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Show L" f ' ' I fl i " " ftt - j jt THE HERALD, TUESDAY.- - SEPTEMBER " Hi - Hi. .unr -- . Always ' For Over uC-- Thirty Years Y. CASTOR Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMC CC!fTulatMNT. COATS Plain or fur trimmed. nrvo6iTT. $19.50 And Up . -X , and baby Gloria of Salt Lake re turned to their home Sunday, after a few days' yisit here with Mrs. Simmon's parents, Mr, and Mrs. G. V duff. A. MA' $12.75 dresses An Interesting session of the Fifth ward Relief society was held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Prof. Amos N. Merrill was the principal was also speaker. A good program " the Serges, Chenes. . Farnsworth II I 1 1 1 I W f i ' 1 Coats Suits Dresses KILE Crepe VP ' v v PRICES CHILDREN'S AND COATS tion; the variety of models is $19.50 very extensive and the range of sizes most complete. And Up In all the latest materials at the most reasonable prices. MM $4,95 we Plain or fur trimmed. we have prepared to SWEATERS meet Sweaters supreme these days, and who would be reign your Fall and Winter needs. r de COATS Visit us and see how well And Up without n ri F"p,1 not one one when they are so lovely to look at so smart ttf wear. Gome in and see them for yourself. Priced $2.95 $14.75 The House Miss Florence Turner ot Heber City is a Ptot6 visitor for a few days, the guest of relatives and And Up that Features "Better Garments i) II . , i ---- tiAt plaKl-backa- .. STILL ...k. m&fHER t RECORD "" VJ All Eyes are. on TKe FORE) We are prepared to take care of your every need in groceries and high class meats. PHONE 46. WATCH THEM GO! WE DELIVER Bay One Now and Spend the Difference. " Um I I J bi vl VI rv LOOP ROAD NEAR DREAM MAKERS By Bert on Braley. Hard thewed from swinging sledges, Or forging white-ho- t steel. From toiling on the dredges ' Or hammering' a keel, The men who raise the towers, The men who build the arch, In fullness of their powers, Today are on the inarch. loop road over the divide between American Fork and Provo canyons have joined with the road being built by the government. The road is not finished, but the rock has been blasted and its com pletion is not far distant. The drive An Appetizing Suggestion experience a new pleasure when you try McDonald's Chocolate and Cocoa, made in the big modern and minute factory In Salt Lake City. Thei-- u a deiiciousnea In it that pleases everyone who tries it It is the most economical to buy, for It goes further and costs less because of its strength and quality. Use only a half teaspoonful of McDonald' Don't Boil Cocoa to a cup. Take some home with you today; eat it, drink It, or cook with it, and judge by the taste. You will .Roof Garden lives are smoothed and lightened By sturdy men like these, Though in your eyes the vision Miraculous may lurk These give it form, precision. They make the vision work! Whose They keep the turbines churning, They cut the hills away, They keep the great wheels turning To serve you, day by day; They march with footsteps steady, SOME OF OUR REGULAR PRICES SALMON CHOCOLATE AND Always easy to prepare. COCOA 2 tall cans Med. Red Salmon And banners all unfurled. An army ever ready We sell McDonald's Chocolate 9nH r.ncoa. Root Garden Ground Chocolate .20c half lb. Roof Garden Ground cnocomie, To build a better world! (Copyright, 1922, NEA Service.) Grandma's Boy' 1 i r ii Instant v , v i . ' 1 - , " - ' - A i. - SUTHERLAND BROS. MEAT & GROCERY 282 West Center St. COMPANY I Provo, Utah. 1 - c can 9c Carnation Milk