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Show l9lfh JTLiiltfU 5 8 Copyright Harper bV & Brother. Riders of the Purple Sage, ,58 Wildfire. Etc. , "He's lying for," . whispered Gale. over there In that crack. I can see 13 More shots rnn out. Yufpil was part of him. He doesn't move." "I was wonderin' If I'd have to tell seen standing erert tiring rapidly at I'or nil Oale you that.. Dick, be went down .hard the diirtiiii; Mexhuns. bullet took hit, fallln', you know, limp an' soggy. out no Could tii:l-:vanished It was a mortal cinch one of us would men his and effect, ltojii I behind the'bulge of lava. The Yuiuil get It In this fight; but G d I'm man." deliberately hacked away frmn .tiis po- sorry Thorne had to be the "Laddy, maybe he's not dead," resition. He made no effort to run or Gale. He called aloud to his came and plied he mnied bide. Presently Continued. CHAPTER XII. sei-on- of the posli Straight toward tl runners, sheered off perhaps a hundred paces holmv it, and disappeared In a crevice. Hainly hi? Intention was to draw pursuers within rillc shot. Another wait set in then, and rays of the hy the niore dir'-'gun and a reccdiii- - of the little shadows ca- -t hy t! hoyas, C.ile was of the opinion that it was a Inn:; wait. Hut It sc. short, fiale had the Upper position, furthest to Hie rijlht. ond theicl'.Me was lies' shielded from possihe tire from the higher ridges Of the riia. some three hundred yards distant. Jim came next, well hidden In a crack. The positions of Thome and I.add were most exposed. They kept sharp lookout over the uneven rampart of their hiding-place- . Suddenly the dead stillness was rent hy a Fhot, clear and stinging."'' Close at hand. It was from a rifle, not a carhine. With startling quickness a cry followed n cry that pierced Gale It was so thin, so so different from nil nthvr It was the Involuntary human Cries. Shriek of death. "Yaqul's culled out another snld .IIiu I.ash. laconically. Carbines began to crack. The reports were'Tfiilek, light, like sharp spats without any rins. fiale made out round spots, dark against the background of rod. and In front of thetn leaped out small tontruos of fire. I.aild's- - 4l.V begun to "spang" with its beautiful sound of power. Thome whs fidnir. somewhat wildly. (Sale thought. Thili .Tim I.ash pushed his Winchester over the rim under a rhoyn. and between shots dale could hear him Kiniring: "Turn t lie lady, turn turn the lady, turn! Alainan left! sVlng your pardners! Forward an' hack! Turn the lady, turn!" dale Rot into the fiirht himself, not so sure tliilt lie lilt any of the round, bobbin? ohects he aimed at. hut growing sure of himself as action lllierated something forced and eongested within tils breast. Then over lie position if the rnng-ercame n hail of steel bullets Tlio-- e that struck the lava hissed away into the crater: those that came h'ting through the ehouis made n sound which resembled a sharp ripping of silk. Hits of cactus stung Oale's face, anil he dreaded the flying thorns more than be did the (lying bullets. "Hold on. boys." culled I.udd, as he Crouched down To reloacl his rifle. "Save your shells. The (ireasers are Spn ndln' on us. some goin' down he low Yaipil, others movin' up for that IiIl'Ii ridge. When they get up there I'm d d If It won't be hot fur us. There ain't room for us to hide here." l.aihl raised himself to peep ever the rim. Shots ivem now .sen tiering, and all appeared to come from below. A volley of shots from n different ancle was followed by the quick rbv: of steel bullets striking the lav all around dale. His llrst Idea, as be heard the projectiles sing and hum and whine away Into the air. was that they were coining from above him. He looked up to see a number of low. white Biid dark knobs upon the high point of lava. They bad not been there before. Then he saw it tie. pale, leaping tongues of fire. As he (bulged down be distinctly hoard n bullet strike At the same Instant he seemed to hear Thome cry out and fall, and Lash's boots senie rnpldly away. I.add fell backward still holding the Gale dragged him Into the shel,40ri. ter of Iris own position, and dreading