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Show OUB BUSINESS GUIDE. - Directory for those wishing the sd- - v--: - - - . tt Ssi ftn - I - ' ffOi If VX l I Sy7' i" ff) i . 'Ir " a eleaa. clear, wide own suace, devoii - DESIGNATION OP of pillars. On these the passengers w'..l ORK'S WATER FRONT. be landed.- - At the end at eacb ..ci .tteee double-deckenlers will be a trem-whithe home auyera may wave and Concrt Which handkerchfefi- - and greetlutia to the 1b- - Ercturaf Will Glva the Eastern Metropolis . comers, or wate good byes, as the cate " 't - .. .. Great may be. Steamship Termini new plera The decks these of lower Along th Hudson. are consecrated to baggage and freight. . By Bext October New York city The. plera are built on piles and are ' pecti to see completed one of the most of structural steeL 'The doors are of important municipal I' knproTementa corrugated iron and thefloora are of ,7 . asphalt. , j .eyerjjndertakeo. nanjely. The Diera and their aDoroacheA will iqent of the water front along the Hud-eo- have several Rotable innovations. river, which, when finished, will of malting their way through for 16 arcbwaya, a at present, provide pier accommodations passetigert vessels of the Lusitania type Aside from Its vast commercial value : baa an- - aatheti on Mltherte- aew comers to" these shores have gained Ibelr nntt impressions or New Tori tmtn ttin r&tViai. tawilrv nrprtlinfllnim bn which they and their baggage had been dumped Whatever lae It may ctaim. that btIIob of Weat - street which extends northward from Twelfth to Twenty-thirhas never put forward any claim to rlnarlan beauty. "icrcvnt i4E- trrae d ' V Fruit sod troduee, JV?li' t- ' John T. Taylor. - - - -- TE0FESSI0M- 1-; 4 "- -- - Waikios A BercK Architect.. - - 7-- - ' i V. k rr": . ' HOVTZ-- '- f.KWWIH-- - Dumber Tr SZ gPgl I'M- HARVEY CLXTFf V- - , : --- n ad -- - I I if - ' Sf$ "'VjCA K J t tJ " f-l- , -V V J - J 1 Yl 2: -- '. " 1 " . d "J- - , section of the rtver seemed to. cry '.TV. aloud for the intervention of archi Maiai.ii -- tectural nollce. But no more In that aectio exists sucn aisoraeriy conauci in arcnitecture, a. " v. and" corns next 0obr. there "will be I a water front so imDoalnK that tne foreign visitor will no longer And false tmnresslons of fKeniat aitv no tiw- - drlnesttn-th- e way of nlera, no narrow. I across jcluttered up thoroughfaxea which-- be must perforca make nil war to the arteries ofJhA town ... . It waa About ten years ago that the department of docka and te.rrt.B-- waa " nonfrontftrt wiih tne aertnus conauion End" of One of the Plera, of havtnr no room In which to extend the plera along, the North river. Such wll find access through "ornate leading to bronte elevator date the . increased length, of steam wMrh win parrv them to the ucner IdackadBia piers,-,O-n these will e at Bhlps, then building atlantic trade. These projected jooma. One ot ng included" such" slant esaea arf the the lines i maklnsj elaborate plana for LiisKanla anjlh? Mauretanla andTHie m ural decoration of lta own watting- TTomnnnttheTrtnerf Wtiiely to emir gTcat:;;iTihansbr:W " ' ate-.tfservice fesfl"3fMl-Tr688eta feature ia the "were terliaTa "But perhaps their termini la New York tt was es- bulkheads. These are of sential that some ateoa be taken look concrete, with nink granite base, and extend the length of the improvement. ing to increased terminal facilities. The completion ot the work, begun Street - From Twetfth to Twenty-1btfwill extend in an unbroken and archl- - nearly ten years ago, la now under tie -M a 1 kulMaal simervlaton of C. W. Stamford, en of ifca floe It tjepariHiea a qf thrwiourthg I renaissance order, masculine, simple, The official figures show that the sum 6fM.794.644 had beer placed a the teams stones of which represent the," llgure- - amount necessary to build the piers. heada of ships Apnroaite. Mr. Stantford Is gratified that the con. NeDtune etc. Uuon the Dediments tract mice. let to the lowest bidders, is sum, it; being 14,606,540. trophlog repreBenttespthe !4afetew-th- at commerce of the nations. The plera are to vary from 800 to bdu All nf the nlers are to be of the two-- feet In length and are to have a width deck type. The upper decks will have of 125 feet mm Bl ' Pn V XfJyd :&1J - V'- Z tSv . TlT&i ' ' L4 X&TZ'' -- , fS&z - - I .