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Show THE D. J. Greenwell, Correspondent. 1641 avenue. Washington Tels. 915 or 2151-R. progres ein transportation. CATHOLICS HOLD PREPARE FOR ROADS MEET Governors Ogden Convention. fay Two Dignitaries Open to The Special rs Herald-Iieptibllca- " " Park City. May 28. Rev. Challen Smith delivered a sermon this mornthe Congregational church on ing atSin of the Age .World Old." A "The was present. j large congregation Decoration day the Juvenile band will march to the cemetery at 9.30 on a. m. 'Y 1 the grave and pla"ce flowers I. ivm-im- ;. n, ie-In- jr er Tedy, Or-pheu- m Auto-"Tnob- - ELKS TO MIGRATE OGDEN Large Herd Planning t Make Trln to Park City Meeting. to The May ?S. special Oden. Herald More than fifty Og- Intenden KIks have signified their to attend CityElks' tion of going to ParkUtah the convention S ofandthe6. and beforeassothe ciation. June .tat nf riftiarture arrives It is thought number will have arthat twic to that go. John Culler, acting ranged depresident of the state association, have made clares the Park City F.Iks extensive arrangements to provide that ail visitors have an enjoyable stay in The Ogden delegation will theJamp. a fV here at 7 a. m. Monday and travel Lake over the Denver & Rio toSlt will take the speGrande, where they to leave Salt Lake cial Rio 30Grande a. rn. about . . POLICE ACTIVITY DISLIKED Street .Merchant TTentJ-flf- h Say Policy llMrtn llalnes. Spfial to The Hcrntd Republican. Ogden. May 28. Activity of the police in seeing to it that drunks and to jail vagrants either go to work orTwenty-fifth has brought complaints from street merchants, Thomas 1. of police, asserts. The Brown, chief of the merchants declare the out policy of the city. i)ollce is driving money vTo this charge Chief Drowning re- from past experience he has 1:ies that to prevent the gathit advisable undesirables of so that many ering here will be unable to cope with "the police He Instructed the element. h has street beat topolice preon the Twenty-fiftvent loafing and arrest all drunks. He believes that the policy will meet with the approval of the best clement in the , Ma-guir- ce. e. Frequently when there Is an accident, where the car runs off the road, hits an obstruction or is upset, the driver or some other occupant of the car or the "the steering gear reporter savs that is safe to venture gave away."not Vet itreal reason for the the that it is accident. What often happens Is that the driver goes to sleep. In a report of an accident last fall the driver frankly paid he went to sleep and the next he knew he was under the car, thing was an abutment. thrown which of driving an auto The soporific effectagainst rehours is at night for several than defor more accidents really sponsible vifective construction. The constantconbration of the steering1 wheel, the tinuous noise of the machine and the drone of the wind have the same effect as does the buzz of an electric fan on most folk. IJefore the driver realizes It he Is getting drowsy. The 'wheel Is held more and more loosely. Gradually the car takes the line of least resistance, aldeu by the slackening (but not abandoned) control of the totally driver. The next thing he knows he is off the road. Sometimes the car overturns. Sometimes the driver escapes, with the occupants of the car, together oftentimes the dereliction results in inor death. If more drivers realized jury the danger of not keeping awake there would be fewer accidents. At least, this is the opinion of experienced drivers. LAST OF FAMOUS BEACH DECORATF ltd Spaolab War Veteran to The Ogden. May rs. A. thronged with people who good dinners. Gilmore's band enjoyed and spectacular fireworks along rrlth their ocean. To the right. Brighton beach and its big hotel ministered to a popularity less expensive. Off to the left, the Oriental presented Itself as a monument of excluslveness. Its