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Show THE DAILY HERALD OF UTAH COUNTY, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1922. Let Us AT THE PROVO THEATRES I SALT LAKE OFFERS See-N- ow w 1 KALL1G-J0N- FIGHT ES William Duncan stages one of his old time fights in "When Men Are Men," which will be shown at. he Princess theater Tonight and Saturday. Duncan oelieves that be has produced one of the greatest' fight films ever made. Tom Wil--j son, playing heavy In the produc-- ' Hon, agrees with the and Wilson has his opponent. When the two big fellows went at It with bare fists nearly every department in the studio quit work to watch. The fight progressed nearly a half an hour without interruption. At the end of the battle both of the men were badly battered. Next day a physician discovered that one of Duncan's blows had fractured one of Wilson's ribs. PURSE Most sport writers who nave commented on the Jones-Kalli- o match are of the opinion that while Kallio technically retained the welterweight title he will have to defend it against Henry Jones before the championship i undisputedly Kallio's. And there are many wrestling fans in Salt Lake City and Provo who are firm in their belief that Kallio cannot make 145 pounds and win from Jones. Kallio says he can make the welterweight limit if allowed to weigh In at noon of the day of the match. According to Ira Dern, this hour is permissible. Jones, though, Insists that Kallio ought to weigh in at the ringside. A wrestler can add two or three pounds and a lot of strength with a couple of pounds of beefsteak right after weighing in. That, obviously is Kallio's hope and why he wants to weigh in at noon. Until Kallio can demonstrate that he can make the weight he cannot lay any just claim to the welterweight title, and as that leaves the title without ownership other ban by claimans, it belongs to Jones as much as to any other wrestler. Without a doubt Jones bad the toehold certain to produce the third, and winning fall Kallio Tuesday evening, when tricked him into releasing the hold. That, in all fairness, gives Henry Jones the best claim to the welterweight championship. If Kallio meets Jones again it is hardly probable that Henry will release a hold, no matter how painful to Kallio until the referee orders the release. Which means that Kallio Is going to pay in pain for the trick he pulled to retain his doubtful championship. Salt Lake promoters today were said to be dickering with Kallio for a match with Jones. Castlegate, too, is said to have made an offer for a finish match between the two, guaranteeing a 500 purse. Jones 1 so confident that he can win from Kallio that he is willing to take on the weigh in at noon, winner take all. Jones is the only welterweight in the world who would take Kallio on with these terms. What is the thing to do when you need a new suit? Walk up and down the street, looking in the shop windows? Nj because that is guessing, nothing else. Pin yourself down to a store that is known because it is dependable. Go where you need never guess about quality or style or store service. In other words, let your next suit of clothes be a suit. Michael-Ster- n $29,50, $24.50, ONE PRICE TO GOODS CHEERFULLY ALL EXCHANGED OR YOUR MONEY BACK hi HERE ARE PLAYERS 1922 OF LEAGUE TEAMS Stauffer, Lewis Olsen. Norval Vincent, Arthur Peterson, Wilford Egbert. LEHI. A. Atwood, Jackson, Wilson, Lott, Thrasher, Colledge, Josh West, manager; Webb, Barnes, H. Atwood, Anderson, Melviu Smuin, Donnell Smuin. AMERICAN (Continued from Page One.) W. FORK. Ralph Barrett, Addle Miller, Otto Birk, Earl Holmstead, Seal Snow, of Midvale. 