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Show 2 '' M ! 4Jf to . V 71 J lie ft". 0 pldt At' &&W Supreme Court rulings in the handling of suspected criminals have made law enforcement officials to apprehensive they're almost afraid to make a charge or give the press a story. A ridiculous, cloak has been thrown over the accused criminal in our land. He's treated with far more care than his acts would reflect he's entitled to. The wheels of justice, always described as "turning slowly," have almost ground to a halt. It takes so long to prosecute an accused man his crime is virtually forgotten. Once punishment is prescribed, it's a safe bet It'll never be carried out in the manner in which the judge assessed it. Very few condemned men die of other than natural causes. Many sentenced to life imprisonment are later paroled. We think our system of justice has "gone soft," just as most of our moral values have gone stale. There's entirely g in our handling of tnose who too much commit major crimes. This has its result in men being less afraid to kill, rob or rape. They're relatively certain they'll not die for their crime; more likely are they to simply be given "free room and board" for a period of time, pending overly-protecti- hand-slappin- ' - . . The Inanimate rabbit offers no competition for "So-Slopet turtle of Longvlew first graders, being viewed by, from left, Ricky Mickelson, Gary Hammond, Candy Clove. RACE . NO e w," - 'So-Slo- w Classroom Pet Tagged Dy Students Hard-Shelle- MURRAY. d alarge "So-Slo- land turtle, has beep under close observation during the past few weeks by first grade students at Longvlew elementary. ' The youngsters have been learning that turtles require special food and that their water must be changed regularly. They have been comparing the habits of two small turtles kept In a bowl with the big one, w. Study of the live animals has . included reading books about turtles and listening to stories about turtles. The boys and girls have written a poem about turtles and Illustrated it. Jaycee Nominations On Agenda I Tonight of Nomination MURRAY, officers to serve during 1967-6- 8 will be conducted tonight B, Thursday) by the Murray UwataftnouncedthiawMk Ty Robert L, Prince, president The 8"p.mTmeetlng will be hold at the City Hall. Also scheduled on the program Is a football film, along with the Jay-fcee- . club's Speakup program. Apparent .Holdup Try Thwarted By Station Attendant Tuesday Police here at were on the lookout for a man who was frightened away by gunfire while approaching a service station with a gun In his hand on Tuesday night. . The Incident occurred about 9:30 p.m. on Tuesday. Police rd said that station attendant, Strambaugh of Salt Lake, fired a shot at the .man, who had started toward the station office with a gun in his hand after parking a car. The attendant vaa counting the day's receipts at the time in a Texaco station at B3C0 South and 6th West, The way-b- e assailant, poin height, lice said, was 179 pounds, having brown hair and wearing a dark shirt and MURRAY. mid-we- ek Ed-wa- 6-- 10 trousers. parole. We can be led too far down the primrose path by the sociologists who have Inflicted their ideas of criminal handling upon our courts. We can grow so soft In our treatment of guilty men that our laws can become a mockery. We badly need to reverse our path of recent years, what we're trying to accomplish In our courts of law and reassert the American contempt for the criminal by parcelling out justice that speaks for itself. candlelight ceremony. Calvin Glllen Jr. gave the opening prayer and Mickey Breltling gave the closing prayer. They Remember When are members of the Explorer post. Other scout leaders present were Jay Bone from the stake and The students are really exJay West, neighborhood cited about the live animals. commissioner. Dale Corrlnge, Many of them have told me scoutmaster, presented Ronald FIVE YEARS AGO as taken that they have been to the zoo the neckerchief. Gary Vetterli, former Explorer leader, was from the files of the Murray and observed the turtles there, commented Mrs. Mary Moody, also present. Roland Arnold Eagle, April 5, 1962. teacher of the class. Jr., assistant scoutmaster, National Library week was Studies about the turtles have conducted the court of honor. observed by the Murray Libeen going on for about three A ninth grade student at Hill-cre- st with Miss Malda Bagley