guests. nowever, uiu not hesitate to avail themselves at will of the amusement chains terminating with Coney island or west end. Demands for a new seaside residence district led to the removal of the Man hattatn Reach hotel. Extension of that demand brings on the doom of the Oriental. This reveals an interesting ot lire In the metropoli development tan district. Not less interesting, and in some ways more important is the fact-tha- t the old order has passed. leaving no exact substitute. Concv Island still exists at an extreme of of different popularity. For the Inclinations who once people crowded the Man hattan there is no place immediately at hand. Few cities so rich in beaches as Is New York would be content with so poor an employment ot them, in point of the greatest good to the greatest New York World possmie numbers. well-to-d- -- of Ilerald Repnblican-- l Members of the G. Veterans are til. and Spanish War In preparing for leading part tatlng the observance of Memorial day in Ogden Tuesday. The two organizations with members of the women's auxiliaries will hold the principal exercises Tuesday morning In Mountain View cemetery, when a flagpole and to post by flag, presented Lincoln circle No. 2, will be depicted. Committees from the two organizations will visit the city and Mountain View cemeteries to decorate graves of afternoon departed onnoldiers. One of the events the program will be the of flowers in Ogden river in strewing honor of departed sailors. Members of the Ogden police force, Ogden Police Benefit comprising the association, to will marchtheto the City decorate graves of cemetery dead police officers. Dix-I.og- an BIGHTS OF THI3 DEAD. The statute under which" Paul Tt Hoffer was convicted in the state of that Wash Washington for charging swore and owned slaves. ington drank, is rcunaea on a principle new to iuris Free Is prudence. to guarantee togovernment the Individual supposed the ex ercise of all natural rights, limited only wnere he begins to inai .me on point the natural rights of others fringe But whose rights were Interfered with wnen Mr. Ilorier. relvina: on the nrlvl lege of free speech, made tart remarks about the Father of his Country? How was wasmngton injured, beiner lonir dead? If defendant Hcffer could be prosecuted for saying caustic things aDoui vi. w couia ne also be prosecuted for saying caustic things aboutG. W.'a nrtntAmnrtrorunnnnnlap about Julius Caesar or George III? Or or Machiavelll or Jesse Brigham Young James or Jetf Davis or Nebuchadnez zar or the Bender family or Brick Pom- eroy or Nero or Oliver Cromwell or Ivan the Terrible or Genghis Khan or General Bouianger or Aaron Burr, or laccaDeus.' uoes the constitu juaas tion follow the flag into the next world? In Washington one must speak discussing personages of the softly in past. Historians must write softly. St. CHAUTAUQUA HEAD CHOSEN Pacific Coast Ktlnrator to Lecture and Direct Anncmbly at Ogden. Spocial to Tlic Ogden. May 28. IIerall-Itjubl!ca- H. E. Hendrix, a Pa- cific coast educator, has been selected as superintendent of the Ogden ChauJune assembly, which will open He tauqua 11 and continue for one week. is to give four morning lectures Cost." "Heredity," "Counting the and "Training." one each on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and of Chautauqua week. Hours Friday for the Chautauqua events have been9 fixed as follows: children's hour, a. m.: morning lecture, 10 a. m.; afternoon concert, 2.30 p. m.: afternoon lecture. 3 p. m.; domestic science. 4 p. m.: m.; principal evening concert.8.157.30 p. p. m. evening event. "Kn-vlronme- HELPS WEATHER j With the tearing down of the Orlen tal hotel, Manhattan beach will lose the last token of its character as known to the New York of a generation ago. In the the beach was at its height midetghtles of fame and prosper! ty. The Manhattano Beach hotel was GIVES Ogden Will Observe Memorial Day In Two Cemeteries. Special BEETS jouis 2'osi-uispaic- HOW IT STARTED. to Acre Expected Yield In The controversy over Shakespeare's NEARLY WILD WITH Amalgamated Company Districts. plays having been written by Bacon Miss Delta Bacon originatedof with .Special to The Rev. David Bacon, and the daughter 28. In event there the May horn at uanmaage. u.. i- enruary 2. 