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Show THE HEALING HELPS OBREGON NOW I FOR AILING SKIN GOES HALF WAY Poslam and Poslain Soap Improve Any Diseased Condition. When He Talks Not . Realizes U. S. Means to Withdraw. Co-operati- t on liniid t. rae with the from conversant vhoU rlosrlyand who mki. tire situation "Between two evils beou njf't It would SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1916 HERALD-REPUBLICA- N, en-- j choose ' I o.slp.m and Soap Ftand for perfeot skin health, and confer thtir benefits daily upon who exmight otherwise sufferthousands 'not only treme physical distress, but the greatest through the presvol h the ence embarrassment of skin disfigurements. th. auction of a withdrawal follow. I'OSlam. thA rOtnorllbreak might I. IossIWllty that SOOthe tO ur.A Atr,A SOieiy rnntrnl Turn. 1 nexpevled TaUf an crupuonai trounie. Including Af.m. Eczeenan ma, even when most sceTavated. ter- The negotiations today took nna siuoDorn. us ability to do the morning ..icm o is apparent in the progressive, tirely uexperted turn. Inthere work . f htiillnu- vioitilo uftot. i probably nn.nl;,..,- ft was announced that tlon. FokIhiu In .soap is nonirritatlns. would bo a meeting of the conferees luxurious, beneficial. pur, Funston Generals with the afternoon, y sample, send 4c stamps to 32 W. Twentv-fift- h Hid h'cott representing the United street. Laboratories, New York City. Sold by all States as In the first conference and i rus ; sis. Aflrrttmnt with Generals Ohre?on and Trevino rf presenting Mexico. At noon, however, General Scott walked unattended ffom h!s private car to the Hotel Paso del Funston to leaving General rorte, alone In the car: about the same lunch time General Obreon crossed over from Juarez in his touring car and proceeded to the same place. Arrived at the hotel. General Scott and General Obregon went to a room n the eighth floor reserved by. A. J. Still Without Any president ot the Alvarado MeQuatters. & Milling; company, which has Washington interests at Farral. the scene of Definite Information of Comlargerecent outbreak of Mexicans against the the American troops. It became known pliance With Demand. then that the tw-- generals were to be the guests at luncheon of Mr. McQuat-tera personal friend of both. At this (Continued From Page 1.) meeting, which besan at noon and that Germany will make con lasted well into the night. General positive Fcott Is reported to have employed Jhe cessions to the United States which will prevent the breaking off of diptactics which he successfully employedo lomatic relations. They say the Berlin In his negotiations with Villa, the been advised that the Incident and other affairs, and government hasmeans States Just what it said which won for him the reputation of United of the in its note and was not prepared to enbeing" the official peace-makter into any negotiations on the sub"Washington government. Genject of submarine warfare until preslie is said to have Indicated to ent methods had been abandoned. these eral Obregon things: It Is felt In German circles that That the United State la the Het certainly will agree to aban Germany friend Mexico lias. don operations objectionable to the ibe That I'reaident Wllaon United States, at least pending negotiaMexleo rid of Vllllstai only to tions on the subject. In this connecjtnd as oon na this Is arcom-- tion. It Is pointed out that there even lll be pllwhrd. the American troop a possibility that instructions to is rrlthfirat n. end already have been issued to this That It nppearw that the- attitude submarine commanders, there not havof the t'nited States government few ing been reported during the last coma iiroprrlr understood, has not could be which attacks days lore fnr from urcklnu intervenof. It Is reiterated that all tion that la the Tery thins It wlhe9 plained messages from tne wcrnn xoreign or . to avoid. fice clearly indicate that Germany is That finally- the majority of the most anxious to presA-friendly rela' American people, and even the miltions with the United States. In nre vrlth accord President itary Wilson's desire to avoid 'o Ueport From Gerard. Heretofore Mr. Gerard has kept Pec In addition to giving General Obre retary Lansing and President Wilson gon this information. General Scott Is fully advised, not only in regard to or reported to have assured him that the ficial developments, but In regard to United States government had been In- the probabilities In advance of govern formed that the Villista element still mental action and court gossip as well. was very strong In Chihuahua and Du- In this crisis he has made no report ra n go and It feLt that It must take whatever respecting his conference every precaution against the repetition with Emperor William. Of course, it Is realized that the ab of 'such Incidents as the Columbus sence raid. of Mr. Gerard from Berlin, prob ' Washington, he is asserted to have ably without his code book, and his said, planned to pursue to the end the probable reluctance to intrust con task It had begun by sending General fidentlal communications to the Ger naturally man military telegraphs, may have ac Pershing Into Mexico, and of the desired the counted for the absence of, reports. government since that would High officials tonight earnestly ex