to look at him. took up the heavy weapon. Ft was with a kind of savage strength that he gripped the rifle; and It was with a cold ami deadly Intent that he aimed md fired. The first Greaser huddled low. let his earhlne (to clattering down, and then crawled behind the rim. The second and third Jerked back. The fourth seemed to flop up over the crest of Invti. A dark aim reached for him. clutched his leg. tried to drag him np. It was in vain. Wildly grasping at the air' the bandit fell, slid down a steep shelf, rolled over the rim. to go hurting down out of sight. "Shore I'm d n gla- d- them Greasers ain't usin' bullets." drawled a calm voice. Swift as lightning Gale whirled. "I.nddy ! I thought you were done for." cried fiule. with n break In his j:i'l-In- t i.i.-i- i pard-ner.- " s soft-nos- e friend. There" was no unswer. Lndd got up, and, after peering keenly nt the height of lava, be strode swiftly across the space. It was only a dozen slops to the crack In the lava where Thorne, had fallen In bead first. I.add bent over, went to his knees, so that Gale saw only his head. Then lie appeared rising with arms round ihe cavalryman. lit; dragged him across the hole to the sheltered comer that alone afforded protection. He had scarcely reached It when a carbine cracked and a bullet struck the flinty lava, striking sparks, then singing into the air. Thorne was either dead or unconscious, and Gale, with a contracting throat and numb heart, decided for the former. Not so Ladd, who probed the bloody gash on Thome's temple, and then felt Iris brenst. "He's nllve an' not had hurt. That bullet lilt him glnncin'. Shore them steel bullets are some lucky for us. Dick, yon .iveun't look so glum. I tell you ne ain't bad hurt. I felt his skull with my finger. There's no hole lni Wow! did it.,. .Wash him off an' tie you get the wind of that one? An' mebbe it didn't sing off the lava It wns Indeed a Joy to Gale to find thnt Thorne had not received a wound necessarily fatal, though it wns serious enough, dale bathed and bound it, and laid the cavalryman against the slant of the ban':, his head high to the probability of bleeding. As dale straightened up Ladd muttered low ami deep, and swung the heavy rifle around to the left. Far along the slope a figure moved. I.add be'.-ni-i to work the lever of the Winchester and to shoot. At every shot Gale saw the bullets strike the lava beside, before Ihe fleeing behind, Mexican, sending up dull puffs of dust. On the sixtli shot he plunged down out of sight, either hit or frightened Into seeking cover. "Hick, .nebhe there's one or two left above; but we needn't flgger much on It." snld Ladd. as, loading the rifle, he Jerked his fingers quickly from the hot breech. "Listen! Jim an' Yaqul are hittin' It up lively down he'.ow. I'll sneak down there. You stay here an' keep about half an eye peeled up yonder, an' keep the rest my way." There seemed a lull In the battle. Gale ventured to stand high, and. screened behind choyas. be wept the r circle of lava with his glass. In the distance he saw horses, but no riders. Itelow him. down the slope along the crater rim and tl.3 trail, the lava was bare of all except tufts of choya. Gale gathered nssur- les-ie- three-quarte- 1 . ... e. bandit. Ladd staggered along the trail ; at times he crawled. The Yaqul gained; he might have hnd wings; he leaped from jagged crust to Jagged crust ; his was a w onderful thing. Gale Heard or Imagined He Heard litit for (iale the marvel of that That Wild, Strange Yaqul Cry. endless period of watching' was the He had hi.ndit the of around the liittress or climb over it. Rojas. purpose now no weapon. Gale's glass made Evidently he went as far as possible, this fact plain. There was death and there he clung, an unscalable him, death below him, deth be- wall above, the abyss beneath. The approach of the Yaqul was like fore him. and though he could not have known It, death above him. He a slow dark shadow of gloom. If It never faltered never made a misstep seemed so to the stricken Gale what upon the narrow, flinty trail. When ha must it have been to Rojas? He apreached the lower end of the