1811 no more areOgden. unfavorable weather con- She was educated at Miss Catharine in several best the the ditions, in yield Beecher's school at Hartford, Conn BURNING ITCHING Of Idaho the and districts Ftah a teacher and lecturer. She and became will company Amalgamated Sugar actons to the acre, average totwelveF. Jj Rarton, factory mancording for the company. Eczema. FromHandstoElbowsOne ager Field representatives of the several factories in Ogden say that incanning Mass. Could Not Put Hands in dications point to the pea crop develthe factories may begin oping so that about Water. Could Not Sleep. ofhor-io-b- G the third week u peas packing June. Despite past cold weather the tomato crop is expected to be heavy. VTe nre all greatly indebted to those HEALED BYCUTICURA tell their experiences. And among TEACHERS GAIN MORE TIME trho I . the wanr thin- which we read about and SOAP AND OINTMENT Will Have Until Juj- - to Dlelde If They are of immediate ImWish to Remain. to the expecportance Special to Tlie tant Is a eplen. mother. 28. In view if the Og"My daughter wm poisoned by Filt and did external remedy Ogden. May called 'M other's It turned into eczema and from her hands den board of education's financiat Into Increase the salary scale of Friend. This Is ap. to her elbows was one mass of red. bunun. ability this year the board has agreed the muscle oTer plied itching eruptions. It began with a ranh teachers teachers may have servuntil that the of the stomach. It Is which was of such a burning Itching nature July 1 to city contracts their for sign deeply penetrating: In times she was nearly wild. For ices next year. Some of the teachers v w tht atweeks elsea to have" look desire she could not put her hands In taany everywhere tell of lt for positions and board members where expressed ' water and she could not sleep. be given sufsocthinjr effect, how it should vir felt that they "She suffered intensely for several weeks ficient time In which to see if they can allays pains incident tn of cords, and I tried wringing towels out of hot water do better. the stretching all teachers have been Ina.nd "Mac,es- - Tb,y ten of restful Nearly and putting a rubber sheet across her. but vited to contracts for next year, cxmfort, calra, peaceful night, an ah-she wasn't helped. The Doctor said to try but the sign board will not employ any eence of those distresses Hern i i r tn Cutirura. Soap and Ointment. I did and teachers to fill vacancies until after the rlod . . of cxnerfnincy. relief of John Glrdler, the new super- Sickness, no more nf tht- - from :morning the Itching and burnlns; left her. and I used arrival from Le Grande. Ore., where which so manr younj women's minds be-four boxe-- of Cuticura Ointment together intendent, lie Is completing his duties as superin11 H a "Plendid help. Get with the Cutfeura Soap and she was comtendent of schools. New appointments C0I?5.urdeJ,e?;. a bottle of Friend" frora your made be Mrs. Brown. Ida his will upon recommendation. healed." (Signed) nearest pletely Ask your husband to set Ave.. Chicago. III.. Oct. 22. It for drugSit. 