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Show s.- - ' ,5 " 1 - J.' t I " i. jr , Herald The Circulation 1 ai 1 a.. aa , r a - , m m t a i m i a a a ai a a at m m m mmi a Bk The-Weath- ert 52 DaHy Sanity Circulation fof....2SS?. Sworn .Statement UTAH Snow or rain ; tonight nd Thurtdayj ooldar Tnuraday. Every, ' Issne in November, 1922. voKXxxvir. Na i72. VM . r?vrj tn at . More men are working at the present time at the railroad ahopa than hare been there for :a long time afr cording to E. J. Hall, general foreman - CRAFTS 4 of. the hopa. We-ha-w Bojrirorklni'-arth- e T Ihop 7 5KTCE THREE. CENTSi o Tl iir ir 1 if ouse-to-jnou- se TT o Tl . Steer Site :lri6I a, ... - SHOP nv T7 Shops R-aJR- - WEIDAY,JANUAitir2iri9231 PROVO,,UTAHr witu whion to purchase the plant site, for the Columbia Steel Corporation will be begun today and continued u'ntlL JEvferjjomei Saturday-evenin-g. ovo wrntne vtsttsa during that- The enrollment of tha riven at the Eider Ballard urged his hearers to ume and everyoodywiil be given an to P6V his prnnnrtlnn fnr Young university has now reached the 2,500 mark. Every day come to the boiling point. Steam I Opportunity tne bringing of the large industrial and the large majority of the others has brought more '" iii to the srrml. Fiaphrnitr-ni'iiviiinthfrwinn thrrn is nlnnta hrn hare moved their families harw. Ahmn. tVia itw hoo Vuion pp1? TWo ".Ho" i.o"i fillfl riyifVi nannla. nrin hatu unma Yiara tni HQ DQWeT. He aUDealed 4o hi hAnrnr ilMJ.j 110 Of 2U of the young fellows who are ; to seek for vision that they might not' tlons similar to the ecclesiastical fflimamea-rd--th-TrltatheIieadershirjOllrselT'""" te i nr i .' tnjriHi flu leaara. niiT. ta tha - :A--i families In Provo." ' WUh the arrival of Monte Welling of New Mexico seven he world and the savior of have been selected, This Wa donej Im in Provo realize the :"Few people states and the Dominion of Canada are represented at the uni- -. at a meeting of the chamber of com ,. portance of the shop? to this city We a the Eider Brtmhaii library merce Tuesday evening at" the Cen Other states represented since the opening dayof-th- e are working three shift every 2 yersity. tral school auditorium at which were are Oregon, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Arizona antLUtah.- hours and are so rushed with. work 50 business and profes that- we have to work sevenjays a The general assembly this afternoon was devoted to the dis place in the church, they shall have a present about sionai men anil farmers. week, the wages paid to these men cussion of social and recreational of gVontnen with the churcrr pnrniiH The following captains. were chosen leaderipJLJeir--repraverages' about $5 a per man or Bentmg4he mericariecreatioTSaTs spoke on the ,whh ofbegan with revelation, the arc at the .meeting: First ward, Bishop Ranroad workerr f:"flie" Provo jjaMut 1X130 day for dy leadership. tlQtioph A; .Buttle; aeuoiid ward, Ul opaonlon-paciflcJftictatsnHThe proposed Bheep trail through "A payroll of about $35,000 a month topic, "The Place of Recreation in the Lives of the eople;" Dr. light E. Olson, Jr.; Third ward, A. E. Eves; -Tuesday evening at the. armory to dis- - is maintained at' tha Bhyp t on "The Responsibility . of the Com ' Prof. r Buss Fred on lectured the Provo Fourth wgrrt, latjyuu uu longer meets with, ""ItF; eHgBOp .thd InrflSSnnn. r huf thl wUl be Pfl,TTHSea , nnainlwn in Caring for the Leisure Time' ;; and Prftsidpnt FrfT'kl theme, --"Other Woilda Than' Ours," Fifth ward, John C Graham; munity Sixth the approval of the sheepmen of the urans aasocmuuu, wiuim uf mcreasea in tne very sear future. All Stewart ( Hauia uace an interesting and inspiring address on illustrated with stereopticon views. ward, H. W; .Startup; Bonneville, county. At the Inspection trip over 10 0f thlsjiuuueju.irliS-lleatepart