Small can Milk Eagle Brand Milk 20c FRUIT JARS late. 75c Mason Jars, pints, doz 87c Mason Jars, quarts, 'doz doz $1.25 Mason Jars, Heavy Red Jar Rings, 12 doz 55c Heavy Red Jar Rings, doz.... 5c 15o Parowax, Mb pkg. for 25o Mason Jar Caps, 27c "conomy Jar Caps, doz do.,. Red 35c Chinook Sal mon 20o Large tall cans Alaska Red Sal mon vr.29 Maple Leaf Salmon Steak, large can 43a OLD WHEAT FLOUR Do your own baking and save and enjoy good home- baked bread. -- Now is an ideal time' to lay in a stock of flour for winter. Note our low price. sk Straight Grade Flour. .$1.10 sks Straight Grade Flour $2.10 it) sks Straight Grade. .... .$10.00 sk Harvest Queen Flour $1.25 sks Harvest Queen Flour $2.45 10 sks Harvest Queen $12.00 35c sk Germade 29c sk Corn Meal 45e sk Rolled Oats much Cane Sugar... Cane Sugar CURED MEATS Sweet Sugar Sured Bacon w25o By the piece, lb 27c Center cuts, lb Whole Sugar Cured Hams, lb icou Sugar Cured Hams, halves, lb 29n 20c Streaked Salt Pork, lb OLD MASTER COFFEE The coffee with flavor. can Old Master Coffee $2.ta can Old Master Coffee $1.3$ Mb can Old Master Coffee, 45e b SUGAR I cans b Will soon be very hard to get Get your supply before it is too 100 lbs. Pure 10 lbs. Pure Flat 1 Borden or Large tall can Sego, Mur-dock"- GARAGE AUOERSOM FORD Cocoa; MILK Two-bas- i3sn!HaH!:U:::rinn 39c lb 37c Donthoil Cocoa, half lb 73c Dontboil Cocoa, 1 lb 190 Pure Coroa, half lb 35c pure Cocoa. 1 lb Premium Chocolate.- hlf lb.. .20o Roof Garden Sweet Chocolate. 20c hlf lb. bar "Grandma's Boy" is the greatest comedy picture I ever saw, and I've seen them all," declared Al Jolson, arriving back in New York from Los Angeles the other day. Just to show you what I thought of it: "I went to California expecting to make some pictures of my own. I saw Harold Lloyd at the Symphony and well I got cold feet. That line of Pope's came to me. the line abous fools rushing In where angels fear to tread, and I beat It back to New York without daring to look a camera in the face. I had a long, hard, hot, dusty trip across the 3 0 0 5 3 Sweat, 2b mountains and deserts, but It was P. Murdock, ss..... 4 0 0 1 4 worth it 8,11 just to see' Grandma's 4 0,0 0 1 Boy.' " A. Murdock. D It was a fervent tribute which 35 6 9 27 11 the king of stage comedians Totals paid FORK. AMERICAN the young man he is now pleased AB. R. H.O. A. to describe as the monarch of 1 1 4 6 screen funmakers. 5 Holmstead. ss 0 8 5 Birk, lb I 9 0 3 Summary: Errors Montgomery, Barrett, c 1 5 Nelson, Sweat, P. Murdock, A. Mur Durrant, cf 4 3 dock, Laursen. Home run Holm Snow, If e 2 2 hit Snow. Three-stead. Binch. Sb 3 0 base hits Stanley 2. Double plays Bennett 2b 0 Bennett to Holmstead to Birk ! T 4 0 Stolen base Laursen. Hits Off jmrsen. rf 0 3 Garrlck 9. off A. Murdock 7. Bases Garrlck. p on balls Off Garrlck 3, off A. 35 5 7 27 12 Struck out By Garrlck 6, Totals ..i . Sacrifice fly Morgan batted for Bennett in by A. Murdock Hit bypitcher C. 'MurStanley. eighth. dock. Garrlck. Wild pitch A. Mur-Score by innings: 000 202 011 6 dock. Time of game 1:10. Umpires I Leber 200 020 100 6 Scott and Ballard.American Fork will be an ideal one and a grade of not more than 8 per cent will be maintained all of the way. The federal government is building the road from Community flat over into Provo canyon, and now has about 4000 feet of this piece' of road constructed, while the county from the American Fork side has nearly two and a half miles corn- pleted. CHOCOLA TE Oh, you whose hands are whitened By softness and by ease, 4 FINISH. AMERICAN FORK, Sept. 5 This week the men who are building the . y BNL1 a customer of ours. of the previous five years. 