level peared to sink against the wall. The ledge Gale's poignant doubt became Y'aqul stole closer and closer. He was a certainty. Hojas had seen Mercedes. the savage now, and for him the moIt w ns Incredible, yet Gale believed it. ment must have been glorified. Gale Then, his heart clamped as In an Icy saw 111 in gaze up at the great circling walls of the crater, then down Into the vise, Gnle threw forward the Remington, and sinking on one knee, begnn depths. Perhaps the red haze hangto shoot. He emptied the magazine. ing above him, or the purple haze bePuffs of dust hear Rojns did not even low, or the deep caverns tn the lava, held for Yaqui spirits of the desert, make him turn. Gnle wheeled, rigid now, steeling his gods to whom he called. Perhaps himself to one Inst forlorn hope that he invoked shadows of his loved ones Mercedes could defend herself. She iuH his race, calling them In this mobad a gun. He doubted not at all that-sh- e ment of vengeance. d would use It. But, remembering Gale heard or imagined he heard tier terror of this savage, he feared that wild, strange Y'aqul cry. for her. Rojas reached tit-- level of Then the Indian stepped close to the ledge. He halted. He crouched. Rojns, and bent low, keeping out of the act of a panther. Man- reach. How slow were his motions! It ifestly he saw Mercedes within the Would Yaqui never never end it? enve. Then faint shots patted the air. . . . A v.all drifted across the crater broke In quick e. ho. Rojas went to Gale's ears. down as If struck by a heavy blow. Rojas fell backward and plunged He was hit. But even ns Gale yelled sheer. The bank of white choyas In sheer madness the bandit leaped caught him, held him upon their steel erect. He seemed too quick, too sup- spikes. How long did the duxed Gale A slight, sit there watching Rojus wrestling and ple to be badly wounded. ilark figure flashed out of the cave. writhing In convulsive frenzy? The Mercedes! She hncked against the bandit now seemed mad to win the Gale saw a puff of whitewall. delayed death. board a report. But the bandit When he broke free be was a white lunged nt her. Mercedes ran, not to patched object no longer human, a try to pass him, but straight for the ball of choya burrs, and he slipped off precipice. Her Intention was plain. the bank to shoot down and down Into Rut Rojas outstripped her. even m the purple depths of the crater she reached the verge. Then a piercCHAPTER XIII ing scream pealed across the crater a scream of despair. Gale closed his eyes. He could not Change at Forlorn River. bear to see more. The first of March saw the ederal Thorne echoed Mercedes' scream. occupation of the garrison at Casita. Gale looked round just In time to leap After a short, decisive engagement and catch the cavalryman ns he stag- the reliels were dispersed Into small gered, apparently for the steep slope. bands and driven eostwp' along the And then, as Gale dragged him back, boundary line toward Nogjnes. both fell. Gale saved his friend, but It was the destiny of Forlorn Rrrei. he plunged Into a choya. He drew however, never to return to the slow, his hands away full, of the great glissleepy tenor of Its former existence. tening cones of thorns. Bclding's predictions came true. That s "For God's sake, Oole, shoot! straggling line of was Kill her! . . . but a forerunner of the real Invasion Shoot! Kill her " Can't you see Rojas of Altar valley. Refugees from MexThorne fainted. ico and from Casita spread the word Gale, stunned for the instant, stood that water and wood and grass and with uplifted hands, and gazed from land were to be had at Ferlorn River; Thorne across the crater Rojns hnd and as If by magic the white tents and not killed Mercedss. He wirs over- red adobe house sprang up to glisten powering her. His actions seemed In th! snn. slow, wearing, purposeful. Hers were Beldlng was happier than he had Lake a trapped violent. , been tor a long" time. He bellejred MercuVi was fighting. She tore, that evil days for Forlorn River. struggled, flung herself. alon with the apathy and lack of Rorjau' Intention was terribly plain. enterprise, were In the post. He hired In agony now. both mental and couple of trust worthy Uexiwna to s It Looked at If th Hii ance. Day Sid. Was Favoring It looked fi.s If the da.