- -A 1 - . .f'-W!7f;V-l 'ffe fSUl -- 'r-Jh- y i' sj jT - -- rL?& - -- BOOTH & CLUFF"- : of morning -- T 28. 1908. . w -- , the worst earthquake or other dlsaater which the world has wer known killed, scorea of thousands. It lot to even ahudder 1- -- . American' lB. this city, but until the disaster which befell ala- br.a and Sicily, when on Vgff3fl - J35 8o. Academy Atcm, PrtTO. 613 Dooly Block, Salt Taka City-.- t- p , JeeaJV JVO HimT fr'J? TVPC -- - -' ?i' . 8tl . 'i V isms' eh I '"Q " - bulk-head- w tne-tran- --- -- superblj-fittedwaltl- yea-ael- -s- -T- the-chi- d ffilleolwittgliiteehlef wty-WJtvzyw- old-tim- e 'I ,C .i WERE SCEffES OF INDESCRIBABLE Tt1R J. -- $100,000- Capital. - 7 IREQT , - ...... - HORQQt . . Hardened as I waa to over a calamity. " f . catastro-n- Sw.fV if; t - A K in Lombardy, waa stop-nin-a at the Hotel Trina- - h Did nitnmia Riehtti which met my- gaze at MessfnaJleegiQand atiber cities more .than once drew tears to my eyes. . m ennft fmimt tn'bs Tmeff the mia" rr and bei;8 of the party of King Victor Emmanuel - ' in Messina, ahd hurlcit under the ruins of the tmUdin; lot. five hours. Finally sev- oral porsons appraacbad cria. wa Jrf - 61 m mf ' o - FIVE MdUM jtf Tm p0SJ77Of fVfi - . Bead 8moo......i... Prwldopt. vloe- -r resident. U. JC, Loose.... , " r anil wiriij vi."u w. "1 Holbrook. " J. Wm. Knlglit. moment dawn completely npon viewing . but at that bis onsortJrok ' bock put them tq. - -- . BofOT Farrer, Geo. Tay lor, tr,' 'NJ REVIEW OF PRESENT CONDITION try's forest resources as they stand the awful sights which followed he earthquakea.-lres- h " i Smoot, chairman of t r Joho R. T wel Tea. and ttdaMrate.wT'r-''Off OUR FOREST RESOURCES. of sailors extricated him the section of forests of the National inrivors were raving maniacs and they roved JOS. T. FAHRXIU CtvaKW, and took unconscious Conservation commission, In outlining streets, in many instances Jjuae. the him aboard a ship. the future, has said: Oaural banking business transacted Th stories 'told by unfortunate refugeeswno i" Timber ae"Wear . .N ! , .1 thrift,-vre P Tian pro- k,nhclOV,h nlmn.( .iuubiu 7 re wB. juuiuoi Bah deposit boxes for rent. " reiaineo bih wiw nnmAll Famine as 8omeHaveBen Led aWnatant duce timber beyond supply Messinarivea A to our present need, and with it conv. WJ a viviu vatjiiit ui miutary nu8piuii.v ne wo v Gives Facta.: .:fr"- serve the usefulness of our streams, mendoua roaring sound. He felt himself falling ,Snriences. "Suddenly water supply, navigafor or waa a silence was he jnigmmare, the profound and thought fnsthe'grip Few people-havanything like a tion irrigation, " and tn hell. power. extraordiawakened an hexhad bim: that .broken by It seemed to clear Idea of the amount of forest . e "Under right managements our fortor the air waa filled with terrifying ahrieas. Those nary noise like the burst-wealth left in thia country. HiB "will yield over iour times WKSr hantifininE. as' knvasK a thousand of ing" who think at all about tbla natural re ests ' . We can waste now. reduce as much hnnThs." he savs. "This horf .tnifV thfi' fl'nor below, and hewas still on it. source which has aaBlsted In matsrial In mill at in the least thsTwoodsand rushwas followed-bymoment precipitated. was again and ; ;. deve'oiunent since the landing of the ,It paused a 7 with present aa well as fui In or An A ' tnrrpntlal rain. nsWiy fi8tetlersare from intBter brollt. We can perpetuate the ture Then I heareP-once, "and thus the man and bed came down, parfluencod by the condition of that 5 -naval stores; iiioTistry. Preaervatlve . whist Upg sounrt