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Show liMo: ':' r-- - w'i-.- . v. - - - , t ' f: ' x. : - v ; ' - . W - Tha Mtrald'ia delivered EVERY day a&capt SatuHay. BEFORE ft Vetock at tha- - homa af EVERY "Harald aubaerlbar In Frova, and ' . $prlngvllla. THE WEATHER ''UTAHFalr' tonight and Thur. day; net much chang In tempera- ture. VOL XXXVH. NO. 216. mm $mi w PROVO, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1923. Coming From Delegates A Four Stal es for U. C. T. of as has never been seen before in the tBe"UJBted; Commertlal r TrareterB are history of the state The wholesalers tombersor theHProToapter niaiairXKBiIalOirtte and outbouncll and aio . conTentlon nual grand . lnf of the o.rwnliatlon wblch held to Pnro Jun 7, aad' . - t "will - b state me manntaTgTsThrgughgut will be invited to participate anduezhfbit their respective products. All of the civic organizations undoubtedly would also arrange to have float. . f II Panlel Vincent, 83 years of age, PRICETHREE CENTS.3 tilMf APIS mm1 Bach elors Soofed j moat .savftreb: Y. IT. this 'morning. scored at the-B- . They were- - advised to. get married! "Mtm is but half a man withouta wife," declared 'Mrs. .Susa 'oung (Iate6, noted journalist, autlior and public speaker In addressing the .students of he Young unverelfy Tliis rfe make-Hth- 4n-t- - liigher-educat- ton uoservant-RtuaeBt- a - ter-ritor- y a. g - deep-intere- - st - He is survived by his wife, Marion The final program will be arranged Park Vincent, who came to Utah with the movement and make of the UMtffk her parents in 1847 and was among of the biggjgsiJnJfigs.that in theeax-iuturejajxdlnTSfTmraffle-siarf- ; cials of the Provo chapter of the themf has ever been arranged in the state. and two.dajjghter8, Daniel P. Vincent, A parade will be arranged for such U. C T. V.- .Mrs. Marlon ChambeOkCjme - Languages Foreign -- Be Taught Peay- - UMrsGean Mortuary. . .. . Mil , .i above-armouncerne- nt ed x wrqectedto this state. it-th- at I 1 1 nt hisjHonor- auddity lalsOlo-.i'rofess- taber-nacl- n k4fWfltafrht i .. f i TO MEET INEERS - and el High School ll lll-llll- . pniiiTDnipr Kate Andreason, all of Provo. Funeral services will be held in the Pioneer ward-chapFriday afternoon At may view ihe body- - at . the residence on- West Center street prior to the funeral. Inter ment will be in the Provo city cemetery under the direction of the BorR will I Exact information as to the length of the visit was unobtainable today. One report had the steel men would be here several days. It indicated a desire on the part of the high officials to be present when the coristruction work was about ready td proceed, for it is believed probable that the railroad spurs will be completed by April 5 and that the material, some of it, at least, will be on the plant site.' ' . ., , . Herald within learns that next 30 the ThePairjr SaysTiOTge uc un mc Kiuuuu. jne preaicuon was tnac 40 construction engineers would be on the job before the end of April. This would indicate a rlerirlprf imnnlso imnn tlm norf f tKo , . .... . J .. t a ft f i n Ia ne sTngaTTof TBTquarlets of the"bratorl6 crool c Arnn w yicMjuewun iiirwttrnJ at me umosti rapiq pace; ku""'"" at the Salt Lake performance. President Rains has askpH Tln nnil to the 8teel 0fficiais. desirrtcfavoid publicity. VVhTcfTmeans not H. "?., to.Bay that the steel directors and engineer do not or UUIfl LIILMUL the quarteta. or public galhering af trie time when theinspection is celebration, V BoFhani A special made by the Columbia Steel officials. priesthood meeting of ''PrTends and admirers of the the Utah stake wilt be held tn the "With Herald reporters ori'the jrround we can trust that npw- choir, and that means Provo's stake, tabernacle Thursday evehlng at nte jwpulflfkm, - afe- - hoping that paper to VViFocTock, according to President "sonu! ' ' way will bo opmed jFfhproby is Komtf on, Air. launs explained. T. N. Taylor. (life. Trovo 'tabernacle choir will w "I want td express my appreciation nf Th HoralH'g fin Elder Stephen L. Rlchard3 of the heard at the Saturday afternoon "ses operation in everything that has gone on through all the steel site of the Twelve will be thol sion' of the general conference. ' location,; Mr. itains