of r W. Lloyd Sutton; Pioneer, J. Howe, part of the trail men working on the V. P,. the sheepT. it, remains in Protoraod is belog spent "Opportunity of Leadership." Housekeeping. Jr.; Manavu, George Barton; Grand men notified tho yesterday CT. E. Anderson,, chairman or tn.with the Provo merchants, either President Anthony W. Ivlns of tlie first presidency of the "The human being, himself, is the view. Bishop Mark Kartchner; county commission Lake- U P. system Shop Crafts assooiauon, directly or indirectly, L. D. S. churchwJU be'Jn.: attendaacerFriday and will be th& only source of humna disease," accord- view, George Scott; Vineyard, Joseph that they-o- o longer were In favor of We-hawas the principal speaker. He ex- now 10Q morajiient the ing to Dr. Richard R, Lyman, who lec- - Madsen; Pleasant View, T. J. Foote. frtfe route." al the general assembly of that day; ' ' speaker of the organizathe purposes plained shops working ffvery day than we ha4 ' tnrod before tho jiamgjniahlng dppnrl- ' mew Hint worn- of the will select closer Twentytwghna4ia the how cooperIt 8 understood that the question a year ago. At that time-- we had tion, anOoia ment on Tuesaay morning. He urged a sutucient numbercaptains ot men to canvas M en were anxious to hearElder f elvlh ation of workers and railroad officials about 125 men nud now we have was discussed by the sheepmeneL. ' tue of importance district proper the. sanitary before entire results Saturday M would be productive of better 220 and 235 mien. They are all J. Ballard of the Council of Twelve O measures as a means of preventing evening when the reports will be ti.e county at the woolgrowers' meettor the public, the railroad, and more good; steady workers, which can- be on nan in Aposxies speaic disease. college given In at the office of the chamber ing in Salt Lake CJty last weekand railroad seen from the fact that we have not profitable returns for the suc"Vou an't get typhoid fever with of commerce.that a great deal of opposition was had anyone quit his work during the Tuesday afternoon. About 1550 i, employes. ceeded. They succeeded by crowding W. J. Taylor, vice chairman of the past 40 days." out typhoid fever any more than you .At the meeting Tiies'day-- evening iniuiifest there. The- - r easo - fo-r- the E. S. reiterated of 144ftek4ey Secretary system organization, ipokeTbrlefly .From various railroad officials it is every foot of available space in the -- M-1Q Mr can gTH wheat without wheat." The the statement made by L. F. Kains to withdrawing of the former approval the association plans. lleampd andTn the- rostrum. Prof. L. a come J. class, from the Religion Nuttall, jr, typhoid germs always Daily Herald reporter Saturday" that is said to be based on the fear of the two 11 A M-- -'. the siieepmen that in thespring.. .thft- asstrtant sVpermtend wastes of the typhoid patient. Dr. Utah county labor overflow one "were In meuuauu;, wv held, meetings masier J. aerry. actlvi: James Christen Lyman explained by diagram on the preference at thenf construction workSr4i the wlth ery;. to make the Bishop Genealogy, teglnntng of building blackboard how easily wells may be i niati,) ; ties and E. J. Hall, shop loreman. f the Golumblateel corporation. thelitfrary. ahd another In room 24-son of Salt Lake City. rnma pnhtnmlnntorl rtf 11 nmmiml. into the various kinds of tradesmen climb over the steep ridge InW-t- he' Th sneakers explained that tie as-- It la rumored that the local shops may President Emeritus George H. Brim-haaddressed some 450 people In the . Teacher Training, President is teas. excuse for mA. jmsktttea" labor, H nowHjelngTJre canyon. soclatlott isHiimited to Union Pacific have to care for two or three times . At the Inspection tour the Jjnisoij; typhoid disease than any other. The pared by the chamber of commerce employes, Juid is to tend