- - was Ids side. Then Thorne, Comfavoring ing partly to con telousness, engaged Gale's care. The cavaLyiiinn stirred unil moaned, called for water, and tlwn for Gale held him back with a strong hand, and presently he was once more q'llet. Men-ede- Suddenly harsh, prolonged yells brought Gale to his feet. Far down the outer rims Closed the trttlls-wheIn the deep fissure he saw moving vole. fwrni. They were three In number. The ranger's blouse was open at the Two of them ran nimbly across the neck, and on his right shoulder under lava bridge. The thlid staggered fRr the rollar bone was a small hole Just e.lnning to bleed. "Sure It's high, Laddy," replied Oale. Jluilly. "Went clear thrM&.h, :tvt;i as whistle!" Ue tore a handkerchief Into two parts, made wads, and pressing them close over the wounds he bound them there with Ladd's scarf. "taddjr, I I'm afraid Thorne'i done physicaL uAi and sick and weak. Oil gripped bl rifle and aimed,, ft the struggling forma on the ledge. He nulled the trigger. The bullet struck I up a cloud of red dust eloM.to the struggling couple. Again uaie ureu, hoDln to hit Rojas, praying to kill iu..rui Ths bullet struck high. A time the Remlng T third fourrh-flft-h ton spoke In vain I The rifle feu from 3Q Gale a racked bands. How plain that fiend's in88 tention horribly Gale tried to close ius eyes, but could not He prayed wlldlj for sudden blindness to faint as Thome had fainted. But he was transflxed-t- o the sjiot with eyes that pierced the Gale recognized the foremost one red light was growing weaker, Mercedes small, compact, gaudy RojasI The bnndit's arm was outstretched Puffs seemed about to collapse. of white smoke rose, and shots rapped "Oh, Jim Lash, are you deadr cried out. When Ladd went down Rojas Gale. "Oh, Laddyl On, Yaqul !" threw his gun aside and with a wild Suddenly a dark form literally fell yell bounded over the lava. His com- down the wall behind the ledge where panion followel, Rojas fought the girt. It sank In a A tide of passion, first hot as fire, heap,, tlien bounded erect. then cold as ice, rushed over - Gale "Yaqul I" screamed Gale, and he when he saw Rojas take the trail to- waived his bleeding hands till the The blood bespattered his face. Then he ward Mercedes' hiding-placlittle bandft appeared to have the choked. Utterance became Impossible. of a mountain sheep. The Indian bent over Rojas and The Mexican fallowing was not so flung him against the wall. Mercedes, sure or fast. He turned back. Gale sinking back, lay still.,.. When Rojas heard the trenchant bark of the .405. got up the Indian stood between him Ladd was kneeling.' He shot again and escape from the ledge. Rojas! again. The. retreating bandit seemed backed the ither ay along the narto run full Into an Invisible obstacle, rowing shelf of lava. Hfs manner then fell lax, Inert, lifeless. Rojas wns abject, stupefied. Slowly he sped on unmindful of the spurts of stepped buckward. dust nbout him. Yaqul, high above It was then that Gale caught the Ladd, was nlso firing at the bnndhj. white gleam of a knife In Yaqul's Then bofli rifles were emptied. Rojas hand. Rojas turned and ran. Yaqul turned at a high break' In the trail. followed slowlv. His figure was dark He shook a defiant hand, and his exand menacing. Bet he was not In a ulting yell pealed faintly . to Gale's hurry. When he passed off the ledge ears. About him there was something Rolas was edging farther and farther desperate, magnificent. Then he clam- along the wall. He was cringing now bered down the trail. to the lava, creeping inch by Inch. Ladd dropped the .405, and rising, Perhaps he had thought to- - work gtm hi hand; he staggered toward the bridge of lava. Before he hnd crossed it Yaqul came hounding down the slope, and In one splendid leap he cleared the fissure. He ran beyond the trail and disappeared on the lava above. Rojas had not seen this sudden, darting move of the Indian. Gale wondered, fearfully, what had become of Lash. Presently, when Rojas come out of the