0'3rien, Mc-Bet- Bel-na- Edward Larsen, Rudolph Carlson, Peterson and Wm. Wain-wigh- t, George Binch, Walter Durrant, W. ville and Spanish Fork, 4:00; Lehl of Springville. A. Homer, manager; Everett Larand Heber, 3:30; American Fork L. V. Greenwood, Tom McMullan, sen, Allen Shelby, Dudley, Eslie and Payson, 3:00. Bennett. of Heber. PROVO. Umpires. E. R. FerguBon and Frank ProcDavid Mitchell and John Whip- ter, of Spanish Fork. Kinney, Raile, Elliott, Lick Booliard, Shotz, Page, Hillman, Ben MIDVALE. ple, of Lehi. Ben Schmidt, M. A. Beckstead, Jones, B. Petty, Fred Cooper, Ray "Bill" Barratt, Jack Varney and "Carrie" Gray, of American Fork. Wm. Steadman, Ferris Cooper, Earl Singleton, Johnson, M. Boshard. III MEETS Whitmore- - Hoover, Alvln Twit-che- Anderson, Frank Canning, Lee Dodge, Allen Brown. SPRINGVILLE. and Andy King, of Provo. Beckstead. Arthur Dunn, B. A. Ras- Hugh Baxter, Lee Davis, Jack J. H. Greer, O. D. Ballard and W. mussen, Howard Bateman, Lee DUAL TRACK MEET Campbell, A. Fleiger, Jerry Dunn, S::::::H::;:::::;; minn Taylor, L Fredrickson. Bob McKee. Earl Groesbeck. Paul Pack Tomorrow afternoon at 2:30, on ard, Clyde Packard. Frank .'Mem- the "Y" field, one of the most inory, Oliver "Maud" Senior, Guy teresting athletic struggles of the Bird. year will take place when the White and Blue 'rack anl field SPANISH FORK. Chal Bowen, Ross Rowe, Len An- - ttm will niejt t v team from the drus, Roy Selman, Wm. Edwards,, U. of IT. Tlii struggle will be es- Bruce Hayes, les Bowen Wllliam pecially interesting since the dope Keough, Lee Thomas, Floyd Sim-- sheet has the two teams tied, mons, Chas. Riley, Golden Elmer However, the "Y" team will not A. O. T T ll Fde Burton Brown Shoe Burton Brown Shoes 1 they are made to satisfy. You get value for what i The name on you pay. For Gradiflatiom Let Us Show You 11! every pair is prooi 01 quality something you do not get when you ac- Beautiful Crisp White Organdies, Lawns, Voiles, Swiss, Flaxons, EmbroidOur eries, Laces and White Shoes. lines are complete. New goods arriving daily. Always something new to show you. Something special each day that are Real Bargains. Suits, Coats, Capes and Dresses. Every one a bargain for Saturday. Our cept a shoe of unknown merit. A White House Styles, $1,51 3.95 to mm $7.50. inmiLii i Buster Brown Shoe Store 168 West Center. Why Our Prices are Lower Phone 707. Fuller's Paints Cover more square feet per gallon Fuller raints have a Pioneer White Lead base which gives them greater covering capacity. Pioneer is ground so fine that it passes through a silk screen with 40,000 meshes to the square inch Pioneer is also a "whiter" lead, being by a special Fuller process. This gives Fuller super-purifie- Paints clearer color tone. Fuller Paints are high quality in every respect. They are the result of 73 years of experience in the manufacture of paints, varnishes and finishes for all purposes. Ask our "Service Department" for free advice on any paint question. We will gladly help you. Take advantage of Fuller service and Fuller quality. The reason for our low prices is no secret. PIGGLY WIGGLY purchasing power, scientific management and low cost of doing business is the talk of the merchandising world. Are you one of the thousands who are regularly taking advantage of our money saving prices. Always more for your money than elsewhere. Peaches FREE SOAP Puffed Rice 17 s Grape-Nutnext the ten 2 17? No. days During Libyb's, 22o Corn Flakes we give free one bar Jap Kellogg's No. 212 21 Banquet, Rose soap with each purSmall 10 Large 150 No. Red, Royal chase of five bars Flake Post Toasties CANNED VEGETABLES Small 10 White laundry soap. Large 150 35c worth Soap for. . .250 SALAD DRESSINGS 120 Perry Corn $2.00 worth of Jap Rose Premier, large 38 Flag Gold Bantum.. Toilet Soap Free with each Mrs. Porter's Thousand International Peas . . . lOo case of Kirk's Flake White Island ..38 Evergreen June Peas 15o Soap at, per case, $4.75, Yacht Club, large ....65o Morgan's Extra Sifted 32 is equal to any white launYacht Club, medium.. 35 on Picnic . . . 16 the market. Yacht Club, FRESH FRUIT soap dry POTATO FLAKES Remember, 10 days only. 14 Bananas, lb For picnic parties WASHING POWDERS dozen Oranges, 59 Small 12 Old Dutch Cleanser... lO Large 22o Grape Fruit, each .... 