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Show THE DAILY HE2AU) n i. I I 07. UTAH OttlHTV unrnMPijnAv HERALD OF UTAH the pmLy she tci ? ICMu bii.( II! II I I 1 1 I I U Bott U Mrs. birth! dtteehg, blei tj '331 "W "1 about eporu, in Berlli 'dio liact 8PAIII FQ- - The first Mohammedan institute to be erected In France la and mos-iubeing planned. Hllgh offldala from the Poincare ministry have expressed ihn Bovarnmant'ii wish that the roi lowers of Mohammed worship under the Minaret with the same freedom aa the French do in their Notre name. filed 9. lb CHEST inches In circumference A lemon and 5 inches in diameter, weignmg two pounds and containing one pint of Juice, was picked near Houston, Texas, recently. 14 (BLACK) Gold badges for lators, with the team-heate- Jtw I" ANNIE 5 1 Hatch Undert airing Co The House of Economy and Set oice New York state's 1 HURST Mr. Gam looped himself farther cross the back of Mlas Meyer's chair. "From what, Mlaa Meyer I" "Sciatic pleurisy, Mr. Gani. I'm great sufferer from It." "I wonder, Miss Meyer,, if that could be what I sometimes feel In my left hip." "Certainly It Is, Mr. Cant. It's condition of the sockets." "Thiit's It then. Sciatic whatr "Pleurisy." "Pleurisy. I can tell you, Mist Meyer, In the three days you've been here at the Springs, you've told me more about myself than the dortors iu six diagnoses could. It was worth Hit twenty-fivhundred, Miss Meyer, Just to to have you come here. The minute I'm out In the night air like now, right away in my left thigh I get such a twinge that "Could It be hit valves are hindering his flight, Minna? Could It?" "I don't know, Delia. Tou're getting me nil worked up, too. Chills and fever In my legs limbs, all at once." "Now, now, Miss Minna, Just don't Miss you let our little Delia, get you all worked up." "Right this minute Fro In a terrible chill, Mr. Ganz, pleas excuse how I'm trembling. I wonder, Delia, if If anythlng's wrong I Oh oh!" "I tell you, Kessler," said Mr. Ganz, leaning across the dim shivering silhouette of Miss Meyer, "you got a daughter that is born to be a general In the army. Borne girls are born to run people and to run homes and some to be generals in armies. She's a general, I tell you. Just look how she got the whole hotel of us out here in the night air where we don't belong." "How she engineered It all, though Eh, Ganz? Fifteen thousand dollars she raised. like It was fifteen cents. Over night she makes a rich man out of a poor boy. Like Tom Riley says himself, Napoleon couldn't do so welL My little girl, she's, A good one, eh, Ganz? Better as her old papa." "A general In the army, I tell you," i .'" Kcssler." With her full back turned to' the patter of conversation and oblivious to it Miss Kessler swayed suddenly ' farther, from the group. "Look, papa, there's a new batch of people coming In from the station. There's fourteen thousand here tonight, if there's a soul, not counting the Louisville Tech. school. Fourteen thousand. If there's a soul." "Oh, my poor hands, how cold I Whenever my brother files, It's Just like nil my circulation had slowed down. Needle prick In my arms and e 1 ; iano. 112-inc- Card item i are rE will Studebalcer LIGHT-SIto every buyer vho wants X low-pric- ed to-it- s en a their I X carries refinements found only on more expensive cars. is equipped with cowl The LIGHT-SIventilator operated from the instrument board; cowl parking lights; inside and outside door handles and large window in rear rectangular plate-glas- s transmission A thief-procurtain. lock, which reduces the rate of insurowners 15 to 20 ance to LIGHT-SItires are also standand cord cent, per X per- - li i of X ard equipment Long, rear; semi-ellipt36-inc- h ic uine leather upholstered cushions, nine inches deep, provide unusual comfort Its motor delivers ample power for the hard pull. And vibration is practically eliminated by Studebaker's method of machining the crankshaft and connecting rods. The intrinsic value of the LIGHT-SIis unmatched at anywhere near the price because Stude baker does not skimp on materials