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Show DAE CHARITY fljMC . PANCE TONIGHT THE ARMORY The' Weather UTAH Fair tonight and probnot much ably Thursday; Changs In- temperature. - PROVO, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1922 11W W. OPENS D ' Old 1 1 -- Atw it6err?!on ??lhe Lrrfttea Theodore F, "I" 1 in four-fifth- Cap-shaw- 's y -.- .b isk 1 ob-4tl- n mc-hea- Riva-davi- Craw-ford- , ; goal-20- ,000 r: A n. r of iiau.iui.o It's the 'he question Isquantity. this: shall the WMiop 0f urge, be allowed a8 geml. wnual tribute two cheeses, as for- one cheese? Political strife and schism ,e-'waround these cheeses which in feet In circumference! . e 'twe-chee- se " party" Insists Bishop of Urgel be ac-m- i a year. Now comes the cry for govern-conomy-- nd the birth of the omMjheese party." Thaae people viauup naa oeen t of living pi hi. v j r, bUho wm ft?.ent VINEYARD MAN BURIED. satis-ancle- custom, which, i t0 the "Acu of Pareage" of the Magna Charta ot Andorra, u,ed toat he shouldpreceive in to his Motion salary of 460 franca large cheeses and two hams twice one cheese should u covin. "ftaet to needs are, 1 unil He ls going to amy what nor will hwe lt th he poo- - , 1 J i. witni.i e.ii., , a! , . Vi ''I,,' . . pr'-,te- J L HISS e, 11 Sim-kin- - Mi-.- s ' ; v 1 tp-.- - mini-nm- - -- (Special to The Daily Herald.) 1'LKASAXT (,'ROVP:, Oct. 25 A bond election here yesterday, apparently carried by one vote. The for. 7 aaiii'-- t and rnnnt The result of the election authorises the citv council to isne bonds to the amount of $20,000 for the purpose of connecting the present atervorks system with the Blue Oeek snrinps at the head of Rattle Creek canyon. At present the water is conveyed into the system through an open channel running thromrh grazing territory. It is ex pected that work will commence immediately. wit ... CARRIES . r"-U- i" 8UPT.JA8.H. : vv piece eee threatens to disrupt the e of Andorra, smallest and old- republic in the world. Neither . . thn VOTE Mrs.harles i NEA Service. ANDORRA, Oct. 25. : 01 Strong Fight on in Andorra Yes, It's Over Cheese! kjvwv.j vfeii, its readers with the Mr. Dixon Mrs, Allen The Colorado School of Mines of Golden continued, its march toaW an Argenwards the Rocky Mountain confer lf to $160,000 and of the Buenos out get banker ence; football championship tina here Aires afternoon when its husky yesterday t THe letter U lgned ty eleven took the Brigham Young be sent to Jose the eeble should university aggregation into camp Buenos 2551, BlwdaTla by the score of 47 to 0. the Miner fullback McGlone, jlrai Argentina, s who was of Coach to wait aulte a j0te is going team, made five of the Mr. lor answer Taylor aa tor while seven touchdowns for his team Daily, while Chapman and Lowenstein troht the letter to The lino-m- i made one each. Rogers kicked goal Herald office, and when the five times. Within the first five operator get through with It minutes of play McGlone had It gets wastebasket tte Senator Reed Smoot addressed crossed the "Y" goal line twice. hag been worked The "rind' the students of the Brigham Young After that the conference infants United State. tftually In the oftea settled down and kept the ball in "unfortunate" Spaniard some tt it university this morning. His speech the Miners to territory the rest of the prison to Hadrid languishing was characterized by promises of a quarter. to tell some who H lust crazy Several costly fumbles on the few bright future'for his alma mater American where he can find for the Latter-daSaint part of the locals lost them the ball mirti. dollars. All that is asked and or church. He was introduced by a few times. Capain Packard, who ia return is to rush a thousand has been out all season with an intwo over tne water m $ e. mo un- President P. S. Harris, who spoke jured arm, was the main offender fortunate out of prison. of the pride the school had in its and failed to gjve his team the The letter is quite entertaining; alumnus as a stu- proper support. distinguished WK "Buenos Aires, The most spectular run of the dent, as apostle, as member of the was in the first few minutes as senator. game and board of trustees, I know you Sir: Although Dear of play wheir McGlone zigzagged Flor Prof. direction of the Under of you references only from good to re- ence Jepperson the school chorus through the entire field for the secmy lad situation compels me two numbers full of ond touchdown. veal you an important affair and rendered McGlone figured in almost every m rsflnest your protection to my sweetness and harmony, preceding plav made by his team. He either j.nrhtpr. 