that cannot atrain Dn.v ..Ayouvalues - this spann duvu cAtreineoat at such remarkably low prices. $22.50 and $32 50 des of orchid", blue, sun down, rose, with heavy charmeuse undersliDs all fashions latest in heavy beaded effects n-n- These coats are double and more in value what we are asking for them. COATS Thanksgiving Sale of Materials: : Wl The garments herein are typical of the tendencies. ior fall and winter and represent all the : ' J I WALUES that border so. closely on newest styles their changing phases. The. foremost designers w uua wuCTuuu.ve have sue rv ' in all V gotten. the-impossibl- mg . ffl will not be easily e Manufacturers anxious to hftln "tiavereohecho but losses to themselves are- - modish and" and practical. $24.75 " For Trimmings: for - $49.00 " 'luer De embroidery and self tuvm lwo nnn throa v. wmc Lino ICC V ' a $59.00 11 WE ILLUSTRATE HF.rf. a. va4 ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY MANY BEAUTIFUL DRESSES YOU'LL FIND AT OUR STORE TOMORROW SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR OTHER STYLES. GROUP ONE SILK AND W00L DRESSES, LOW PRICElC$9.95 Poiret twilL canton crepe in scores of attractive styles.. Trimmings add Colorful embroideries, braids and beads. Remarkable values at thif low pi FUR TRIMMED COATS as? a savings r and WOMBAT LUXURIOUSLY and for you MARMINK NUTRIA t SQUIRREL BEAVERETTE FITCH CRUSHEDTEUsH VELOUR SUEDINE DOSETTE KASHMIR - that will not be repeated again for some time. The style tendencies reflect the newest whims of fashion-t- he color assortment is notably complete, the trimare with placed mings telling effect, the workmanship is visible that these wonderful garments were intended to vsell for two and three times the them. prices we are asking-fo- ,f ratification to our customers mCfSi ihey- are very low. It required JmS to gather such urc6 tSmn.Teif3 e. nuun - ' BOLIVIA High raced Breves Drocaaes Y ae InJ at cluding buff lariet, poudre blue, maroon, yellow and beautiful combinations $4.95 Worth double and more. " cmityat Sir? . v . fa . lj nrnrn T from New York buyer one these daitv!2eSkanAIn0St comPlete shipments ot ever been shown iueT . M Gontinuinff Selling of garmenlslhat ti tw Poors Open 10 A. M. UE have just received Tervwlww If can-n- ot -- ; Afternoon and Evening Dresses -- RIGHT HERE. as v v ; $1.0reach value eheap-- slip-ov- er colors etc not aa boutcheaper-genera- Dy Wit Ui V lot of new Sweaters for girls and ladies 1 we port to, u. any instance where our price is higher during this sale for the same we Guarantee quality, tocWfage oar prke and give you the Mediate : V SPECIAL One be ; .vi it anytime w will not be under sold ef . 7 pn,vtoI Utah fcmntyth fuarantee bottonl price on every thfeg you buy at The Mom Lewis' naks-,givingjli, powerful demonstration of what this 'store can do for the thrifty buyers of Utah County. W. wO j that reliable ' ity Is LowPriced - - To smart note ; price - GROUP TWO (Thanksmvina 1 PJ ICHLY and embroidered, from the world's foremost designers and Ynamifa'fhir- coats that are different in materials of Cerona marvella cloth, Lostrosa Dosette Shelton etc., with fur trimmings' of Viatka squirrel, fox, raccoon, etc., priced for quick clearance. fur-trirnm- !s, W;L NEW FALL DRESSES ed 4 $85 to 300 $5.75, $7.50, $9.50 and S12.50 Well made, good looking coats devel- -' oped in warm woolen fabrics, plaids, stripes and the favored plain colors. They are lined and interlined and many are trimmed with collar and cuffs of beaverette and .pposum fur. i . u. oppresses. ' T 4.u . j? i side effects clasp .1': ". effects-lat- Coais-.t- SQ ed .V models are here, est 4-- - 5 length Sats line . sdlebTiv' s. price. Well dressed women will be pleased to, select, from these new frocks of satin cantpn, ' canton crepe, twill chene, crepe de chiner-fines- t quality poiret twill and charmeen in dozens of smart styles. Popular autumn shades of rosewood nonnv ' cmnabar, black, etc., all sizes 16vivnu, to 53. . Finest cloth; and fur fabric materials. LUSTROSA VELVERETTE FURC0LLARS, CUFFS AND BANDINGS OF FAWNSKIN . ' tT Fur-Trimm- cape stvles tnniP i. j effects, and shawl collars, new barrel; puff ed flare and luli sleeves, smart tailored coats. AH the new winter and autumn shades baslm green, dusk grey, bxblood, kit fox, bengal copper etc. 7 Women's and Misses' sizes 16 to 52. We invite comparisdn on this bonder-fulgro- Authentic Fail Dress Styles J&27.95 new Every color, cut and fabric in frocks for misses, juniors, women and ' r-matrons., frocks of such maiked. beauty stylish are very unusual at such a very low ' ,s ' : Sale of Luxuriously GROUP THREE CHILDREN'S AND . MISSES' WINTER COATS Smart youthful styles for the young miss from 2 to 16 years specially ' priced ; $16.75 Every dress in this attractive group, has been marked exceptionally low for this great selling event. And what lovely creations they are. New dresses for street, afternoon and evening wear in fetching styles. Included are frocks of Faille, SatinCrepe4, Flannel and Charmeen in the accepted colors and combination of the season. VIATKA SQUIRREL MINK SQUIRREL HUDSON SEAL BEAVER MUSKRAT SABLE WOLF FOX ORMANDALE ' " VELOUR-DE-LAN- E CARACUL TEX BROADTAIL TEX SALTS SEAL, EXCELLO . two . ; mwmm . wiim 1 |