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Show THE PROVO HERALD, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 19, 1923. 0CIETY everyone. - V - - ' - .... ! ".-.-,'""'- ' -- . - . . . - ess to the member of the Saturday Aftprwmn Rriitm rlnh at Ytor krtma the Bonneville! Saturday. Luncheon will l avrvmt. i The-- members ef warq- wmi 'conclude their annual ward reunion with a dance in the Mis Mary Mortimer, Provo pianhome of Miss Leona Booth, Satur- amusement hall this evening. Hal- - ist, ha been spending the past week lowe en decorations prevail through in Eureka,-Silve- r City and. Mamday evening. Game, music and out the entire haa A program and moth, where she, with- - Arthur ewlng will be featured, during be will supper given before the Lewis, Provo violinist, gave a numwhich luncheon will be served. dance. All members of thte ward ber of musical concerts. ' over the age of M are invited to at . 'HJ j.ne e.nop Employer assoetation- - tena. supper at 7 o'ctock. Mr. and Mrs. Bi. E. Wright of jwine union raelflc system will eh- - The youhg folks' dance tivftn In Salt take were Provo viators wnain-inemployes and their part: the Third ward amuaemenChall A bazaar dance will be given In the Armory Tuesday evening," Octo-- . th public is corber 23, to which dially invited- to attend.. Booth of apron, - farters,., candy, refreshments, etc., will be opened. The affair la being sponsored by the Ewne Eco3Str4epartBient of the Women' Municipal council, and nseff folate: zg&m srocceds .win which will iul The music was furnished hv Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Pier children' playground 'fund, commence at 8 o'clock, supper ;wlll J Wilde's , orchestra and a good time pont were In Salt Lake . Thursday servea ana - aancing enjoyed. was w on business; enjoyed by everyone. j. ' The member ot the T. X; 8. Wilde' orchestra will furnish the club will be entertained at the music. A good time is promised Sirs. Alex Hedqnist will be host- - ' Mrs. Addle Jenkins of Logan U speuding two or three weeks here with her sbasnd wife, Mr. and Mrs. hi 71 TPHi ?3 Q 7 if e - avuowuDf-Trprogram,- - WJidt MWorld Is Doin I Clayton Jenkins. Time Exposures ' - uumamuiniHumunni Heat and I Hi. arfhr aaaiaat Intnaaoa! I artricy sn More Light and Air for - t Small Homes . 1 . jfK. X I X. V I I A - X A XT -8ome of the disadvantage cf sall I --dwellings built mgrouprfor the sake oft: eoonomy have been oyerooine m Uer--an angi the 'iermac plan each of the houses has I -sajiyB j?.! mul lii t.i imp iww llinofi iJ iu.ks IlifM ) ,lOTUie street w proTKia mur ; Wether Kb the n 1 ryntit aer vk sir lor each dwelling. 8uch uvuin aw i uia vwwmwj wi iiviuiiAns cunt "l'Tl"f I pieces n the shown, making a form of the letter Y. taafly ippued with heat, eleotricny, protected against intruder Loops re made at ths ends so that the and water from tingle center. Under front and rear. foot can be placed in one loop, and each V-fd--'7 2 1 - i'.J.,r 1. .ijaa'? -, j. " One of the season' delightful social events was the wedding reception given Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Duke In honor of Mr. andlMrs. Leo Duke,' who marriage took place In the Salt Lake temple, Wednesday, Mrs. Duke was formerly Miss Agnes Stevens of Holden, Utahr The entertaining rooms were """ - T wor Tn whnt purt W?nmi were taking in inrention, government recently undertook official a I . 4 M.V I JA red terpiece for the dining table was a ' cut glass' bowl or pink and white asters. Covers were, laid! for thei immediately family. After supper, games, music and social chat, were I enjoyed. Mwny besutlfnl presents) were received by the ssuge tfot werereeelved-4- I y the noapft The French club of the B. Y. U. met Monday" evening and elected the following officers to take charge of the. affairs of the club during the coming year: Alice Brunner, president? Buth Xlark, and Helena Stew art, secretary and treasurer. Meet- in evening 1 Boys Sweaters, plain and combination colors. $fi.flQyflIue?v43 Mrs. Elsie H. Eckersley of Lowell, Utah, is visiting in Provo with her parents, Mr. and- .'Mrs. She will also Henry Hollerman. spend a few days in Salt Lake visiting