702 Hfrald-rtepnbHea- A "Fine Aid For - Ilerald-KepuMlrsn- i4 life - x k n S -- Hi 7-- A 4 : y jy A by Mail jf ample Each Free Adon With dress tmn." 32-- p. poet-ca- rd Sold PARADE PLANNED Skin Book Executive Committee Decides on request. Cutlcura. Dept. T, !' throughout the world. (Sw-ia- eral Principal DltKlans. I l t Tiie 28. Iruld-IUjuM:".m- . Sev- Then write to Bradfleld Lamar Bldgr., Atlanta, Ga , ' ana boot. ,,r. It is filled with susrestire instrucUre ideas of treat be.p to all women --Interested in the subject of maternity. And best of all are some let. you. Co. , ; t ) A general outline f Ogden, May the features to be incorporated in the 408 Rcjt-clat- or 6$ B IMS" Qd 0 The and wo" The comedy with get-u- p In it. Xana Bryant . and Cliff Thompson in the cost. SPECIAL HOLIDAY TUESDAY Matinees, Tuesday, Thursday, 15c and 25c evenings, urday, 35c 15c 25c. nnd 55c. Sat8JiO, t $550,000,000. TORXADO SWEEPS OKLAHOMA. Enid. Okla., May 28. Northern Okla homa was swept by wind and hail storms today with the damage centering in Garfield county. Seven buildings were wrecked at Fairmount Two persons were injured slightly in Enid and the roof of the city auditorium was blown off. Pouglas also suffered from the storm. ytj Last time today Anita Stewart and Earl Williams in " "The Juggernaut" Billie Burke. Tues. Chaplin. j wealth. kf i I ft '4 j'-'t; - . ORPHEUM THEATRE TOXIGHT AXD TUESDAY. Verdi's Greatest of All Grand Opera Pageants, Miss Victoria Wolf in prize winning costume, photographed during bathing girls' parade. . are engaged .In the sixty odd film to the manufacturing ocean. plants adjacent Pacific The canoe girl, the hiking enthusiast, the angling maid and all other outdoor devotees, are going in for ease rather but withal than the paramount have not sacrificedstyle, consideration of the eternal feminine. costumes will be "nifty," say Outing the arbiters, and they usually know.anThe "Bathing: Girls' Parade," an nual function at Venice by the sea, parhundred ticipated in by more thanoutoneevery vayoungofwomen, "Low brought necked socks' and suit. riety in evidence, but knees were powdered e no sleeves. The suit retained Its popularity and ideas of the riot of colors may be obtained from the folawards of prizes: lowing Miss Mabel Johnson. first, silver cloth design of a typical mermaid, hat, and trimmings of old shoes, Miss stockings Victoria Wolf, second, aprigold; cot suit, trimmed with white, white stockings and sash Miss Claire Alexander, third, cerise and white Billy suit. is said to have been a. weman of rare Intellect and attainments. In 1857 she a book entitled published of the Plays of Shakespeare "Philosophy Unfolded," in which she elaborated views which FOUR DIE IN AUTO WRECKS e. ed Ain. as Js'ew-to- n Pure air . o.ue, oecause, claimed, the molecules of the air have the thickness necessary to reflect blue rays. When the sky is not peris blended pure the fectly with perceptible atmosphere and the difvapors fused light is mixed with a large proportion of white. SAW MEXICO CITY I'AI.f.. To have witnessed the capture of Mexico City by Scott's army in i47 id the distinction of W. W. Ford of Omaha. Neb., who was at that time a resident of Mexican Texas and whose father was a close friend of Samuel Houston. Mr, Ford finds the papers very newsy nowadays. COLOR OP cline) Six. Person Injured. Singac, N. J., May 28. Two men and one woman were killed while another woman was seriously Injured in a collision here tonight between an automobile in which they were riding and an express train at an unprotected grade crossing. The persons killed were: Edgar Daold, of Franklin, X. J., venport, 42 driver of the automobile: I. Feindloon, 35 years old, of Hamburg, N. J., a clothing23 dealer, unidentified woman about years old. r, Boulder, Colo., May 28. D. W. 51, of Longmont, Colo., was killed and six others were injured, one seriously, late today when an automobile stage in which they were traveling became unmanageable on a steep incline, dashed down. the mountain and was wrecked. ' Keystone Comedy Pathe News Hear Stella Poulton Foote and the Aerial Quartet sing "Go, Boys in Blue" Special Organ Recital Tonight 9.15 PROFESSOR J. J. M'CLELLAN "Tocatta in F," by Widor; "The Rosary," by ' ' Thursday An Old Melody, by McClellan Nevin, BURKE i55 "SIMS OF MEN" hS LLE E i yyy &a yy u LAST TIME TODAY Daniel Frohman Presents Peggy Kyland