that. the fifth floor of the hospital " to tne grouna. ticular state or section in which they treatment V ' the will reduce by "X. n thousand to liken can 1 1. soldier was not injured. moat familiar. are L-relates that at 25 red hot iron si ds A druggist named Pulc tvftinjjDUCtjlef.presteO lf .1 a jng. in water. Suddenly tBeKrounuT'we can practically And get them to figure on. a reon,-the- , ... past five Monday morning he was on. people , ,t stop lorest nres at atotai yearly cosi 'MeaatBa"eotoK loJtegiitf.M. theitame iMyjei . -N, Imaglna that. Ihn ele& house for of ..krkiBg yout mjC mbvemerits of the theyaluepf. the stand tha4s-et- 4 weritmlted Suddenly a f ale of wind" arose",brinKlng ateaTy timber burned eacb year, not count-- . ia tlw opij ing trio" lights- ron nano. ea with it Then a great ctiasm aeemed to open , earth and the crashing omer ,ine " ually the tact;' ""flown of nearby walls with thnne whose homes are located ing young growth. in the. water and the boat went dovn3C3traclc clean," safe and ' reliable e and to meet suffer "We for timber shall In me the closed i realize made waters again the bottom. But the in a sectidn whei-e-pinch in timber method of ..lighting. tmtJt have r fful-- fact ot .the earth-.- , ear "on top of the sueneedar wpertentetl-rthfeettng ferryboat floated-aafe- ly , . erow again. But If we act quake. FallinjLglasB Is likely to be altogether the other time to ceeding wave. - Most of 3he"rp'eopleTon-"boird'Offica. 93 N,,Aca.dmy Aven- we shall - es- boat and at once, off untstrngTTo6Ts- - and a vigorously howeverr-were.sweIndifferent ome so become wav and - " Pulco kud-addtimber Thoaea 37-- 2 Wfiiifl ashore.. ef thick permanentfloated It dust cape scarcity." ia was badly wrecked but really raT"U'niei"aS lb think that. there tfae- - about a prt (rt :wafl wt(ii nn hnardX After tjie first nanlc be landea to reason worrymuch , not o-Have the Nails Welt 8et situation, while .the Both can profit by and found Regglo like a city of the oeaa. timber" problem. ; UNDER was moving In the. streets, and the silence traordinary double move- In the moral and splrltuaf lite, loo. It Iff TO THE FELL 7 readlna of the actaal facts. ". - t ..- - u.i. .nhr U IH mnana t anil eroans and merit rlKlnir .and falllne' Tbeforests of hifttlted States now 4 U necessary, for safety, to r have, the PiilnT-aniTevfirafT;om-i. a. iTio nnmn flmp rrninhlui wa1i ani fmnerllfld . Tha lfttlnti master at Reecio says that lmme cover about 650,000,000 acres, or about nails well set. If right decisions have -- w " my uie. i rusaea into tne room wnere my. puna--- aiaieiy aner um mm uuv paniona tried to extricate some wounutsarum iuaJto.UXt.1. of. the land of the whole j benTearnestly made, and right prlncl- ' . Ih i aa ay Fran, icii,ai firnia covered pies fif'mTy estabusna, tnoy will, when jwsgga,',hut.TTl.tiTl cause of the crumbling ruins. In one of the . tunately I had with me, I succeeded in rescuing " Jorth A flood of bollinfr water. Borne Jets Using- not less aCres,:ot neaiS the critical moment ot sharp, unex. ot the- f to the height of an ordinary, housesLi Many Injured all com W. H.'Brereton, Pres., them.: I was also euccessful In1 celling mi nit a crrftun of neoole hold "and v,inn comes, ...... ....o,a sensation firm, peclid liUOlLl a little house a numoer or otner persons who naj given persons wno were iu .ran, ticiuhj Cic V.Tnhn Warwick," Cashier.4 7r-TrTthe slipping KT.save tne ciiuTBer-Tropletely naked.' One old man wjia carrying . .. bmlflt'd by Uirfluwliig stream. , eirl in bis arms. The child was covered ,with thenaeJtoJitf-fo- r . lpt, Thou suine. Buldlets. tame Alva Nelson, Ass'fc iCashier, I Misnt rover , lor- - back that may mean- disaster, and is .. . . , i . ,, total va..,. . tne we oraagett-iona-iii-- if raoto tuzo. he was asted-lKO-.. ZI ma., end tonatner Kin,-iand.neinea iimyur m to bring danger and In that vour child?" nr.T . . . . . . :7 s UI Bit almost certain i M,Mn.