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Show PAGE THREE THE PROVCTHERALD Lesson 2. THE EPUMj , SANITARY The City EdrExplains How the Jgk Works.-eB- y " (OV CrO BACK TTaS - j prS"k-- - "Hop" V. s CMuITN Ov" ' MEAT CO. : " I 82 West Center St. We Handle only; th$ fyestr Meats. of .... Practise We i , - whatr Our Name Jmplise. STRICTLY SANITARY) womans Rudget Phone 84 rolled in a clean cloth for a couple' of hours before ironing. Irons should be smooth and clean, ; and the ironing boar dthickly ant ome Gash Barga ;. padded under the mualln outer cover "Waxing and wiping irons before letting them touch starched ar-- l (By Catherine A. Fonda.) all who have learned to. tides help to prevent sticking. by personal A"department open V nd Iron hems and edges evenly test some method of value in home making.'' Serid your items in as few words as possible and address Jthem to the straight Dampen wrinkles and iron out smooth. Have plenty of bars or 'omen's Budget Department.Tfov Herald clothes line on which to hang the ironed linen to air thoroughly before final folding down and putting away. Write the name plainly on a slip of The Fashions This is to be a black and white sum paper, insert this- slip into a small Pecan Meats. corkrthe bottle tightly and then DAINTY LINENS. mer. In the smart shops combination bottle, The meats of pecan nuts may easily tie the bottle to the plant with a small be removed if most ia in they are first placed in sure the Our linen conspicuous of these two colors will be wire. 7 water. poured over a and pan boiling feature of your apparel. It requires gerat variety; a dainty of ecru, straw them Allow to remain In the them. f more attention than other wearables. color and biscuit. Although these are When Baking Fish, 20 or 30 minutes. When the water for Place in bottom "of pan two strips of t It is particularly noticeable whether tints of some similiarty, each are nuts are cracked the meats come out on or not dress full cheese cloth, three or four inches trouble and are properly laundered notes of color. usually whole. shirts, fancy waists, collars and cuffs Black and white lace will be worn wide and long enough, to extend three and wash shirts. Such garments re- in combination in these model of inches over side of pan first dipping To Sew Insertion. The most satisfactory way to sew quire skill and care to produces the beauty. Gowns of black linen and cloth in melted butter or olive oil and dT best results. Exactly right Is the v er. silk embroidery ' in black, slightly eing careful fo keep the ends extend- laco "insertion to cloth Is to sew-BEEBE LUMBER diet on our work. Send for the wa- veined or worked with tinsel threads, ing over the pan clean. Place fish on rectly to the raw edges, sewing closely gon; we'll do the rest. line of are also among the. smart gowns for this and when done take hold of ends aird leaving two or three threads of of cloth and lift fish out of pan onto the cioth. When told to do also exquisite summer and the was I this Domestic Steam Laundry Special Size are made In iblack with a platter. The cloth can then be easily skeptlcal.thlnking it would not hold, will 468 South Academy Avenue, touch of color being obtained by pip pulled from under, leaving the fish in but aftermaklnge laborate shirt Window you" waists by this method and actually ing the embrlderys with bright tur perfect shape. quoise, Parma mauve or orchid pink. wearing tfiem out without fraying the The fellow who never patronizes Delicious Way to Cook Peas. raw edges, I have decided that this n cafes should try on Worth Wash outside leaves of a lettuce and .the Knowing way of doing it is as neat and strong with water. In as it is of Spencer Sunday dinners and be simple. Tar may be removed from the place them, dripping J ' v convinced (hat lie serves the meals hands by rubbing with the outside of. the bottom of a granite kettle. Put 7 on top of lettuce leaves NEW BOOKLET. that are worth while. Try Spencer's fresh orange or lemon peel and dry- shelled peas of a with and teaspoonful sprinkle oafe efore going elsewhere. The volatile oils Phones Prove, Utah. "Hotels and Boarding Houses Loing Immediately. Cover closely and allow to sugar. nib dissolve the tar so that it can be simmer until done, which will be in cated on the Lines of the Rio Grande x bed off. ANNOUNCEMENT. a very few minutes if peas are fresh. System" Is the title of a little booklet some side To combs, dry polish D. & R. G. Excursion Rates East via When cooked add salt, butter and Just Issued in the interest of the in the oven and then, D. k R. O. will sen round trip flour thourghly e iet it get cold. Rub' tula well on the pepper. If any water must tie added seeker' passenger departlet it be only a tablespoonfuL When ment of that company.' excursion tickets to Eastern destina- combs with a of orrag. It gives a list wadding piece cooking vegetables in this way, turn of all hotels la Colorado,-Utations under following arrangements: and As the flour gets dirty use fresh, and cover of kettle upside down and fill it New Mexico, with the rates, Dates of Sale: May 18, 25, SL be sure that the wadding. Is clean. together with cold water, changing to more number of June 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 20, 22, 29. July 8, guests that can be accomTowels should be thourghly dried water when It becomes steamy modated, names of the cold 12, 20. August 1, 2, 10, 23,. 