with relatives and friends before returning to her home in MASK CLUB MEETS. . The B. I. U. Mask club will meet at 7 o'clock this evening in the Little Theater, The membership of the club Includes all who are In any way interested in dramatics. The club will meet twice a month, when plays will be read and discussed. wrist in another. Then, with the camera clasped' between both hands, on the user to hold upward pull will enable the camera steadily. ' ! J A waterproof glue is made by dissolving gelatin in hot water, to toe consistency of thick cream, and adding tableapoonful of acetic acid to erh pint SENIORS SELECT THE 13TH CHAIR PICTURE SHOWS The B. Y. U. seniors have great mystery- - play, "The OAL DIGGING Thirteenth Xhair.'to be presented To make room for iiew stock amymjgr eaclrweekr $10.00 to $14.00 rN. ;. -- $8.00 One lot of Trimmed Hats, Values $6.00 to $10.00. ' . . $4.50 . Felts and Sport Hats, $4.00 to $6.00 values. .. $2.50 , QUALITY MILLINERY University 57-North V --.- . r , .. . . : T. Ave.-- .. .... SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY I .rm -rr:- ::-rt-Tr-4o AT 1 v m j- COLUMBIA TONIGHT AND l- x?r. Is an SATURDAY Regular Prices... iiui erlshed resident fit a lowly fishermen's village and her cabin is the last word In crude, humble appoint ments. No carpets grace the floor and all the furniture is of the down variety. The one stove Is so dilapidated it won't even hold efforts are smoke1, and energetic- m .Ma Princess PlCKFORD ss TONIGHT AND SATURDAY AIL SEATS L 'TT - - M QT&A :?:')X" I mi hi; i l w t9 " in, :.. Stotm Country I II Oncten ! niW 1; - A for la Vn J Qin?- - NeufPkturi; a' New Public pl lhe Lrowmng Achievement ofZ . " 5 jUary Pickford s , , Career . havertt seen i j ti i 5 I wv , I - 1 ft nn n i m. l--v . . ."',A av . WPSt CprltPr Lri: -- Mb v ..... r u I " Stri-ftL- - i ; , ' , a ir u iikii m JM fmT( ' i I 111 rl--J MARY . IICK.POD.n - i - u,a i LS COME EARLY AND GET YOUR FIRST CHOICE wyvf I I ff. - I UU-r- i ; " 'j local pictures Coal Industry, coal of Utah ' Abo f - - -- rK . . arLM.i't y rarmlfHTtn-- i ', ; v. ii I! picture i , t -- . r, l.minMi and th rcrcnt flood Himstw at lj-- .. s; h ,and rnwrnv B H " s t laoAlJessWtheLl iiikui I -- h - , m ...i'gm :'Y,s., t ., -- tumble-- y J ., - VSRICHESl I Tessrtirthls picture PIANO . PROGRAM SATURDAY. A piano program will be given at the Hotel Roberts on Saturday evening at 8:15, by the little musical prodigy, Miss Wilms Boyle. She will be assisted by the popular Mis singer. Murray K. Roberts. Boyle Is , pupil of the B. Y. U. training school end the daughter of Prof. William H. Boyle. . it 1 - that should sell nt 16 necessary to keep the fire from fall- ing out of Comfort In this squalid abode are scarce and it is to thexredtt of the art director that' he sueceededlnproducing such convincing effects of poverty.- - and the making of coke. Sunn;8lde. The picture is not only InterestThe picture shows the miner from ing but Is also very educational the time he leaves. hl home with POVERTY, his dinner bucket for the mine until One of the most Interesting local the time he returns again. In the films that has been shown at any Interval Is shown the miner digMary Pickford's highly diverting of the local theaters for 'some time, ging the coal, ho wit is hauled from of "Teas of the Storm Is that shown tonight and Saturday the mine, weighed and loaded on the production of night in the Strand theater showing railrosd cars and how it Is later Country," the first to the screen the coal mining in Utah coal fields dumped Into the coke ovens at which she brought eight years ago, and the new pro duction or wnicn is coming to me " ill 9 Qplii-nlithPHter iHliiy nrt Rat. 1 , United Artists reurday under. lease, offers a most interesting con. trast in the lights and shades of jife.as symbolized by dramatic feeling visualized before realistic setdifferent tings, of the two widely clauses, nuaHd"nd -- Imurhmsr Miss Plckford, as the heroine. select-e:t- h and is said to outrival "The Bat" F,OR SATURDAY- - ONLY-- FAC-- at Knight Woo en Mills as a play ot baffling mvsterv. Ed mund Evans will coach the production. He has had considerable ex perience