or workmanship but uses the best It is built complete in the most modern and complete automobile plant in the world, making possible its low price of $1045, f. o. b. factory. Studebaker has been building quality vehicles and selling: them at fair prices for nearly of a century and is the largest builder of cars in the world. let me tell you, Mr. Ganz, that poor circulation should worry you. Any oook on neuun nines win i ten you tnat poor circulation is nrst cousin to paralysis." "I'apal Minna! Mommy! Look, they're pulling out the machine. See I" The roped-of- f crowd swayed suddenly forward, scattering ejaculutlons. "Is that it? Is that him? Is that he? RaughlRaught Cut It out! That ain't him. There he is ! Raugh !" Miss Kessler's hand reached out to close tightly over her parent's. "Oh, Pa, that's Arch. See! The tall thin fellow pulling down hU cnp." "Yes, that's brother. See, Mr. Ganz. That's htm. Oh, my poor bands!" "Poor little hands!" "They're strapping him In!" "It's the fireworks I'm afraid of. Suppose it should catch He's never used them in trial flights. Oh, my poor hands I" a Into the flare of three huge winged skeleton ran foe ward on wheels, pushed by three lunging attendants, head first. Then she stood with her beetle-lik- e wings flung wide nnd the inners of her thrumming to "Well, X three-quarte- rs in springs in front) and soft, gen (50-inc- h Touring, Meyer? Tin Standard Equipment car that will be satisfactory in performance, appearac;e, comfort and endurance. And in addition recognized superiority in these essentials, the LIGHT-SI- a "Needle pricks, did you say, Mis? Right this minute my left side feels like a tea kettle singing. It ain't the circulation worries me. Miss Minna, only the doctor say whlh h Roadtttr, $1045; AU prictt f. o. $1045; 1 er Sudan, $1750. Coup-Road- $1375; tr, b. factory. Provo Co. Auto Naylor Utah U U i il An & tt 1 HaveYour Cleaning, Dying and Pressing Done Right WE SPECIALIZE ON LADIES' FINE GARMENTS SIC DJC WORK GUARANTEED CLOTHES INSURED "For That Better Service Call Up 809" SANITARY CLEANING AND DYEING COMPANY Office 804 W. Center. Plant 54 N. 4th West. Provo, Utah. The Only Modern Cleaning Plan in Utah County. . TWt nsp fnsoline in the hoime. It's cheaper to pay for dry cleaning e than to pay for funerals. be off. "Oh, my brother! "Now, now, Miss Minna!" "I tell you, Mr. Ganz, I I'd rather we hod to live In a tenement all our lives than to Fee him risk his life like tlint. Want's a purse, if if he don't win It and gets killed trying to do the double loop four times? A helpless girl like me " that's never been strong "Now, now, Miss Minna!" "I never wanted him to fly, Mra. Ganz. 'Let the other boys take the risks, Arch,' I always said, "I guess you're a little like me, Mlsn Minna. As I tell Mlxs Dells, where tny two feet belong Is right on the ground where the Almighty put 'em." "That's me every time, Mr. Ganz, Just so it ain't dump." lie leaned forward, talking beuenth the din of the crowd and through the wool muffler directly Into the concealed ear of Mlxs Meyer. "Funny how how we like the same . thing, ain't .11 Ml Meyer?" Oh-h-h- iryAl 1 Old Thing Mad Ganzr STOP! d - Throwing Away Ola Bnng Them to CLAYSON AUTO TIRE v For Repairs Expert Harness Repairing,'1 Phone 649. " Mr. Ganz! Oh "It is, Miss Minna. I can tell you It ain't all sciatic pleurisy In my left side, Miss Minna. Since I met you It It's Just like you had taken a little arrow and shot me right In the heart. That that's the kind of a pain 1 got there now. You you get me, MIsh : Minna Minna?" "Mr. Cans Beneath the gray wool packet their hands tuet and clasped. A rumble ran through the crowd. Mtas Kessler shot forward like streak, leaning dangerously beyond the rail. "Oh k 1 ALSO PACKED "l'es, Mr. Repair COIIFM "la a a little elegantly furnished, nest for two, MIks Meyer, on the south side of Chicago with House the United State are operated wun electricity, based on the single-tracmileage, according to reports. This mileages does not Include electric street, lnterurban and suburban lines. ays-tern- s S ALWAYS TMF I I ! ;1 with- INSTANCE ng letters d ot can-l- in the j More than 5,000 miles of railroad In EVERY. 