toward co- the amount of work handled at prea - l - ' Brimhall onl" channels of Infection are the and will- be used by the different con the7Home Making, Dr. operation between the railroad and the enlT which" naturally would Increase in the latter assemblage. xiTopoBd"toepennTtted tractors- when they "begin their work. "I Should like in Bnlfat mnro man workers. If was said that all employes the force in the same proportion, as - . Knight Allen. niiecummmua oil would be asked to loin the association. the present force is already .working and women in teingiaVlors-of-men,"and"MFfrenjiejtdanex-Ja-tnrougft-contnm"""r w the building plans there will be more Ing to Chairman James T. Gardner of was tne niea nf Emar Bailarff "t hav nated water or food. d that Jbecause It wa thought neeea-- 4 to capacity. i Seventies, President lievl Edgar of finance The fighting of. tiles was strongly concrete work forvthe first units of the county commission. They desire juarrel with the leaders saxy to aBk Jor.tnls coperatlonJWtoB-- g x,-,ed ' r Voung. "One big fly killed early In the steel plant than was done in the to enter the canyon by way ot the material naac6uld orjuor tne y- - r. uniessire being cXob. down-anurged. the better a essen- -"- Priests, Bishop C. W. Nibley, the spring," he declared, "is equal to "l l,,c ?u,l.D '"S"" he agreedld join the Shop Crafts asso: workmen are being transferred to the "they have their place and '"" ' -main mart ami. ipmMiMrn,---. - - lift!'" w I H V fta II (L IHall . 7 MuslCi Prof. J. J McClellan n " ' mllllnn lglo H1H. Salt tial. But to are me the but Ji4MMV elation. they Acto and Los Provo e Olmi shop Angeles. - The Provo lodge is number 4 of the means an -' .to end and not. end new i. mat it the,, v,,,one ;.. of Elfttii to of 13Nnadi speaKer he main officials jmRt&E cording TISf' clearing ssrlOTSTutsrake to thln thatoilt ehif association. Frank Ramsey, Sr., pres the route the Laa Vegas and the canal of the ProjfQReserj 11 ul ul11 wmu wm ue uuuo aren -snouia nave measles, wnooDInRl"",uu, last (jauente nave shop.ftt ident,, of the local J0dge,jsauea oeen reoucea and tne - Elder Ballard developed his. theme " leavies the river they 3 4 10 P.M. niiofi- .Iff Thn rnmllii tmm 'thrri-T- , nrhTfr HfIll III V WlTTilTn H fPW dnVHHftPr protr" company In as substance and follow! preslded.imftjor meeting, evening's part 0j the work formerly done propose to take a trail south of the i. the land has the .been acquired is "TDere are children's diseases by. often n somethlhgbetter-thaAbout 150 shop . workers, were-piencale(, r.rm5jnjfiml;-ioat those shops is being sent here. main canyon road for two miles and " t 10 o k. m..., Holding company. "toTBStobUsh a communlonL serious. something I Social then again use the canyon highway. L. Rob- ers E. Prof. steel "The Leadership, like directors snould In.' to BDirMrlietweenA-rallroadrworktho corporation Xouis giliCe discovery by of "The action of the sheepmen in shops are of high class is evidenced lElder Ballard-re-major - " teur ' a in ISSOof the relationship be- - have expressed themselves strongly In section 16 Of the and other cltiiens of Provo-,- ' Mr. Ram- from the. fact, that important repairs withdrawing 'their approval of. the tn. Tfiev labor. of are 9 favor Vtah county f. hnrtteria nd tween Doctrine riiseane. and a thn revelation ?" '' i Covenants, sey said. is taken here from long distances trail came as a 'surprise to collegiate debate, "Y" vs. speaker said, dirt, ugliness, disease,0 tne opinion that since Utah county propose! to Peter Whitmer. Jr.. nuttine em. Triangular the commission," said' Mr. Gardner. along the Union Pacific system. It is Tihasis " will most of for the on pay the Ppople plant "Wo thought we would be able ' to and high death Tate have given way to following, paragraph: said that very important repair work 8118 