14 Teara old. who is. the senator's address. A delightful carried the ball, threw the forward closing number was rendered by rtiiinea .n The Miner fullby Prof pass or kicked. vou absolute reserve about 'the orchestra, directed back made two touchdowns in the Franklin Madsen this affair. here "The protests against me were second quarter. 'Before I was imprisoned In the third quarter the confer was the best thing that could have hapI fraudulent bankruptcy by ence infants succeeded in holding tablished a banker in Rosario de pened to me or the church," said Senator Smoot in beginning his the champions scoreless, but it was Bantt Fe. So many senators begin only the timekeeper's gun that to me speech. to beseech you help un saved them. The quarter ended he explained, their career, in have I a sum $280,000 that the ball on the "Y" goal line heard noticed and of, and scarcely but)? a bank in the United States On the called attention io in the Miners possession. also $200,000 in Brazil and to come the protests ln lne ncxl quarter, here to raise the embargo of my him. Every man, woman, and child I111 P'ay of Reed Smoot, the Mormon, Clone went over for a touchdown, baggage paying to the court my During the last frame the Min-th- e trial expenses in order to recover and wondered what he would do in senate. He had made up his "s used the forward pass to good my portmantles containing a secret hA wnnlri rto all in his advantage making considerable pocket where I have hidden the mini, that in several successful ettorts. documents indispensable to recover power to bring no dishonor on him- gains self or his church. A change had McGlone on the sending end and Mid sums. C. Rogers and Jordon on the recome throughout the United States, I "As a third the reward offer . no ceiver's end were the most successis church the and he declared, partvlz. $160,000. In illus- ful with the pass. "I can not receive your answer in longer held in contempt. The score was smaller than the resenator the of this fact, this prison but you must send a tration here had anticipated. Coach fans made by a to speech recently cablegram to a person of my confi- ferred Twitchell of the Young university dence who will deliver it to me Im- a prominent speaker, wherein he had is elated over the manner in which mediately letting me know if you asserted that three great men his infants held the champion team. received this letter so I can trust been born in a little town in a little In fourth quarter, the "Y" line state early in the nineteenth cen- heldthelike you at once all my secret. a stonewall, and refused "Until then, permit me dear sir tury, Brigham Young, the Mormon tne manu to give an inch in four attempts bv sign, only in this way: lpadpr: iMr. Schuttier. the Miners to cross over the infant "l. facturer of wagons, and Mr. Singer, "uc "tn n.cy nan umy one cu machine manufacturer, 'Address: a the Jose Alvarez, sewing to o:o. 2551, Buesnos Aires. By pre- and of these three, Brigham Young The lineup: Miners Rocers. le; caution you must sign you cable was the greatest. It; Parkinson. Ifr: Price, the to thus: 'Ravellot.'" testified senator The c; rp; Evans, rt: IJnder-holTaylor, foundwork divinity of the religious re: Jordon. qb; C. the and great ed by Joseph Smith rh McGlone, Lowenstein. lh; those of POPULATION INCREASES. value thereof in the lives for Tayfb. Substitutrs-Hcvc- v who had embraced it. Chapto President lor; Stevens for McG'nne:McYYhor-teContinued progress is was A paid tribute r being mention man for Lowenstein; V. made toward the Klwanis club Smith. Special F. Joseph for C. MrYA'horter. Smoot to Senator was made 1925 by in population Young Bunnell, le; Yountr. It; in Provo, for two earnest prayers, the like of Bowman, Ig; Gledhill, c; Partridee. example: uttered Born this never heard, had he which