- , a.t .ro. linn- rnniRin na on a pleasure inp inai n.ieiul,rouuuojXu.u.uwomen and children from the tottering h renlied "Yesterday I found , her on the. pave-;- : 'several jury both to himself and to those with .... ..a . . a .. Vm- fKo fonffnl . ,t .... iuimwvv TnP KUinUIlIK. I mnr rvicnte hf mir Time Interest Paid on oi a nan oestroyeg paiace pear,oy., ie. , - ",. "ZSj Quiver ment In Messina. ; I picked her up ana ihrne fc.iiethaiif - DepoaitS. Df&ftt TMt- 'vf w. ucr. a."" . si si t m n n nrm n i i i h Tnaos ui iuv oiou'bi Ani.,H.ii intn nr- lnHAaprihnnifV nnrrnr v i n imiu L iinnnnRpiniiB. nsj wan uiwiuunicu Parts if the World. Battle Hymn haveadJherJIftHiy arms ever since... Thflro aoraAtviinnpnfla imw..- - Besides having three tfmes Wopnan Suffragists Want wall, IsniinnM thrnntrh whfoh'mv nartv .:rubblflh..'-HU body fodfied In'a niche In With. his'Touching explanation the old man be- .A-sftfiA variety of verses - of improved times" the" forests, area and lout Di beam.hlti the a hfi tilled down wn "Mil heavy svjiino by flnttiitf ;. P. tha nnpn pM its . Opposite the came VobUVlous to his questioner and everything have reached the Municipal hpine- covered hv a earnet that threatened to the timberland privately owned Is gen quality t" pnnntrr." more : valuable Sulfrftgeieagtie of Chicago, in the $100 .WfflLTJrli: eratly. ... recJsuffocate Mesalnk saldLiz:: -. of survivor into w...Another sort of Naples the tne fierapin brought teeth until he made an openingjniM out Of wtift-hl- ai Forestry, or conservative lumbering. Tk Bre fTiln. T knnw I r amines -' ' t nrapticed hymn" to be used in the wom. man " uiua v f n,,mhar lps traeemes. The ' , which ; neconld " folds breathe,. through . tl bed. Then"tfie tloor ot my room, collapsed and ... oBtt-per I niriiiiera moaninx and tryln en's i ,'".'Jl-"IHi-t!S-tI-'OWDfU death oil fnrwata null ntinllrlT for five In hours, expecting thtg position itn rno nnnpr jiih. nKrB .i.. lay ol w Had It been possible," he sayaTnttiiu'uiit.' )Hf ci'iit. or ibeoTgsTgpTtvj.WJTa. "pefpoMerance"" SOie BurviTur ' covers the conn-- 1 writers. This owned. committed suicide hav wnnlrt . vately , ucou. a in,.r. nna sin on ooara inn eteniuo,. wr uu buu, iuuiu MarqulB'-Vlnceua- o Uienoeee. .o o torri-mhad saved lne, .wltUoutv v." JiTbe inahe ruins tor 24 roar and a severe v iiv tremeodoui - viiii f wt a umuo j ,A niiu-.xooa . or artutv. waa BinKur. a naii on 'gas bill; frown on iuubu music uiwi cha . THE PERFECT FUTURE. on tears frown. Noise! At last baby; ot windmill. , devastation? waa tbe only the"crieB and moans of the wounded. These , round, like the wings tn four acts and a both think the same thing and Say the ' A problem' amid 'occurred play scene "'" a Messina At . wiael frightful night I soubds abated somewhat during Monday nothing. New York Herald. ; -.." . "7' few thinks. ", :'mmno one came to! our; assistance We were truina of the customs house. The Brat of the searrh -Tlme.-r-.Noand then, ..i . Who .were sfecessful were attacked by other' Ttfi . a tomb, with the dead bodies of our chil-,-e- -. Putting on Side. ) to there. with revolvers and knives, and.were obliged and Here one. but every Place "I teU yez. Mary .Ann," said Micky Conservatory full of palms Ikilan. a.a ha sat down tn hla minnpr.'' . v , ; neigfiborihouee. cries for help struggle was fierce. The famished" men Ihrew m al pntal eloom. He kisses her "it isn?Lfe tae.ifl-honohnrttable lo Unld from the Injured hlddennll.pinned nt down In the ,; themselves upon each other like wolves and merid --, me .BUiWnrnTJmuia t) Urk-ilu" . ., baB4M-iffdr- yr; annfiMiiiv ill un- uiiunu mn" a teiir diaofiitxweted' la defeadg J iJ wid bis wood leg takes ro carryin' a j "aarl.afAlir m. .hn nr tieans or a few' ounces of flour,. One of the nnforThi refueea lost his two children . He rrived in. such A nfortunatea thtt Thi. ta in nantomlme. and consists c.iine besides, it look a tn ma 1ni1 too nf - Were while a to a knife, mv was by and tunates