added. if the arrangement .niadi sj aker, The Herald thus has far Daily iae fTme ago are carried out. b.lhtr-ken the only newspaper in the stale to send" a reporter with officials of the steel company, having wise one of the other members of the felt it a duty to Herald reader j Apostles' quorum wi)l be pn sunt. fully informed asto Tlte stak presidency is very anx-- i as it To do this m'kiw !Jrr developed mousiry locally. : . TIW Uermese PetWnrt' a.id Miss U tfo!!,, loos that all 'of fhe members of "tlsf ""S i"". "j be in attendance' at th - newspapers . . ot .. v,nn cnH ' the rifinfv mrfihiniui' totfter niTv,- t Famm of of - vtsOars-oomln- - iinr-vftnih- gr -- e IIIIV II I. UUIIUI I UU n B- -i Thursday, April 5, will be the biggest kind of "steel day" in Utah county, for on that day there will be more "steel men" in Te Provo tabernacle choir will de- - utan man ever were in the state before. The is mSdft mlhR'Srmjplnf'rtvi C fiiTa hf :rr "ma'rrriy whether or not the entire membership cuimng io me uany neraia irom san francisco and Salt Lake will go to Salt Lake City to sing at City. Thursday week from tomorrow if plans do not go awry, the conference , Saturday, April 7. a large delegation of Columbia Steel corporation officers,, directors," If the entire choir decides to go to and contractors will visit the plant site on theSpring-ville-Prov- o the conference, the choir will furnish engineers, state highway. the singing for the' afternoon session -. Included among the guests, according to Saturday in the tabernacle, according reports, are President Wigginton E. Creed, president of the Pato Prof. J. R. Boshard. X cific Gas & Electric company, of an Francisco, and who holds the "Our choir is so small that no mat- highest executive office in the Columbia Steel corporation. XVice President L. F. Rains and Directors W. W. Armstrong ter how well we sing, we would make a very little Impression in the large and AVC. Ellis, Jr., of Salt Lake City, will join the party of coast Salt Lake tabernacle if the entire steel officials at Salt Lake City, and will accompany the party T choir was not present," said Professor to this city. Boshard this forenoon. "We will do -- J). H. Botchford, vice president and general manager of the everything' we can to get all of the Columbia Steel; Secretary J. B. Fenstermacher, J. D. Grant and choir members to go to Salt Lake City W. W. Crocker, will be in Mr. Creed's parjy from San Francisco, it on that day so that we will be able to aaioV Other directorsrtay, of thexoast, is will jointte" sing in the afternoon., The choir party in San Francisco or at Salt Lake. All in all it wiU make up decide the matter tonights An exceptional honor has come to the largest party of steel site investigators that have come into i y II UilH WW M IUII ' he the'tmportanHhingsnW brtrtah and this city, aied Tres-da- '"""If you haveanyold oacheT6rS-maklnc tha members are doing their parade would be the industrial section afternoon following a stroke of your faculty, please remember this," --1923 convention iA which would be exhibited the fuutmost to Sfrs. Gates added. apoplexy Monday afternoon. of the U. C T. at memorable an affair ture history of the county and state. But. fortunately, the B. Y. U. has no Mr. Vincent was born in Cardiff, as the last outing of the organizatton This would be especially fitting, it has "old bachelors" on its" faculty, and is held here about 15 yeara go. been pointed out, if the steel, celebra- Uouth . Wales, April 11, 1840. His said to be the only institution of No stone Till be left unturned by the tion will be comtbned .wlth the U. C. in America with so parents, joining the "Mormon" church membership of the local organization T. conventlond and outing. record. in 1849, left Liverpool on the shlpfood an and a mammoth to surpass the onTention DUlIng . At. the Ogden outing out uu poinieu the industriafollowing year, landing while "Bradley" held In Ogden last year. The Ogden parade was staged. All of the Keiter Sauls and Secretary yand wholesalers were- rep- at New Orleans. The- went from Prof. Lowry Nelson are bachelors. affair was one of the best outings held l-plants thus far toy the traveling men and was resented, many of the organizations there to