hasten the day of withdrawal. pressed the hope that a disiaoh from Tate today a dispatch was sent by the ambassador would be by General Obregon to General Carranza. tomorrow. was furasked for This. It supposed, Secretary Lansing had no informa ther Information. tlon to lay before the cabinet at to It was reported tonight In authorita- day's meeting and the situation was tive quarters that any agreement call- discussed only briefly. It was the first of Mexican and time In weeks that the for the had ing American troops in the dispersal of the appeared at a session ofsecretary cabinet the Villista groups would provide that Gen- without a portfolio filled with report . eral Pershing's forces should concen- anu. memoranaums. trate at Colon! a Dublan, the present base near Casas Grandes. Ko Decision Yet rieaehed. It was pointed out that this spot was Berlin. May 2. Herr von Jagow, well placed as to climate, that It had an abundant water supply and that It foreign minister, at the reopening of would be easy from there to maintain the sitting: of the budget committee of today, said the govern the present line of communication with the reichstag ment had not yet reached & decision Columbus, N. M. The selection of Colonla Dublan as a with regard to the situation that had base would be in the nature of a con- arisen from the American note to Ger cession to the de facto It many regarding Germany's submarine was said, as It Is rathergovernment. remote from campaign. As soon as the imperial the districts most infested by bandits. chancellor returned from headquarters. This would mean that a very large Herr von Jagow added, he would give share of the work of- hunting down the committee definite information. The foreign minister said the govbandit bands would fall to the Carran-zistathe Americans restricting them-- ( ernment, in view of the importance of selves to running down such bandits the American question. would have been glad to make a statement today attempted to operate toward the of the problem regarding the status but that for the reason stated, this was impossible. OREGON GRANT BILL It has been learned that Dr. Karl the imperial treasurer, is at Ilelffcrich. REPORTED TO HOUSE in the conheadquarters participating note ferences on the American and the May 2. A bill, under framing of an answer thereto. Wjuhlnton. which the federal government would The Frankfurter Zeitung says for S2.60 an acre about two take over Gerard twice dined with Emmillion acres of timber &land in Oregon peror William and that he also was d the California Oregon granted was favorably reported abje to see the German troops at an company, Hous lands c o m in important point on the front. by the today weeks of consideration. The land, after (granted under the stipulation that none Counterproposals Fortcaat. ef it should be sold by the company London. May 2. A dispatch to the an would be acre, more than for from resold to timber interests or opened to Exchange TelefiYaph company It Is suggested says today homesteaders where the timber was not Amsterdam abundant. It Is said to be worth many In political circles that the king of Spain will be asked to arbitrate the millions. the lexr. the de facto government desires po.e ar ' It' was atherM from this fact that th Mexicans had derided not to press - 1 m snftrt m hi Jf - r fllllAI Z.H&r ..J. .Vf . F.mer-:i-nc- tM . mm at CS till U Um Li II ftiLf; ? tm Mm e of bus! mmtimmm Y side that wins owes much to the confidence th GERMAN DELAY ntlTiiciacm of i'u ur.nni-fprNever rlurina the 27 vears of our business an career in the clothing field have we received so many expressions of enthusiastic praise. Men who have looked 'round tell us that the styles we show and the values we offer aro ; really different. s CAUSES CONCERN I 0 Only yesterday a man remarked, "There is something about the clothes you show that makes a fellow feel like he is' getting the right thing.'9 out of the takes mm o s. . Ger-onlm- v.-- . 2 - It AND HE IS. We could not afford to have it prove otherwise. ordinary to make men enthuse and to express their approval. - something Take for example our er mm pecia. mm specialize in giving the utmost values in these suits and at this price you can choose .from a larger assortment than at any other price.. .Many men and young men, as a result of the variety of attractive instyles and the exceptional values .we feature at $15, have formed the habit of buying our $15 specials stead of the $20 values elsewhere. We "f - TODAY - mm WEDNESDAY Ti Car-ran- is none too early to buy your summer suit. Come and see the new rem j'lT,.'. LrsfK. i you'll appreciate the May arrivals variety as well as the opportunity of saving a five spot on your summer suit. ft' -- j? Ask to see our Special Blue and 'Gray Serge at $15. .Strictly and absolutely color fast.x An ideal suit for the summer all-woo- l, pre-shrun- W k Special $15. I za it.-.vc- d fefe; lx" . l Tl.. . f rru' J Gardner 1 aaaMaaaaaa U. : dams do. aaai aM aa aaaMawaaaBaaMaMMaaaMaai 4 - s. ; - Am-basad- or rail-roa1 1 1 Splendid Laxative for Elderly People Has Been Prescribed by Well Known Physician for Many Years. The infirmities of age are especially manifest in a tendency to constipation and call for treatment that will afford relief in an easy, rtatural manner. Trie rapid action of cathartic remedies and purgatives that shock the system hould be avoided, more especially as the relief they offer is only temporary rnd is usually more than offset by disturbance to the vital organs caused by their violent action. Nearly thirty year ago Dr. W. B. Caldwell, Monticeiio. 