DAY. AND WEDNESDAY Lou Tellegen in a picturization of Henry Arthur in the great La sky production of Jones' celebrated drama "Sail sits and uiroiraeG's S3 The Bia; Trio ot the smallest comedian n Enjoy h' world, LITTLE LORD ROBERTS) see the biggest (flrl net of the season, a flock of the on the stage. In prettiest girls PIRATES." THE DREAM LauKh with the old-tiMR. favorites, AXD MRS. PERKINS FISHER. Other pleasing- numbers. Nan Grey, bonnle Scotch singer; two Rials in acrobatic stunts; Knight and Moore in comedy patter. of "THE SECRET First SUBMARINE." OF THEchapter am el For 30 Days We Will Give FREE Extra Heavy Marathon Tube with every Marathon Regular Fabric cr Whipcord 'Tire. All tires guaranteed 5000 miles. A Red me - n. Priccw imiml, IQc. 2Qc. 3Qc. LANGFORD TIRE CO. Marathon Tires Utah and Eastern Idaho. Phone AVas. 2975. 136 E. Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah. Distributor 7 ! 1 vi LJt' j V s vMGk 1 in mm TheyVe All in Love With Peg Flip, the clown, her faithful guardian, loves Peg. The young doctor's son loves Peg. The doctor loves her. They all love her for her sweetness, demurencss and noble character, but there is a seemingly insurmountable obstacle in their path. Peg has many suitors. She refuses all but "the right one." Who was he? How did he win her? What were the reasons he wanted to marry Peg? You can learn all about it by reading e iMig ls yyy um n DECORATION ; XOW PLAYING! Old-fathe- S. H&RY in "THE 'PRIMAL LURE" I 81.5Q. In a dramatic Pathe Western story. "THE TOMBOY," SKELLYS SKELETON Beauty comedy of love and ghosts. THE LOST SECRET," AmerbyTPathe spies are defeated Foreign heroism. Two-reican drama. - WILLIAIUl Tuesday Wednesday 5e. Today. One Day Only JACKIE SAUNDERS AND HENRY KING One Machine Crashes- Into Train on Crossing; Another Goes Over In- LAST TIME TODAY 4 Ilea ii ty Ballet of TO. Chorus and supers 400. Grand opern orchestra, 50 tw York scenery, professionals. costumes, stage director. Prices 1, 2. one-piec- had been briefly presented in a magazine article the year before. This was the first presentation of the Baconian theory. But the plays were credited to Shakespeare during the Elizabethan age his and also to severalby othercontemporaries writers cf the period besides Ben Jonson, who dubbed Shakespeare the "Swan of Avon," and referred to him by name, as a great poet of that day. Indianapolis News. so-call- In English. (Favorite opera of the great Caruso.) With Vernon Heroic Tenor, from Vienna Stiles. Royal Opera House, Petrogrnd Royal Opera House, Metropolitan Opera House, cast. and all-st- ar The mandates of the Fashion Art League will be defied by the fair sea bathers at southern California beaches. when that serious minded body sol feminine emnly proclaimed sleeves for suits, they went too far for bathing tne pretty maids that haunt the beaches the year round. Knees may show, but elbows are Art taboo," declared the Fashion League. a "The long sleeve gives the bather appearance." w hereatcoquetish open rebellion was declared at Long Beach. Seal Beach, Redondo Beach. Balboa, Keach, Huntington Ocean Park. Venice and Santa Monica. we wear must If longwesleevessacin the surf to be coquetish, will rifice coquetry for comfort, declared the mermaids in chorus, and the sleeveless sea suits for spring give no indication that the Fashion Art League is on earth or ever had issued a decree. arrivals indicate that striking Earlyand colors will predomi-atnfashions on the The daring lead in styles beaches surrounding Los Angeles usually is taken by the moving picture actresses several thousand of whom i PIONEER With the same select chorus assisting1 in the season's latest song and dance novelties. RICH TUXGSTEX ORE. Ten sacks of hubnerite, or tungsten ore, taken recently from a Colorado mine, proved so rich in that much desired mineral that $800, brought an average of about they 80 cents a which gees toward explaining pound, why has become so magic a word tungsten in that mountain and mining common 1 Esgleston 3. interest ri-- -'i i . m 0. 