plank pinned 2inr Borne half clad and covered with duaf add what she much bhtoyle end extravagance, so it condition that at the least noise they were prone, was his little chlld,for whom of what she tbinfts the burns., His wife, was Clothed iu little else than clinging to his hand ; ' thlnk ll8k 8h, tn,nk: do. seeking from theuroom,. rush says: eereaming to be bad sought food. - , Old counterpane. an she what of she Brescia, thinks; the mayor she says Birot, what open afreets. Signor - - His Not the Place for 1 Hit, thinks he- thinks she thinks. Intervst eelfee nf n"i wonder-why- am they put the wasnly tssmittr IF YOU HAVE A C0CD cial fUBCtloHrexcent at the nntverst' was not knownyandber.4 pugilist'spicture--et-tbekissed be M In oart found analogue his be did ta ara men Jound sulI where ronB2 a la this Altifc: are capMeyeBaiuuiIng three or the Bjodera ;iauMmTit-'.".Why not at the bottom?" enter inglvl,. ilan conmaintainArmenia four courses and Ibewhlle a strong; -- -' pf is country m chanmore have It would ""Because .. betn lord tn muni the . waa rtht.rfirtr given At One Time - Particularly English date tt of elegant converse- - trasts, of opposite extremes, of heat a genial flow ' Here-follocon- a delicate compliment to his Hl.:il t" A relic Of the ing residence It Js cellor's .... hwre"patonilme' ........... V. Entertainment. Form" of and cold, light and shade, drought and u an uppi'r cut ' times when breakfast was a peat sosisting of what they think, whapthey" haveimade baa. been made moisture; and contains many" mystep an American. attempt Recently what ' Ion. think say, ct fuc thisy they aay, and The customary breakfast given at cial had what to revive the breakfast w Tb.ua the klhg Ins awaiting solatlon.. The ethnologist ttmr . - . ry , men IKW Acr;m, ol ToFBaTTiranch several the opening of the legal term by the Is Netrnjarket,-tssndOTlurar '7 7 ,7- -: sinnff habifc Compensation. fast occupy the Both are naLirym nowae of Uri ford- thawelfera-- B to breakfast parties.. To ths great European family the Ar''Why do we get so muny invitations a same time. Neither was at the Gladstone Mr. same chair Thus is .reguiar aa solid menian people belong to; the phllolo. to about three hundred guests we t)6nt wantf! iVERTISH ..I ,c and a" constant at- our ancestors the meal was , speaks nor thlpksvl,. -Institution which goes back io 7 the giver of hreakfaaU meat ot dishes ijuaiyied of hey are givtm 'us to t"- , many yet cUuwTfcd- - their gist aa-not : others. one, IV. "":"""' when given by at tbem tendant iNft CET IT Brougham. r t Anversatile to " next the knows small of lack bo beer, the the or, days of the" sock many No antiquarian breakpossets by Scene changes to four room flat years, however; the L- . Tea nothing of their early history. the last 40 years' It has been held tn Of recentfallen Into desuetude as a so cient equivalent of soda water. room for ennvaraafion.. tins bill, on want" ClevcljLd tb bouse ot lords, but at an earlier fast has Ui3i-in;i- ' ' -- L V biick-strew- !r'i4.fiB diepnamenllio.a8trd jaain.ibeiR08Baat . Belive'-Governm- -- -- able mtr ent -r-- e Do It Now See Thol; Electric Co. W a gav:ay ''oe-thlfd- a 1, one-fift- h . hlsa-minut- fenbMbe Tfolent-,rHyth-- .....iira i iti ,? a-a-- nnimtrv'-Uttbr-BM- . p- one-flft- h ply-lae- It ' aw-th- nad'" our-fores- ts has-ot-b- eir - pt - 'ex-bod- y fl?" APAPTtlEfr T . State Bank of F - ... ; -- 'ot n. - wfn ... . -- . carea.-iur--,waii- tjl betel .. .j. .i.i a ..... venue. - , '' . loref D;" - - ane-ULL- a tkelnlffl.Jne v ' tp m1eaTtoawClc;$irp4 n ph."" . ' iiiur-unii- . -" ,, g.- :At: Ooiv Academy; A -- r-- . innmni "".. ....; heTtn taWii aZ htfur-entire- ly " a.a .u..mln1 k..r),r . i .... labler: ?wn!lrfthe Jrn'o TmASTJcii.i Sin A'i"t r?nt'4 S I . r. "r" w s,b V f .r ::.!fetkftt!41 ; ... 'mn. e J telly-man- .. h. ial i. BREAKFAST, SOCIAL E 4h w4t .t"ir5: par?'r "- - H1 .- ' rt i 7 Fr -b- -- jaa-gtiage- Act wiC . - r- - --- ' t'i'.J - |