weeks. Conclusion of study on Junior high, the Daw you- brary, arthe unit will Include making a th Is a member of the mixed as librarian. Working on the were committee rangements turtle book, In which they will chorus. He is also engaged in Mrs. James R. Smith, Mrs. compile the pictures, poems part-tim- e work. He has serand stories they have seen and ved as president of the ward Clyde D. Stoker and Mrs. Klllpack. Arthur Bishop heard about the teachers quorum, and recently was chairman of the Library creature. to received God his Duty Board. . . Newly elected offiIn scouting he is a cers of the award. C of C member of Explorer post 92, were Paul R. Murray (Dick) Burbidge, has been patrol leader, senior president; Hal B. Charon, vice patrol leader and has held other Mrs. Kent (Bonnie) offices. He has participated on president; secretary and John Seegmiller, camping trips and likes to ski. Malceker, treasurer. . . ClifAt the court of honor, his ford J. Brown was named new younger brother, Terry, was city auditor by Mayor Ray P. named 'scout of the month." Greenwood. . . DeAnn Dalton, Ryan, another brother, has daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har-re- ll for his completed requirements Dalton, a Granite high stuEagle award. won the Elaine S. Nicholdent, Following the court of honor, son art award. . . Margie Hughes an open house was held at the from Salt Lake Trade Daw residence for friends and graduated Tech in nursing. practical relatives. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. TEN YEARS AGO as taken Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Daw, grandparents were from the files of the Murray among the guests. Eagle, April 4, 1957. Susan Strlngham, daughter of Fashions, Luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Briant S. StrlngSet At Stake Center ham, 329 Clark St., a Junior of Murray high, was selected SO. COTTONWOOD. A spring to visit foreign countries under 1 fashion show and luncheon is the international scholarship on 12:30 scheduled for p.m. Ronald Daw program of the American Field Saturday at the South Cotton- Service. . . Former Murray wood stake center. letter-carri- er R. C. Romie Beau Monde de Mode is the owner was and operatLester, theme for the event. Tickets at 6800 are available at $1.25. There or of a mink. .ranch and Mrs. Mr. Dr. Highland shown all for will be fashions and and Mr. Trappett George ages. Spring hats will be shown Mrs. both on Llmberg, Ray store. local a department by Clay SU, were spending a week The fashion show is sponSO COTTONWOOD. Ronald . . Mr. the stake Relief end in Elko, Nevada. W. Daw, son of Bishop and Mrs. sored by and Mrs. Leo Paur, 3210 HillJ. Weston Daw, 6158 So. 620 Society. side Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. WilEast, received his Eagle Scout liam Mills, 4977 So. 1130 West award at a South Cottonwood DUP Board To Meet were new parents of boys. . , ward court of honor on Sunday MURRAY. A board meeting Mrs. Daniel Boel, 377 Belvlew, evening. of the South Salt Lake County was hostess to an April Fool, Ted Murdock, professional come as you are party. DUP will be held at 10 a.m. scouter from the Great Salt on Monday in the Murray City FIFTEEN YEARS AGO as Lake Council, was the guest Municipal building. taken from the files of the the He presented speaker. Murray Eagle, April 4, 1952. Eagle award. Members of the scout troop participated in a The Murray . 3rd LDS ward was split under the direction of Murray stake president, 0. J. Wilkinson. . . Mrs. Lee (Edna) Walker was chosen nurse of the year by the GRANITE PARK. PreparaMurray Business and Profestion for forthcoming student sional Women. They would body elections is under way at sponsor her in a special nursGranite Park Junior high. ing course to be held at the Petitions were available to University of Utah. . . Sgt students on Monday. The pet- Leonard K. Mackay, son of Mr. itions first have to be okayed and Mrs. Leonard Mackay, 304 by members of the faculty, then Vine St., was among the 18 at least 20 student signatures Utah service men aboard the will be obtained by each pro Navy transport Pvt. Joe P. Martinez when it docked at spective candidate. On Monday and Tuesday, the Seattle, Wash. . . Sgt. Edward nomination assembly will be Garcia, 4026 So. State was held. At this time the camawarded the Bronte Star Medal paign managers will Introduce for heroism in action In Korea their candidates. Skits