11 "-And 'now, behold. I say unto vou. air tnai moy .snmna and health. cleanliness, beauty been have on the route at the 1 of two locomotives anbrought after when he was with HEALTH OliESTlOHS De Blrn first chance on the "work to agree definitely that the thingjehich will be o"f most years convert Religion Class. here fromWyoming. but we are Inspection Tuesday, to whom he had taken trip A!out be the' worth unto you, will be to dklare re- - other R'ven ty corporation. "There Is a great deal of unnecesin a worse muddp now than we were the. 1,0 scale tgentance-TinJOr-tJii- s has before. .It Is a difficult dp"nlte wago f.Tout people, that you nf sary fear of violating the constitu-- i ,nonBh 'thing to de iu regard to mixing, been adopted as yet. the directors cidn J'ost bring souls unto me. that -- you P,hin for hnvi lost in" to do, and the - ,..,"'nal provisions what isxKctly (EditotNote: In this column will OREM WOULD UNLOAD VSay .... Hn ....... nf thnmsoivo. may rest with them in the king'dom tains. " wua uwmntuun iun " ' be printed health questions of Herald will give the viiujvu uuii biait; ' county commission a reasonable wage." of my Father." 'nf Br. John A Wiflfsne bntma ; readers and answered by Dr. Viola matter careful thought. 1 continued a 2"0 workers will he Can he It is ,!ian Morp Also thing, from splendid section of LeadergecMon verses neiicion 15 the cia8, 18, 10, Russell of the U. S. Public Health "We wuuldjook to' ..reach adlclsIoiL-- . ana it in substance, for men to imperil theirshijicnn vent ion Tuesday. ilhera vajMngJnilti.jluiiiig 3 - fdt -wOTt(rb'e"appioved''by Service. Anyone having a question on the sheep- any health problem may direct it to t iiw.i UAL. ILK a y MtAya ci Ui of 'wnHment niiiutinu tho innss uf 11' nf t,h so fearful who are :. ThsTii Daily violating Herald iS tar greater to Save t?P annla nf man rRussellTat tabernaele Mondav pvenfnir. the the county and their rights should ef .,(,.,. "Andlf It so be m you Blinuld n J4w Viaa ik,. iir.,ii .1 .. rA ,n stake -- omee.fr do thof 4Vi vtrlm r aiti Kn be safeguarded the same as in is The not devotion fount should be highly successful in course finest workers I lWoTaiiryour and moralivt in in the honrstv tZi ,...ch days crying repentDear nr Bimnlli- that of- - aiy other citizen. drive. the eonGod. commandments of of the the fear schools for and bring save keeping violating "Preston G. petgrspn, cftalrmanef with Interest your arti- a "white elephant", road. So tdlpiak. 4 have -me, how great will myself, but in leading OthenlaJo-so.istitutioii- ," he continued. "Tliey dare)' Sonie of the outlylos. districts have cles regarding health appearing in The road commission, will take "We want to. give the road to the be one rrrtheTtate made to Elder the man-ha&inot Ballard people the matter reference teach what every .sane your Joy with him in the kingdom l Dally Herald, "which Jo me is a subject countyr up with the forest service Mayor TSnow in-- 0 my are. said 'here to isiXcamngnpen-nTrt'aWcTnowof responded ratner. there Is a it. or paramount Importance ana wmcn iormea tne county commissioners. . " i(Incident . . t officials (n Ogden and". see what they .i . mem. L,aKe-CB" ano lau in to teea nis sneep uie nis lamns. every sane manand that)1"0 (God. should be Nf firsKwnsjderaiM-- J to propose. A survey may be with one soul that you have' gre?! The sublime test of tny loyalty to lis 'true,. Of course some 'mcithave had j vlPW district, for examples -- George have "forest "office- - pt a trail made the a county road, but was turned over to unto every indivWuat"" by collected-jujirhas Sfott o me into the kingdom of mv God, proceeded the speaker, is found j peculiar ideas of what God is, but than that may meet with the already I would like V see a- - question or Orem with the understanding that the approval of Father, how great