31. Sep- before being put away. In their damp proprietors, hot. This will keep the contents of distance from station and kind tember 4, 5, 1912. of conof Lime condition mold sometimes forms on and freejrom water the kettle moist A valuable veyance. little very pub. Destinations and Rates: Chicago, them. when done, and much more delicious lication for one visiting the Rocky Peoria, 151.10; St. Louis, $55.00; than when cooked in water. mountain region. Embroidery Suggestion. $49.00; St Paul and Minneapolis, -- ; ' o Nine promlnetn arsenates of lead used In Colorado last year When embroidering a marquisette Quck Method, , a Laundry. $52.00; Omaha, Neb., Council Bluffs. ENDS RICH HUNT FOR GIRL. were analyzed by the 8tate. The Latimer Brand showed over 15 waist, lay a piece or ouea paper De- Flannels should be washed through Often the hunt for a rich wife ends Ia., St Joseph, Mo Atchison, Kas.. cent total arsenic oxide and was the only on which contained per neath your material and then put It two lotg 0f warm hUe- soapsuds and when the man meets a woman that Leavenworth, Kas., Kansas City, Mo. In the hooi); you will find NQ ,80 L U B L E A R 8 E N I C. , . . .... : ises Electric - Bitters. Her strong' ""$40.00; Denver," Colorado " Springs, goods will not draw or pull, will be temperature. To this latter a little-easX. FOR 8A LE BY nerves tell in a bright brain and even to work and will come out as powdered borax should be - added, Pueblo, $22.50. bloom Her & temper. Produce Association. The Utah County Fruit peach complexion Return Limit: October 31st, 1912. flat as a table. Speed counts when doing flannels. and ruby Hps result from her " Fruit Grower's Association. ' The pure Wet only a few pieces at a time. Hang blood; her Stopovers: Stopovers will be per . The Carpenter Seed Company. bright eyes from restful One Method of WateJrng Plants. out to dry at once. 'Never rub or free' her 10 from elastic firm on sleep; Growers' within Association. Alberta step mltted Fruit The days going trip Last summer was such an Intensely wring flanne's hard with the hands, muscles, all telling of the health and from, dateit saleAndoa jreturn-trl- p dry" one, that we had to water our Never wash colored flannels or strength Electric Bitters give a wornwithin final -l- imit of .October --81st, FhenTfrom ings In wateTprevtouBlyniBed for the an7 and the freedom Iroffl indlgeBtlon. V 1912. dying. Copious watering that made white ones. The lint invariably sticks backache, headache, fainting and dizzy Routes: Going via any direct the ground muddy did not seem to aud shows. spells they promote. Everywhere route, returning via, same or any benefit the plants as it should have Stockings should be turned inside they are woman's favorite remedy. If shaken well, washed through gobd weak or other route desired. done, because the water did not t try them. 60c at ailing See Union Depot ticket agent foi etrate the soil more than two inches, suds and well rinsed then dried at Drug Co.'s two stores, succesnot far enough to reach the foots, and once. further particulars. sors to Smoot and Palace Drug Co. Colored cottons should be washed WM. H. MITCHELL, Agent that water not only does not peneCURRENT TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, MAY 19. o trate sufficiently to do any good, but quickly In warm white soapsuds and R L0 J5BAN DE.,ECURSI.ON 3 TO trom Union' 8tatlonrPr6vd,ss Follows : It"ifr'5?ee than useless toiafce isy 1ftlfreWril3 evapbraI!oiHmew,', pTit"tw6ffi OreMontana, Idaho, California, Leave Provo for East dlclne Internally for muscular or and when .continued reglarTyTfiesuf-fac- e will prevent colors running. Starch No. 512 For Sanpete Points................ ....,.,.,.,,,.. ....9:30 a. m. and gon Washington. of the ground is fairly baked by before drying with thin, cold, smooth chronic rheumatism. A'l that Is need6 For all points east. No. , ...9,: 57 a. m. and the surface moisture cooked starch, wring out and dry in noontime ed is a free application of Chamber3 For.all points east No. ...6:32 p. a. Los Angeles, Calif., and return via tends to coax the roots to the surface, the shade. No. 410 For Tintlc Branch points lain's liniment For sale by .6:14 P. m. Wash woven and other silk gar- llrect route, $3o.OO; San Pranclaco so we tried this experiment: , A 4 For all points east No. Drug Co.'s. two "stores, succes....8:20 a p.'im hole was made with' a crowbar ments in tepid white soapsuds, with and return via .direct route, 137.65; w sors to 8 moot and