will al- . . . Funeral services were so be presented. Primary elecconducted for Mrs. Emma Lartions will be held on April 13. son Forsberg, 4062 So. 2nd West Results of this election will . . . The engagement of Miss name two candidates per office. Helen Lehman to Shorland 0. Final elections will tx held on Hunsaker was announced. April 18. TWENTY YEARS AGO as takLee CledhllL principal, also candi- en from the files of the Murray noted that prospective dates for cheerleaders will try title, April 4, 1947. out after school today (ThursThe Murray Flower and Car-d- en day). Initial tryouts have alclub held a meeting at the will been held. Students ready of Ernest L. Madsen, 264 home perform before a Judging com- E. 4800 South; Mrs. Clyde T. mittee comprised of students Stoker was chairman of the and adults. There will be that was presented. .. program at least 12 finalists who will Memorial services were held execute their routines on for Enoch Carlisle at the Grant April 1? for members of the LDS with Bishop student body. Their names Herbertchapel, G. Spencer in charge. . will be placed on the April Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, East II ballot. Vine St announced the birth Robert Fltt an hit student of baby boy. . . Miss Gerald-ln- e government class arc coordinHamblln, daughter of Mr. ating plans for the elections. and Mrs. H. M. Hamblln, flew to Los Angeles as guest of 0ES MEET SET Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Snyder MAGNA. A regular meeting Jr. . . Building permits were Of Adah chapter, Order of East-e- ra Issued to Elmer Gallagher, 4C 11 Star will be held at P.m. So. 2nd West, residence, 1 3,000 00 Wednesday at the Masonic and to S. Sterling Devinney, 5560 So. 9th East, residence, $S,C00. Temple. Mss Barbara Brlnfon Voted Queen Of UofU Engineer Week Mc-Llo- yd slow-moti- on o Ronald Daw Recipient Of ogo Award Graniio Park JHS Gets Sot For Election Go 0 1 I Spacious, Modern Facilities with more than 8,500 sq. ft. of parking & Centrally located in the entire Salt Lake Valley AIcmhers, National Selected Morticians k Scn iug all creeds, with . understanding VMM .AM MORTUARY i i ADVEITISEI KDUUf Thursday, April 6, 1967 (VTAM) STEVENSON A. McDONALD and ANN H. McDONALD, his wife, as Trustors, recorded August 28, 1961 as Entry No. 1796760 In Book 1835 at Page 647 of the official records of Salt Lake County, Utah, given to secure an Indebtedness in favor of Prudential Federal Savings and Loan Association, by reason of certain obligations secured thereby. Notice of Default was recorded September 13, 1966 as Entry No. 2171353 in Book 2493 at Page 344 of said official rec- . . . Prices seen at local markets were bread, 20 -- oz. loaf, z. loaf. 12?, raisin bread, 17? , lamb shoulder roast, 49$ lb., Dutch Mill cheese, 94? for 16-o- 2 lb. pkg. TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO as taken from the files of the Murray Eagle, April 2, 1942. Word was received by Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Brlnton, 433 Vine St., that their son Pvt. Marshall Brlnton had graduated from the Medical Training Replacement Clerical school at Camp Grant, Illinois . . .George W. Jenkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Jenkins, left for Fort Douglas to Join the US Army. . . Kenneth Dale Beeney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Beeney, completed his course of study at the aviation metalsmith school in Seattle, Wash. . . Mrs. Cordelia Snarr left for California to visit with her daughter Mrs. Alice Snarr Chrlstensen. . . Funeral services were held In the Murray 23rd ward for Paul Gardner Erlckson, of Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Erlckson, 226 E. 4800 South. NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE described The following property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on Tuesday, April 25, 1967, at 11:00 a.m., at the West front door 'of the City and County Building at Salt Lake City, Utah, in the County of Salt Lake, by PRUDENTIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, as Beneficiary and Trustee under the Deed of Trust made by GEORGE W. NELSON and ROSE F. NELSON, his wife, as Trustors, recorded June 25, 1963, as Entry No. 1928791 In Book 2067 at Page 436 of the official records of Salt Lake County, Utah, given to secure an indebt- edness in favor of Prudential Federal Savings and Loan Association, by reason of certain