morning to Mr. and Hatch, r1 Miller, re: Fuller, Mrs. one was ioi Joseph R. Hinckley, a boy. by President Smith, rib; Chamberlain, lh: Packard, rh the while Born Tuesday Deonle Tnrmnn the evening to Mr. Subt'ti't;ons Mor- at Mancon. fb. "d Mrs. Said Bardwill, Smoor hearing was in progress a boy. ean fnr Packard: Dtvon for Pow-- ; was at Born Tuesday otner the to 'Mr. Washington, and man Maeser for Dixon. and Mrs. W. S. morning a the dedication of the Hawaiian Bingham, girl. temple. :r5,,8"8kedtobeipi,im" wviwj Tabernacle Speech If mILu mi Taylor, Said Bryan: Rule of Rich Grips Nation nncsi Says Commoner in His 1JM rl80ner: Aivfcii ,v, PR0I0 N amumoil .uy lias not been to hold office, -My work in politics is to help past records and present promises of the nominees for office in Utah county. The selection of the heads of both tickets make our government so good that for the initial interviews is natural i also it Was induced by to be a citizen here is greater than the fact that The Daily Herald believes Mrs. Inez Knight .being a king elsewhere. '"You'll understand Allen, Democratic candidate for the state senate, and LeRoy my politics Dixon, Republican candidate for the state senate, both emi- bi tter from a religious speech than a political one. nently fitted for service in the senate.) "My father taught me that a man can afford to be in the minor-itbut never in the wrong. RECEPTION FOR MRS. ALLEN, "Mr faith in God means more to More me 750 people were in attendance at the recepthan than on which any platform "One of the strongest ambitions "Most of my activities outside of stood. tion at the home of Mrs. Jesse Knight in honor of Mrs. to me race the enter been that home life has prompted my along charity "A man borrows more strength Inez Knight Allen yesterday afternoon. lines," said Mrs. Inez Knight Allen, for the state senate was my desire front a good cause than he gives it. Addresses were made by William Jennings Bryan, Democratic candidate for the state to do something for Utah county, ... "Captains of industry will say to senate this morning" to a Daily to alleviate the annual flood condi- you thata laboring man should be President Heber J. Grant, Mrs. John A. Widtsoe, Mrs. W. on his knees all the time thanking Monroe Paxman, and Dr. H. M. Woodward. Herald reporter. "As president of tions around Utah lake," said God for his job. The "Y" faculty quartet sang two numbers, and Mrs. the Utah stake Relief society for LeRoy Dixon, candidate for the "The rich would have the poor Edith Grant Young of American Fork rendered a solo. reshrink to a their Herald state I have come in close stomachs and stop Daily many years senate, D. Evans accompanied the women while they talking about being hungry. contact with the conditions con- ported this morning. ."1 know Mr. better than a Harding sang one of the most song special for the occasion. "For many years fronting the poorer classes. During you do; I like him. He means well. Among the prominent guests present were President the past year I have also been a aggravating conditions to the farm but he has surrounded himself with and Mrs. Heber J. Grant, Dr. and Mrs. John A. Widtsoe, member of the temporary state wel- ers of this county has been the 'rich advisors. "Tne wealth of Mr. Harding's President and Mrs. Franklin Stewart Harris, Elder and fare commission to which I was continual flooding of the lands ad-.cabinet members is more than Mrs. Stephen L. Richards, President George H. Erimhall, appointed by Governor Mabey. 1 joining the lake," Mr. Dixon said. 'double that of any other cabinet Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Holbrook, and other visitors from have served aa chairman of the "I am very much interested in the 'since Washington's time. committee in charge of the depend- reclamation of the lake lands and almost "Mr. every part of Utah county. does he what have made it a study for years. .thinks is Harding ent and neglected. "This has been one of the most pleasant surprises of right, but he has sur- "Our commission has been work- If my investigations and findings ...u.,, wu auvisors wnc, my life," said Mr. Bryan to Judge Abe Turner as they left ing in connection with Dr. Beatty can be of anv