council Bluffs, where they neither are old, so that lets them out, a success from rery standpoint - having all of their employes In the Jxemalned until 1852, when they cross temporarily speaking. More than 15.000 Tisltora were in floats. "Woman is the conservator of reed in the plains Captain Jolley's com TJ. C. T. convention embraces The Ogden. on the final day of the outing. ligion and the home," Mrs. Gates conimmein.. settled Provo pany. They One of the big features was the buffalo the statei of Montana, Idaho and Utah. tinued, discussing the contribution of barbecue aerred frae of charge toall The first two days are devoted to ses- diately on arriving in the territory. women to church school service. She Mr. lived had Since then Vincent here Tisitora.' A mammoth parade was also sions of the grand council at which all characterized woman as the conservaone of the big things. ha the closing of the local chapters 'of the three until' his death with the exception of tive element one when was in he Ariiona. year, states are represented. The third day day of the oonTentlon, "They continually ask the question, In 1881. he was called 'toy the church The outing committee of the Proro la devoted to a. general celebration to 'Wiat does this or that measure mean to Ariz. He settle remained St Johns, chapter is planning aome equally big which the entire membership of all of there to my children, my homef Woman only one year, on account of htehHs-mo- rei things for this year's celebration in the chapters In the Intermountaln represents theeart, head. sickness. The climate did not agree are invited Ftoto. Some of the members are conThe head Miss Celestia Johnson, Provo's favorconservative the than with him there so returned to Provo needs a check in the trend of educa ite templating a combination of the U. C. It Is estimated by those who are the singerwho so splendidly read the following year. T. on ting and a steel plant celebra-tto- planning the celebration that should tion in the modern college. to the "Plan of Salvation" prelude went He trouble the through during TJ. C. T. Since tte work on the blast fur- the steel celebration and the "Take away the home and what when that oratorio was given at the invasion the of and Johnston's army nace and the coke orens of the Colum- onting be combined there would toe in Mrs. Young asked, an Provo tabernacle. Miss Johnson has At the have your' bia Steel corpoartlon wlO a wen the heighbortioc c mow than 1000 and chaos!" "Anarchy swering, been asked by Professors A. C. Lund time of the. Black Hawk war he fought under way, they are of tha apinleai and J. J. McClellan, who have charge Con under command Abraham the of that tha time would be opportune for Among other parts of the entertainof the oratorio to be given in the a real celebration to which the entire ment program as contemplated ' at over. Salt Lake tabernacle Saturday even a nad Vincent Mr. taken always present are a boxing bout of national county and state would in the religious affairs ing.Jaj"eadluf! jjreluia.atJUiatJime. baseball game Efforts, will be- made, by the 17. C. T.. importance, AU of the ladiei' quartets who were a high of the and was community would score the other some a to and other of that of things organizaUon get trained by Professor Boshard for the at time the his of death. priest at celebraa civic organlsatlonfe of the city and the be a main drawing card oratorio here have also been asked to One-- of ,Ilaa-plaB8--HB--la--th- ai Directors Will beJHere LrtllL UHLI ." morning. ! olumbia Steel President and HE WIT " pio- - mm quip B A decided Bteniorward In the Eroraithat nrRHent ..alan3 pro tide far the! high school has been determined upon,! addition,of jhe follow inj ,course 3 to Af' tlie last meeirnV of "Tnklneerfits! . according to Trlnclpal H. R. Athtn, ;the curriculum lor the next school rtww tnwmtter of Ptah held at the Nwnoww wfereHe f spwki wh6' retiring from the position he has li..f.n i.lfernl positions with llift citv Jo-- , inii'rl;njco will b- dicus;si'd hotel. Salt Lake City, filled so capably, leaves for his suc- year: schools as supervisors .of. the eleThe seating ajrangeiniint of "1. One course in advanced mathe - jsenh F. lerriii 'appointed the follow- cessor the following recommendation : ' will conferences to for the graIes. matics. mentary previous received arrange answers priesthood ing commjttees to the "According fnllowin-- " ne foreign language (as an annual banquet, the date of wlxbi. be maintained. The hlth priests will t j the questlonnair Thepffer hilx been made wa' tentatively set for April tl aft lie"" Occupy the front portion In the main tie 'sunestlon of Sllpt. 