obligations secured thereby. Notice of Default was recorded September 27, 1966, as Entry NO. 2172801 in Book 2496 at Page 282 of said official records. Trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, payable In lawful money of the United States at the time of sale, without warranty as to title, possession or encumbrances, the following described property at 3439 Eastwood Drive, In the County of Salt Lake, State of Utah: All of Lot 74 EASTWOOD HILLS, according to the official plat thereof, as recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said County, for the purpose of paying obligations secured by said Deed of Trust including fees, charges and expenses of Trustee, advances, if any, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, interest thereon and the unpaid principal of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with Interest thereon as In said Note and by law provided. Dated: March 27, 1967 PRUDENTIAL FEDERAL SAV- INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, as Beneficiary and Trustee BysO. M. Rlchlns P21-3- T Secretary NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE described' The following property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on the 11th day of April, 1967 at 11:00 A.M., at the West THIRTY YEARS AGO as takfront door of the City and County en from the files of the Murray Building at Salt Lake City, Utah, Eagle, April 8, 1937. in the County of Salt Lake, by PRUDENTIAL FEDERAL SAVMiss Barbara Brlnton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.Bran- INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, son Brlnton, was chosen queen of the University of Utah's Engineer Week. . . Mrs. Sarah GETTING READ1 White, 150 Myrtle Ave., cele80th brated her birthday with an open house. . . Housing accomodations were sought for more than 6,000 students who would be In Murray for the Regional Music Festival . . Norman Chrlstensen, head of the English department of Murray high, announced his Intention to resign from the school at the close of the year. . . Murray Floral at 4830 So. State was congratulated on their 25th anniversary of business. , . Miss Ruth An-dr-us entertained the Five Hundred club at her home. . . A "girls dance was held In the Murray high gym, Steadmans orchestra would play and tickets would be 40$ a couple. Lot 16, BONNIE BRAE according to the official plat thereof, as. recorded In the office of the County Recorder of said All Of The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on Tuesday, April 25, 1967, at 11:00 a.m., at the West front County, door of the City and County Building at Salt Lake City, Utah, for the purpose of paying ob- In the County of Salt Lake, by ligations secured by said Deed PRUDENTIAL FEDERAL SAVof Trust including fees, charges INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, and expenses of Trustee, ad- as Beneficiary and Trustee unvances, if any, under the terms der the Deed of Trust made by of said Deed of Trust, interest DELOY HOMES, INC., as Trusthereon and the unpaid principal tor, recorded December 24, of the Note secured by said Deed 1962, as Entry No. 1889889 in of Trust with Interest thereon Book 2000 at Page 356 of the as in said Note and by law pro- official records of Salt Lake vided. County, Utah, given to secure Dated: March 13, 1967. . an indebtedness in favor of PRUDENTIAL FEDERAL SAV- Prudential Federal Savings and INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION, Loan Association, by reason of AS Beneficiary and Trustee certain obligations secured By s O. M. Richins thereby. 3t P19-Secretary Notice of Default was recordNOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE ed September 26, 1966, as Entry No. 2172739 In Book 2496 at The following described Page 192 of said official recproperty will be sold at public ords. auction to the highest bidder on Trustee will sell at public Tuesday, April 25, 1967, at 11:00 a.m., at the West front auction to the highest bidder door of the City and County for cash, payable In lawful monBuilding at Salt Lake City, Utah, ey of the United States at the in the County of Salt Lake, by time of sale, without warranty PRUDENTIAL FEDERAL SAV- as to title, possession or enINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, cumbrances, the following deas Beneficiary and Trustee un- scribed property at 457 West der the Deed of Trust made by 5340 South, in the County