'A. 3 This is the right time for women to make their selec- GIRLS' - friends. hJj ik i r"i . r new arrivals in Coats, Suits and Dresses. Mrs. Sterling Ercanbrack enter- ton at her home Friday afternoon. Msr. W. L. Whittemore returned TAKE FIRST at dinner at her home Sun- A dainty luncheon wi served to EAGLES tained Salt home I Lake. Saturday from onttwlTei. six. Miss Chestlna Baird. for day ?l a she bas been spending where I week with friends. Mrs. N. R. Jackson has returned Mrs. W. W. Ercanbrack enterMr. and Mrs. Parley L. Larsen tained at a prettily appointed din- to Salt Lake to join her husband, and family have returned home ner party at her home Monday Dr. Jackson, at the L. D. S. hospital, from Vivian Park in Provo canyon, afternoon for Mrs. J. M. George of after a three months' visit In Provo E where they have bees spending the Los Angeles, Calif., who Is ere with Mr. Jackson's parents,. Mr. and summer at. their cabin.- visiting, and Mrs. John Jacklon. Mrs. John Jackson. How They Stand. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Dunn, Mr. The table centerpiece was a $ut Thfi Daughters of the Pioneers Won. Lost. Pet. and Mrs. Lester Robbing and Miss glass bowl of roaes and verbenas. will enjoy an outing to Geneva American Fork 1 2 .666 Alice Robblns, all of Salt Lake City, Covers were laid for six. A splendid . ' beach resort Thursday. 1 are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. 2 .333 Heber which Mrs. Alma Straw has returned' to program has been arranged, F. Dunn for a few days. Yesterday's Result, will be foUowed by games. A comher home In Arco, Idaho, afte Heber 6, American Fork 5. served at munity luncheon will be Mr. and Mrs. J. Wr Bates "spent visit in Provo witn Mrs. a. Hj. c tuw-Jlte- e ine iransponauuu Aclpck. in of W the guests Eureka, Sunday of the outing announce the The members of. the Columbia AMERICAN FORK, Sept. 5. The Mr. and Mra.Xester M. Brian. . stopping Heber Eagles came back strong yesdesignated Sewing club of the Second ward foiWwing met at the home of Mrs. J. Will points: Corner of Sixth East ana terday and captured their first Lewis, Monday evening. A pleas Center street; Third East and Cen- game in the series after having PAINTING, YOUR HAVE ituffi ar modlah (or tall and winant time was spent with sewing ter; southwest corner of Univer- i lost two. PAPER ter. Son ara mada with volum-lnou- a PAPERHANGING, and music, after which a melon sity block; Fifth West and Fifth The Cavemen took the lead in KALSOMIN-TNft CLEANING and Soma bar overcapea. bust was enjoyed by twenty. North; Pioneer park; Third South the first inning when they scored sImvm aet In aararal incbaa below will bv BOB done trucks The West. and Fifth, two runs. This was tied in the tha aboulder. otbara bava ratfaa Mrs. Rondo Simmons entertained leave these places promptly at 2 fourth by the Eagles, after which WHITE, Free bottle of furni tlaavea, Matartala ara all barring" to are club Fol urged All bon members of the o'clock. American Fork scored two more in bona waavaa, cbackad and plaid ture polish with every job. the members and a number of invited guests at be in attendance, and a cprdial in- the fifth. The Eagles again tied a wool valour 316 East Center St.. Phone her hom Friday afternoon. Cut vitation is extended to anyone wish- the score in the sixth, but the Cavetnga, wool Moot and aoada. 