benefit to the people of heat and of the state board of health to ar- of this county in the senate, I am the Knight home following the reception. "I think I have to of them." to be service in so the state willing range conditions .it', never talked to a better and more appreciative audience no ' fault. havf. rl,h n,c" that money available throuh the According to many of the most1. of ladies." , LHH OCCaUSC " nf nnnntv tills .U""5L farmora mino,,t ........... , national maternity bill will be se- ,.. eh they have only rich "I never could draw so large a tocraf. You've got to prove it on thoru la nothing. r vital tn tlipir in. Dt,ln r cured for this state. . . ""ens fdeas .,. crawd here," observed President him. .1,,. j .i "If elected to the senate I will c reven"c b!11. ls a Heber J. Grant at the stake taber r,'ch '"What is tbe important differof support the measures that may be tire county than i the reclamation t saves the rich mans monev: .i"11 nacle Tuesday evening introducing introduced for the welfare commis-iui- e i.. ,..ji mims muuuu uioui, mnc. ence between a deomcrat and an the tax burden th 'passinc William threeJennings Bryan, For several years Mr. Dixon has .ion. and for the permanent estab-- l althy to the manv Sor. time presidential who aristocrat? A democrat says that candidate, ul ... nsning oi sucn a commission fcdera, rcscrve boarJ has opened the Democratic campaign society is built from the bottom .T)e a paiu executive secretary. uoouv.u..., m.u the power to lower the price of m Utah county. and othat therefore legislation "I am also in favor of placing the such has worked untiringly at all the farmer sells and it More than oOO persons filled the should be for the masses of the state industrial school under the times for the relief of the farmers everything lowered them, all right. tabernacle to overflowing, with people and thenHach the higher immediate direction of the state in controlling the level of Utah "Xo representative of farmer, standing room at a premium and layers. An aristocrat believes that of Utah the members The lake. transboard of education so that labor, or merchant on federal hundreds were turned back at the society is built from the top and fers of children may be made from State Drainage District association reserve board. doors. that therefore legislation should be in his the have ability the public schools to the industrial recognized "It cost me $40 to get my first Abe V. Turner, precinct chair- - for the upper classes and then perelected nave work school without going through a drainage nomination for it cost Iman urged the support of the mit to leak through to the masses him president of that assoication. Xewbcrry $195,000 resident; court procedure. to get into the democratic candidates from Sena of the people. the a member of "In the last legislature the wom- He has also been senate. "A captain of industry is of the tor King down, introducm- -' Presien of the state succeeded in get- Utah Water Storage commission, Xo man should be barred from dent Grant as chairman of th opinion that a laboring man should on that oice befase h , , ting a law passed which made it a having been ir appointed thank God for a job. He does not J meeting. , q Mom ruro t i i trrV. nnMnlnnjrn a man to wife his desert for felony Mrs, Myrtcen Thurmond Stein thatvevery worker he has ' leave" them flnaff-ciall- y WW-- ' and family-mi- ff Will King a one sa' Dr. Brimhall's patriotic song, must be making a great deal more , l.wi-- '! '"T have'known ui tne I inrii .i.iuii destitute. However, other tune. iu know him to be an able "Old Glory," with Mrs. Leonra M. than his wages otherwise there reclamaman. When he speaks the nation Van Wagencn at the piano. changes must be made to make the Bight in Utah county, the would be no profit to him. law operative and to make it accom- tion of 30,000 acres of land around listens. "I consider k a very great honor "My objection to the Republican -other overshadows any ic lake "Tt Utah tt, fnr trt tin,, plish what the women had in mind. to introduce to you the speaker of leaders in Washington is that they ' been has that At the present time such a man undertaking hegunipct ,0KCtllcr an( them- - the evening," President