of MAX C. EGBERT and VIOLA Salt Lake, State of Utah: S. EGBERT, bis wife, as TrusAll of Lot 5, GERMANIA tors, recorded December 4, 1961 as Entry No. 1815020 in SUBDIVISION GARDENS Book 1868 at Page 536 of the NO. 1, according to the ofofficial records of Salt Lake ficial plat thereof, as recorded in the office of the County, Utah,' given to secure an Indebtedness in favor of County Recorder of said Prudential Federal Savings and County, Loan Association, by reason of certain obligations secured for the purpose of paying obthereby. ligations secured by said Deed of Trust, including fees, chargNotice of Default was record- es and expenses of Trustee, ed September 26, 1966, as Entry advances, if any,' , under the No. 2172738 in Book 2496 at terms of said Deed of Trust, Page 191 of said official rec- Interest thereon and the unpaid ords. principal of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with Trustee will sell at public interest thereon as In said Note auction to the highest bidder and by law provided. for cash, payable In lawful money of the United States at the Dated: March 27, 1967 time of sale, without warranty as to title, possession or en- PRUDENTIAL FEDERAL SAVcumbrances, the following de- INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, scribed property at 1642 West as Beneficiary and Trustee 7523 South, in the County of By O. M. Rlchlns P21-3- T Salt Lake, State of Utah: Secretary SUBDIVISION, . ; Wo novo the WIDEST CHOICE of Wedding Invitations fho Valloy! In Printed Heliographad Engravtd INVITATIONS (compt.t. wilh.nv.lofxi) AT ONLY BEGIN . . . $840 IDS TEMPLE DESIGNS Science Fair Slated At Woodstock School A sci- 3 ence fair win be staged by students at Woodstock elementary at 7:30 p.m. on April 13, noted Varon Howell, principal. Following Installation of PTA officers for next year, patrons will participate In a tour of classrooms to see the science exhibits. TA Y LORSVILLE. The 'Cook H Up Before Lunch Bunch on meet tins will year group boy-lnvltoHon- MURRAY 4-- Thursday at the home of their leader, Mrs. C. D. lorg. The new officers for the nine are Cindy AT ONLY . . . $OG0 bqforoiyou. group, who will l (your cholc of four timnlenN RtflM 1 Meeting Dates Set By Area 4-- H Group and study cooking skills, for the purpose of paying obligations secured by said Deed of Trust Including fees, charges and expenses of Trustee, advances, if any, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, Interest thereon and the unpaid principal of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with Interest thereon as in said Note and by law provided. Trustee will sell at public Dated: March 27, 1967 auction to the highest bidder for cash, payable in lawful money PRUDENTIAL FEDERAL SAVof the United States at the time INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, of sale, without warranty as to as Beneficiary and Trustee title, possession or encumb- -i Bys O. M. Rlchlns P21-3- T ranees, the following described Secretary property at 4283 South 3080 East, In the County of Salt Lake, State of Utah: NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE Mrs. Jack Wood and little daughter Annette of Idaho Falls were visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. George A. Jenkins, parents of Mrs. Wood. . . Murray high lost their first game of the season to Bingham. . SupU, E. Allen Bateman announced an Important meeting to be held at Murray high, with Dean Beal of the University of Utah to be guest speaker. . Mrs. W. Rose of Los Angeles was a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Campbell of East 4800 South. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Buckley returned from a two-we- ek trip through Southern California. It County, ords. THIRTY FIVE YEARS AGO as taken from the files of the Murray Eagle, April 7, 1932. SO. COTTONWOOD. All of Lot 5, JORDAN DALE, according to the official plat thereof, as recorded in the office of the County Recorder of said as Beneficiary and Trustee under the Deed of Trust made by Stalder, president; DianneShel-to- n, vice president; Janet lorg, secretary; Kathy Rogers, reporter; Suzanne Sheffield, song leader; Delsle Hamilton, recreation chairman; Linda Arbon, and Karen safety chairman, Otteson, assistant leader. American Justice Is Too Lenient, Needs Firmness tfi IAOU - PUBLISHERS 1 33 E. 4903 South i soo . . . s, PUG CO. rht Eagt and Ntwi Advtrtlwr Diol 266-332- 3 Murray |