1239-men Insisted they must be ahead glass vases of garden flowers deco- ing to join the ladies. rated the entertaining rooms. The and brought another run across in Mr. and Mrs. Elvon L. Jackson the seventh. The Eagles retaliated time was pleasantly spent with . home, returned r.miiv have in the eighth by shoving another sewing and music, during which luncheon was served to the follow- after a three weeks' motor trip to run across and tying the score once ing: 'Mrs. L. J. Whiting, Mrs. the Grand Canyon oi me toiurauu. more. The Cavemen tried hard to Lester Leffler, Mrs. Steve Johnson, ' score a winning run but were less Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kelly and lam-n- - successful than the Eagles who put Mrs. R. J. Strong, Mrs. J. W. Bates, visitooH t aVo wpre Provo Mrs. Martin Streble, Mrs. Earl one over in the ninth. Duke, Mrs. James Fisher, Mrs. ors Thursday, enroute to Fillmore, The only time Holmstead suc few a for viflft days. h Alvin Boardman, Mrs, David Ree'ce, ceeded in connecting for a safe hit of were the guests Mrs. William Strong. The invited While here they he slugged the sphere for a round guests Were Mrs. Robert Boardman, Mr. and Mrs. jonn jacKson. trip. Birk again demonstrated his Mrs. Joseph Ward, Mrs. fieber keen batting eye by getting two at ui.. niw firnnt offewLoean isthea five times Duke and Mrs. Ed Lowe. up. Snow batted .5(10, a tor days, Provo visitor one of his hits being a A. Mrs. George Complimentary to Mrs. J. M. guest of her sisters, Bonner, the Eagle third sacker, Mrs. L. J. Innes. wns the batting he.tg. of the day, M George of Los Angeles. Calif., wuo Hansen left d Clove Mrs. James Mr-anis here visiting for a few days. getting four hits at five times up. Mrs. Geo. E. Whitehead entertain this morning for California, where His honors were closely followed ed a number of friends at a kensing- - they will reside. by those of Stanley who in three times up twice sent the pill out In the field for three baggers. Another record on the sale of Ford cars The score: HEBER. was established in the month of August, we AB. R. H. O. A. 4 I Montgomery, rf . . . 5 1 2 1 0 having sold in our territory alone eighteen 3 1 0 5 1 Nelson, c There is no question 3 4 2 1 5 Bonner. 3b new Fords. This is a far greater number about filling your gro5 1 0 11 0 Fraughton. lb 3 0 2 0 1 Stanley, cf than was ever sold during this month in any cery basket if you are 3 0 1 2 0 C. Murdock, If r ' rllfm w- Coats Suits Dresses Priced family reunion, which was held at the home of Mrs! G. M. Mansfield. (I j Distinctive have seen, new and attractive styles ; Mrs. L. H. Farnsworth spent the in Salt Lake attending , ' ' Distinctive Some of the best week-en- d I s DRESS SPECIAL - enjoyed. barsheV,l iiv-thi- Priced Mr. and Mrs. Aimo B. Simmons -- :yv WOMAN'S SHMIl Right now the assortments for Fall and Winter are at their best and you will find it interesting to look over the Ijouthmom I even I been placed Lakera, that '''."1?. pdrr-ticul- ar Use 1 ' . --- Aw 1 1 ' . Here in out garment department we are so careful to provide variety of styles and models that the most woman can select the garment best suited to her and thus always be sure she is well dresssd. of 4 " nack of always being well of careful selection the result dressed? It's from varied stocks of Fashion's authentic modesstocks such as this store provides for its patrons. What is Signature II I V A Bears the ir . '. a Genuine Castoria PER CENT. .1 , WEIL DRESSED Mathers Know That - 5,, 1922. 800 80o .? lib cn can Skaggs' ' Pnrry; . .,$1.00 Purity... ...Sto |