111., prescribed a compound of simple laxative herbs that has since become the standard household remedy in thousands of homes. It nets eafily and gently, yet with posi tive effect, without griping or other Rachel Allen. pain or discomfort. Mrs. years tJalesburg, Kan., is seventy-on- e ld, and after ulng a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's S'yrup Pepsin, wrote that it bad done her a world of good and that mends to keep it in the houso al-s!ici a T. . Druggists sell Ir. Caldwell's Syrup Pc,i'ln .for fifty cents a bottle. It Is a w v f ' 1 submarine question between the United States and Germany. 'Diplomatic circles in touch with Germany believe that the reply to the American note will be delivered on the dispatch says, "but that Thursday," In all probability it will not be in the nature of a final reply. They expect Germany will make counterproposals reKardlni; the establishment of new rule? fcr submarine warfare." Admit Tubantla Sinking. '' Ixmdon, May 2. "The evidence presented by the Dutch shipping council and the pieces of metal found In the ship's boats have convinced the Berlin government that a German torpedo sank the Dutch steamer Tubantla," says a dispatch from Amsterdam quoting the Handelsblad. "Negotiations regarding the compensation for the sinking of the vessel are proceeding," the dispatch adds. "Meantime Albert Ball in, director general of the Hamburg-America- n Steamship company, has offered to transfer to then Dutch company a large Hamburg-Americaline ship to take the place of the Tubantla." solved only when more adequate SECRETARY BAKER URGES ernmental machinery had been 1 PPM E Says Agitation Among Natives Necessitates New Administrative Methods. Washington, May New "Tork, May 2. A demonstra-- l German-America- Austro-Hungaria- ; I ii in i f in iimi iy J yW. HACIII'I. ' ALLEX. splendid Aremedy and should home. trial bottle, free can be obtained by writing Ii. Caldwell, Zi Washlnston III. be ip every of charge, to Dr. W. St., Monti-cell- o. - 1. 1 1 .1 An indication island government, he said, could he vided. The secretary declared department officials regarded the need as one of profound concern, especially in view of continued agitation among the natives. In reply to a question, however, he said, he had no knowledge of any new insurrectionary movement. Developments in Congress today indicated that the Jones bill, passed by the House last night as a substitute for the Senate measure, probably will be accepted in general outline by the House and Senate conferees, though it was said some administrative features of the Senate bill might be Inserted. It was conceded there was no hope of securing acceptance of the Clarke amendment for independence in four years, voted down in the House yesterday, or of any provision setting a definite date for giving the islands their frsedom. Investigation Proves that various disease germs have their breeding-placin the waste products of the body. Don't, then, let your bowels clog and throw these harmful back on the e illness. blood. Take no chances with serious germs Keep your bowels free, and the bile regulated with . h L)iElbyMOf!l Wi ILL which promptly and surely relieve constipation, indigestion, biliousness and sick headache. They are compounded from drugs of vegetable origin-harml- ess and not habit-forminThe experience of three generations show that Beecham's Pills prevent disease and are g. A Great Aid to Health Directions of special value to women with Tery box In boxes, 10c, 25c Sold by druggists throughout the world. PATRIOTIC CELEBRATIONj tlon of loyalty to America is one J of the purposes of a great meeting! to be held under the auspices of f so- n the United i n cleties and the societies at Sheepshead Bay speed- - J way, June 4. The day will be des-- ! Ignated as, "American Liberty day." To remind the people that many Germans have proved their loya!t;l to this country a series of floats many famous Ameri-- J representing cans of German parentage, such as Molly Pitcher, Von Steuben, De Kalb. ) Pastorius, Muehlenburg, Franz Higel and Carl Schurz, will be shown. At veterans of the! German troop n of . .. r. .. I . tn Ik. . ... i t v n i (...Ill slfl uc ' in inn j iiiaiii and a living American flag will be composed of 1T.00 girls In uniform. 2. that the administration would urge that there he no delay in disposing of the pending Philippine bill was seen today in a statement by Secretary Hf.ker mphasisting the necessity for new administrative legislation for the islands. Many questions facing the war department in its conduct of the GERMAN AND AUSTRIAN CITIZENS OF U. S. TO HOLD . mm govpro- KC yr For light, wnolesome cakes, biscuits and pastry, use r K C BAKING POWDER Always safe and reliable. If it isn 5t all we claim your grocer will refund your money. JAQUES MFG. CO., CHICAGO THE HERALD - REPUBLICAN MOVIE COUPON GOOD FOR ONE PART OF A UNIVERSAL." MOVIE TICKET When presented before June 1, 1916, 20 PARTS MAKE at any redeeming station. V'VTLi;: |