000-Grea- - . y Same Prices MAT. TOMORROW STOCK CO. -- n. Tvrelve Ton 1915. as A jl " sub-deac- on M .sJ. .l honor, the devotion continuing ... midnight. from 3 a. m. tomorrow until Again the blessed sacrament will be uldnight: The period or exposed forwilladoration. concluded Tuesday be adoration morning with solemn high mass at 11 o'clock. The Rt. Rev. Joseph S. Glass, C. M., D. D.. bishop of the Bait Lake diocese, was the celebrant of pontifical hl?h of mass, which marked the beginning the the period of adoration. Carrying blessed sacrament, the bishop took part In the procession. He was preceded by the Children or Marv sodality, the young women students of the Sacred Heart academy, members of the Holy Angels society, the boys of the Holy Name society and the clergy. The young people acted as acolvtcs and cross bearers. Children of the Holy Angels society strewed flowers throughout the church. Four members of Ogden council No. 777, were standard Knights of Columbus, were T. D. Ryan. W. J. bearers. They Dermody, David Hlckey and Don This is the first time in the history of the local Catholic church that the for devotion has been observed ty hours' and it is the second time of the observance In Utah. The Very Rev. P. M. Cushnahan, V. G.. of Ogden, was assistant priest at the celebration of pontifical high mass. The others of the clergy who Allofficiated Hallows were the Rev. Leo Marx of college as deacon of honor; theof Rev. All Theodore Roser. vice president Hallows, subdPacon of honor; theofVery All Rev. George Rapier, president Hallows, deacon of the mass; theofRev. the John Laan of Ogden, subdeacon mass, and the Rev. J. Smith of All Hallows, master of ceremonies. The Very Rev. Rapier preached the sermon that pontifical mass. . Special accompanied devotions were held at 7. SO o'clock this evening", at which the Rev. Roser delivered the sermon. Adoration will begin at 5 o'clock Monat 9 o'clock there will day morning andmass be solemn with Father Roser high as the celebrant. Father Lagan as deacon and Father Cushnahan as and the Rev. W. Flynn, pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes church, Salt Lake, will give the sermon. William Peterson of the I. tab. Agricul " I r. tural college,6den: A. O. cnel.!etr' forester ator tne American mumu.. ecretarv William P. IxnK. association: American PJ; Portland aentintc the tate Idaho ir-Uoassociation: E. M. Uooth David J. and engineer, of the Salt Lake Comsecretary club. mercial the two Included In the prosram for of various days are ofdemonstrations building roads as now methods followed on the highways in W county. The program: June IX 9.S0 a. m. Registration of delegates at convention headquarters: music, orchestra. I. 10.30 a. m. Call to order. Dr. I McCalla. president of Intermountaln address or fiona Roads association: wood, mayor of fneUome. A. R. Hey II. Wattis. presiOeden: Kreetlncrs, W.club: response and Weber dent of the Dr. I. P. McCalla. president s address. appointment of committee?; address, Gov. William Afternoon Session. 2 n. m. Afternoon to .be spent on or Tiiverdale road Inspecting building Inconcrete highway; explanation and en. struction will be given by highway C,?.30r!p. m.Music. Orpheum orchesdiscussion. K. R. Morgan. tra: general road Ftate engineer: "Automobile David Larson, necretary Tourists." J. Commercial club: Relation Salt Lake rof. of the lload to Horse and Ioad. I colWilliam Peterson, Agricultural lege, .Logan. Wednesday, June 14. Forest 10 a. m. "Government and district forester. Roads." La. F. Kneipp.State Highways. "Idaho 4gcien; Mo.