Grant be- seem to think that they should may be placed in the penitentiary, in tne section since u was neiueu. selves trom the gan "No man is more esteemed; legislate from the top down. Take reclaimed to be land the "That "I believe Will King is on the and there is a good reason why he Mr. but the wife and family has to be Harding for example. He is in the coble's side. That's why I am should be so highly esteemed. He one of the most supported by the couuty or by char is some of the most valuable men I fact the evidenced by itable organizations. The thing that county is here. I hope you'll give him a belives what he preaches on politi- know. I have known him for a long of a value is necessary is to piovide voca- that it has heen given cal subjects. large majority." There have been six time, long before he had any idea tional work at the prison so that not less than ?300 per acre." Mr.laws he he dreamed that would ever run for presigreat passed that the husband and father may earn nivnn nsi.1. "The placing of $9,000,- about years before they became dent. He thinks he is doing what into land produehis! of farm worth 000 for I of the have laws. support read his early ora is right. What's the trouble then? something taxSuch a law is operative tion will greatly increase the family. time and again, I noted He has surrounded himself with a LOIS BUELL DIES tions, and, in other states of the nation and able property of the county, and at the bottom of the page, ''This group of advisers that are should be instituted in this state svill consequently have a tendency now has become a law." He can get neither light on taxation of rate the to decrease also. It would greatly President Grant emphasized Mr. nor heat through them and he canimprove Lois Patta Buell, 20 years old, Utah county. in exis ting conditions. property of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bryan's early and continued advo- not find out about the common peo"At present most, if not all of the daughter 'In my work in the Relief society Oliver Buell. died at the home of cacy of prohibition and equal ple The cabinet is a group of to the loss total a are I have learned that money is some30,000 acres both oi which, the church wealthy men. They have rich men's the family in this city, 256 Fast at uncertain is It very insisted were strongly sup- ideas and such ideas may not be times wasted in the contribution to farmers. be Third South street, of heart trou- head, the poor through a lack of investigai. planting time if the land will ble. Miss Bin survived by one ported by I'tah peo'dc years before for the best of the nation. If the .season that for between the above water and tion and cabinet members only hobnob with brother. Owen F. Buell. oflleber, their adoption nationally. "To v itness such a large audi - the rich men, how can you expect various agencies who are making verv little planting s done, making and four sisters Mr. Mary owner." a" total loss to the the distribution. Some law should it of Siher City, Mrs. Golda ence m a city the size of this is ; ilthcm to know public opinion? With LeRoy Dixon in the senat". Ifuntit be made to make for a closer co"It isn't that the Republican lead-- i Mrs. compliment to any man," said Mr. gtrm. nf Sprinirville, that something ers are all wrong. nf Pro o, and Miss Ilrvan, "and to be introduced operation between these agencies it seems certain Giim'r. Florence They have a ressive win ne none n lennie such a man as the president of the rich man's idea. It doesn't mean so that the rt allv neeiiv receive the more bv In oi and I'rovn, dominant church in L tali is ani dii' t'erence in honesty, but jtist a and that the the legislature to relieve tne contr,assistance nece-.