in dramatic work, hav ing been one year on the vaudeville stage and having coached the Klwanls club plav, "Klrk-In,- " layll year. .The cast Is a follows : Helen O'NelL AnmLMarle Eg- gertsen; Will Crosby, Leon Williams; Mrs. Crosby,, Helen Cand- lahd ; Koscoe Crosby, La Rol Bent-leyEdward Wales, Brianl L. Decker ; Mary Eastward, Lea h Afton Chipnian ' Helen Trent, Newell ; Grace Stsndlsh. Maybeth Braddlsh Bowman; Trent, Leo Meredith; - Howard Standish, Ernest Greer; Philip Mason, Ed-- i mund Evans; Elizabeth Erskine, Alma McElrath; Don Pollack, Parker ; Rosalie La Grange, Nell Tim Donahue) Wayne Clark; Dunn, Ernest Booth; Sergeant Greer; Do lan, John McConkie. SALE flt -- BLANKETS, ROBES, SHIRTS, MEN'S AND BOYS MACKINAWS AT TORY'S PRICE These goods will be displayed in our windows, Saturday, lft. West Center street. A small . U H An assortment of Men's Fine Sweaters in maroon, cardinal, brown and grey $9.00 value, $4.95, Saturday, October 20th, only. in College hall on November L The play was written by Boyard Velller One lot of Trimmed Hats, values MeiS of guest x. -- survey that showed over 6,000 patent had been granted to them in 10 years, more than th total for 106 year previous. The first patent granted an American woman wa given by th British government to the wife of a Pennsylvania planter, for a device to clean and cure corB.'tJbpr-avin- g inachinestnaaid to make up th majority of women' mventionsj one milking an apparatus for scattering fertiliser, another an article to strip sugar cane, while an adjustable horse collar was made by Montana woman. For the kitchen, a pie pan was brought out that prevented hdo from overflowing the rim, and a wooden mixing bowl wsa invented that would not split. Almost every hne of business wu included, but 1,388 pat ent wen for article of hoaaekeejang. for-jyoii- trarhTTindPiubweHuTThen5l - iftarn- - All you men wearing big sizes-4- 4. 46, 48 will find exceptional value money. You'll like them as their values are based on long wear all wool, and the price, $12.9o,"is for Saturday, October 20, only. attra- with- - ctively-decorated -- One inMon Wasps, the sise oLpia- . heads, have been imported by the government and ar now distributed in th East td destroy the oorn borer. The mfllion of dollar in wasp Irul crop for th fanner, if titty earn as well m they hTem Europe. Whether they can flourish in thl climate ha not ' been detennmed. Th borer, resembling a caterpillar, attack corn, beet, wlery,1)eais,rhubarb,Tpotfttoes,bw wht,dorer,and many other product, By bymg egg on ft, the female kflktfca borer. wasp " . RegifftraUbo of trucks and automobile a reported reoently ffidieate than 18.0i8.128 thU there are motor .Thialeiath United States, aa average of nit machine for every 8.5 person. 1 Between July 1, 192 and Jury L 1928 there-- was a gain of ; 2,U0)6C almoet 23 per cent 1 Myrtle Jensen, "a graduate of last year, who is teaching in American Fork, was a Provo visitor last week oo-iU- Million Wasps Are Freed To Women Inventors Are Busyon industrial robiems War Or Crop Pests . - Tripods aw more or less of an annoy nee to the camera enthusiast, and few use them, However, it is sometimes time exposure t nfWHiry to mslr get the desired picture, but the camera cannot be held steadily enough, with the hands to avoid doubling the image. It is, however, a simple matter to hold the camera steady if a pane k carried Just below the crook of the along. cane two hole are drilled from opposite sides to meet in the tenter, both Anting down from th point of iuno- twn. Another holt is drilled througtr the crook to" take tripod ysrew, oh which the camera li mouhtedTS coro to run through the ancular bole, tbf ends of the cord are stepped on, and pulled taut by pulling back on the cane which ha the end planted on th; ground in the position indicated, there by holdmgbeTianr nrinT,?thpion Another method of readying tht r air Miss Helen Sanford spent .Sunday - with rtlaUves iu SprlngvUle. , I $25 Overcoats for Big Men at ; , " MiSs Fere --Wlllarason was Lake visitor last week, Novel Methods of Takina The Knight Woolen Mills of Provo offers Y,VV , . ..VA-A- 1 I 2 . . V -- ' J .V ' - ' h i ( $ .' : |