19, 1822. Tyees aWt It "Now, for instance, take me. I 1 always say, Miss Meyer, let the highfliers do all the high flying they watt, but my Idea of real living, Miss Minna, my my Idea of real living is is "Y A Birdie e Measles are now being cured by a vaccine taken from the blood of measles convalescents. In Germany, experiments iu about 2,000 cases have shown that the vaccine, when used In the first few daya after Infection, prevents exposed children becoming ill Without exception we make it a from the disease already in their in about 97 per cent of the cases. point to act In the Interest of the family where our services as underThe last units of the Imperial Guard takers are required. The mutter of out from of Germany recently marched us. In every Potsdam where, for centuries, they profit comes second with had nerved as the bodyguard of the instance our first endeavors are to Kohenzollerns. render the best service we can and to save 'the family as much trouble Cattle feed, absolutely fast dyes, and unnecessary expense aa possible. other motion pictures films and many 120,000,-00(things can be made from the tons o'. ctrncobs and stalks now WiSON HATCHULA M. HATCH zcine to watte annually in the United States, according to chemical experts. arc hr. F 1099 r - chemical substance makes It possible for amateur photographers to develop photographs by a white light 'compUib- J them to of utaii ccurmr. rzrrDAY, april r A new cordi h 3 9 CO'1" and the V'irvJ'VUe fegUlutort in bill scribed onl)im. are aought la Introduced In the legislature recently. ChHrlea JJcvonlsh. who has lived at Helper for the pant year, haa moved his family back to Spanish Fork and will spend the summer here. t The Easter basket party and dance given at the Fraternal hall Saturday evening by the Odd Fallows and Maccabees was a pleasing success. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Hutchison surprised them last Thursday evening, the occasion being the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Hutchison. A variety of ames and music At midformed the entertainment. night supper was served. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Palmyra meeting house over the remains of Norma daughter of Mr. Johnson, and Mrs. Will C. Johnson. Interment was in the Spanish Fork cemetery. l: uiuuer Scott, , Ducket f Leethavl LJohnsa I Urd, B I b THE mm suffer,, U. Tin ' ireaALa v - e r pptr, V but" "He' off!" !" "Raugh l Raugh ! Chee-e-e-The pulse of the distant machine leaped suddenly into thousands ami the winged monster, like the restored bulk of some antediluvian monster of earth and air, shot forward In a straight line, whining down the smooth face of the field. A shout went with It and the hifinan hedge, five faces deep, was suddenly white with upturned faces. "Raugh! suddenly, as If It hud drawn Its talons up and under, It rose In perfect whirring flight. '.VY, ROBERT COCKRELL, ? 650-258 W. 4 No. K Phone He "Cutey!" Said, Little PROVO HOME SHOE "Cutey, Sweetheart!" derToTer of Those fihoiils, "Speech became pantomime. "Archie-boArchie !" g REPAIR ING SHOP AND SHOE SHINE 332 West Center. , C. W. CLARKSTON, jMjrr. ; f Taking her bund In his gauntlet and regarding her through goggles Clouded with sudilen mist, he leuned to her Have It Done the ROYAL Way under cover of that same shouting. Where Quality and Workman- "Cutey!" he said. "Cutey, little cVl?r ir TIN.. "'"C PMin wmifc, tic 11 UU sweetheart !" A treni 'lo ran down his arm and ROYAL SHOE REPAIRING CO. through the gauntlet to her flnger-tlp- ! " . We Call and Deliver. "Oh, mommy ! mommy I" "Uott In Hlmmel, a boy should take such chances !" "He's testing the wind. See, th current Is buffeting him a little." "Oh, my God, his engine missed then! Hear? Oh, my brother! Hold my hands Max." "See, papa, he's picking up again Now he's edging Into the wind. H controls are working perfect. See htm mount See hi in mount! Oh! oh! ohl" The throbbing cf the engine was suddenly remote, then