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Show THE PROVO HERALD "Tell Me iheSccrd"; 7 : C) - , tj jp) II DO TO - --JL ..... .. v: - ,j -- -1 . .. . . . - -- " - .y " MOHE SOLDIERS TO GO - jx ; NO THOUGHT OF DISCONTINUING CHIEF FOR; BANDIT SEARCH who murdered Americans: makt rjeh, duli- .'nut muSint? Mlmprt alicayi to dry, JhTif I ma the a"r Ain I "I mob I . I I e&o Wy J thenr uoa o. ' me K C Baking PpteJer. .; Mint Infantry Will br Usd to Relnforc the Ctimunf6atiofr Lines, th IJv. airy Being Kept at Front for'. u ' I f fl - - To mak, muffins, cakes and pastry rich It is the baking powder. nndmrSst, yet light and feathefjTi'a inpderrt double acfing ibsJnnj ven 63 Washington,-Su- f NffiS: -X- Ill that GeJWai-Puuai- on Ihw -- ,! , j i ww-depa- rt toent is now considering drawing upon pome of tbe' troops stationed in Texas to strengthen the tines of Tcmnnmicatioaif the expedi iH tion socking rumors have been disposed of and the border situatfon generally is said to be quieter than heretofore, but the plan is not to disturb the garrisons or pa trol to New Mexico xr Arizona for the present. - a blend oft?va isingowders, one t f :whictir - starts td raise as soon as moistt:e is added. '.Tha-- : - other is irkctive'ntabeat 4spplidi-- . This sustains-th- e raise until your mufSns, biscuits or cake is done. K C Baking 'Powder costs less than the ojd Cashioned quick acting kinds, yet you need use no more and .it is superior to them in every way. - 1 Am-- - . jfrcr- Whom, Majy-aiarau- itg zT is really" - :i -- stated on Monday Artrfy officials Infantry would be used to reiufuroj the commttn ication lines, the cavilry being kept at the that from Try a can at our risk and be convinced, X&yftfcy- : .' ' Mexican border has been reported by weu as in ine mixing KJ - marked ch g 4 r - i ' WorlT'XRlser " Aetlual - now on -- front for the actual work of running down the outlaws. A part of the Twenty-fourth- , infantry, negroes, withdrawn from Texas, at the v of toeal authorities after one of For ITHmltftd' time tne soldiers hud tH'ea" killed 'by - a "'only we" Wilt give this ranger attempting lo tft,si Ww, al fine Six Quart Blue ready has been ordered into Mexico. Enamekdx&Memni Zli!WM&fo&- - atcumnlate Kettle with Enameled Monday to refute rumors of an withdrawal of the American ne Ideals and Enterprise Del-Rio- ,.. r xm. - ' ir" " CovefFr with-o- pound of Grand-JJaio- n Baking Powder. Fine premiums - also given with our teas, coffees, Spices, Ext r a c 1 8, Soaps,, etc.. ..We ..call for and deliver your orders. GRAND UNION TEA CO. F. M. KILFOYLE, salesman. 174 North Ist East Prov). Utah. Phone 868-- expedition: Xrolitrij is eTr latisfied with existing conditions j it continually .trivet - J' ; .'VT" " . v "forthe ideal. '"-- cc - Soonafterlteeame known that additional troops were to be aent across the border, the war de partment announced the purchase of to replace sii large tank motor-true- ks similar machines now rented to carry gaat Ine f of General Pershing's supply motors and aeroplanes. dispatekes indi cate that the Carranza authorities are viewing with some anxiety the contin- ued presence of American troops ln Mexico and gre inclined to Relieve that the object of the expedition has been accomplished in the dispersal of Villa's main command. It is authoritatively, stated, however, that.; there has been no suggestion from the do facto government as to a"4ead line troops beyond which the American should not go. V Washington. fv - f kVsr-i Wiw:.. States Telephone and Telegraph Co. ain - - T 12 TT rr.i aaitt taw-- I9 A llbl.l bMt nuair"' cttwr'1' dteeasee iOToAor i wmoh ane dependent en an aocwnuia-- , The Cauee Backacheheuroatiirn, Gravel and Sudden Death. n; " - -1' T iu i . : . V. t J n V. 7 Carranza Commander Believes Hia Government Can; Capture Villa. 1- - Paso. General Gabriel Gavira, Carranza commander at Juarez, has announced that the forces of the, de facto government were in a position to take immediate control otthe Villa situation if the" American troops with drew. General 'Gavira's statement J was made in connection witli the an nouricement of Major General Scott, gtffctiief jiT'the "'American-- ' army staff. eysiein-t"Anurt- -- .U... - -- t.U. -- .. N.TTi"for .a and send paaniplhlet rn ' MarAnri - c' woa , --- fllfiiic. -- de-fac- Just Unloaded Galvanized Barbed "Wire week: tiylfie .senate - and two inch Poultry Netting one mesh. Wire Cloih ' iblack and ; cWire, Staples. gal-vaniz- ed. --- . ; Bop be Lumber Go. Phones 104-an- d 105. - .. , ... ;;.;'- - SUMMER ALLHE TIME ; ; "i - . " - - Ask your Agent for Literature i G'. :W. 4 C. E. Ejrgertserr, Agt. Provo. Panama-Californ" .7 International ia T"1 " the year n; can't "move up" inoV-yours- elf alva neison; r; Cashier."- Manderfield, "" A. G. P. A., " j'Salt Lake City. - y.H. I Grate,' But-i- '")'' Ot write - Navy ar . SlBffiliolPrtvo TRAINS. i Fiscal Bill. - Washington.-- -, Drafting . of the 1917 r.avar appropriation bill; with which the administration will launch lta increase program, was nnder- taken by the appropriations subcora- 17- !