-ar- y arents. of tali county The difference of living conditions and il compliment. money is not given out promiscu finn nf the farmers evtraordinary line'l last year ne mm n " he u ill preside li, re this of thinking. that You can gauge the tact H. V. V. ously without the proper iuvestiga- - and steps win school. normal t!) froi.i or not only thoughts of these men by the first tion. It even sometimes happens mate reclamation of 30.0'.iii acres will hr held evening is a compliment "ht;iI land valuable and fertile that people will refrain from work the most fins they did when they took hold Sundav at'ternoon at 2:.'0 o'clock in to me personally but an endorseam of the government. It was to take on aeeount of a duplication of as- - around I'tah laVe. the l'r i) First " a rd nieeting ment oi the things for u Ioi h eonof my ten years tor tilt tliiii"- - wlti.Ii pS '"fl 000. (100 a vear off the execs "During the sistanee received from charitable .. lionsc; i;:k!s may ii'"1: the body 'ichtii'H'aml v not. profit; taxes. Thev afforded to less I' nection with the city eoinm.s-iuorganizations and the county. rinr to the time of the funeral at I am goinn to say. lit t mloi'se 000 person a saving ot more however, pol.i! h al jt ban have been trained to work and I be--! of Provo. saia ir. ui.w.l my residence. frunilv Interment the the legislative to endorse than $00.000 000 a vear. Andrew it'U s, hut he is tf lieve tliat all people should work no also a member of ill be made in ( it v cemetery and 'Mellon, secretary of the treasury, league vil! be under the direction of the my moral lev matter what their financial condi-- ; committee of the Municipal cV-- elv was of the Mate. As such to nisi'iivs n ro'ervended that the excess pro- "li po'ille. tions mav he." Mortuary. anil he rrdurod f'om 6.: percent In f'ts t! ine. th. Mrs Allen is in favor of the associated with the framing an' of $2 per cent. v, e have to a ideiitial c ai.ipaIt. strict en'orc ine"t of fie laws of forming of many of the important pre t a mo't remarkable recommen-au- d the tate anil is of the opinion that laws that were passed by tne legisIs. lie-- , hit they hin't par. ioi tmi". that in to a his during on statute lotne for the tl.aii cmiM latnres last d:'io'i a:gu. nan. position there are many laws WALKER hir e Is now n ofo,ies.aiii .' paramo be enforced "Among those lav, y books' which should njat't. But Mr. Melton was so de mw s to be termined to do ins duty to tne ncn with more' vigor than thev are at cial improvement oni before adly Imade it possible forthe cities o! that he faced criticism, even though cam an is half over. present. sen to tneir spm,i au"I am heartily m favor ot any the state reason have al lined anvjhe bad to sacrifice the privilege oh to hetter warrants law tending to improve the condi-- provement nt importance at iH lies in'Tia4nc a few mifbon doliar-tnt- o.The i""' tir,nc rf the inn lake and owners ' vantaee man hi the tact tiiat have bad sense the federal treasury himself.,.,. in favor v., .,,.. ...-heen greatly vp ,.ti,,ir; .,ii.hoiinn II. an 1,1 'ii I. .inti ' ...... cnoueh to attach mvself to worthy "Mr. Harding has had mott Said .VIIM. M who owners pa ,1,1 Ua ,.,,ci,.,i nt ttm nroiipHv i..u ii. auses and to ham; on to them. A troublc with his revenue bill than ami man gains more from a worthy any other president has everjhad;" into execution, and if I am elected for the various improvements or "I cxpecterl. him to the senate I will do all in my thev have been saved thousands cause than be gives to it. When .Mr. Bryan saM . (Special to The. .Daily Herald.) jbat law. mx- huh 4 a thing 4il0 have' trouble, hnt it was worse, . mads bait power xo rush that project. to xom d0lla.rs. .thrpugh co, r PLF.ASAXT GROYF, Oct 25 - ni" t nrv er iro'ii "I also assisted In (be fitr.t And when, i.,iin Tt neill he of untold bene-mat moment Have than I had expected. Utah operative movement between cities. Supt. lames H. Walker of the Al in the P.epnb'ican partv is, fit to every land owner in had doubt about victory. airthing the state in the pay- ,,jlc sri,or,i dUtrict has subinittec I cxnect it to he. it i "Sometimes political s county and will provide for more counties and g of the state roau. u.mi v...e.. ,1S reKI(,natl0n to tl,e hmu of c,iu tell you that questions of gov- 'brettv bad. homes ln this section. Not only mat cation. Mr. Walker, who has been it will be placing more land where movement has grown the of present complex and that noThe Fedefal Reserve Board i v Utah." connected wrlh the pnlilic schools ernment are it can be taxed, in that way assist- splendid highway system body but an expert can understand a most powerful board. It has the of that district, for