more remote, as if tulle portieres of air and space were drawing together as the machine flew through them Into uncharted al titudes. Finally silence and only a white sea of faces turned upward to a black eagle, flying against a sky and circling over the field once twice, thrice. "He's getting ready to loop. He't looping! Look, he's dipping for the first loop. Oh, mommy !" "Gott in Hlmmel !" v "Oh, my brother I Suddenly the remote Dying thing bit and from beneath Its dipped-planes two streamers of fire streaked 'v Satisfaction guaranteed. e Tip-tlltln- g 7 do vour PAINTINQ. PAPER HANGING and WALL PAPER CLEANING. I will HAMBONE'S MEDITATIONS JES' FOLKS BOUT YOU LISTEN AT Yo' DEBIL.NMNT El HE AH BOUT 1 We YOU TfLLIM HOW 'GOOD YOU TRIES T' BE!l Center. Phone 674. FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING El SOOH 8RA66IN' BOUT T1 208 W. absolutely guarantee oil work. Prices reasonable. PROVO SHOE REPAIRING CQ 127 N. Univ. Ave. Phone 418-- J PROVO TAILORING CO. We guarantee to make youfr old clothes look like new. Phone 475. We CaUTtftVWcr- v "- v d WHY WORRY? We can strj you mofir bv rpnalrf- - a the r-.:-, Vt your sky. Cepyrlht, 1921 by McClur Ntwtpapw SyrNHutt, A great booming about rose. "Oh. my brother! It's the fireworks I'm afraid of, Max P, To Save Leftover Jalnt "He u dip now. watch, mommy, After housed eictng, If one has part he'll dip now." ly used cans of pnlnt or varnish left The machine fell toward Into a over, which would soon dry up and loop, curving up again, down again, become useless, tr? putting them into circum- small cans and cover with melted par-up again; the red comet-tail- s uflln. They will keep indefinitely and scribing Its double course In fire. "One!" rose In bombardment from can De used as needed. the crowd. The hieroglyphic of fire hung for shoes. v ,.n ECONOMY SHOE SHOP 403 West Center. C. 1 CHARLEY CURTIS THE MAN WHO KNOWS moment, then another vertical dl.e and another double elide of fire. "Two !" "Two I" "Max, my my poor knees hold me." "Poor, poor little knees!" "Three v won't !" 1 I'm going to faint." "I'm here, little one, to catch you." "What's that falling down? ! Take a piece, Max, dear. It it's good for you after meals." Miss Delia Kessler twined her small bands together and beneath that gule of voices, spoke quietly upward. "Steady, Arch," she said. "Only once more, Arch. Steady I You've looped three and you can make It, four. Steady, Arch! Steady!" A light Jeer rose from the crowd. "S'mntter up there ! Cold feet ? Three ain't four! What's got you? Dizzy? Loop her up there! Loop her upl" "Only once more, Arch. Steady, old 'I "Max, dear, I think Cliew-lng-gui- n boy I" " "Loop her up there! " "What If his engine Is "Four!" And with the great spiral of fire from the final loop still drug glng across the sky, the hum of the descending engine grilling down again Into the night, and the silent swoop of aa engine volplaning, Miss Delia Kessler stood quiet onild the tumult of a crowd gone mad, a booming In her eurs but her little face still upward lu the attitude of a flower. Che-e-e-e!- Week! "$100Thata Me.m U!" To Think What "They've made me Superintendent and doubled my salary! Now we can have the co'mlorts and pleasures we've dreamed of our own home, a maid for you, Nell, and no more ! worrying about the cost of living "The president called mc in today and told me. lie said he picked roe fur promotion three months aifo when he learned 1 wai studying at home with the International Correspondence Schools. Now my chanca baa come and thanks to the I. C. S . I'm ready (or It." Thousands of men now know the joy ot happy, prosperous homes because they let tha Schools preinternational k pare them in spare hours for tinner wot and better pay. snd thin on. some t't Why duo't you study mat will for a Joh. mdr Ihln,!