cracks and rrts of lava there might be a chance of disabling him by a long shot. His progress was now slow. But he was making straight for Mercedes' hiding-placWhat was it leading him there an eagle eye, or hate, or Instinct? Why did he go on when there could be no turning back for him on that trail? Ladd was slow, heavy, staggering on the trail; but he was relentless. Only death could stop the ranger now. Surely Rojas must have known that when he chose the trail. From time to time Gale caught glimpses of Yaqul's dark figure stealing along the higher rim of the crater. He was making for a point above the re It was Ijidd. behind. He appeared hard hit. ne dragged at the heavy rifle, which he seemed unable to raise. .! from him. lie wrs culling the Yaqul. Gales heart stood still ran:rj:A Hy. Here, then, was tlie catastrophe He hardly dared sweep that flssur with his gins. The two fleeing rig urea halted turned to fire at Lad" It. home-seeker- she-wol- ride the boundary Um, and JM wttM down t think of rancBlnariUHl tmga-Ho- n and mining projects. Every Horning be expected to eselvo none word froni lwnoy orxama, BABOO HOLDS safe- Among 0e many change coming to pass in Forlorn River wero the install- Mascot, Deserted by Bootleggers, r ing of -- post oSice . service .and the . Makes Night Foray and building of a mescardrlnklas-Jiouae! '.Attacks Beldlng had worked hard for th post Boy. office, but be did not like the Idea of SUU, a aaloon.ior,. Forlorn RlVer. that was an Inevitable evU. The Mexicans would nave mescal t A good ROUTED BY POLICE DOG ' mtmj Americana drifted Into Forlorn ; , ' River miners, cowboya, prospect0'', Search Parties Hunt Marauder in Vain outlaws, and others of nondescript course, Some Persona Have 8een Animal character; and these men, made the saloon, which was also ah at Night, but Have Been Un- -' inn, their headquarters, feeldlng, with bis te Capture Him. Carter and other old residents, saw the need of a . sheriff for Forlorn Babylon, I L A baboon, believed River. to have been the mascot of seafaring One morning early in this spring bootlegger and left ashore after a month, while. Belding was on his way g expedition to Great South from the house to the corrals,, he saw taken has up its home In the bay, Hell running Blanco Jose down the abandoned house on what wa former road at gait that amazed him. She ly the estate of the late Cornelius, did not take the turn of the road to between Babylon and Linden-hurst.- " Bergen, come In by the gate. Slie put Jose at The nocturnal forays of the s a wire fence, and came animal, which included an attack upon son--! clattering into the yard. d WUllam, the It did not take mere than half an Charles Ellnger, the caretaker who eye for Beldlng to see that she was Uvea on the grounds, have aroused the furious. , , countryside, and hunting parties nave "Nell, what's corue off now?" asked been organized in which agents of the Belding. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty "I'm not going to tell you," she re- to Animals have joined. Z Unfrequented Place. plied, and started away, leading Jose toward the corral. The Bergen estate, which Is now She owned by Mrs. WUllam E. Hawkins, Beldlng leisurely followed. went Into the corral,- - removed Jose's comprises about 200 acres and lies be bridle, and led him1 to the watering-troug- tween Old Country road and the shore of Great South bay. It is a lonely and Beldlng came up, and without saying anything began to unbuckle unfrequented place, in the center of Jose's saddle girths. Bnt he ventured which is located the old Bergen home, a look at KelL The red had gone from a three-storbuilding now falling Into her face, and be was surprised to see ruin. Young William Ellnger went her eyes brimming with tears. Most down to the creek in the dusk of fallassuredly this was not one of Nell's ing night several days ago to look after tantrums. While taking off Jose's muskrat traps, taking with him Wilsaddle and hanging It in the shed liam Tell, a Belgian police dog. The Beldlng pondered In his slow way. boy was walking slowly along the side When he came back to the corral Nell of the creek