wtilbe your Joy If In feedtngimfi3Mep and lambs of 1 they have believed in some form of!3UU anu lla? receivea.tne promise or the sheepmen two answered in The Daily Herald. arid those who use the city- - of Orem Would keep it in good and the dlstrtct $200 more, has as not to God. serve another Tf God." you snouia souls unto attempt nrmg you many 1. Regarding vltamines in cooking; shape: canyo'n highway. The matter will be "V -and fall, you-wil- l at least Save your- - Dr. Widtsoe explained that It was yet been completed. - - ma-- r"' "What"- - degree of-- . heatSfiU destroy "But there are so many Salt Lakers 7me." selves. Hell new tji.al-wotherefore you the tt4e rderof funtloii rBe" settled on before spring." . jthem- Jusing that road fop- - a short cutI to Invite, We havjjrecenjjyeenuccesstulfglon- - classL WUih- - tu JUppTe3nentthe 2. In I"01"0 leaaers or men to get this mong tnose who Tiyiua . tne trip sample mihu "forxhildren Prvirn xnnvnn that wa ron't koon He- - prefcrred'a1 over .tne trail. Tuesday .were Preston-published in The Herald of January 18, that of our Precous.in-tbe.elgl- it instructionl births :n30re Btatisttcrshow of minutes of od religious" -rortIa -- the Orem adnltaT-- Nj Blakeslee. sUner- Peterson. W. s uoesiaatrapplyTilBO" Latter-daSaint .homes isjeach day tojone. ong:perlod each visor of the Uintali national foresti 'reduced the distance to the canyon by than all the wealth of the world. A dren In Thanking you,-- 1 remain, nn thousand from will mc years iuur uuica - todays where iiuiuuer ui weeK. ureal RBsnnrtftillT-- i IA. : irbmmfssioners James T. Gardner, A. eight milel,-- all the wealth of the. world be so far converts. That shows us that- - our! "There is concensus opinion O. Sm'oot and Fred il'atley; ' UBSCRIBER.- Mr. Snow .insisted thnt Provo had as t In lies are concerned. of school should be the j that the used for It wllrtegone, principal work saving Df Provo, J, " so It Butyou andJrankJemlng latter-daso not children with the' one soul you tue souls of the of -religious instruction, he proceeded. r it. Allen of Draper, S. C.LewIa and The subject "of vita- couldn'txbe Improved - and tourists Question saved. This one soul, .'according Saints. 9 Sectarian doctrlne""can' hot mins is still under intensive lnvestlga- - thereby compelled to gothrough hare Ethert "FttzgBTald ot Heber. John Mc m . the thenMormon-faitfirst of to ' ' Uon. league game SndwTuLtapitaTlsliiuIred Jnj may far time Deduring school hours: but t Therefore, to make -- anyr but , 0,8 season which will be played here Klnpey. Harry Chlpman, Roy Boley. come creator school-school of love, the the the and worlds. But after period, you e "tentative asseruons regarding ihem is M. H. IngersolL- Dell Chlpman, JJayornowUmated-tliatrJione soul, for every the speaker cited, and added humility, houses may be bo used. The state law ) '"day aniLJSaturday evening is in Abner . . . e,. ...... Pecllous. - In general we know that would appear to the state road com- - cannot save just .. .er.snaw or s'"0" official Railroad dally.soul with affects other souls. creasing consent of such the and the that virtue; patience, temperance, provides Fo1-' dyrltig, heating, and addition of pre-- J mlssionrthe-leglslaturAmerlcan and even the 1 remember one convert to whom I Skill as i" have informed the athletic off , iciak be used trusteemchoolhouses for may might psychology give. off Mrvstlves all may rob the food-- of J3nIaA-:;n- at 'ad B. Y. U. that iu all probability) governor, of the had . work In the of him the met ! this oh (Continued brought page gospeh prosecution I) ' one or more of its essential constitu Orera's shoulders.a special basketball train. will be run ents. ProbablyallTiUmins do not commission intimated Theeounty from Salt Lake City to accomodate 1- react in the same way. Heat undoubt- that they,' too, would