-e- s governor of (Waho; Alexander, and the Road. A. t.ile "The Automobile iHatchel ler. secretary American association. New York City. .Afternoon Session. in the building m.Instruction p ; - . . -- . rnarlii. with nnirAt of oil and taryia topdemonstration this demonstration will part of ping: be in ogden canyon. "Construction of Karth WILL 7 zn p. m. highway Roads." K. M. Rooth. stateRoad Con"Concrete engineer, Idaho: F. Long, represtruction." William of the American Portland Cesentative ment association. (i. .A. It. D. fi Inter-mounta- dent of the association: . Mayor usacn. Ileywood oi j. K. club: Weber of the president '.torKan. state highway National debt figures have increased since tne outbreak of the war that the argument that if neither side gains a decisive victory within the course of the next year cr two all will have to ouit In order to restore their credit becomes Increasingly Plausible. to the last statistics preAccording before the pared the national clebts of the principalwar, Involved powers together with the annual interest and other were as follows: chaves. and states, debt in 1913 with of $165,574,000; Russia in 1914, charges debt $4,537,861,000, with charges of $207,421,000; France, in 1913, A6-12'000' of with t?R ' .i'000; . Great Britain,charges in 1912-3,485.S18,000. with charges of 119,J29.000. to a "conservative London According expert," quoted bv the New lork Evening Post, debt of these nations at the presentthe rate of increase will be. on August 1, 1916, at the close of the second year of the war. follows: Germany and states $16,000us 000,000. with annual Interest charges of $762,500,000; Russia, debt $15,000,000 000 and interest $725,000,000; France debt $14,600,000,000 and interest $625 000 Britain, debt $13,050,000,000 'and Ger-man- Po-pen- A. R. j so rapidly . . James Hamilton was tried yesterday, Social t Tt Special to Tbe cerwith selling liquor on Suncharged William 28. With Gov. 28. impressive Spry Ogden, May Ogden. May Hatch of Heber City deCharles day. this church Joseph's The ef Utah and Gov. Moses Alexander of emonies in St. Catholics Hamilton. fended jurors obbeanof the were drawn: Dr. G. li.following Sheen, J. be amontr the speakersin morning local Idaho are to convention continGlenn Wentworth and Frank of the servance of the forty hours 'sacrament at the annual association ac-to uous devotion. The blessed Andrew. The verdict was not guilty. Good Roads 13 14 and June be held in OKdenofficial The Blessed Sacrament Issued uous devotion. several Catholic sociecording to the the otherprogram the of members will ppeakeraPresitodav. Among to act as guards of detailed were ties he Dr. I I. McCalla of Holse. until AUTO SLEEPINESS Ilerald-Repr.Man- NATIONAL DEBTS ! of Its former organizer, J. C. Whltta. The Rev. George I. Baldwin held and evening services Sunday morning in the St. Luke's Kplscopal church. Devotion at Ogden. IIerU-npabl!caB- ! FASHION ART LEAGUE IS PUT TO ROUT; COAST BATHING GIRLS GO SLEEVELESS $3,789,-4p4.00- SOLEMNSERVICE 40-hou- j PARK CITY NOTES Program to Be Participated in Bishop Glass and Other Church Attend-in- g 5 SALT LAICE CITY, UTAH, MOXDAY, MAY 29, 191G N, that Is to be the principal fea-In parade ture of the Pioneer day celebration July 24, has been agreed upon Ogdn by the executive committee. The parade will be made up of the following divisions: Primitive Utah, Indians, Franciscan fathers, trappers, explorers. Mormon battalion, gold seekers, first company, ox team, handcarts, mule teams, prairie schooners, pony express, seagulls, community progress, progress in progress in agriculture, mining, progress in manufacturing and OGDEN DEPARTMENT Circulation h Department, 420 Twenty-fiftatreet. Telephone 915. IIEHALD-REPUBLIOA- "The a story crammed with thrilling adventures and unusual happenings. It is a story of circus life and circus people with a fascination and charm that takes you back to the days of your childhood and the magic of the sawdust arena. , Story now running in The Sunday and in motion pictures at the Rex theatre every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Ilcrald-Rcpublic- an |