13 CANNED 7b FRUIT Sunbright dozen Lemons, 36 7? Lighthouse Pineapple Strawberries Gold Dust, large pkg 30 Paradise Isle, Sliced, 200 Gold Dust, small pkg..3Ji No. 2U ...310 FRESH VEGETABLES 1S Rinso, large pkg Squats, Sliced, No. 2..250 Fresh Tomatoes, lb. . .15 Rinso small pkg Tall. Grated, No. 2...20O 5 Imperial Head Lettuce lOo BREAKFAST FOODS Flat, Grated, No. Wax Onions.lb 12o Crystal Shredded Wheat ...lSJ.r Solar, Broken Slices No. 21.. 2GO No. 2 200 Utah Asparagus, lb...l7o Cream of Wheat. . , .2 ( Puffed Wheat 13o Libby's Sliced, No. 1 17o Spinach, lb 5o SERVE YOURSELF AND SAVE. 2V-...23- l.-.l-l- o " Playgoers who find a diverting mental tonic in sparkling drama unfolded wiluuuuutaohrdaotdi . . unfolded in a swiftly moving story will be particularly ' refreshed by "A Daughter of the Law," a Universal special attraction which will begin its local engagement at the Princess theater on Monday and Tuesday. "A Daughter of the Law" features Carmel Myers, the facinatlng brunette beauty of such recent sucesses as "The Kiss" and "Cheated Love" and gives her full opportunity to display her reserve store of spectacular dramatic emotionalism. Emotion without sufficient cause is not convincing but in "A Daughter Rf the Law." Wadsworth Camp provided ample reason for any girl to become desperate under the la3h of bewildering circumstance. The lass of the story is the daughter of an inspector of police. His son and ner brother is a weakling anl member of a murderous band of criminals. The young officer whom the girl has given her heart is assigned to round up the gang. Co, ll THE ONE PRICE HOUSE" Phone ' Th 544. nw Pnrnltnre Store. 3rd West and Center SU. ProTO. UUh. 84 North University Ave. highe bring and li tory chesti Regis ment 1 Vt KX TONIGHT AND SATURDAY MISS DU PONT jl "SHATTERED DREAMS' and I j y iw I a In ,i I r lMYTrAV TTTHOr t V y jCU i31JA 1 raviWAJ, IUCjOVAI, lljnT,TririT I Uafin! J HAROLD LLOYD --in "NOW OR NEVER" strap !Tn sn t" I "1C In gem f toorA Htecg n I IN FILM llifrei hen a married woman says Charge It," we assume it means Jt to hubby." .,C.haref Clara Kimball "ioung Is of a diffprent to her latest according -It, at jClt W 'fivUStPvlI ltt (, 11 I V rai 2i Tja here bt wider appeal, cor MJ ! carried bQ7 picture te J&JPj T' 3fk T? t , u J p i LWB "CHARGE IT" la wM Clara Kimball d:.tinct rkr-urtTM with a draai fnre that aaa earaM pU. aIt. 2uJi'ot I the Amaku i?rom DaillnK Sottttt I vae to dl.hwa.her n I I I ( j I h cheap reatanraat tnrth cry. ret Actio. than tnmgrr la proven .0 la tW photodM" ktaborate . Va fee ahowa oa I ' mm TONIGHT AND SATURDAY WILLIAM DUNCAN and EDITH JOHNSON -- M evei m- "WHERE MEN ARE MEN" SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MONDAY AND TUESDAY MATINEE A 3tO'V of Decnprnro 1 TWa fta riavb nnr1 Woman's Daring Adventure f. II A will a EV STARRING r "NOW OR NEVER" BABY MARIE OSBORNE CATCHING THE COOX LT la "tar I Strand in ever picture .reen kas rI IftJU 1 w om --r pen tb xm plemi. YW BO VV aSSX 1 42 "aargejf fesJfS 1 ? Aaisncdn vsawil llwSU Ft f5 the When she uses u.i ji.irase n begins to mean .liaise u to happiness," for such is the outcome of the uuuuai aouse of a charge ac- count. A.ways on the alert for the la,e.t fashions in woman's wardrobe, Clara Kimball Young the "best dressed star of the screen." displays some gown effects in her lateststartling screen creation ''Charge It," from the pen of Sada Cowan. P. M. HAROLD LLOYD in 4a Cessna 1 1 IUB AND BILL Location iiuLi I CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG SATURDAY. ir be Also half-bree- Charge a MUTT AND JEFF CARTOON Marjorie Daw, the pretty little motion picture actress, who will be seen in the leading part in ' when the production opens Dinty" its engagement for a two days run at the Columbia theater on Monday and Tuesday declares that she we.it through the most squeamish experience of her career during the making of that film. She plays the part of Ruth Whitley, daughter of Judge Whitler who has incurred the dealy enmitv of "King" Dorkh, Malay and leader of a gang of highbinders. r, rwi.h "a,s the ?Judge's daughter for tne anrt.p!ans a terr'ble revei ............ ls strap nuln ped to a table swinging pendulum with a razor edge. The feindish contrivance drops just an inch " u swings, coming nearer ouu nearer tile strappaj ictim. umiy u suiiivan, a mwsoo, and Ihis Chinese friends, hoveve.- - btin.r about a rescue in the nick of tin e n.uiu is restored to her father iand fiance. wcture, nf Marshall Neilan Production "DINTY" Starring Wesley Barry when great strikes are it is then the reporter ispending called to the city editor's desk and told to "go get it." And the chances aro one hundred to one he'll set It. He may be worse for wear upon his return but he'll have the story strand tonight 7 MONDAY AND TUESDAY Shows 3:45, 7:30, 9:15 Regular Prices. imo more appropriate title could be given play dealing with the perils ana exitement of a newspaper re-s porter life than "Go and Get It." And this is just the one that Marshall Neilan has given his nwost big photoplay "Go and Get It." which conies to the Columbia thea SENSATION Bo Note Saturday matinee only, Chapter NEWEST PHOTOPLAY "DADDY NO. 2" For Sale by Dixon-Taylor-Russe- Dii DAUGHTER OF THE LAW in - ilt iUti I order put up to be able to judge their possibili- "inning iue ouiit? corneal which will be. held here a week from tomorrow. If the "Y" men should win tomorrow, the White and Blue students will go. mad, since it will be the first victory over a Crimson track team this century. The Crimson team has always had a walk away in the past but this year it will have to battle valiently for every point. Although the short races will probably be captured by Salt Lake, the "Y" men will be there .strong on the distances and field events. The following have been appointed as officials: Starter, Lee Simmons; referee, Preston Peterson; inspectors, Br. anHolt; Marshall,. Professor nouncer, Dell Webb; clerk, Herald Clark; scorer, Keifer Sauls; judges of finish, H. R. Merrill, E. S. Holm-steaof American Fork, D. Mitchell of Lehi, Christen Jensen; judges oii L. Prouse of jumps, L. tireenw U. of U., Lavar Jensen- - judges of weights. E. D. Partridge, C. L War- nick of Pleasant Grove, Mr. West 'of Lehi: ;imers, T. E. Pardoe, Arch E. L. j West. Timmerman, Reddish, ' Roberts. ! UIIUU. j be as strong as it was when it met the Aggies at Logan last Tuesday, due to the fact that Ken Weight will probably not be in condition to take part, owing to an injury he ter lonight and Saturday n sustained in Logan. His los3 will rirsc national attraction. When a mistorious crimo has be hurtful since he was almost sure of getting two first places. Not- - oeen committed and the entire city is on its toes for the solution whn withstanding this handicap, the "Y." roits and bloodshed are raging men will their best in d $8.50 Matinee aSturday, 2:30. Regular Prices. all 1 It always pays to buy "The Only Properly Ventilated Theater in the City" TONIGHT AND SATURDAY actor-directo- d James Anderson, Loren Creer, Clarence Miller. PAY80N. Clarence Kttclwm, Roscoe Douglass, Roy Selman, Nephl Butt?r-field- , Marvel, Arlene Hickman, C. Steele, Ulysses Mace, LelanJ Jack Wignall, Dixon Kapple, Stanley Wilson, Frank Jonet, Rodney Wilson. HEBER. J. L, Hiatt manager; Wallace Nelson, Arthur 'Murdock, Clarence Murdock, Pherris IMurdock, George Stanley, Virgil Fraughton, F. C. Montgomery, Elliott Giles, Frank Sweat, Earl Smith, Glen Nelson, Bert Bonner, Barney Bonner. IN FILM CP Lue F. Vernon Who "Plays the Pictures" at the M 1..11(li(J ,, . . , .. ... lllav . ...... "E-- wuui.ui, oy.sonanty ana nei B1" hv muiut brown, was read by Miss Ration was appreciate. - . I.ela Maudslev Ti,i.r,ia ience. M'sa Maudslej; PRC TtlO -- 10 klUss .Mauasiey's per- - woman. t!H |