matter thr give Crimson and fiatt Lake- - fans who may GONE TO CALIFORNIA edly effects them: it has been shown some consideration. . ; wish to attend the lg classic, ; that the duration of the ieating -- Altlioughh6opeflters:iareratlier process is of greater importance than APPRECIATES silent on the subject, it seems e'er tain Wells Ja. Brimhall snd I II. the former derree of which temDaratare to JL rThe"foHowlng letter from the game is to' be a hotly contested brootxf IhlTcIty left Tuesday .Ilok fter-- s the-- food is iublected. For example, Provacluten, JUiton itnuusen, as the U. of 17. is coming down ""Off f"r affair r mUk that has been, heated to 145 de- now principal of the Teton, high school ., aspirauons the inspect holdings F.grees for id minutes has lost more at Driggs, Idaho, is appreciated by The to become the basketball champions Oil Syndicate pat' .of its sotencv than' milk that has been uaiiy Heraia : or this year. Coach riot. . Although e !ed,i-4lTwltchell is likely to start two "fresh-- , row minutes. it - has also - been Belnsr a Provo man...! teel that I men' and one other man without- -' uvwa m a i us reaouon oi ina medium Cannot .get' along without my home time experience, it Is .:; Js. of Importance in regard to the re-..-.. paper.'. I hare had It forwarded to me that the "Y" will uphold . alsttnce to heating that substances through Iowa, Wisconsin '. and - Idaho In splendid manner. Wl hlch are scid, such as orange Juice the last four years. 'Glad to. learn of may. loee to the visitors, , ', and tomato, retain their, potency In Provo's great prospects as an industul as the boys are workla - - ,. ' ' eplte of subjection to high tempera-- ' trial tmM-Ax:f-- : , t:.J dertul machine that looks Wherefore we should "Enclosed find 13.50 : for another go that the "U.! will not walk . - ahead cooking In the same oldJust little way can be proa year's subscription to your dandy arreasTvicrdry . unless one uses a In for boosting v-pressure cooker, paper. Success to you fwithout much danger of b -. hlch Is J-- v under deep suspicion . Just a bigger and better Garden clty.-' k ''1-1 "Yours truly, I J. ,. only as .to whether In border "to avoid tne. rt we are getting a balanced diet rather "MILTON HrKNUDSbiNjr. occurs when basketbsl . : - ' ' usually na jahUthvsieBnii-fawirtcare placed on sale, 4he officii cuons. r . .: WANTS PAY FOR BLOW. i tue finances in charge h " hai. suit Edward Burgess has filed. sample menu yoa elded that the best way to ham , ; refer to was made for cnUdren. It against Thomas Alvin Wiltbr - sklng situation is to allow, in fact to 0Bht be used as the framework for 11,000 tor an alleged, attack.- The all .who wtsiv' reserve seats tov"" J "ou1' diet; no one could go very plaintiff alleges that. Whitby knocked their order. to. Professor E. K.-- r 5f .. r .1922, S, him In kicked July labor-: him downknd doing so, though , "tray Inclosing ft check tof them at an iU " injur-in- s man otherwise, nose and l might complain of a slight mashing bis pride is to be $1.00 for dat;3The " " ' emptiness. him. registered seat. nr. zzv men," earn HaU this morning to a' Dally Herald reporter. ."More thairTS of these taen are from Provo FIHlflllJ. in Leadersbiiv --courses B OPPOSE ... iii III se 3W-3S- - 1 C ynnt ieojge-Hr4mhaH-spu- ke -- ve ' - JttnnrJ. ilU.1 dUUJf ' Speakers - n-- . 10-t- o would-be-giv- xa'T7:mZ rb. ll T 'Lablo-4iaease8-tli.e- re rs -- i- -- wings.--ne-proceed- d -- -- - "'' - nesidnlS . ,iiu ftolaa Tl -- t. - i J y It 1, ,.... ari,t ' i - rj 1fp7?0Ple' ...... or-stat- e," . orned-adyBatfTh-e' e M 1 Iay . L j-v- - i. ir In-th- e . uld Ptinn Hinthai - shouid!red-the-ro4-onto-Ore- G. - clill-j.fe- y Scott-Stewar- m tOf-OHr- VnwoPzr': h .... -- - e, - DAILY-HERALD- '. Gah t4 .- -- YoiijNaneJmeseloities . -- - ''' . '. rl j" . I.' ' ' . , ; -- t-- ' r k... I |