- --Telephone- - THREE DAILY . flTe-ve- All Sizes bank account and begin to save money the quicker - a you will f ' ' financial success. - EXCURSION ; . TICKETS SALE DAILY, " - , Drafting KINDLING WOOD . ..... you-epe- n . -- - OKE very fast without money, and the sopfftr a WHERE IT IS ' Olympic Games Postponed. Paris. Baron PierreJde Coubertin? president of the International Olym pic games committee.T.tated on Mon dayHtbat no Olympic games willbe held jt He 'present year, or while the '. war lasts. ., -C- 1916 you -- . jUdlClary;comrtt--'tee.- '.'":. ANTHRACITE " "SMiTHINQ j Calif ma. has been deferred for a court-Justic- e CANYON CAMERON - STANDARD -- heap.". Defer Action on Brandeis.- Action on thr nominaWashington. tion of Louis D. Brandels for supreme . :rzp. MrtMHMlMWMM KlfjQ" SPRING There is always plenty of room on "the top. of the three machine shops, aroundhouse, " were ' decoaches two and engines stroyed by fire at Nacov Sdnora, Monday, v The loss is estimated at $300,000. .' J CLEAR CREEK ilellp'' S. P. Machine Shops Burned. - Naco,1. Aril. The Southern Pacific Fence - jmj "' A Carload of That Goodtoal" CASTLEu ATE '.... - Flrsl'de Bergerac r-t y w v and lo:. In tUe Garden theatre she appe fJtaRIcnaftfMatis?-eTrirT)rlr""' " "The J3elle olJBohemla," and she was work." J field. At the Columbia Theatre,' Mack in Andrew with three for years Saturday Vivian Mo-f4 wfiiiom 'Tho Rnld Soldier i Boy. ' "An Irish .Rumor of Plot Exploded. Fox production, Merel Mary Ann": Gentleman',' and "Tom Moore." Tsext Boston. The federal grand Jury hegan her staee career at the age iof she appeared in "Little Lord. Fauntle-ro- y which for several weeks has been Folks!." , six with RichardMansfield In "Cyrano and "Home investigating a reported conspiracy to destroy New England plants, engaged in th manufacture of war munitions reported it had found no evidence of such a plot. Stjr6f"Merely" Acted-w- tth r Spaftord i "Anurtc,'- 10 fre-Qme- nt amfleAar-rtloular-rtie4wnfeJti- ditionary - force - would be considered accomplished when the Villlsta bands were dispersed or "as soon as the governnient troopa of. the ble-them oirthe MARY-A- NN Z w -: T. -- MRLY .1 cents tor a large trtal piKiktage of ''nwte" Tabaeta . . If you feel that. tired, worn-ou- t teeling, backache, - nerahjla, or & your Bleep 1 disturbed by loo iwto&tton, go to your best store and ask- - for Doctor Plerce'a Aauric Tablets. wow-outDoctor Pierce's (reputation is back I called "Airicr--waifa:"'yin and completely eradicate this of this, medicine und you know tli! hie "Pliaant Pelleta ' for UieJHer Uric adid '"ircn to 37 tlrae more potenit than llthia, and! hia "Favorite PresCTiaytiotf' for and coniiia5tlyiyou need Mve liadiftplendii jeager the U rHHrtate&a tftr the past titfyiyeara. fear . ..Ml OOl r- Tierce of tSe TnvaBdr Hotel and Surgfcal InMttute, Buffalo. Send-Co- a add in Uhe blood by Scheele, in 1775, and the bad effect R tad upon tli body,'' sc tentiBts and phyaiclani have striven, to rid tibe tissuea and the blood of this poison. Becaime of Jta ia the eyatiem it oaiuBes toackiac4pi??iinsT toere and tlhere, rheaumiatism, gout, gravel, It was Dr. neuralgia and sciatica. Piiewe who :8covered a new agent, , AMERICANS SHOULD WITHDRAW. -- he-Mount- The IJavy League of - 1 our army of five thousand ambitious men and women, with the ideals of their Companxver beforr themTlBiue the credit of and operating, the comprehensive telephone system which serverthe people of the Mountain States. "':""" ;" '." ItHs-th- is enterprise that has connected 260,000 telephones together, from which originate over a million exchange messages every day, and more than six and a half million' long distance messages every year. - ad vocacy of vmore z pteteHnatioBal preparedness reationof a Jiational a" navy general staff and a progressive naval program without-arbitra'", limitation.. Speakers included men - prominent throughout the country. Attacks were made on Henry Ford for published statements in his campaign, and a committee was. named to draft a statement replying to his . charges. J ; build-g,.mamtaini- the United States met here Monday for its eleventh annual convention, ' C of service efficiency and To' the enterprise of ry A '' LEAGUE RAP8 PEACE PLAN. defense-commissio- N ; We have ideals of constrnction standards, ideal ideals of our duty to th public.; ; . Attacks Ford and Advocates Complete Vivian Martin Faced Auaience is the fore, that carries the ambitious Our Company is a company of ideals. -- 3 It Enterprise is ambition in action, toward the goal of their ideals. -- nt State-departme- Enterprise needs accomplish bigger things on the morrow. ... . y :Exposition, San Diego. OpenAll Year." PROTECT - SCrfOfiL CHILDREN. ' Measles, scarlet" fever and whopping cough are prevalent among school children In many cities, A common TOld never afeould e neglected as It weakens the system so that It la not in condition to throw oil more serloua diseases . Foley's Honey and Tar is pJeasan.tQ , take,. acts Itains.Jio opiates. Quickly,-con,- Hodquist -. lru$ Co, - |