the last M) them. Then they proceed to tell ing in decreasing the present high power to lower the price on everyFINED FOR NOISE. years, has accepted a position with you that they are experts. rate of taxation cn property in the thing the farmer raises the McMillan Publishing ijmpany "The art of government is said i' Ms done so. The and I think ' county. were Moroni and Dugdnle in membership as their representative .lames I'tah. to be the art of being honest and of the board that we "1 am firmly convinced consists of four banlc court Mon- Idaho and Montana. His successor that cannot have real prosperity in this fined $15 each In city may be why some politicians ers, two lawyers and a disof a on newspaperhas not vet been selected. charge ran not understand it. There are man country until the conditions of the day afternoon Not a renresentative from and peace Among those who are being con- - no great ntfstions that arc not the business farmer and other producers have turbing: theconversation. labor were men, or even the They sidcrej for the position are Princ moral questions. been improved. They must enjoy boisterous farmers is on the board. Officers Snow and pa p M of American the "Tl-nation arrested by the entire most before ininnrtant nrosnerity "Mr Mellon went impression personally be ' Oourley after neighbors complained Fork hiR,, srnool principal Dave that I will be able to make here fore the board and can have that condition. protested' meir im Mitchell ot the Lehi high school, tonight is to draw a line between against the placing of a farmer At the present time I have not of tne noise, on , Principal David Gonrley of the a Democrat and an Aristocrat, " Mr. it on the ln mind any particular legislation pended. that the farmer Pleasant Grove high school, and Bryan said. "The word Democrat would not ground that I am gofng to foster or - po understand am PRIMARY HALLOWE'EN BALL.iprillcipaI Fnlfr M511er of le is older than the word 'Christian.' for his best interests andwhat was through the legislature, if therefore Dvis county high. it is of classical origin. Demoelected. Many times women are In. might ininre himeU far more .than Th Primary association of .the! means the rule of the peo- the banker or the clined to do freakish things on the cracy lawyers would, ward will give a Halloween SXAKE SOCIAL THURSDAY. ple. A Democrat, no matter in spur of the moment, and I wan to Second injure him." evening in the ward, what party he may be or in what Mr. guard against such things. I will ball Friday hall. Bryan explained that during A1 Uut, sta).e amJ war1 0ff;cfrs Moiart orchestra to amusement age he may live, believes in the the Republican administration give the best attention possible th the music. Refresh- - arp invjte( t0 a Tjtan stake social people. An aristocrat does not be to furnish am will I that required manufacturers everything are permitted to served free. ,A cor- - anj dance Thursday evening, 8:30, lieve that the people can rule them- till, varlrtiii do, and will represent the men and menu will be write .A.J..t.... There will selves. You can t get man in this just as women of this county to the best of dial InTltatlon ii extended to tbe b. Y. U. gymnasium. they desire. He alsowid In admission be no to admit he general. that charge. an public ans is country (Continued on Pngo JTwr.) my ability." j ji of interviews with candidates to acquaint Game on m RATSC CAMPAIGN s MMrlMTOIIIEK' Pnson PRICE TWO CENTS. - 1 iit-p- 1 ' I 1 i .i,.iin v i 1 -- , . 1 spell-binder- by.-lou- PLF.ASAXT GROVE, Oct. 2.1. Funeral services for Frederick Lystruo were held Sunday in tne the Vineyard ward chapel under direction ot riisnop samuei Musical numbers were rendered by the Vineyard choir. Victor Ander son offered tne opening pravc. m.u Rav Harding irave the benediction. The speakers were Lars Nelson, Bishop s- L- swenson u. i are Gorve and Bishop Blake. Inter pie decide. And while they ",uvr ment was in tlie rieaam elding, this Httie repuDuo in the cemetery, where a cijoni w high perched milea. The square m IM)rA la i.i by John K Allen tlt'Z erave was Pyrenees dedicated by Axel Afl- during tae werf dlaturbe than dersofl. worm ww. a.. a. bmhw. tflf WM - - e : -- I- I , - |