when he came suddenly bad her face against the bars, and upon the baboon, which apparently had she was crying. He slipped a big arm Just dropped from a limb of a tree. around her and waited. The boy shouted to frighten the animal "Dad, I don't want you to think me away, but Instead the baboon made for a a baby any more," she said. "I've young Ellnger. It knocked hom down been Insulted." with a sweep of one long arm and was With a specific fact to make clear tearing at his clothing when, in fright, thought In Belding's mind he was the boy called to his dog. As William never slow. Tell came bounding up the baboon met "I knew something unusual had the dog with a swing of Its arm that comef off. I guess you'd better tell sent William Tell flying back several me.? feet The dog returned In a Jump and closed in. After a few moments of "Dad, I will, if you promise." "What?" snarling and biting the baboon gave "Not to mention It to mother, not a screech of pain and fled into the unto pack a gun down there, and never, derbrush. never tell Dick." 6een 8everal Times. Young Ellnger hurried home to reBeldlng was silent. Seldom did he make promises readily port He said he first thought it was a "If you don't promise I'll never tell, man, for the animal stood as tall as himself, and William Is a big boy for that's all," she declared, firmly. Beldlng deliberated a little longer. his age. An Investigation next day failed to disclose the baboon, but since He knew the girl. It "Well, I promise not to tell moth- then it has been seen several times. he "and er," said, presently; seeing you're here safe nnd well, I guess I won't go packing a gun down there, wherever that Is. But I won't promise to keep anything from Dick that perhaps he ought to know." Nell, regaining her composure, wiped her eyes and smoothed back her hair. "The other day, Wednesday," she began, "I was coming home, and In front of that mescal drinking place there was a crowd. It was a noisy crowd. I didn't want to walk out Into the street or seem afraid. But I had to do both. There were several young men, and If they weren't drunk they certainly were rude. I never saw them before, but I think they must belong to the mining company that . V Jf : rum-runnin- four-foot- fifteen-year-ol- y was run out of Sonora by rebels. Anyway, these young fellows were Americans. They stretched themselves across the walk and smiled at me. I had to go out In the rond. One of them, the rudest, followed me. He was a big fellow, with prominent eyes and a bold look. He came up beside me and spoke to me. I ran home. And as I ran I heard his companions Jeering. "Well, today, Just now, when I was riding up the valley road I came upon the same fellows. They had Instruments and were surveying. Remembering Dick, and how he always wished for an Instrument to help work out his plan for Irrigation, I was certainly surprised to see these strangers surveying and surveying upon Lad-dy'- s plot of land. It was a sandy road there, and Jose happened to be So I reined in and asked walking. these engineers what they were doing. The leader, who was that same bold fellow who had followed me, seemed much pleased at being addressed. He said ho was glad to tell me he was going to run water all over Altar valley. Dad, yon can bet that mode me wild. That was Dick's plan, his discovery, and here were surveyors on Laddy's claim. "Then I told him that he was working on private land and he'd .better get off. He said something about not seeing any squatters on the land, and then be shut up tight on thnt score. But he began to be flirty again. He got bold of Jose's bridle, and before I could catch my breath he said I was a peach, that he wanted to make a date with roe, that his name was Chase, that he owned a gold mine in Mexico. He said a lot more I didn't gather, but when be sailed me 'Dearie' I well, I lot my temper. (TO BS CONTINUED.) How kfarfaadoa dot Nam Barbados n) the Spanish name of ths bearded flgtree, native to the Island i It has b trunk ef nhenqmenal thlcknut In proportion to Its height, conceatod from view by The low T branches bending down ansund It : . PLACED AT LAST "I