11. A. Uixoli to patrons of the Provo high school, elective). "3. Woodwork, domestic art, and' Hotel Utah. auditorium, the Seventies the other ami the 'accept unce of the board of the following subjects should he added at its meeting yesterday ena of that number and is It in seventh the eighth poi tion of the main auditorium, the education expected grades. to the course of study: art, east galleries, evening. "4. The school Is working hard to gineers of national, prominence will eldcrs'the-north-an. "1. Foreign' languages. . present as speakers, among whom the priests the north part of the main! "VUn Peterson has been superviso1-Js"2. More higher mathematics. perfect its system of health educaof the department primary undcJhe. ..galkrjr,ihj).of.llie : tion.-. CalvLn3y,Bicesjejcrrx...oL.lheudLorjnni ''.3iMoxejatuj:e8iudyt several year south, part ot the- - nuUniAlpiuu work has been done In Anterlcan Society of Mechanical Engl- teaeiiersi-fli- e ':!.Athorough:. course in Utah's ".- Some relation to Utah's industries. It is neers who has tecently returned from ' auditorium under the gallery, and the! besides boing supervisor of the same resources. where he represented deHcons the south gallery. dcpaf'tmehCai the training school of "5. More vocational training. my opinion, however, that some bet- South Amerfca, In previous priesthood cohferences the university .here. American " engineering and, civic "6. nhmanshlir"lri "" ninth grade ter method of approach to these as Both teachers are recognized an unusual large number ot the mem- fields of human activity can bodies. and senior high school. ;. was last The found. year banquet be . attended; bers of the priesthood have been in among the leading teachers in the "7, More -health education 10 by 700 engineers. r rttttA.Secretary- - Herbert attendance. a uv7 vauui uaviq uao uccu state in the respective lines. t ' are beinjt nut tonn W.U.'C. iton.a u.uwv.p ' "7r Efforts .I.M.a. sn?! Wr oo" MatnrT Should they accept the offers the of a num . filled to overflowing on numerous C. and over the i Hoover, governors n.ake "carry were mentioned, penmanship civics,. English, etc., 5ef"of Western states, and the mem. rimllar occasions. It is the desireoff1rovo city schools are certain to profit but since these courses are already thus, become more effewtve. bers of the Colorado river commission the stake presidency that such be the greatly by their, experience in the "8. It is quite possible that being taught they have not been cate in tomorrow's meeting. . schools. 'thingmore should, be done in the ljne were the nrlncipal speakers. Jo the list "The public vfll be glad to khow'of nature study , . . -.- -- " ..-jtt Pre-ide- j . , school-dlstrictfo- - some-place- d : - LegioiifPostel Cjoiisir The unselfish and untiring efforts of Miss Aretta Young in her long and faithful service as-- a teacher at the Young university were, emphasized at Miss Young's funeral services this afternoon In the Fifth ward chapel.. EiCStVifiouniijlpelrt BisbopapMndew n' - : : presided, and ratriarcn Jo seph B. Keeler offered the invocation. The faculty of the Young university attended the services in a body as did also the members ot Miss Young's art class. The-- cbapeMras: tilled to overl flowing bjr present and former stu- The speakers were Dr. James E Talmage of Salt Lake City, "President emeritus George H. Brlmhall, President Franklin S. Harris; Prof. Alice Reynolds and Dr. P. M. Kelly of Amer- lean- - Forkr Beautifur musical selections were of whom had been inspired through their association with Miss Tount. "The speakers highly eulogized the training and art teacher, and referred to her ai. one of the leading artists and poets in the, state. JU1 of the the' JToung. university under the dlrec n tion of jepperson TheMculty Quartet, composed of Dr. T. C