Palace Jn-rLeave Provo for West 18 inches deep close to the plant and UttleAorax, . Rub with hands, not on No. 409 For Salt Lake San Diego, Calif., and return via di8:32 a. m. filled with water until It remained full the board. Rinse twice, half dry, then MAKE-Band UT 1 For all points west and north YOIf No. rect Ore., Portland, $39.75; route, WHAT 11:08 p. a. NOT roll a an hour ln for old clean sheet for five .minutes, when the hole was return via direct roulte, 39.55. Diverse No" 5 For all points west and north 12:54 p. tn. V.... WHAT YOU SAVE. covered with a "stone It took the!before Ironing. ia No. 611 For Salt Lake fares with routes allowed slightly 4:50 p. ea. ....7. For starching skirts, dresses, etc., plant three days to absorb the water on Tickets 3 For all points north and west sale above. of No: excess the 9:30 p. to. allow a tablespoOnful of dry starch to ' Keep on aving. It's the only in the hole, and it responded finely to 2 3, 4 and 6; June " 'Heber 1, Branch. 30, 29, May April sal- the treatment and did not seem to twice as much cold water end a' pint system for a person on a 8:40 a. m. J4, 15, 16, 17, .18, 19. 20. 21 and 22, No. 308 Leave. Provo nlnd the dry summer, with Its reser- of boiling water. Wet starch r with No. 307 In1 Arrive Provo from 7 Heber ary to follow and it wins. 3:45 p. to. to 31, September cold water, gradually add the boiling 1912; August up every three Nos. 7 and 8 have been discontinued. There's no place where you voir of strength filled 60 We tried this way of wa- water, stirring well over stove until clusive. Good returning for about The only line to Ogden and Denver without change. Free reclining can put a few dollars each days. several other plants with as fa- clear. It should cook about ten min- days. For further particulars call tering chair cars, through sleeping cars and elegant diners on all through trains. will utes. that week size a Parafflne the of pea and upon Union Depot Ticket agent, or pay vorable results. month or A. WADLEIOH, F. W. H. MITCHELU LA. BENTON, a added. of borax can Al be also pinch write Mr. I. A. Benton, O. Wjhen the tomato plants seemed to you the returns as savings C. P, & T A. O. A.P. O. Strain Agent and while For collars hot Salt Lake Clty" . .atcountHerelyour jiavings be drooping we drilled holes in tin (. cuffi of procans with shingle nails. Just allowing tarn 4 per cent interest of dry starch. Rub the starch EXCURSIONS. point-tenter,' and sunk them portion the twice a year. One well Into theBe latter, wring out and inches in the ground.- The cans eight Commencing Sunday May 5, 1912, dollar opens an account. THE REAL SIGN were repeatedly filled with water un dry quickly. White clothes should be and continuing every . Sunday until " .1 States Depository in dried 'ones colored in : Is .the Electric the the sun, til" they remained fulir when'jthe cov sign attrac September 30, 1912, the Salt Lake PROVO COMMERCIAL & ers were put on.J They required fill- shade. . tive both day and night Even folding and fine even sprinkl- Route will sell tickets from Provo 1 T- GS PAfTH SA V ing every two day s but .how the plants It draws the people to yoat 11.25 and the Lake Salt .return, City ing- makes ironing easier. All cottons to tb time devoted to did repay window at night and they loon Tickets round good only trip. and linens' iron better if dampened The 'uniform success that has atwith water.; cate your place of business :'',''f and rolled tight for an hour or so date of saie. ,. ,T tended the use of Chamberlain's Colic, .;"0 But If In taste to get at " by that same sign the nexl Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy : has To Label Outdoor Shrubs. i EA8T EXCURSION BATES . day TRY IT. can t tried "various wars to mark m lron,ns e hot water for sprinkling, ' V ttade it A favorite everywhere.- It and quotationi ' Designs' ' V y Hf always be depended upon. For sale plants' so that the names, would oot)5KPen bed. linen Wftodr clothes submitted. ' Various sale dates- - May 18th to promptly r ! M k. n. atnrea. TiMirr rv j...i.t THE ELECTKIC CO. soon as September 5th via Salt Lake Route. Smoot and Palace Drug weathj successors ' ; 46 North Academy.; d and then See agent, for particular smoothly . On Farm Implements - We will save you money on Wagons, Buggies, Double and Sin- gle Sets of Harness, Deering Mowers, Beet Cultivators, Hay Rakes, Wagon Springs, Pkrvvs, Cultivators and Machine Extras. - -- dis-tin- - THE COMPANY have Stock Screen Doors, cr a complete of Fancy make you any Screens Screens Door or may n . require. down-tow- X Boobo Lumber Company 104-10- 5 . vacation-- ty-th- umm Arsenate sprays Lead Sulphur Manufactured at Grand Junction, Colo. " ' - f , Sprlngville-Mapleton- : -' J , j pen--ou- t, Hed-lis- Trains Change Time Denver and Rio Grande R. R. Tralns-WltTLea- Hed-qul- ve at two-Inc- h . - - - PC - cpm-pound- ed o - IELICTRICI . h LIGHT--- lJ supply-trig'the- m : J ', - . t-- CO. xs M. O'uU.'tJ .0' 0 4 O U |