can't do a thing with Jones," sal4 the manager, Wit had him In three departments, 'and he dozes all day - long.' "Put him at the pajama counter," suggested the proprietor, "and fasten this card on him: "Our.nigbt clothes are of such superior Quality that even the man who sells them cannot keep awake.'" Ep. worth Herald. Johnny Was Rlgnt. "What Is an apprentice?" Johnnj asked his father, "One- bound to another to learn his trade or profession and make hliuseli , generally useful." "Then you're apprenticed to mother, aren't you. dad?" ga.d Johnny. - Loo-do- n Tit-Bit- s. Her Relatives Included. "So you want to marry my ter, ehr "I do. sir." daugh- "YcJung man, have yon considered her family in this matter?" "I have air. I love that girl so Pd be willing to" put up with " much "itirir any. The Ksavieat Part "My husband was taking part in dramatic performance last night, anil he Is so hoarse today he can scarcely speak." Was he playing leading part?" "No, he wns prompting." "Oh, really I th HQ A CINCH Gee, this Is a cinch. That fool city kid thinks I'm a bear or Rabbit something. Now Chasing Fleaa. They have a darling In their hom- eA Pekinese The hand that rocked the cradle Now la Dusy combing fleas. fifty-doll- to Worry About. But, look here. If he's me Into the rapids liuva get out? That's all right ; you don'l "Nothing Movie Actor going to throw am I going to Director appear again! A Telling Ttirust Wife I don't want to be bothered hearing about your business. I'lease leave that at the office. Hub Oh, very well. And I'll leave the proceeds of It there, too. Correct Answer. Diner (with menu) Chicken quettes, eh I say, waiter, what of a chicken Is the croquette? Walter The part thut's left from yesterday, sir. 1 red-face- , Jl Few OLD f, IANSI0H telling him that faquL had guided hteTarty ly across tpe desert. 11 cro- pint over He'd Know. "What la eloquence?" asked the per son who is fond of academic argument, "You wouldn't ask that question court you bad ever heard a football Jusl making a few remarks to his team before the battle." . Adaptable Movies. "Where are the scenes of this photo play laid?" "In the great north woods." "They look familiar." e& tt Knookad Him Down. "Maybe you saw our photoplay " Africa.' was seen through the window of the titled 'Lost In tbe Jungle of old house moving about Inside. Soma The Telephone Trill. hunters say they saw It at one of the operator Is a verj "Our telephone windows. man One declares that upper woman." cultured young as he approached the house he saw ths "Yea ; but she appears to be a llttit animal climb out of a third-storwin on spelling. I can't tcM dow, seise the lightning rod and slide uncertain as to how many TV J mind up my down to the ground. So quickly was In the word 'three. are there thinks this dons and. so surprised was the hunter that be could not get his gun to Making a Choice. his shoulder before the baboon bad rather y Mr. Pennywlse-- I'd rounded a corner of the bouse and was take the $70 hat Instead of the $l out of sight ; chango )0 A hunting party from Babylon came one. Then, when you Just It'll be mind. right ont and tramped In vain for hours M His Wife Stupid I I Intend through the estate. At the request of Mrs. Hawkins the agents of the So- change my mind twice. ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Professional Advice. Animals took up the search, but so far climb up the mountain Tbe long sua without result was too much for tbe tenderfoot be admitted it Drowned by Plan He peered. "I can't stand It" he panted, smklsj Gig Harbor, Wash. While spearing on a rock. "My legs are all In. hell fish at 8unrlse beach, near here, Al"Waal." suggested the guide, an swhlle bert Garnets, eighteen years old, don't hop you fully, "why speared a devil flan that dragged hits rest 'em one at a time." from his boat and drowned him. Nearby flshersien rowed to Garness Sought by the Office. m assistance but he was dead when "Ton say he's serving under takes from the water. Oerness made aberlfft Did the office e,,he ""Pu the mistake' of fastening bis Ime to "Yea; and Itjlook two his body Instead of te the boat. bring bim in." y |