Martiar Prof. T. Earl Pardoe. Rex Johnson and Carl Christensen, sang "The Teacher's Work Is Done." avu-war- Articles of agreement lor. the forma- - in accordabce wlt.h tentative plant toi tola ot a Utah' County Council of. the; a county councl) agreed upon by ' I Legion have- been ' mailed resetttativea from most ot the pos- in irom ue department onices 01 toe tne couuij at tn? armorj duwm; Region at flart Laite. City td form the nii nota 'posU in Utah county." '. Tha ariicler wTirhff ltresefitSirtrOlB cauflrTuWltflfnbH varloua chapter and If ratified by the raUfied. are Salem post No. 8. spring' villa poet '011 Provo i.poet No. 13. .majority ot the. members, will be signed by the post com- Lehl post No. 19, Pay son post NO. 4S, -mander and attested by the post adjo- - Soanlsli Tort post No; Us? - According to the agreement the' new . tant : 'y '..-- '; The tigtvement haa ptB oVai Vp V (Cbntlnned 00.PK6 ElgbU speakers had been associated with her either in the faculty of the university or as students at the school They spoke ot her kindess and devotion to her; duty as a teacher, and emphaexhibited by sized dfenWaed! . rroL-Florenc- e . aa-se- Richard Condle sang, "1 Know That My Redeemer Lives." A string quartet. Miss Alene Morgan John-son- , a tropg. Harvard ex played ''Abide With Me." A tedfetf.doabte .trio.- - yiolet ad jPeleAUi. Olson-andR- Christensen Keeler, lone Huish and Melba Condle, rendered "Absent." v The art class of Miss Young under the championship of Vanese . Rowley, arranged the floral offering, which ' waiTfofttse." 7 The pallbearers were Professors .W. H.ryrBT,flrff.t4meir7.jB Herald R. Clark. Wllford Poulson and Lowry Jtelson ''" The benediction wai pronounced by Prof. John Cv Bwenson and the dedicatory, prayer at the Provo city cemetery was ottered by K. 8. Hmckley;- - '' THE liS UTAH COUNTY IH WIU CONTESTS 3Inn":pubTIo "hpoak in s con tesls in Provo last night came ticar, being a trost. Only two wards enter- ed the prepared public speaking and just three wards tried for honors In the extemporaneous speaking event. The evident lack of Interest in for- ensics contrasted greatly with the interest recently manifested in ath-Ktlc- L. W. Peterson of the Provo Fifth ward won by . default the prepared event of the North Provo division contest held in the Fifth ward chapel. In the same division Hoyden Dangerfleld of the Fourth ward won a! two to one decision over Osmond Crowther of the Fifth in the extemporaneous speaking. The extemporaneous speaking was of the highest order and. the two to one decision indicates, the . closeness 1 4TH AG I'tali county "ts'to be a part of the fourth agricultural district if present plans of the state board of agnail- ture.are carried Into effect. ,..' At a meeting of. the ly the fourth district, cue of 12 In the Mate, was stretched, to Include Utah, Wasatch arjd the eastern cud of Juab board-recent- county. , ' The headquarters of the fourth dhv trict will lie in Provo, and for this district the office, will have an Inspector, a helper, and two part-tim- e assistants, according to the plan. "now before the State hoard. ,. - The board found that 'one' of the new laws provides that It may district the state and provide Inspectors out-fot the who hali-bHaid This would seem to Indi cate thaUhe-Wormight, be Jaun...ed... . state-treasur- k DanwtleTutaranrTt'Bg: drew the subject, "Patriotism in tlte On the other hand, j another new Home." Mr. Crowther's subject was law provides that the county commls- -Man Owes Hia tonntry-- hr afslohenr'Hnay'' levy- -' What of a mill maximum to pat, for such In Patriotic 8ense." .The Judges in the North Provo 'dlv spection work which .would seers, to IIo'ir"iTe7te880rf.".JrTlensen. make Tt "necessary to asevtain the'ex-- ( tent of cooDeration the counties in Relnhardt Maeser, and H. V.: Hoyt "The In specl5f Jhratmtometlndtt both of the Provo Second ward, won is provided. the 'South Provo division, honors in the estemporaneous and jirepared pub-li-e SPANISH FORK, ' March X8.-- Mr. Wesley ? Richardson 'an speaking; respectively; by default and-Mr- a.Dates tor. the semi-finaand finals nouaoa the birth of a daughter at their ' v home 'In Benjamin.;. have not yet been set, ls ...,'..-- a. DISTRICT ,S-- ' |