- - ju would wlft and children III uiuiy lu-- aivs iwur Ihtm to b.v.T Vou can rf 11 ! PicU the position yiu wsnl In the work you Ilk. best n l tin' I :. s. will prujre you lor It right In your own horn In your sii.rw t.nie Ves, you imx do It ! Mor ttisii two million dons It In thu la.t twenty e'ght years. M.iis him US SOS r.douiu II rulit now. Wilnuul ublitfi'llon, rind out liow you cjn uin Ihem. Mark and null 'Jul coupon t hs iHiTRrTiTToFAroRrtGPcna SCHOOLS SCKANTON, PA. Ss plain, without ohllsatlnnnif. how I cm uiultti tor It 1 nurk X. t nrr the iKiftktiun.orlnihe fculij K KLU'Tlttl'ali jbAl ES.ANSMIP . Al KK'I IsINf J U mduw 1 rlinmr fciocirlcWtf.ni BOX Through the human swurm, which had burst the ropes and flowed like water from a broken main across the field and toward the ulrcraft Just settling Itself to earth with its wind's ever spread. Miss Delia Kessler gouged, wormed, elUowed her little Men with their shouts still way. smoking on their lips resisted the mall figure snd granted her reluctant right of wsy. In the tight tangle Immediately surrounding the muihliie, rn the crimson sweater was quite from her, but she emerged Into the small guarded area about the still coughing craft, as It hurtled there out of the crowd. From the heart of the winged monster, gopgled, lepRlngeil and bulky ofbulk lu a douhlebreusled lepthe- l;hrl Aj,r.h 1" rrfH VU Vi-an- nn.1 tin- - ? 'Icirrtmh fcoktititt rTe)lphon Work -- NeeNaetleal Draftsman MMblsxi t'rsetUe Tool mat Gate lunwi ti Opera ting itretr OHMIM I' barm at jr Hamo Praarnt Oecupattoiu. Htrart tad in 1iAl,l.lt tretsirv irrllwatlsit eutl Tvplel "Keilwey Afcountaot aw 5t"Timr(ralI KNGLISH Mua helttxtl Sud)aej SfRVICK Kallwa Mall Clark "1 CIVIL Ire.hrr Maihamatlra Navlirati" err til. , Qta1j I 'Ur I sHiaa 'eu.'j KaU'vl AtiKM I ..AslUrassU No (.'ufMidilNi l't(. 1(;OU Hi !(, MtJ Work ieiiHe Otereswr r HIM M H I'riveiii' S. r Concrte Builder Strut-furKnghisr N HI NO A ".II HI rtl lrn IH).lKKr-H'liK Httll4r lr itril enil I'u'ille iMiiKtaiai ln, Mt'rie Mvt-r- fVJIMlK Marine Pntrinexr Ship Dfftemen AMI, til I tL I srektUeiMral I H It'lalsl. KTiTIOAaKV n4 vhi.at Ketlrnsd I'oiMflone Jil l I & iHM INti -- j kr CIVIL tNi.lNhl-Meirrlif nol Meiptnr City Jacket, a figure moved simultaneously forward and a shout thundered up from throats long since raw. X BUSTER BROWN SHOE REPAIRING FACTORY UK find tki rMP'fi (o ! t nn 'u J. F. FECIISER, Representative Box 183 " NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealod proposals for the construe-io- n concrete curb and of cemtint with tho necessary covered Rutu-- r V waterways under sidewalk pavement, r. box gutters private driveways from ' gutter to sidewalk pavement, Irrlga- tion diversion gates with box cul-- , ' verts from curb to property line, la- - , eluding grading and earthwork; also grading, leveling and preparing 8ee4 bed for the planting of lawn grass ! and trees between curb and propirtyt line in Curb and Gutter district Noi ? 1 5, being on both sides of University avenue between Second North street and the north limits of Provo City;' J h1:o for the construction of cement concrete sidewalk 4 feet wide and 4 , inches thick on both sides of said I'niversity avenue between Eighth North street nnd the north limits of Provo City in said curb and gutter" district. ;also for furnishing approxi-- ' ',' mutely 1.00(1 pounds of lawn grass seed and approximately 200 trees (said lawn grass seed and trees to be planted in the said district by Provo City); according to plans and spt I'il'ieations prepared by the city engineer and approved by the board of commissioners ot Provo City, Utah, will be received by the city recorder s at his office In the courthouse at Provo City. Utah, until a. m.. May 4, 192."?. at which time the hoard of commissioners will open all . bids. to bidders, r Copies of instructions r specifications, nnd form for contract .' and bond, together with plans and profiles, may be obtained at the office of the city engineer upon deposit of Five Dollars ($5.00). The hoard of commissioners . Of A Provo City, Utah.' reserves the right 4 to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid it may deem best. P,y order of the board of commis; sioners of Provo Cltv, Utah. . Dated April 12. 1)'22. FRED fVANS. City Reeordnr. (First publication April 12, last May 3, 1922.) n -- v I |